Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 434: Yandong Mountain


In the dense forests in the north, the sun shines brightly.

Although autumn has already entered, the temperature this year seems to be much hotter than usual. The soldiers of the Northern Route Army marching under the shade of the trees are still sweating from the heat.

However, the soldiers of the Northern Route Army are all well-trained elites. Although they are a little tired from marching long distances, they can basically bear it without any signs of physical exhaustion. Victory still had some joy on his face.

“Captain, if we climb over this mound again, we will reach Cave Mountain.”

“Yes, we actually have the day to capture Yandong Mountain. As long as we capture Yandong Mountain, we should rush into the eastern plateau.”

“There must be a lot of orcs stationed in Cave Mountain.”

“Of course, the stockade in Yandong Mountain is the last barrier for the orcs in the dense forest. I guess the remaining orcs are concentrated in that area to guard it?”

“What’s wrong, are you scared?”

“Ah? What am I afraid of? There are more orcs there and it’s too late for me to be happy.”

“You don’t know, my brother is in the Three Flags Regiment, the same Three Flags Regiment that ran into the orcs’ rout a few nights ago.”

“A group of orcs were chased by Lord Richard’s personal guards and ran around in the forest. They collided directly with the Three Flags Regiment. The Three Flags Regiment killed more than two hundred orcs with almost no losses. Now I have Including my brother, many people in the Three Flags Troupe have contributed to this song, which can be used to change the breathing method.”

The soldier’s face was full of envy as he spoke. Although the kingdom’s rewards for officers are not as heavy as those of the Hunter family, the overall tone still emphasizes military merit. The merit of one song refers to the merit of an orc’s head, which is enough In exchange for dozens of acres of land or a set of breathing techniques, these are enough resources to change your destiny, and they are worth risking your life for.

“Don’t think about these good things in your mind. Go and clean up the forest with the task force. If you are lucky, you can get half of the credit.”

“There is no reward for following the task force now. I haven’t heard any sound of fighting in the past two days. The orcs have probably withdrawn.”

Because Qi Erwei took the initiative to retreat, the Northern Route Army did not encounter any fighting in the past few days and was always on the march. Naturally, there was no opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

“Okay, stop talking and save some energy. When you get to Cave Mountain, there are plenty of orcs for you to fight, so why worry.”

The captain looked back at the childish-looking soldier. He remembered that this soldier seemed to be the youngest soldier in his team. Although he had joined the army for a year, he had just turned seventeen this year, which was the kingdom’s conscription age. The army of line ginseng.

The middle-aged captain suddenly felt soft when he thought of this, and said something out of nowhere.

“You kid, be careful not to rush when the fight starts. Follow me and fight. It’s not fun to get hit by the ax in the orc’s hand. Although the credit is good, it must be paid by life.”

“What are you afraid of? I have three children. If I die, my eldest brother and younger brother will still be here. After I die in the battle, won’t I be able to make up some land for the family? Besides, don’t we still have Lord Richard’s dragon? ”

The young soldier didn’t seem to care about his life at all. Instead, he regarded his life as a bargaining chip, the kind of bargaining chip that he would play with whenever he found an opportunity.

After hearing this, the captain shook his head and said no more. He just made a gesture to keep quiet, looked ahead and continued moving forward.

“Sir Richard, ahead is Yandong Mountain.”

Li Cha and several generals stood on a hill and looked to the north. It was an almost bare stone mountain lying across the dense forest. Looking from the hill towards Yandong Mountain, the upper half of Yandong Mountain could be clearly seen. .

The black rocks are directly exposed on the surface. There are many natural caves on the mountain. Some horses are placed on the trails. The wooden walls are high and thick and fixed against the mountain. There is also the Orc Kingdom inserted into the wall. Under the scarlet flag, you can vaguely see the orc patrols patrolling back and forth. The orcs relied on the terrain of Cave Mountain to build a strong stronghold that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Yandong Mountain is very large. If you want to take a detour, you will probably have to walk a week. Moreover, if you choose to take a detour, it will be equivalent to handing over your own retreat to the enemy. This is absolutely intolerable. The orc stronghold in Cave Mountain is a place that must be captured…

“General Arcee, do the orcs in Cave Mountain have dragon-hunting crossbows?”

Although Richard did not see large-scale war equipment such as dragon-hunting crossbows placed on the mountains at first glance, this does not mean that there are not any. Those caves are the best places to hide dragon-hunting crossbows. In order to better arrange the battle, Richard spoke. He asked Arcee, who was a little more familiar with him.

“Sir Richard, although we occasionally fight against orcs in the dense forest, we have never reached the front line of Yandong Mountain. We cannot confirm whether the other party has a dragon-hunting crossbow. However, Yandong Mountain is the last barrier to the plateau from the northern dense forest. , is also the base camp of the orc army in the forest, and there is a high possibility of one or two dragon-hunting crossbows.”

“There may be a dragon-hunting crossbow.”

Alsi’s answer was quite satisfactory, and he did not give Richard an accurate answer. In the end, Richard had to make his own judgment.

“Then let’s fight as if the opponent has a dragon-hunting crossbow.”

“Order the First Army and the Second Army to prepare to attack from the east and west gentle slopes. After the dragon completes the first round of damage to Yandong Mountain, you will immediately lead the army to attack.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Although the orcs may have dragon-hunting crossbows, Richard still plans to use the dragon to attack without any scruples. There are only one or two dragon-hunting crossbows on the left and right. They can be destroyed quickly as long as they are exposed. This time he still can With a few archangels, if the dragon really suffers a loss, it can be resurrected on the spot through the angels.

“Elena, lead the superb swordsmen, magic mages, zealots and crusaders to hold the battle, act according to the situation during the battle, and try to help the first and second legions to expand their results.”

“Yes, sir.”


“Lord Richard!”

“At what distance can you cast chain lightning?”

“I can use chain lightning when I’m within three hundred meters of the enemy.”

“Okay, wait a minute and I will take you within 300 meters of Cave Mountain. Before the dragon attacks, you use up all your magic power and release chain lightning on the orcs defending on the mountain.”

“Yes, sir.”

Somla replied to Richard in the same voice.

“The attacks on the east and west sides will be organized by the legion commanders respectively. This time all the dragons will go into battle. I also hope to completely capture Cave Mountain before dark. Do you have any questions about the battle?”

“Sir Richard, according to my observation, there are not many orc troops on Cave Mountain. I suspect that there is a large orc army hiding in the woods and not entering Cave Mountain. I am afraid of them if they are not prepared. It will threaten the back of the attacking force when we attack.”

“It’s okay. I have assigned Gru alone to take charge. The task force will entangle them in the woods. You just need to attack Cave Mountain with all your strength.”

“Then there will be no problem. With Elena and the dragon working together, we promise to take down Cave Mountain before dark.”

Arsi, the commander of the first legion, is quite confident in the battle. He has witnessed the battles of the past few nights and naturally knows the level of combat effectiveness of Ms. Elena and those troops that Richard pointed out. , and with the help of dozens of giant dragons, he felt that he could conquer Cave Mountain with his eyes closed.

“Get ready to attack.”

“Yes, sir!”

The army has already marched here, and Richard does not intend to keep most of the system’s troops as trump cards. Taking Yandong Mountain is part of his plan. In this battle, not only does the Northern Route Army have to go all out, but he also needs to The system army inside must also attack with all its strength.

“Woo, woo~”

A huge horn sounded in the woods, which was a signal that the Northern Route Army was preparing to attack.

The two legions quickly arrived at their reserved positions, and the leading flag regiments had already lined up and were ready to attack.

“This time it’s finally our turn to attack.”

“Brothers, break through Cave Mountain, kill the orcs, and achieve great success!”

“Kill the orcs and achieve great success!”

“Kill the orcs and achieve great success!”

With the commander’s simple encouragement, the morale of the attacking troops also increased. The victory during this period basically allowed them to get rid of their original phobia of orcs, and even began to regard orcs as mobile military exploits.

The two flag commanders each led their troops, and from the east and west directions, a total of 10,000 troops marched toward the foot of Yandong Mountain, a thousand meters away.

Although Yandong Mountain is wide in scope, the terrain is actually not as good as Langshou Village. There is a large amount of flat land at the foot of the mountain, which can allow the army to launch an attack. If the attacker is a little patient, it can even take a few days to collect local materials and build a Some offensive equipment was put into offensive operations.

“Humans are attacking!”

“Get ready to fight!”

“Bring up the rolling logs!”

On Yandong Mountain, the orcs will certainly not be idle. When they saw the Northern Route Army starting to take action, they immediately took action. The attack of the Northern Route Army was carried out openly by the White Heaven, and the orcs were of course ready to prepare.

The orcs guarding the entrance of the cave and cottage have already propped up their spears and pulled up their bowstrings, waiting for the human army to come within range. Rolling logs and boulders and other objects are also in place, waiting for the human soldiers to attack.

The ten thousand people of the Northern Route Army actually had no protection, so they walked straight towards the stronghold at the foot of Yandong Mountain. In order to save time, Richard did not ask the soldiers to build offensive equipment such as shield vehicles. They just asked the soldiers in the front row to hold some shields. If they were to receive a condescending long-range attack from the orcs, the losses would probably not be small.

But how could Richard give the orcs this opportunity? When the two legions launched attacks from the east and west sides at the same time, Richard had already led Somra to the orc stronghold just three hundred meters away from the cave mountain. position, and quickly took off the Dragon King’s divine power.

Somra on the side raised his right hand, and after a brief chant, a blue light came out of his hand…

“When the humans come up, follow my orders to shoot. If the dragon comes, remember to spread out and don’t show off. Our task is to block the human ground army. The dragon will be handed over to the bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows on the mountain. Deal with it.”


Although this orc army was trapped in Cave Mountain, their morale was still very high, and they responded to the commander’s instructions in unison with great enthusiasm.

The orc commander nodded with satisfaction, this time he would die to show some mercy to the humans.


Before he was satisfied, an electric arc hit his back. After a short scream, the warrior-level orc commander lost consciousness and fell to the ground…


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