Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 430: Night Raid


At night, the cool breeze blows

Due to the arrival of the human army, the surrounding beasts have dispersed for unknown distances. Not to mention the beasts, not even the chirping of insects can be heard. The only sounds in the military camp are the footsteps of patrols passing by and the burning of bonfires in the camp. There was a crackling sound from time to time.

“General Resado, the human camp is just ahead.”

In the dark night, a small orc army approached the human camp with a bonfire burning through a faint light.

Because they were extremely familiar with the terrain, the small orc army led by Resado actually made a circle in the dark, avoiding the Fourth Legion’s brigade and approaching the camp where the senior human commanders were detected by the scouts. .

“The defense is so weak, it’s really a blessing from our ancestors.”

Lesado looked out from the gap in the forest, glanced at several campfires, and roughly confirmed that the number of troops in the camp was definitely no more than two thousand.

With the same number, the orcs still have a certain advantage in combat power. Even though this human army is a little different, it still has the advantage of raiding at night. The success rate of this vote seems to be not low.

“Order the army to approach slowly and not make any noise!”

“Yes, General!”

Lesado lowered his voice and gave instructions to the orc officers on both sides. The entire orc army began to get closer and closer to the human camp in front.

North Road Army Military Center

Richard didn’t know that he had become the target of Orc Banner Leader Resado, and he summoned several senior officers to discuss the next battle around a bonfire.

“General Gru has basically opened up the way forward. According to the current situation, the orcs will have no choice but to evacuate in two days at most. We will soon reach the orcs’ largest stronghold in the dense forest.”

“The orcs’ village in Yandong Mountain is no better than other wooden villages. It is the last barrier from the northern dense forest to the eastern plateau. The entire village is built against Yandong Mountain. There are many natural caves for hiding soldiers on the mountain. I’m afraid there are no It’s so easy to take down other villages.”

“However, Yandong Mountain is full of big rocks, but there are no big trees to cover it, and it is easier for the army to move away. At worst, if we besiege it several times, we are afraid that we will not be able to defeat Yandong Mountain.”

“I don’t think the orcs will defend Yandong Mountain. Although the village in Yandong Mountain is not as easy to be burned by dragon breath as the Langshou Village and Giant Wood Village, it also doesn’t have so many big trees to cover it. If the orcs dare to attack Yandong Mountain and us In the decisive battle, the dragon can directly participate in the battle, and the orcs have absolutely no chance of winning.”

Yandong Mountain is a stone mountain, and the terrain is not steep enough, nor is it covered by dense trees. It is the most conducive place for the army to deploy during this march. Although the orcs have been operating for so long, they have somewhat advantaged the location, but in the north In the face of the absolute strength advantage of the Route Army, this geographical advantage is completely insufficient.

If the orcs dare to set up a decisive battle in Cave Mountain, then they will be in line with Richard’s wishes. Not only the dragon phantom shooters can take turns in the battle, but magic mages, djinns, and snake monsters are not very good in the forest. The troops that can be used can also take turns to go into battle and set up a battle formation. With the current strength of the North Route Army, a hundred thousand orcs army is not enough.

“Nothing, no matter whether the main force of the orcs sticks to Cave Mountain, or continues to be mice in the woods like these orcs now, we have a way to deal with it.”

“Haha, in the next round, let the sons of our army also cooperate with General Gru in the battle, and follow General Gru to drive away the rats in the forest.”

After having stable logistical support, the generals of the Northern Route Army became more confident, the atmosphere of military discussions became more lively, and they were less afraid of the orcs.

“Okay, let’s go back and rest early. Tomorrow, the First Army will take a rotation and rest, and let the Second Army go to support the task force. The Third Army and the Fourth Army will be ready in the next two days, regardless of the orc defense. If you don’t defend Yandong Mountain, you must be prepared to attack.”

“Yes, sir!”


“Roar! Kill!”


When the generals at all levels were preparing to return to camp, the nearby forest suddenly burst into flames, and dense light spots flashed from the dark forest. They should be the torches lit by the orc warriors. A large group of people suddenly appeared in the forest. The orc warriors rushed towards the camp where Richard was located. They were already very close to the camp.

Resado knew that he would definitely be discovered if he continued to advance, so he might as well take advantage of this moment to light torches and launch a charge to attack the human camp at a faster speed, so he directly ordered the entire army to light torches to illuminate the road and launch an attack directly. .

“Enemy attack!”


“Protect Mr. Richard!”

Suddenly attacked and with an unknown number of enemies, the generals of the North Route Army were slightly panicked, but they soon realized that all officers in this era were capable of fighting. In addition to the system heroes led by Richard, they gathered here. Some of the other generals of the North Route Army were at least experts at the knight level, and several army commanders were even more expert at the knight level. They quickly drew their weapons and surrounded Richard with their soldiers.

“Why are there orcs here?”

“It’s okay, there can’t be too many orcs in this location.”

After everyone surrounded Richard, they calmed down. This place is located in the middle and rear of the army. There is a task force led by Gru in front to clear the way. The orcs who go around here to attack will definitely not be able to take the main road. They can only rely on their understanding of the terrain. Familiarity comes from the trail.

“Our army’s Fifth Flag Regiment is nearby and can arrive in less than half an hour. Now that the orcs are making so much noise, they must have alerted the Fifth Flag Regiment. As long as we hold on for a moment, reinforcements will arrive immediately.”

“I was a little careless this time. There were too few troops here, and the orcs took the opportunity.”

“The dragon is not here at this time, otherwise the orcs would not dare to be so rampant.”

“A flag regiment should be mobilized to protect the left and right at all times.”


Li Cha pressed the Vulcan Sword and was surrounded by a group of generals. Listening to them discuss the pros and cons, he said a somewhat noncommittal “hmm”. There was no panic expression on his face, which made the surrounding generals understand that he was in danger. Chaos, there is a landslide and a fearless demeanor in front of you.

But in his heart, Richard is really not afraid at all. He just doesn’t want to offend everyone’s good intentions by being protected in a crowd. Otherwise, with his sky-level strength, even if there is nothing he can do, as long as there are no orcs with him. It was quite easy for him to leave after being entangled by quite a strong person.

Furthermore, although it seems that there are some flaws in the formation of his army and the arrangement of the camp, and the garrison strength left around him is insufficient, it also depends on who he keeps around him.

There are more than 200 crusaders at the peak of the knight level alone, as well as more than 500 halberdiers with quasi-knight strength, more than 500 centaur elites who have been held in their hands and not used, and Higher-level champion knights and ruthless characters such as superb swordsmen, archangels, and archangels.

Although the more than 30 champion knights could not display their power in the forest, it was just that their combat power could not be fully displayed. Even if the champion knights were dismounted, they still had earth-level combat power, not to mention the presence of gods and monsters. The Lord, Magic Mage, and Snake Girl are the troops of the tower forces.

In fact, the power around Richard only looks weak. If they really want to fight, they can easily overthrow an entire army. Richard has nothing to worry about…

The other side.

The Orc General Qilwei felt more and more powerless about the development of the war. He no longer looked as high-spirited as when he took over the task from the commander of the Adlu Army. His eyes were bloodshot and his eye sockets were full of bloodshot eyes. It was so deep that one could tell at a glance that he had not slept well for several days at least.

Just a few days ago, there was still a little bit of hope, but now, after receiving the news from Resado, he is completely desperate. It turns out that all his plans are like clowns, and the flaws he discovered are simply It’s not a flaw.

“Lord Qilwei?”

Seeing Qilwei suddenly stunned for a long time without responding, the soldier who sent the message gave two tentative shouts.


“Lord Lesado also asked me to tell you that he has found another flaw in the human army. He will launch a night attack tonight. Regardless of success or failure, you don’t have to wait for him.”

“Night attack?”

“This guy is going to die!”

Resado’s trip, in fact, there is really not much chance of returning regardless of success or failure. He is surrounded by the Northern Route Army Brigade. Even if he succeeds, he will not be able to escape. What’s more, Chierwei has no hope of whether he can succeed. Negative attitude.

However, after listening to the soldier who sent the message, Chierwei was aroused by Resado’s actions. He glanced at the direction of the Northern Route Army and immediately turned around and ordered to his men:

“Deploy some more traps, bring the food and grass in the secret warehouse, and prepare to retreat!”

“Yes, General!”


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