Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 427: Disappearing Weakness


“One-legged horse! One-legged horse is here again!”

“Stop it, stop it!”


“My eyes!”

In the dense forest, a unicorn holy beast rushed directly into the battle group amidst the panicked shouts of the orcs. The orcs who were originally inextricably killed by the task force team suddenly panicked. Obviously, this was not their first time. Once they faced the unicorn holy beast, they even gave the pure white unicorn holy beast the name of a unicorn horse.

As soon as the three unicorn holy beasts appeared, they rushed into the battle group very domineeringly. Although these unicorn holy beasts were only a little smaller than the red flame horse, they were quite agile in the forest and had no strength at all. Because of restrictions on body shape.

Several orc warriors pulled away to stop them, but before they came into contact with the unicorn holy beast, a white light flashed before their eyesight turned black and they couldn’t see anything. This was the blinding effect of the unicorn holy beast’s attack.

In the game, the unicorn holy beast must attack first to trigger the blinding effect, but in reality, blinding has become an active ability. The unicorn holy beast can actively activate it when it is four or five meters away from the enemy. Blinding, this ability is not obvious when dealing with miscellaneous soldiers, it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

After all, although the unicorn holy beast has weak attributes among sixth-level soldiers, it is still a real sixth-level soldier. Against ordinary orc warriors, it doesn’t matter whether the opponent can see it or not.

But if you are facing some powerful opponents, such as the great warriors of the orcs or even the masters of the imperial samurai level, a blinding weapon is very cost-effective.

After the blinding took effect, several orc warriors who tried to stop the unicorn holy beast immediately fell into a brief chaos, and the next second they were disemboweled by the sharp horn on the head of the unicorn holy beast.

The main attack of the unicorn holy beast relies on the long sharp horn on its head. I don’t know what the limit of that sharp horn is. Anyway, the sophisticated heavy armor on the orcs is under the sharp horn of the unicorn holy beast. It was poked open like paper, and it was poked through the thickest chest.

When the orc warrior’s vision recovered, he was strung on a sharp horn by the unicorn holy beast and lifted into the air. Then the unicorn holy beast swung the orc warrior away and hit the ground with a “bang” .

A small hole appeared in the chest of the orc warrior lying on the ground, and blood kept pouring out of the small hole.

The orc warrior whose heart was pierced by the sharp horn did not die immediately. He struggled to get up, but after reaching a half-kneeling position, he finally lost the strength and fell to the ground again.

The death of an orc warrior did not cause any ripples, but the originally stalemate war around them quickly came to an end.

The strength of the unicorn holy beast is at the level of a legion commander on the side of the orcs. The appearance of three at a time is completely overwhelming in a small battle where the combined number of both sides has just exceeded a hundred.

In less than three minutes, more than five orc warriors were killed by the unicorn holy beast, and at least ten were kicked down and injured by the unicorn holy beast. The orcs lost one-third of their combat power in one fell swoop. Even the most ferocious orc elite will fall into chaos when they suddenly encounter such a blow.

The remaining orc warriors simply started to flee under the leadership of the commander. It is indeed more convenient to escape in this kind of jungle. As long as there is no ambush in advance, the defeated soldiers may turn around and go into the forest for a few seconds without finding any trace. The horned holy beast gave chase for a while, and then turned back after letting the orcs leave a few corpses behind.

The surrounding soldiers looked at the unicorn holy beast that turned back. Except for the war dancers and phantom shooters produced by the system who were relatively calm, the eyes of the others were full of gratitude and reverence, especially the half-elves. The unicorn holy beast has an inexplicable affection, and now he has won with the help of the unicorn holy beast. After seeing the unicorn holy beast up close, his hands began to tremble with excitement.

The soldiers of the First Legion who were added earlier also looked at the unicorn sacred beast with a sense of worship. That kind of feeling is similar to the worship of the dragon, worshiping its power and thanking it for helping them. .

“Holy beast!”

“Holy beast!”

I don’t know who started it, but the soldiers actually shouted around the unicorn holy beast. They omitted the two words before the unicorn holy beast and only shouted the word holy beast. Instead, they called the unicorn holy beast out of thin air. The warriors fighting at the forefront were as enthusiastic about the unicorn sacred beast as they were about the giant dragon.

In fact, in the final analysis, the military is the most realistic place, more realistic than businessmen. Their bargaining chip is their own lives. They will worship whoever can bring them victory. It can be a general or a general. A giant dragon, of course, can also be a unicorn holy beast.

It’s just that the unicorn holy beast didn’t feel anything about the enthusiastic cheers of the surrounding soldiers. After passing through the soldiers, it left without stopping at all. It was probably going to support the next battlefield.

Faced with the indifference of the unicorn sacred beast, the soldiers were not embarrassed. When the unicorn sacred beast disappeared from sight, the cheers gradually stopped, but it was just when morale was ready that the young officer in charge waved his hand. With the long sword inside, he ordered loudly:

“Continue! Attack forward! Cut off the heads of the orcs!”


After a response, the team left two people to take care of the wounded soldiers and wait for the large force behind them, then continued to form a combat formation in the forest and continued to explore in the established direction.

The battle in the dense forest has lasted for four days. Although the orc commander was clever and found a tactic to confront Gru’s task force in the forest, this confrontation lasted less than a day before he was defeated again by Li It was cracked by brute force.

After discovering that the orcs had found a tactic to confront the task force and successfully delayed his advance, Richard sent thirty unicorn holy beasts to Gru’s men without any sense of martial ethics.

Units such as dragons, champion knights, and magic mages are not suitable for use in dense forests, but creatures like the unicorn holy beast that originally live in the forest can have fun in the forest without any restrictions. .

Originally, Richard held these system creatures in his hands. Firstly, he did not want to expose these powerful units too quickly. Secondly, the original task force consisting of kobolds, half-elves, war dancers and phantom shooters had already It was enough to deal with the orcs in the forest, and he would not send the unicorn holy beast to join the battle, but when the orcs slowed down his advance, he couldn’t control that much.

The thirty unicorn holy beasts were organized into small groups by the 351 team in Gru’s hands and scattered in the forest as a support team. Three or more unicorn holy beasts operating together are basically impossible in this dense forest. Maybe he was detained by the orcs, and he continued to cause casualties to the orcs, causing the situation that the orcs had just maintained to quickly collapse…

“General Qilwei, the human unicorn has appeared again, and the Orr warrior has died in battle.”

“Didn’t I tell everyone to avoid the unicorn?”

“Don’t fight head-on with the unicorn! As soon as the unicorn appears, retreat immediately!”

“General Qilwei, Lord Orr Warrior was too close to the sudden appearance of the one-legged horse. He didn’t have time to escape… When he retreated, he was struck by the one-legged horse’s magic and was pinned to a tree by the one-legged horse. ”


Qilwei sighed helplessly after hearing this. Not to mention a samurai officer, he himself had seen a human unicorn fight from a distance. Even with his strength as a great samurai, he was not sure of defeating the opponent. According to his calculations, it would take at least General Adreu to take action in order to confront the Unicorn. With so many powerful monsters appearing on the other side, the battle has actually been out of reach for a long time, and now it is entirely dependent on the lives of his men.

In less than three days, his flag regiment has lost nearly a thousand people. In addition, another flag regiment that came to assist in the battle suffered thousands of casualties. In order to delay the advance of the human army, the orcs have already sacrificed There were two thousand casualties, a casualty rate of nearly 20%. Fortunately, this was an elite army of orcs, and they were still facing the human race with natural hatred, so they could barely maintain their morale.

If we continue fighting like this, complete collapse will happen sooner or later. Even if the orcs can fight to the last soldier, if they continue to fight at the current casualty ratio and fighting intensity, they will be exhausted in a few days.

Fortunately, he also arranged a backup plan. Human beings were still too careless, allowing him to catch the biggest flaw.

Judging from the materials found on the corpses of human soldiers today, it can be inferred that the food that humans carry with them is only enough for two days. Humans do not have the food and grass stored in Jumu Village. If they do not receive follow-up supplies of food and grass, they will soon be We will be in a state of food shortage…

“Where is the leader of the Resado Banner?”

“The leader of the Resado Banner has led his people to bypass the human army from the canyon road, and is now lurking, waiting for the human supply team.”

“Okay, I hope the leader of the Resado Banner will not let our losses in the past few days be in vain.”

The terrain in the dense forest is complex, and the Northern Route Army led by Richard can only follow the main roads explored by the task force. However, there must be more than one road in this mountain. In addition to the orcs who have been operating in the northern dense forest for decades, In addition to building a bunch of cottages, he is also very familiar with the roads in the forest.

The flag commander named Resado led some of his men and successfully bypassed the task force from another road, also bypassed the main force of the Northern Route Army behind, and came to the rear of the army.

With their small strength, it is naturally unrealistic to attack the Northern Route Army from both front and rear. They have only one purpose, and that is to destroy the next wave of supplies for the human army. Humanity is advancing too fast, Qilwei Looking at it, I discovered the flaw that the human army’s supplies were too tight. The too tight supply meant that there was not much food left for the human army. As long as there was a slight problem with the supply line, the human army would starve.

The division of labor between Qilwei and Resado is very clear. He continues to lead the main force to deal with the human army in the front, attracting human attention, while Resado leads four teams of 2,000 people from the canyon road. Go around behind the humans and destroy the supply lines of the human army.

Now that I heard that Resado has led people to the predetermined location, Qi Erwei is half relieved. Making a roundabout way without being discovered is the most difficult part. Now that Resado is in place, the humans have not responded yet. , obviously it has not been discovered yet. Next, he only needs to wait for a suitable opportunity to wreak havoc on human supply lines. Thinking more optimistically, Resado may have succeeded now, but the news has not yet spread. He wants to make the arrogant humans The commander understands that the dragon cannot solve everything…

In the jungle behind the Northern Route Army, the Fourth Army at the rear also all passed through the mountain road. Because the orcs deliberately hid, they did not realize that a small army of orcs appeared behind them.

It stands to reason that the orcs’ plan was actually half successful, but Resado, who was in charge of command, did not go as smoothly as Chilwe imagined.

“Have you found the human food supply team ahead?”

“Report to General Resado, no trace of humans found ahead…”

At this time, the rough-looking Resado frowned and stared at the mountain road in the middle without blinking.

It was clear that the human army only had less than two days of supplies left, but he was really surprised that he hadn’t seen the human supply team appear after squatting for so long.

Chirwei had previously analyzed the weaknesses and flaws of the human army with him, and convinced him with clear explanations, and then allowed him to hand over most of the army to Chirwei, and lead the elite to attack the human supply team. , but now he vaguely felt that there might be something wrong with Qilwei’s plan, but he couldn’t think of the specific reason.

“Second order, the entire army is not allowed to move or make any noise.”

“Yes, General.”

Now we can only go all the way to the dark, and continue to squat, trying to guess whether there is something wrong with the human supply team on the way and it is delayed.


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