Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 433: The final resistance


“In other words, you left Resado in Jumu Village and escaped by yourself?”

In the large village of Yandong Mountain, Qi’erwei, who had escaped from the giant wooden village, was kneeling on the muddy ground in the center of the tent. The armor on his body was still stained with dust, and there were even some withered leaves on his helmet. Looking very embarrassed.

Shortly after the defeat of Lesado, Qilwei took the remaining remnant army withdrew to the stronghold of Yandong Mountain. Compared with the confidence and vigor when he left, Qilwei’s face was full of sorrow when he came back. color.

When he went there, he brought tens of thousands of elites from two flag regiments. Now he has brought back no more than 2,000 people. No wonder Adlu’s words were filled with anger. If he hadn’t brought back many According to the intelligence, Adlu may have ordered someone to drag him down and kill him.

“It was Resado who asked me to evacuate first. When I evacuated, Resado wanted to make a last ditch effort. There is no news from him yet. The human army has not stopped. I am afraid that General Resado will fail. ”

“Resado asked you to evacuate first? Or did you find an excuse for yourself to flee in fear of fighting?”

“Give you a minute and give me a reason not to kill you.”

“Lord Adlu, the human army this time is too strong. According to my tactics, although the battle was difficult at the beginning, it has changed since the Typhoon participated in the war. The warriors are no match for them. Humans have dispatched at least thirty unicorns. Not only are those unicorns powerful, they are also very flexible in the forest, making the battle impossible.”

“In the jungle, we are no match for humans. If we stick to the wooden stronghold, there will be no other result than being burned alive by dozens of giant dragons in the wooden stronghold.”

“Originally, Resado’s mission was to attack human supply lines and cause humans to collapse in the forest due to food shortages. However, humans directly transported food through giant dragons. The so-called supply difficulties on mountain roads were a complete joke to the human army. There is no safer and more stable way than dragons to transport food and grass.”

“Finally, General Resado sent a message saying that he had discovered a flaw in the human race and was ready to take a risk. Because he was at the heart of the human army, there was not much possibility of escape regardless of success or failure. Please write in advance. Let me leave.”

“I must inform General Adreu in detail about the human intelligence report and bring the remaining people back. If General Adreu still thinks I deserve to die, then please use me as a sacrificial flag.”

After saying that, Qi Erwei knocked his head completely on the ground, as if he was letting everything go, but in fact he was still a little uneasy inside.

Since he did not choose to fight to the death like Resado, he naturally had no intention to die. In fact, all his actions were not as upright and awe-inspiring as he said. If it was just to convey the news, just send a few messengers back. , there is no use for him to come back in person, after all, he still doesn’t want to die, or he doesn’t want to die meaninglessly.

His words also impressed the legion commander Adlu and several orc officers present. At least the expressions on the faces of several other senior officers of the legion present also changed from anger to seriousness, because through Qilwei’s After thinking about it carefully, they realized that they couldn’t have done better on their own.

And Adlu even lowered his right hand holding the battle ax, obviously putting away his murderous intention. He believed at least 70% to 80% of Qilwei’s words, because there were still many soldiers who had withdrawn. He has personally experienced the battle. Just ask a few more soldiers to verify Qilwei’s description of human strength. There is no need for Qilwei to lie.

“In your opinion, what do you think we should do next to prevent humans from attacking.”

Although Qilwei was the defeated general, Adlu still recognized his ability. This defeat was actually a non-war crime, so Adlu still asked Qilwei about the next countermeasures. .

Qi’er, who was lucky enough to pass the test, raised his head slightly, but he didn’t feel any relief in his heart. Adlu’s question was really difficult to answer. He knelt on the ground, raised his head and looked at Adlu for a few seconds, but didn’t say anything for a long time. After saying this, the surrounding orc generals also frowned, seeming to be troubled by the current situation.

“There’s no chance of winning, right?”

In the end, Adlu took the initiative to break the silence after waiting for a minute.

“Lord Adlu, the power we can still use now is less than three flag regiments and more than 13,000 warriors. There is no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation with humans. I suggest that we abandon Cave Mountain and return to the plateau. Go to the nearest Huangshi City to garrison and wait until you meet up with the follow-up reinforcements before making any plans.”

Qilwei can be considered a wise general among the orcs. Faced with this situation, he only proposed a solution that was not a solution. There was no way to fight in the forest, so he retreated to the deserted stone city. At least he could still survive. There is a strong city to rely on, where you can wait for reinforcements to arrive and maybe you can hold on a little longer.

Adru, who was sitting in the main seat, shook his head and reluctantly took out a note and said:

“The order just came from Monaya, telling us to hold on for another ten days, waiting for reinforcements to arrive. We must defend the front line of Cave Mountain without losing it, but military law will be enforced if there is any retreat.”


Sometimes many military orders are actually very unreasonable, but the people below have to implement them. Just like the current top command level of the orcs has no understanding of the difficulties currently faced by the Adlu Army in the dense forest, but is tough Order them to hold on.

Even if this order is forced upon others, Adlu has to carry it out. If the higher-ups later discover that his order is wrong, he will be fined three drinks if it does not cause too serious consequences. If it causes serious consequences, he may be liquidated. One or two less important characters.

But if Adlu dares to disobey military orders and lead people to withdraw from the front line of Cave Mountain without authorization, or even directly withdraw from the northern dense forest and retreat to Barren Rock City, then the only thing waiting for him is military law. After all, everyone will have their own ideas. If everyone They all follow their own ideas. If they don’t obey military orders, wouldn’t the entire army be in chaos?

“So, there is no need to say anything more about withdrawing the proposal of Huangshi City. What we have to discuss now is how to hold on for a week.”

“With the current speed of human movement, it will take less than two days to reach Yandong Mountain. Facing the attack of the human army, it is basically impossible for Yandong Mountain to hold on for five days.”

“If you can hold it, you have to hold it, and if you can’t, you have to hold it. No matter what, we will be loyal to the kingdom together in Cave Mountain.”

“Fight with humans!”

“Our Yandong Mountain is not like other villages. It is impossible for human dragons to burn down Yandong Mountain like other villages. We will hold on to this mountain and we can hold off for a week no matter what.”

“There is insufficient water in Yandong Mountain. It is unrealistic to completely trap Yandong Mountain. The mountain cannot accommodate so many people. There must be a large army operating at the foot of the mountain.”

Qi’er opened his mouth slightly and rejected the idea of ​​the entire army besieging Yandong Mountain. Yandong Mountain is a rocky mountain. Although there are some springs on the mountain, the amount of water is difficult to sustain an army of tens of thousands. The lack of water is more uncomfortable than the lack of food. The army If humans cut off the water source trapped in Cave Mountain, they will all die of thirst on the mountain in a few days.

Moreover, Qilwei still had an idea in his heart that he had not expressed. If the entire army was trapped in Yandong Mountain, it would be equivalent to cutting off the retreat. The king’s words said that reinforcements would come in a week. Qilwei did not believe it, and the army set off from the king’s capital. It would take at least ten days to reach Yandong Mountain. Maybe the royal capital has already regarded them as abandoned children and asked them to maximize their remaining value.

“Do we need people to garrison the walled city at the foot of the mountain?”

“No, the few villages at the foot of the mountain are not geographically conducive and are all made of wood. They will not be able to stop the human army at all. It is better to abandon the walled city at the foot of the mountain, move or burn the supplies, and leave some troops to guard the master of Yandong Mountain. The other group of people sneaked back into the forest, looking for opportunities to cooperate with the army guarding Yandong Mountain, and tried their best to involve the human forces.”

“Qi Erwei, I will give you another flag of 5,000 people, plus the two thousand people you brought back, and go to the foot of the mountain to arrange it. I will lead the first flag regiment to stay at Yandong Mountain and hold on until there is only one soldier left. So far. ”

It stands to reason that although Qilwei’s defeat was a non-war crime and he had no fault at all, he was still a defeated general and led his people to retreat without authorization. Adlu was already magnanimous for not dealing with such a defeated general. , and now the heavy responsibility has been entrusted to Qi Erwei.

At this time, Adlu didn’t have many troops left in his hands, so he handed over most of them to Qilwei, and he took on the most dangerous task.

Everyone knows that there is still the possibility of evacuation in the outer woods. It is only a matter of time before the people who stick to Cave Mountain will be annihilated by the human army with dozens of giant dragons and superior troops.

Not only the generals present were surprised, but also Qilwei himself was a little surprised. He was ready to become a member of the punishment camp and go to the front line to fight. Unexpectedly, Adlu not only did not pursue him anymore , and also gave him the command of the army.

“Lord Adlu, I will lead the army to defend Cave Mountain, and you will lead the army into the forest to contain the human army.”

“The commander on Cave Mountain can only be me.”

Adlu shook his head and rejected Qilwei’s proposal. Being trapped in the Jedi was a very demoralizing thing. If he, as the supreme commander, left Cave Mountain, it would be easy to demoralize him again and lead the army. He can only be the one guarding Yandong Mountain.

“No need to say more, just follow the orders, seize the time, and make some preparations before humans arrive.”

“Yes, sir!”

Qilwei no longer pretends to go out with the generals in the big tent. Now the human army is approaching every minute. There is not much time left for the orcs to prepare. It is also good to buy more time and make more traps. Good thing.


After several officers left, Adlu in the main seat sighed and stopped rubbing the palm of the ax handle. In fact, his heart was not at peace…


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