Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 435: Attack the Mountain 1


The first strike of chain lightning is the most powerful. According to Richard’s initial prediction, experts at the sky level will be seriously injured even if they are hit by the first strike of chain lightning. Those below the sky level will not survive the damage of chain lightning at all. possibility.

This orc officer was selected by Somra as the target of the first strike. After being hit by the chain lightning, he fell to the ground and did not move.

“My lord!”


The orc soldiers lined up around them saw the officer who had just been lecturing arrive on the ground. There was a commotion in the team, but this commotion was quickly replaced by screams.

Somra’s chain lightning can jump thirty-six times in a row. This formation is most suitable for chain lightning. The next second after the orc commander falls, the soldier closest to him He also suffered the same order as him and was hit by a blue arc of electricity, twitching and falling to the ground.

Then, as if forming a chain reaction, the blue arc of electricity jumped crazily in the orc team, and one orc warrior fell to the ground one after another, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. It was not until a few seconds later that the blue arc of electricity stopped jumping among the orc warriors. Richard counted carefully and found that there were exactly thirty-six orcs on the ground. Somra’s chain lightning had played its greatest role, and it was obvious that the chain lightning with diminishing damage could also cause fatal damage to ordinary orc warriors. The chain lightning The skill is indeed a magical skill.

Because everything happened so fast, most of the orc warriors were still stunned, not knowing how to act. Somra took the opportunity to launch chain lightning twice more.

The blue arc of electricity began to pulse among the crowd of orc warriors again, and the soldiers who were waiting for them fell one after another.

This time the orc warriors finally came to their senses. The fear caused by the chain lightning was even greater than that of the giant dragon. At least being bitten to death by the giant or sprayed with a breath of dragon breath was traceable. This chain lightning had no trace other than the blue arc hopping, and there was no pattern to who it would jump to next. The terrifying pressure caused by this random death quickly overwhelmed the hundreds of orc warriors guarding the gate of the village. After losing their commander and dumping more than a hundred corpses, most of the orcs turned around and ran away, no longer wanting to stay here and suffer inexplicable casualties.

They quickly ran out of Somra’s casting range. In fact, Somra had exhausted all his magic power at this time, and it was impossible to launch another chain lightning in a short time, but Qianzhai was already frightened. The courageous orcs don’t know this. There is a front stronghold defended by 500 people. Before the battle with humans, more than 20% of the troops were lost, including the commander. It would be strange if it didn’t explode. .

Just by running away, they gave up the defense of the front village at the foot of the mountain, allowing the attacking soldiers of the two flag regiments of the Northern Route Army to advance without any hindrance.

“Rush over!”

“Come on!”

Although the two flag captains who led the team were also a little confused about the collapse of the orcs’ front stronghold, they still had the ability to seize the opportunity. Knowing that they could not give the orcs time to react at this time, they immediately ordered the troops to move quickly Walking turns into running, and we must take this opportunity to open the gate of the village at the foot of Yandong Mountain first.

“Damn it, who allowed them to retreat.”

“Order them to turn around and push back immediately. Anyone who retreats over the mountainside will be executed immediately.”

Just when the morale of the attacking human army was at its peak, the orc officer who saw the whole process on the mountain seemed furious. The soldiers guarding the front village at the foot of the mountain were all his men, fighting against the humans like this. He ran away without contact, leaving him with a burning feeling on his face.

“Okay, let them withdraw to the mountainside. The front village cannot be defended in the first place. Let the defeated troops reorganize on the mountainside and order the troops to prepare to beat logs and roll stones.”

“Yes, General Adreu!”

No matter how angry the Orc Flag Captain was, he would not dare to speak to the Legion Commander Adlu. With Adlu speaking, these fleeing Orc soldiers were not attacked by friendly forces on the mountain, but returned smoothly. The **** of the mountainside.

“Did any of you see clearly what humans just did?”

What Adlu said was naturally referring to the scene where Somra released the chain lightning. So many warriors suddenly fell. As long as they were not blind, they should have noticed it.

“It seemed like a blue light flew in from the human side, and then hundreds of soldiers fell.”

“There was burnt green smoke coming out of the body, and it looked like it had been injured by lightning.”

Thunderstorms often occur in the eastern plateau in the summer. Cattle and sheep are killed every year, and some unlucky orcs are directly killed by lightning. They are not unfamiliar with lightning.

“The first one suffered such heavy casualties without any preparation. There is really no way to collapse when the commander is dead. Even if the dragon appears, they should not collapse so fast.”

The orcs in Cave Mountain are somewhat prepared for the human dragon, and they have also prepared some corresponding measures. This kind of visible and tangible threat will not affect all the orc soldiers at once. The defense line was broken, but this was the first time chain lightning appeared on the battlefield. The unknown was the scariest thing, and the unknown would still cost lives.

“It should be the fault of the two enemies who suddenly appeared. The light seemed to be coming from the hands of the blue-skinned weirdo.”

“I don’t know what kind of method humans are using. If they can continue to use it later, our battle will be even more difficult.”

“Probably not. If humans can keep using this method, so many people will come back. If he can keep using it, why should we fight? We might as well just surrender.”

“Lord Adlu, the human army has occupied the former stronghold.”

While they were talking, the attacking human legions had already rushed to the foot of the cave. Most of the orc troops originally stationed were scattered by Somra’s three chain lightning strikes. The number of orc warriors holding on was pitiful. The humans The legion succeeded in breaking the orc front stronghold after paying a small price.


The cheers of the human army could be heard at the foot of the mountain, and they waved their weapons at the orcs on the mountain, looking provocative.

“Sir, do you want to give them some color?”

“Forget it, don’t expose it in advance. The human dragons will not move out. All the bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows are hidden. The front stronghold has no favorable location. We were originally planning to give up. Let the humans be happy for a while.”

Although the two flag regiments attacking at this time broke through the front village, most of them were exposed to the range of the orc crossbows. The wooden village was not built to protect the back. The orcs on the mountain were separated by hundreds of people. Meter distance, ordinary arrows can’t hit, but a heavy weapon like the bed crossbow can definitely cause damage in this range. If the orcs use their full strength at this time, they should be able to kill the two flag groups in the front village. Caused considerable casualties.

However, the orcs have long hidden all the sharp weapons that can harm the dragon, such as the large bed crossbow and the dragon hunting crossbow, and will wait until the dragon starts to attack. They do not want to be exposed at this time, so they attack The troops occupied the front village very easily.

“Sir, the remnants of the enemy in the front camp have been eliminated, and the front camp has been completely captured.”

“Order the army to continue attacking the orcs on the mountainside!”

“Yes, sir!”

After Somra exhausted his magic value, Richard used teleportation to take him back to his own formation and then reapplied himself with the Dragon King’s divine power. The attributes of the system soldiers increased again.

After Richard’s order was issued, the two flag regiments that easily occupied the front village reorganized under the officer’s order and then marched towards the mountainside of Yandong Mountain.

“Moriel, after the army engages the orcs, you can find a suitable opportunity to attack with the dragon and capture Cave Mountain in one go.”

“Yes, sir!”


As the two flag regiments and the 10,000-strong army walked up the gentle slope, and began to charge under the command of the officers with shields in their hands, the offensive battle around Yandong Mountain officially began.


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