Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 43: Behead



As Ron’s cry of killing rang out, the fourteen crusaders around him ignited their fighting spirit at the same time. They killed the ogres blocking the way with two or three swords and then attacked the ogre warriors.

The ogre warriors who were killing everyone just now have already felt that something is wrong. The ogre warriors who often lead tribes to plunder human villages have naturally fought against human knights. They know the strength of the knights, one or two He has confidence in the knights,

But the dozens of vindictive qi ignited at the same time instantly extinguished his courage. He tried to retreat among the ogres to seek cover, but found that the retreat was completely blocked by two tin can knights burning with vindictiveness. blockade.

After a moment’s hesitation, Ron was already in front of him, and the knight’s heavy sword with fighting spirit came towards him. The ogre warrior had no choice but to catch the sword with the mace in his hand.

The Ogre Warriors are indeed inherently stronger than humans. Although the Crusaders are all at the level of first-time knights, Ron, as a heroic unit, has also practiced the Beast Breathing Technique and the Blue Air Entrainment Technique, and his strength is It can be considered mid-range among knights,

But he suffered a small loss in the head-on attack with the ogre warrior.

As soon as Ron’s heavy sword came into contact with the ogre warrior’s mace, he felt a huge force coming from the hilt. The ogre warrior danced and blocked Ron’s heavy sword. Open, Ron’s momentary instability revealed a big flaw.

However, before the Ogre Warriors could take advantage of the opportunity to pursue them, several nearby Crusaders quickly came up to catch up. The Ogre Warriors were immediately faced with the siege of five or six Crusaders with fighting spirit. They soon found it difficult to support themselves and became even more Several wounds deep enough to show the bones were made by the long sword with a fighting spirit, and blood flowed profusely for a while.

The Ogre Warrior naturally felt the crisis. These human knights were no match for him one on one, but there were too many of them. Two or three of them could threaten his life, let alone ten. Several.

The Ogre Warrior seized the opportunity and struck hard, hoping to kill the current Crusaders, or at least injure them to the point of losing their combat effectiveness, but this group of mighty-looking and heavy-looking tin can knights were very slippery.

His angry blow missed again, and another crusader on the side struck him with a sword on the side. The ogre warrior couldn’t help but let out a cry of pain.

The ogres in the distance also discovered that their leader was in danger and tried to rush to support. If this group of ogres with quasi-knight strength could rush up to dozens of them, under their cover, maybe the ogre warriors He can really escape.

But there are no ifs on the battlefield. The ogre warriors were charging a little forward just now, and the Crusaders led by Ron deliberately separated them from other ogres, causing the ogre warriors to fall into a complete state at this moment. A state of isolation.

The surrounding ogres are still struggling to break through the blockade and come to rescue, but the already resilient Flying Bear Army soldiers have completely stabilized their front after receiving the support of the Crusaders. No matter how the ogres attack, He was also firmly rooted in place and unable to move.


Ron finally seized the opportunity with the assistance of several Crusaders and stabbed the long sword into the back of the ogre warrior. The already seriously injured ogre warrior completely lost his ability to resist. The ogre warrior slowly turned sideways, as if he wanted to turn around and struggle, but was bullied by several crusaders around him, and was completely lifeless under the intersection of chaotic blades.


Ron stepped forward and cut off the head of the ogre warrior, held it in his hand, and showed it to the ogres on the battlefield. However, due to the incomprehensible predictions between the two sides, Ron could only attract attention on the battlefield by shouting.

When the surrounding Flying Bear Army officers saw this scene, their morale was naturally boosted. Victory was close at hand. However, the reaction of the ogres was somewhat unexpected. After the death of the ogre warriors, these ogres Although it could be seen that the morale was a bit low, it did not collapse quickly. Instead, it still fought fiercely with the Flying Bear Army soldiers, fully demonstrating the ferocity of the ogre race.

Richard, who had been paying attention to the entire battlefield situation in the distance, naturally saw the scene of the ogre warrior falling and Ron holding his head high and shouting.

“It’s a pity. In this situation, it only feels good to say that the enemy general has been taken by me. It’s really not possible to embarrass the enemy.”

With a look of regret on his face, Richard commanded the system spearmen he had left as reserve to press forward. He also drew his long sword and rushed forward with the surrounding guards.

This time Richard did not dispatch the Royal Griffins to assist in the battle. These precious air units are not suitable for use in the forest. The tall trees will restrict the movements of the Griffins. The loss of a few will make Richard feel distressed. A long time.

Richard has always believed in the principle that a son with a lot of money cannot sit down in court.

Although his own strength is quite strong, he can never be said to be invincible. The sword has no eyes on the battlefield. When the battle gets fierce, anything can happen. He asks himself that he is not a son of destiny, who can move in and out of the battlefield seven times, with arrows. Yato avoids him, he doesn’t want to die young like Koto’s little bully.

But in this situation, snatching heads is not a risk!

After stabbing an ogre to death with three swords, the spearmen behind Richard continued to swarm forward. This group of spearmen produced by the system was a bit more fierce than the veterans of the Flying Bear Army. With the bonus of the intermediate offensive skills, three or five people can resist an ogre.

After directly feeling the strength of the ogre warriors, Richard frowned slightly. Compared with human quasi-knights, their strength is also at a higher level, and they also lack armor and weapons.

The ogres have almost no armor. In terms of weapons, except for the ogre warriors who have a mace with some metal, they only have some large crude wooden sticks.

If they can wear suitable heavy armor and all-metal weapons, their combat effectiveness will be even greater.

These guys are really born warriors.

After a mental evaluation, Richard had a more detailed understanding of the opponents he might encounter again in the future.


“Catch up! Don’t let anyone go.”

“Elder, father, and everyone, I will avenge you soon!”

The addition of the reserve team led by Richard was like the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The remaining dozens of ogres completely lost their will to fight, began to collapse and ran towards the wooden village behind them.

The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army began to catch up. When the enemy left their backs to themselves, they had completely transformed into mobile military merits.

The most ferocious and diligent pursuers were Al and the group of half-elves. When Al killed an ogre with his own hands, he couldn’t hold back the tears and seemed to be suppressing the pain he had experienced during this period. Release it all.

“Come in!”

Led by Ron and more than a dozen Crusaders, before the ogres in the wooden village had time to lower the gate, the Flying Bear Army soldiers at the front had already rushed into the wooden village along with the fleeing ogres. Village.

Victory has become beyond doubt…


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