Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 432: The great horror in the camp



The orc general who was split in half had his internal organs flowing all over the floor. The orc warrior was on par with a human knight, and his energy and blood were very strong. The blood sprayed out in a mist in an instant, and people within a few meters around him were covered in it. Covered in blood.

Especially the three outstanding swordsmen, the **** energy completely condensed on their bodies, looking like warriors coming out of **** in the firelight of the dark night.

The surrounding orc warriors were completely stunned. Dozens of them surrounded the three outstanding swordsmen who broke into the formation, but they were too frightened to move. After Lesado was split in half, no one looked back. Dare to take the initiative to attack three outstanding swordsmen.

But the three outstanding swordsmen would not stop and play with them. After easily killing the orc commander, they picked up the heavy sword in their hands and attacked the surrounding orc warriors.

Three sky-level outstanding swordsmen, fighting into a group of quasi-knight-level orc soldiers is like a tiger among sheep. The usually fierce orc warriors are like sheep in front of them. With the strength of the outstanding swordsmen, Not to mention one against a thousand, it is easy to kill hundreds of orc warriors in this kind of dark night melee and escape intact. Before their fighting spirit is exhausted, the orc warriors are not even qualified to fight against them.



After the orc’s battle ax collided with the great swordsman’s heavy sword, he either lost his hand or even dislocated his arm. More upgrades were killed without a chance to raise their weapons to resist. Soon, three The outstanding swordsmen chopped down a group of orcs. The orcs who had been charging intensively were directly driven out of a vacuum zone by them. The surroundings were piled with orc corpses, and even caused a small-scale phenomenon of orcs fleeing in fear of the battle.

Fortunately, it was a melee at night, and the visibility was not high. Even the orc warriors who followed up on Lesado’s death did not know, so they rushed in. Facing the three outstanding swordsmen, there was always an orc warrior who dared to Launch an active attack.

If the orcs only face three outstanding swordsmen at this time, it is not without a chance. At least as long as the fighting will is enough, if the remaining more than a thousand orcs form a battle formation and slowly consume the outstanding swordsmen, they will definitely still The outstanding swordsman couldn’t bear it at first.

However, although the three outstanding swordsmen rushed into the crowd of orc warriors somewhat “riskily”, there were no reinforcements behind them. Shortly after they killed Lesado, Elena and Ron took command together. Zealots and Crusaders pushed back.

After a few minutes, the Crusaders have completed their assembly. The soldiers produced by the Hero Invincible System are not iron men, and they also need sleep and rest. Therefore, in a sense, the night attack planned by Resado is not It had no effect at all. The system troops in the camp were indeed resting when he launched the attack.

But the system army in the camp is different from the ordinary army. They will not panic for even a second after encountering an attack, and most of them sleep with their armor on and their sword hilt in hand. After a while, all preparations for the battle were completed.

“哐, 哐, 哐…”

When the Crusaders were in action, the unique sound of armor metal clashing sounded intensively. The Crusaders and Halberdiers formed a battle formation and launched a counterattack in the direction of the orcs’ charge.

“Hiss, hiss…”

“This! What kind of monster is this!”

In addition to the outstanding swordsmen, there are also troops with more terrifying visual effects in the camp. Four snake monsters with three pairs of arms also emerged from nowhere. The snake monster holding six weapons can simultaneously interact with the surroundings. Several orcs fought, and this kind of melee was what they were best at.

As one of the best among the sixth-level soldiers, the Snake Demon is more powerful than the Champion Knight. There is only some dispute over the ranking of the Terror Knight, which also shows the strong strength of the Snake Demon.




The upright snake demon is two and a half meters tall, a head taller than the orc warriors. Its six arms swing weapons and coordinate freely. It can easily block the orc warriors from swinging their battle axes and find opportunities to fight back. The strength of the snake demon cannot be competed by the orc warriors, but the seemingly slender arms seem to contain a huge force.

Faced with the heavy attack from the snake demon, the orc warrior chose the most correct way to resist. He held the battle ax horizontally with both hands and leaned back to try to relieve some of the force from the ground, but the snake demon’s hand His sharp sword directly split the handle of the battle ax into two pieces, and then disembowelled him without losing force.

“Kill this monster!”

Facing the terrifying snake demon, an orc warrior led a team of five or six orc warriors to surround them, hoping to restrict the snake demon’s movements through the cooperation of several people, but in less than half a minute, the snake demon was defeated. Several streaks of blood mist appeared around the demon, and all the warriors, including the orc warriors, fell to the ground. The snake demon’s killing efficiency was slightly weaker than that of the extraordinary knight, and there was no enemy wherever it passed. The orc warriors began to walk around these four monsters intentionally or unintentionally, which also caused their offensive formation to become looser and looser, making it difficult for them to advance any further.

As more and more soldiers gathered, the orcs who were still attacking have become defenders. Their so-called attack was like being slapped on the hardest steel shield. Not only did they not break the defense, but they were also blocked by the shield. Keep pushing back.

“Sir Richard, why don’t you let me go up and help.”

“Yeah, that’s fine, try to keep as many orcs as possible.”

“No problem!”

Sir M’Lak, who was standing with Richard and observing the battle ahead, suddenly asked Richard to join the battle. After Richard agreed, he excitedly walked toward the outskirts of the camp with his sword in hand.

Originally, the purpose of staying by Richard’s side was to see the strength of these orcs. Now it seems that this group of orcs pose no threat to the big army in terms of strength or quantity, so they simply asked for orders to fight.

Mlak has never had a chance to take action from the beginning until now. Now that the orcs are in front of him, he is a little itchy. Although Mlak’s earth-level strength can only be regarded as average among many heroes, in this crushing performance There is no problem in casually wandering around in the battle, and you can still gain some experience.

With Mrak as the leader, several other heroes also asked Richard to fight, and Richard agreed one by one. Only a few generals of the Northern Route Army with personal soldiers were left to protect Richard. Somewhat embarrassing.

Just now, they were ready to protect Richard and fight to the last drop of their blood. But now, let alone desperate efforts, they seemed to have no chance of fighting the orcs. The soldiers in the camp were simply terrifyingly strong. , the attack of the orcs was fierce, but in fact it was not threatening at all.

“Master Richard, I…”

“You are not allowed to move, just watch the battle with me here.”

“Yes, sir…”

This somewhat resentful voice came to Somla, and when he saw other heroes going up to practice, he also raised his blue palm, and several arcs flashed on it, which seemed to be a bit technical.

But Richard interrupted him with one sentence. Somla’s chain lightning is actually a range of damage. It can easily hurt one’s own people. With Somla’s strength, I am afraid that the sky level may not be able to sustain it for the first time. , the subsequent damage is also not low.

Now the two sides are fighting in the dark. If Somra comes to attack, it is very likely to hurt one of his own people. If Somra is allowed to do what he wants, the biggest casualties today may not come from the battle with the orcs but from the orcs. Somra’s chain lightning.

“Da, da, da…”

“Step aside!”

A dense sound of horse hooves sounded, and Elena immediately ordered the halberdiers and crusaders to retreat to both sides to make way for the champion knights and centaur elites who came out from behind.

The champion knight and centaur took off their heavy armor during the rest. Because they had to wear armor, they went into battle a few beats faster, but their appearance was also decisive.

The roaring hooves completely shattered the orcs’ will to fight. Although the orcs were beaten badly before, they could not see clearly in the dark. No matter how badly they were killed in front of them, they could not see clearly even from a distance. Qing, all he knew was to follow the commander and rush forward with his head covered.

But the dense sound of hoofbeats cannot be faked. These orcs are also veterans. Most of them can judge the number of opponents just by hearing the sound of hoofbeats. Moreover, such heavy hoofbeats can be heard as heavy cavalry, at least hundreds of them. The heavy cavalry rushed out from the middle of the camp.

At this time, the orcs who were still in the forest but had not come over all hesitated. There was no need to be afraid of human cavalry in the forest. No matter how powerful those heavy cavalry were, they would not come and knock the trees away. But if we attack further, it will be a flat ground created by humans. If we really want to have a head-on collision with the human heavy cavalry, they are not that strong yet.

Soon, the orcs in the back row no longer needed to hesitate, because the soldiers in the front row had already begun to charge in reverse when facing the cavalry group composed of champion knights and centaur elites.

More than 30 champion knights directly defeated the orc front team as soon as they came out. There was no need for the champion knights to make any extra moves. The heavily armored red flame horse and the knights on the horse could kill an orc with just one collision. A tall orc warrior was knocked away several meters away. When he met a more skilled orc warrior, the champion knight on horseback could easily poke a hole in them with just one swing of his lance. More than thirty champion knights rushed forward and instantly He dispersed the orcs who had just barely maintained their formation.


The orcs left most of their bodies and were expelled from the camp, but Richard obviously had no intention of letting these orcs go. After ordering the pursuit, he naturally changed the leading hero from Elena to Mu who just rushed up. Sir Lark…

The heavily armored Crusaders were all moving swiftly with the help of Sir M’rak, chasing the orcs into the forest and slashing them all the way.

Although the art of war states that no one can enter the woods at all times, it must be combined with the actual situation. If no one enters the forest, they are afraid of an ambush in the woods. How can the orcs ambush now that they don’t even have a commander? Of course, they must pursue them with all their strength.

Except for the champion knights and the slightly squishy troops who are not suitable for pursuing in the dense forest, other troops such as the snake monsters continue to pursue under the leadership of Sir Mulak.

What made the orcs even more desperate was that when they turned to run away, they ran into a flag regiment of the Northern Route Army who came to support them.

When the flag commander heard the loud killing noises from the commander’s station, he immediately ordered two thousand elites to rush over. As a result, he encountered the fleeing orc army as soon as he arrived.

At first, the commanding officer lowered his flag when the orcs rushed towards him, thinking that he had been attacked by the orcs. However, as an officer with rich experience in actual combat, he discovered after a short observation that this orc army was simply a support force. It was just a defeated army, with a panicked expression, messy armor, and even some of them had lost their weapons. How could this possibly be an attacking army? This was clearly a tribute to them.

“Stop them!”


Although the situation is not clear yet, it is always right to go against the orcs. Since the orcs want to run away, of course they must be stopped. The escaping orcs are entangled with the human soldiers who come to support them.

If it were in a normal state, there would be at least hundreds of these fleeing orcs. They should have an advantage against two thousand human soldiers in the forest, but now they are just a group of people who have no fighting spirit and are being chased. The desperate orcs, unable to form any cooperation at all, were suppressed and beaten by a group of ordinary human soldiers. The desperate orcs actually made sporadic surrenders, which was extremely rare.

It’s just that the battle between humans and orcs has never accepted the practice of surrender. Unless there are special circumstances, both sides never leave any survivors in the war. Even the orcs who kneel down and surrender will not be able to escape the knife after all.

In the early morning, the sun gradually climbed up from behind the mountains in the distance. The morning light illuminated the dim forest. It was another sunny morning. However, the strong smell of blood in the forest and the remains of the orcs on the ground proved that what happened last night A one-sided massacre.

The battle was actually almost over in the second half of the night, but the chase continued until dawn. More than two thousand orc warriors, including their commanders, were almost wiped out. How could they escape in a chase like last night? I’m afraid the number of orcs dropped will not exceed a hundred.

Richard even arranged for a few soldiers to stay on duty in the middle of the night and took a nap. When Mrak came back at dawn, he walked out of the tent and learned about the battle situation last night with a group of generals.

“Sir, the orcs last night indeed infiltrated from the trail. They were not many in number, only two thousand of them. We have basically wiped them all out. We don’t know where they got the courage to attack the camp.”

“How much have we lost?”

“Several halberdiers were killed, and there were also some casualties in the troops that came to support and collided with the orcs’ rout…”


Richard nodded. This loss was completely negligible compared with the results. The orcs attacked rashly without understanding the horror of his camp. The commander was killed in the first wave of collisions. It would be strange to see what kind of results it can achieve.

It’s not like the monsters don’t understand this. Even the officers of the North Route Army who followed Richard are still confused. They were the ones who were attacked last night, so why did they inexplicably turn into one? There was a chase battle, and those soldiers could be so powerful and defeat the attacking orcs head-on. Is this the strength of the personal guards around the Duke of Northland? No wonder we have to arrange special protection by troops…

“It took us most of the night to clean up the battlefield. Let’s let the troops rest for a while before setting off today.”

“Yes, sir.”


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