Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 429: Falling from the sky


“General Moriel!”

The ancient black dragon who led these more than twenty giant dragons to Dragon Scale Castle was naturally Moriel. When Moriel turned into a human form and landed on the ground, the officers left behind at Dragon Scale Castle soon caught up and saluted.

Moriel didn’t waste much time, straightened her armor and asked the officer who came up:

“Are you ready for what Mr. Richard told you?”

“Report to the general that the five hundred thousand kilograms of grain have been bundled, and tens of thousands of kilograms of cured meat and dried fish have also been barreled and placed in the warehouse for pickup at any time.”

The officers left behind at Dragon Scale Castle commanded tens of thousands of people, with half a legion of troops and the strength of a great knight. In fact, they were barely able to rank among the ranks of senior officers.

But he still kept his posture very low in front of Moriel. He was even a little frightened when facing Moriel. Now he is just trying to show his composure.

Moriel has never deliberately concealed her ability to transform into a giant dragon, so everyone in Dragon Scale Castle knows that General Moriel’s true identity is a giant dragon, commanding all the dragons under Lord Richard.

The officers left behind at Dragonscale Castle naturally kept a very low profile when facing Moriel, the dragon general. According to the kingdom’s consistent attitude towards dragons, Moriel’s status in the entire kingdom should also be at the top. of.

“Where’s the dragon’s food?”

“It’s ready, all top-quality fresh beef and stuffed egg cakes.”

“Push the food up!”

After that, the general who stayed behind at Dragon Scale Castle ordered his men to push up the food prepared for the giant dragon. Although the giant dragon basically eats meat, it does not need to only eat meat. Twenty The all-you-can-eat multi-headed dragon’s fresh beef is a bit luxurious.

Every meal of the giant dragon in Richard’s hand is a fresh cow and eggs mixed with pancakes. Although to the dragon, the egg pancakes are not as delicious as fresh beef, but compared with the few that serve the kingdom. Giant dragons, the giant dragons under Richard’s command are not qualified to be picky eaters, they are all used as transport teams.

Thousands of soldiers pushed carts to bring fresh beef and stuffed cakes to the giant dragons one after another. Under the command of Moriel, the dragons were like big dogs waiting for food, waiting for the soldiers to After the dining cart was put away, Moriel signaled with a gesture before starting to move towards the food in front of her.

The whole place was filled with the sound of giant dragons chewing food. If you look carefully, you will find that there is an extra dining cart full of food on the school grounds. The garrison officer of Dragonscale Castle looked at the extra dining cart and then After glancing at the expressionless Moriel in front of him, he finally didn’t have the courage to ask.

Under Moriel’s gaze, the dragons did not enjoy the food slowly, but wolfed down the food in front of them in less than five minutes.

Next, Moriel made another gesture, and the dragons who had just finished enjoying the food immediately leaned down and tried their best to flatten their backs to the ground.

The officers on the side opened their mouths in shock. The impression left by the Kingdom’s golden dragons on them was that they were very arrogant. They raised their heads almost all the time, not to mention such an action that they were almost lying on the ground. , even strangers may feel offended if they touch them casually, and it is easy to swallow people when they are angry. Not to mention punishment, the kingdom has to try its best to appease the dragons. Now these dragons are simply obedient. Something is not right.

“What are you waiting for? Don’t act quickly. Master Richard is still waiting.”

The garrison officer of Dragon Scale Castle was stunned and did not issue the military order in time. Moriel, who was on the side, had no patience and quickly urged her. She had no time to delay here. She had to quickly return to the Northern Route Army with food. Among the army.

“Quick! Load food!”

After being urged by Moriel, the garrison officer reacted and quickly ordered his soldiers to fasten the bundled grain and grass to the dragon’s back.

“Captain…Captain, do we really want to tie something to the dragon?”

Although they were prepared in advance and the garrison officer also issued the order, the soldiers responsible for carrying the grain and grass felt a little offended by the thought of letting the giant dragon do the hard work of the cattle and horses. Although they followed the cart forward, they still felt that Some play drums.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Didn’t you see that the giant dragon is lying down? There is nothing to be afraid of. If you dare to take a step back, believe it or not, the General will immediately drag you out and chop you down.”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

After being reprimanded by the team leader, the soldier pushing the cart did not dare to say anything and could only continue pushing the cart honestly.

Actually, the captain is not at ease, but because of the order, he can only bite the bullet and approach the dragon…

“Tighten the rope tighter!”

“Don’t drop things!”

“I can add two more bundles here!”

“One, two, three!”

“Work hard together!”

After the initial trepidation and finding that the giant dragon really wouldn’t lose its temper, the soldiers finally got bold enough to start tying the bundles of food and grass to the giant dragon, in order to prevent the big bundles of food and grass from falling from the dragon’s body. It fell off in mid-air. The soldiers hung the food and grass on the dragon and fixed it several times with strong hemp ropes.

After the soldiers became bolder, they moved faster. Next to each giant dragon was a small team of more than a dozen soldiers helping to hang up the grain. With mutual cooperation, the prepared grain and grass were quickly hung on the On the giant dragon.

“Okay, let them all move away!”

“Yes, General Moriel!”

“Everyone, leave the school!”

After the garrison officer gave an order, the soldiers on the school grounds dispersed. Two minutes later, only more than twenty giant dragons with supplies hanging on their bodies were left.


With a dragon roar, Moriel’s head grew horns, and scales began to grow on her body. After a few seconds, she transformed into a huge black dragon in front of the garrison, waved her flesh wings a few times and flew into the air. Among them, the remaining dragons also flapped their wings and followed Moriel towards the northern dense forest.

With the dragon’s strength and size, it is easy to carry more than two thousand kilograms of grain and grass at one time, and it will not have much impact on the flight. However, the larger ancient golden dragon is carried nearly three thousand kilograms of grain and grass. , only Moriel is relaxed, this is probably a privilege…

More than twenty giant dragons can transport nearly 50,000 kilograms of grain and grass in one round trip, which is enough for an army of 100,000 people for half a day. The distance from Dragon Scale Castle to the northern dense forest is not far. Even though the Northern Route Army has been marching for such a long time, the dragon’s flight is only a straight-line distance. It only takes only a few hundred miles of straight-line distance for the dragon to fly over. One hour, including rest time, is enough for the dragon to fly four or five times in one day, and transport enough food and grass for the army to last for two days. This is more efficient than relying on Dragon Scale Castle to organize civilians to transport it from the ground. How many times out.

When the giant dragon gradually turned into small black dots in the sky, the garrison officer of Dragon Scale Castle lowered his head, thinking that the giant dragon could still be used in this way.

“Quick, stop staring at the sky. I feel like the dragon will come back soon if we send the next batch of food and grass!”

The garrison officer who came back to his senses immediately ordered his men to pile the next batch of grain and grass into a fixed position on the school field. After the dragon landed, he could complete the binding as quickly as possible and save some time.

Northern dense forest.

The generals of the Northern Route Army, represented by General Arsi, expressed the same sigh as the Dragonscale Fort garrison officers.

Can the dragon still be used like this?

Under the command of Moriel, giant dragons landed on the clearing opened by General Arsi and his men in the forest. Under the astonishment of everyone, Moriel transformed into a human form and approached Arsi and other officers.

“What are you still doing? Let the soldiers unload the food. According to Master Richard’s order, we have to make at least three trips today.”


“Take both of them and unload the food from the dragon’s back.”

It’s not that Alsi and other generals couldn’t react, it’s not that they didn’t think of using dragons to transport supplies by air, but in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, no one except Richard could have such a bold idea, let alone put it into practice Practiced.

With the dragon’s transcendent status in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, how can anyone dare to ask the dragon to transport food and supplies? Let alone the proud golden dragon, it is impossible for those dragon knights who are proud of the dragon to agree with them. My friend went to work as a transporter. Anyone who mentioned this would either be sprayed to death by the dragon’s breath, or be shot to death by the knight on the dragon’s back before the dragon became angry.

Only under Richard, the giant dragon has such no status. When not fighting, he is placed as the chief of ordnance and used as a source of biological high-temperature fire. When fighting, in addition to going out to kill the enemy, he also has to take on the responsibility of replenishing supplies and food. The transport team mission is coming.

However, General Arsi’s ability to accept is relatively fast. At least other things are not that important compared to the army’s lack of food. He quickly ordered his soldiers to go and remove the weapons tied to the dragon’s back. forage.

Under Moriel’s command, the dragon also bent down its huge body very cooperatively like it did at Dragonscale Castle, letting these ordinary soldiers climb on its back, unpacking the fixed bundles of food and grass, and throwing them down. The people below will pick it up, transport it and then distribute it to various troops.

After all the food on the dragon’s back is taken off, Moriel will lead them to Dragonscale Castle to transport the next batch of food and grass. After doing this several times, the logistical problems that plagued most of the army were solved by Richard. It was solved easily, and the Northern Route Army did not have to worry about food and grass problems at all.

Deep in the dense forest, there is an army of two thousand orcs who have been ambushing behind the humans. They used their familiarity with the dense forest to infiltrate in small groups and bypassed the men led by Gru from the path to the north. Behind Lu Jun’s butt.

With their military strength, they would definitely not dare to touch the Northern Route Army’s **** unless absolutely necessary. Their mission is to wait for the human logistics troops and attack their logistics regardless of casualties, thus causing human food shortages.

It’s just that they waited and waited for longer than expected and did not wait for the logistics team of humans to transport food and grass.

“General Resado, the scouts in front reported new news from the human side.”

“What’s the noise? Is it the human logistics force that appears?”

Hearing that the scouts said that they had discovered human intentions, Lesado, the leader of the orc flag regiment who was responsible for leading the army to attack the human logistics team, became energetic.

“No, the human logistics team has not been discovered yet.”

“What is that?”

Lesado’s tone dropped a few degrees, and he was obviously a little disappointed. He had been a little impatient with the logistics team waiting for the humans for the past two days. According to his and Chilwe’s initial estimation, the humans should have started. There is a shortage of food. The human logistics army should have started to arrive two days ago, but as of today, there is still no trace. On the bright side, we can only guess that the human logistics team was delayed on the road. Without them taking action, the human army will have to do it on their own. I’m hungry.

“What’s that?”

“Sir, the scout said it was about giant dragons. Human giant dragons are flying in the air very frequently today. He has seen human giant dragons flying several times.”

The thick trees in the dense forest can block the prying eyes from the air, and also allow the people in the forest to see the sky without seeing it clearly. Except for the scouts who came out specifically to observe, the others have been lying in the forest hiding in the dark without being noticed. The movement of the dragon.

“Giant dragon? How many times did it fly back and forth?”

As soon as he heard that the new situation discovered by the scouts was about the giant dragon, Resado immediately paid attention to it. He frowned, started to mutter a few words, and then suddenly came up with a terrible guess and asked again.

“Are you sure about the direction of the dragon’s flight?”

“The scouts said the dragon was flying south.”

“Going south?”


The south is the direction of Dragon Breath Pass, human territory. If it is for combat or reconnaissance, it is impossible for the dragon to fly south. Although this guess is also a bit outrageous, after eliminating the impossible options, the remaining The possibility, no matter how unreasonable, turned out to be the correct outcome.

Human beings are actually transporting supplies through giant dragons, and the proud dragons are actually acting as oxen and horses…

“Quickly, send someone to report to General Qilwei immediately, saying that the plan has failed. Human beings have no logistics army at all. All their supplies are transported by dragons. We cannot destroy their logistics lines and let General Qilwei Prepare early.”

“Yes, General!”

Soon, his officers ordered several soldiers who were familiar with the road to report the news to Qilwei in batches from the alley.

As the messenger left, the officer on the side saw that Resado had not issued any other orders, and asked with some confusion:

“Then, general, what are we going to do next?”

In the view of this orc officer, humans are transporting food and grass through giant dragons. They have no way to interfere. The plan has actually failed. There is no point in staying here at this time. They should withdraw next. .

But Lesado doesn’t think so. He is more aware of the difficulties faced by the orc army in the dense forest. It doesn’t make much sense for him to take these two thousand people back. Since he is already here, he must prepare to fight. .

Although the scouts have been paying attention to the movements of the human logistics troops in the past few days, they also learned about the situation of the rear of the human army. The scouts discovered that there is always a small area of ​​the marching human army where many senior officers gather, and the surrounding protection Apart from some strange-looking soldiers, there are not many of them.

If there is a chance to get rid of these gathered human officers, maybe there will be some improvement in this war.

“We are not going back. Give me the order to let the army have a good rest and follow me to attack at night…”

“Yes, General!”


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