Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 436: Attack the Mountain 2


“Rolling Stone!”

“Let it go!”

Boom, boom!

In a sense, attacking this stone mountain where the orcs have been operating for many years is more difficult than attacking a city. The orcs have placed huge rolling stones and cylindrical hammers with iron tips on various slopes in advance. Seeing the soldiers of the Northern Route Army walking up the gentle **** and starting to attack, they pushed out the rolling stones and logs.

“Get away!”

“Get out of the way!”


Rolling stones and logs rolled down the slope. The attacking soldiers tried their best to dodge. However, there was not much room for dodge on the slope, and the orcs who had been prepared pushed intensively. A large number of rolling stones and falling logs were rained down, but it was not easy to dodge them all. Many soldiers were knocked down directly, and the formation became slightly chaotic.

“Arbalest ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“Ah, ah…”

In addition to rolling stones and logs, the orcs on the mountainside also shot a large number of arrows at the attacking troops. These ordinary bows and crossbows will certainly not have much effect on the dragons, but they are still somewhat effective against ordinary soldiers. Functional.

Because the formation was disrupted by rolling stones and falling logs, the large shields and shields held high in front did not block too many arrows for the soldiers behind. More than a thousand orc crossbowmen fired in sections. The Northern Route Army kept firing arrows at the attacking soldiers below. The segmented shooting method caused their arrows to rain like continuous rain, which caused a lot of pressure on the attacking soldiers.

Fortunately, the human troops on the front line of Longxingguan are all elites, and their armor coverage rate is ridiculously high. Almost everyone has an iron armor on their body. This armor cannot protect against the axes in the hands of the orc warriors, but it is effective against arrows. The protection ability is still good. Arrows fired at the chest from the front are basically blocked by the soldiers’ armor, but some arrows will always shoot into the gaps in the armor, or simply hit the unprotected legs, causing the soldiers to lose the battle. ability.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

The Northern Route Army did not have to endure the beating, but immediately retaliated. From this distance, the soldiers of the Northern Route Army would definitely suffer a great loss if they shot upward.

Orcs are inherently stronger than humans, and the range of their bows and crossbows is farther than that of human soldiers. They are also condescending. The range of 150 meters has entered the effective attack range of the orc army, but the bows and arrows of the Northern Route Army Basically, the hands can’t touch each other, so it’s quite difficult to fight.

It is really not a good idea to attack a defense system built on the mountain shape by force. It may cost ten times the number of men and horses, but it may not be able to break it. The opponent occupies a favorable location, has set up traps along the road, and has sufficient troops. This is almost every attacker’s nightmare.

To deal with a solid defense system built against the mountain like Yandong Mountain, the best way is to encircle it without attacking it. After encircling it, cut off its water source and food, trap it for months or even years, and slowly wear it out. The opponent, but obviously Richard would not have this time to slowly waste his time with the orcs in Cave Mountain, so a strong attack was the only option.

Fortunately, those participating in the attack were not just ordinary soldiers of the Northern Route Army, but also a system army led by Elena. If we want to use halberdiers and crusaders to participate in this kind of early-stage war of attrition for attacking mountains, Li The inspector would definitely be reluctant to part with it, and he would not let high-level soldiers such as Zhuojue Swordsmen fly directly up the mountain to clear the way. Not to mention that flying consumes a lot of fighting energy. There are still thousands of orc warriors on the mountain. If they don’t follow up later, Losing one or two high-ranking soldiers on the mountain made Richard heartbroken.

But long-range support is a must. Most of the phantom shooters are in Gru’s hands, guarding the surrounding orcs from sneak attacks in the forest.

There is still a small group on the way to attack the mountain. More than a hundred phantom shooters are protected among the Crusaders, shooting sharp arrows at the orcs on the mountainside.


The orcs on the mountainside who had just raised their heads and fired arrows at the North Route Army down the mountain immediately fell on them. Even though the arrows shot by the phantom archer were not many, the casualties caused by the orcs’ thousands of arrows were comparable to those caused by the orcs’ thousands of arrows. The casualties were considerable.

Except for a small number of arrows that hit the wooden baffle, most of the arrows landed on the orcs who emerged. The orcs immediately knocked down dozens of people, and they also began to feel the orc guards in Langshou Village. The horror that the army once experienced.

“General, that is the marksman in the human army.”

“They are all knight-level marksmen. It is terrifying that humans can actually organize such a team.”

“According to the descriptions of the soldiers who returned from Langshou Village, there should be more than these human sharpshooters, and I’m afraid there are still some in the woods. Master Qi’erwei is also having a hard time there.”

“Which one of us is feeling better now? Probably only those in the royal capital who ordered to hold on are feeling better.”

As the legion commander, Adlu complained about the decision made by the royal capital. The orc officers on the side did not dare to speak and could only remain silent.

“Order the troops to put up the wooden shields they have prepared and fight back despite the opponent’s arrows.”

“Yes, General!”

Soon, the orcs defending on the mountainside set up thick wooden shields from the rock wall, and the crossbowmen hid behind and continued shooting. Although the wooden shields were quite obstructive and affected the sight and efficiency of the shooting, they finally managed to It reduces the casualties of shooters.

The two sides were evenly matched in terms of long-range combat. More than a thousand orc crossbowmen were condescending, and they were evenly matched with more than a hundred phantom shooters…

However, the system army led by Elena not only has a long-range unit such as the phantom shooter, but also has more than 80 magic mages following the army. After entering within their range, the magic mages headed towards the mountainside. The orcs on defense released blue magic missiles.

Reality is no better than the game. The magic mage’s missiles are not as accurate as the phantom shooter. They missed about half and hit the nearby mountain with a roar, but the remaining half hit the thick wooden shield raised by the orcs. superior.


The magic mage’s missiles are as powerful as a big knight’s blow. Although the thick wooden shield is specially made, it explodes when it hits the missile, causing splash damage to the surrounding orcs. The flying fragments are enough to hit There were several orcs around him. The lucky ones only suffered some superficial injuries because most of their bodies were covered by armor. The less lucky ones were blinded by the fragments. They knelt down on the ground, covering their eyes and wailing.

The defensive troops occupying a favorable position on the mountainside were completely suppressed by the long-range firepower of the attacking human army below. The pressure on the charging Northern Route Army soldiers was suddenly greatly reduced.

“General, humans’ long-range methods are too sharp. Their ground troops are coming up. The bed crossbows on the mountain…”

“When they come up, drive them down. When have we orc warriors ever been afraid of close combat with humans!”

“Before the human dragons are dispatched, the bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows arranged on the mountain cannot be used.”

“Yes, General!”


“Charge forward!”

“Kill the orcs!”

“Rolling Stone! Hurry!”

On the mountainside, the battle continues.

Although the Northern Route Army had a slight advantage in attacking from a distance, the success or failure of the battle still depends on the final close combat, at least in this era.

After the long-range threat of the orcs was reduced, the Northern Route Army withstood the boulders and logs that the orcs kept pushing, and finally climbed to the wooden wall built by the orcs on the mountainside. The first batch of skilled soldiers had already thrown He grabbed the flying hook, hung on the wall and began to climb, and the battle began to heat up.




The first person to climb up was a knight-level centurion. Only an officer of this knight-level could barely stand on the wall for a few seconds. After killing the nearest orc warrior, he continued to support several more warriors. Rushed forward.

Of course, the orcs couldn’t just watch them rush forward, but quickly surrounded them to drive these humans away.


The orc warrior killed a human soldier who had just climbed up with one axe. When the ordinary human soldiers did not have a numerical advantage, it was not difficult for the orc warrior to drive them down. After fighting with the few soldiers who followed, After his death, the knight-level centurion fell into the siege of the orc warriors. His movements were extremely embarrassing. Looking at him like this, he might be driven off at any time. This was still the case without the orc warriors taking action.


However, just when the human knight was about to jump over the wall to escape, a human warrior wearing spiked full-body armor, a red cape, and holding a giant sword jumped in front of him, because his equipment was too It was so heavy that when it landed on the wooden wall, the surrounding ground shook.

The sudden appearance of the tall human warrior immediately attracted the attention of all nearby people. The human knight who was still under siege just now was surprised at first, and then a joy appeared on his face. This was the warrior who had appeared that night. Look No need to jump over this wall…

“Moriel, it’s time to act.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”



Morrel roared after transforming into an ancient black dragon. The dragons that were still resting in the forest responded one after another. More than 20 giant dragons suddenly appeared in the dense forest and gathered around Moriel, for the sake of Richard Chatian. Heiqian’s plan to capture Yandong Mountain, the dragon is about to take action…


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