Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 431: It’s just a farce



While Chilwei was taking advantage of the night to escape with his remaining soldiers, Resado had already led his army to launch a final desperate blow.

The fire was approaching the edge of the camp. Thanks to the cover of the woods and night, the orc army led by Resado sneaked very close to the camp before launching an attack. In the blink of an eye, they were already rushing into the camp. , the other party’s long-range power seemed to be unresponsive.

A God-given opportunity, the number of troops in this camp is smaller than originally expected. Looking at the number of camps, I am afraid there are only three cities and 1,500 people. If he can surround and kill the opponent’s commander, he will be shocked. Sado will be the hero of this battle.

“Go in!”


Lesado, who was charging forward, had already arrived at the fence of the camp. Although the camp was well-organized, as a simple camp for the night, there were not many traps and horse-repelling traps.

Lesado approached the fence and activated his fighting spirit. He opened a large hole in the fence with one blow of his axe. The orc warriors behind him also followed suit, smashing open the fence and rushing in through the damaged area.

Lesado’s expression became more and more excited. He could even see clearly the human commander in the middle of the camp who was protected by a group of people. As long as he rushed over and caught him, it would be over.

However, the excited Resado also vaguely felt something was wrong. Why did the soldiers in the camp look so calm in the face of a sneak attack? Except for the obvious footsteps of the whole team, they didn’t even panic at all. He This was a night attack, or a night attack with superior forces. The other party’s officers were just pretending to be calm. Why weren’t they even afraid of the soldiers?

This thought just flashed through my mind. The orc army that had already rushed into the camp had no room to retreat.

“Boom, boom, boom…”


“What is this!”


A string of blue missiles struck from the camp. This was the first wave of counterattack by the magic mages who reacted to the attackers. The orc warriors holding torches at night became obvious targets, especially The orcs who rushed in the front row immediately fell down. At a glance, at least thirty or forty orc soldiers fell to the ground lifeless.

Although the magic mages are not as accurate as the phantom shooters, the power of the magic missiles is not much worse. A blow from the peak of the knight level is not something that ordinary orc warriors can withstand. Even if a missile hits the body, it will not be able to survive. The power of the explosion after penetrating heavy armor can also seriously injure them.

Lesado raised his battle ax and blocked two missiles. Although he was secretly shocked by the power of the missiles, he breathed a sigh of relief afterwards. The human beings seemed to have had a hasty counterattack, but it didn’t look like they were early. Look prepared.

“Charge, rush in! Kill all humans!”


Although the damage caused by the blue missiles was not small, the loss of dozens of people was obviously not enough to stop the attacking orcs. Resado continued to lead the people deeper into the camp.

But at this time, the people in the camp seemed to be organized. A female officer, with a group of soldiers wearing red jackets and about a hundred soldiers wearing heavy armor had already formed a team, and the number It seems to be still increasing.

These human soldiers look like elites at first glance, but their numbers are too small. As long as they break through them…



The front line of the orcs suddenly collided with the zealots and crusaders led by Elena. When Richard was surrounded by a group of generals for protection, he also issued two orders. In the absence of Moriel Next, Richard handed over the command of this battle to Elena, while Ron led the Crusaders to assist.

The camp was full of fighting spirit. Whether it was the fanatics under Elena or the crusaders led by Ron, they were all experts at the peak of the knight level. They could at least be centurions in the orc army. .

There were no more than fifty warriors of the same level in this elite orc army, and they immediately interrupted the momentum of the orc charge.

At the moment of the battle, the crusaders and fanatics who broke out in fighting spirit formed a group and directly pushed back the charging orcs, and also chopped down the orcs on the ground.



Resado, the leader, faced Elena who was commanding him. His full blow was easily blocked by Elena, but a heavy battle ax was firmly held by Elena. Resado seemed to be nearly bigger than Elena, but his strength was suppressed.

“How is that possible!”

Elena raised her hand, and Lesado leaned back directly. This was a crushing attack on a different level in terms of strength. As the leader of the Orcs’ flag, Lesado himself had the strength of a peak warrior, and was stronger than his peers. The actual combat power of Qilwei, the leader of the flag regiment, is higher. On the human side, he is a strong man who is qualified to lead an army.

But the Elena he faced was a sky-level master whose strength was two levels higher than him. The disparity in strength between the two sides made this battle feel like a joke.

When Resado’s backward movement appeared, Elena leaned down and slashed horizontally with her sword, intending to cut the orc officer on the opposite side into two pieces. However, Resado’s fighting instinct was extremely strong. The huge force on Elena’s sword pushed her backwards, and she felt the danger for a moment, so she jumped back to avoid Elena’s sword edge.

A burst of fighting spirit passed through the tip of his nose with great difficulty. Although Resado managed to escape with his life, several orc warriors behind him were not so lucky. The fighting spirit of the sky level was drawn into a In a half arc, several orc warriors were cut into two pieces by fighting spirit and fell to the ground screaming.

“Let your fighting spirit show up.”

After having a brush with death, Resado’s hand holding the weapon was trembling slightly. From his perspective, it was difficult to imagine that the opponent was a sky-level expert, but his trademark characteristic of showing off his fighting spirit also made him Understand that you are definitely not the opponent’s opponent.

Lesado no longer tried to be brave at this time, but instead took a few steps toward the group of soldiers behind him, and stood among a group of soldiers, seeming a little safer.


However, now that his identity has been exposed, he can’t really retreat. At this time, he has to face more than just Elena, a sky-level opponent.

Three human warriors wearing spiked heavy armor and bright red cloaks broke away from the array of crusaders and fanatics. They held large swords like door panels in their hands and fought against the attacking orc warriors.

So all the orc warriors who dared to stand in front of them were cut into two pieces by the heavy swords in their hands. Their tall bodies made them look more like orcs than the orc warriors. In the blink of an eye, these three The burly warrior was surrounded by the broken corpses of orcs, and he was wearing armor. The surrounding fire could clearly be seen to have been burned into dark red by blood, and there were drops of blood dripping from the edges of the armor.

The attacking orcs were so frightened that they were killed, and they actually started to avoid these three people intentionally or unintentionally.


“Protect the general!”

The soldiers around Resado were finally somewhat loyal and brave. Seeing Elena and three terrifying human warriors coming to kill him, they still protected Resado.

It’s just that the distance between the two sides is less than thirty meters, and the camp has been leveled. There is not as much obstruction as in the forest. The three outstanding swordsmen simply cleared the orc soldiers within a few meters of them and jumped away. It rose and landed directly around Resado.



The door-panel-like heavy armor swatted away the last few orc soldiers who tried to block it like flies, and directly split it in half under the desperate eyes of Resado…


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