Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 426: Orcs’ reaction


The orc capital, Monaya.

Autumn on the plateau is equally colorful, except that the area around Monaya is obviously a bit over-developed. There are not many trees to be seen, there are dense buildings inside the city, and there are acres of farmland outside the city.

Orcs, like humans, are a highly adaptable race. After being driven to the eastern plateau, they learned to develop according to local conditions, grazing in places suitable for grazing, farming in places suitable for farming, and some of them even made a living. In addition to the fishing and hunting life, we can live as long as we can feed as many people as possible.

Besides its topography, Monaea can be used as the capital of the orc king. Another big reason is that it has abundant water resources and flat terrain. It is the most suitable place for farming on the entire eastern plateau, so it is very suitable for gathering and living.

Only in recent years, the wind and sand in Monaya have become stronger and stronger. In autumn, strong winds carry sand and dust, and the buildings in the royal capital are often covered with dust, making the entire orc king’s capital look like it is buried in the earth. Generally speaking, it always takes time to clean up afterward.

If this progress continues, Monaya will become less and less suitable for survival. At that time, even if the Golden Dragon clan continues to support humans, the orcs will have to attack Dragon Breath Pass under the threat of survival.

In a sense, Golden Dragon’s departure is just an inducement. In essence, another decisive battle between humans and orcs is inevitable. Golden Dragon’s breach of contract and Adriello’s instigation only advanced the progress of the whole matter. .

In the orc palace, the blond Haldane was sitting on a throne made of animal bones, listening to the latest battle situation on the front line.

The war at Dragon’s Breath Pass is not only a top priority for humans, it is also a matter of life and death for the orcs. The recent movements that humans have made on the front line of Dragon’s Breath Pass will arouse vigilance as long as they are not blind.

“Your Majesty, according to our observation, humans have concentrated more than three million troops in the middle section of Longxing Pass, and news of the increase in human troops has come from all the frontline confrontation camps.”

“Your Majesty, I suggest that we continue to increase our troops towards the front line of Watch City in the middle section of Longxing Pass. There are currently only thirty legions in that area and less than 800,000 people. It is difficult to face three million human troops and five dragon knights. ”

“No, humans have invested a lot of troops in the northern dense forest, and they have the intention to enter the plateau directly through the dense forest. According to the intelligence reported by General Adru, although the human army attacking from the dense forest is not many, there are more than thirty The giant dragon is moving with the army, and General Adru is requesting reinforcements.”

“The number of human troops that can come through the northern dense forest should not be large. According to our intelligence, humans are very likely to launch an attack from the center of Watch City. Otherwise, they would not have gathered so many troops here.”

“Although the human army in the northern dense forest is small in number, the thirty giant dragons are real. Let them rush to the plateau and reach the gates of Monaea in less than ten days. If more troops are mobilized to reinforce the center line , the area around the royal capital was completely empty.”

When the orc ministers below talked about the thirty giant dragons, their faces were obviously uncomfortable. The memory the golden dragon brought to them was too deep. It can be said that the golden dragon used the power of the whole clan to help mankind defeat the collapse. After killing the orcs and continuing to fight for humans for hundreds of years, the number of orcs who died at the hands of the dragon could probably circle the continent.

After Haldane heard this number of golden dragons, although he remained calm on the surface, he actually trembled in his heart.

The news about the northern dense forest came earlier, and Haldane had already digested the news for a while, otherwise he might have lost his composure now.

According to intelligence, the Golden Dragon clan has already planned to break the contract. Why do so many Golden Dragons join the human army to fight? Could it be that the previous intelligence was all a smokescreen put out by humans? Is there something wrong with the elf **** Adelillo?

Haldane placed his suspicion on Adriello again, or maybe he never believed in this elf.

“Where is the army closest to the northern jungle now?”

“Your Majesty, because the northern dense forest has always been controlled by the kingdom, there is basically no defense force except for a few city garrison troops in the hundreds of miles from the northern dense forest to the royal capital. If reinforcements are mobilized from the royal capital, at least It takes a week to reach the northern jungle.”

After hearing this, Haldane did not speak for a while, but he thought about it with a stern face.

To be honest, he was a little confused by the human’s arrangement this time. At first, through the intelligence analysis provided by Adelillo, Haldane believed that it was very likely that the human beings would launch a desperate attack from the center line, and the other two routes Even if there is any movement, it is basically just a military feint. It is easy to defeat the humans in the middle first and then turn around to deal with the human armies in other directions.

Subsequent human movements also confirmed his judgment. The gathering of five dragon knights, the assembly of millions of troops, and the stationing of the Western Cavalry on the southern front were all signs that humans were making big moves.

But the information that suddenly came from the North Road made him confused. Generally, humans infiltrating from the North Road basically did not pose much of a threat. Over time, both sides basically paid little attention to the confrontation on the North Road. In the huge dense forest, The orcs had only deployed a legion, and the human army stationed on the corresponding defense line for a long time was no more than 100,000 people.

Now humans suddenly launch a fierce attack in this direction, which is somewhat overwhelming. It is the main direction of attack. The number of ground troops is too small. An army of 100,000 people really enters the plateau like delivering food.

Let’s call it a feint to contain them. This team actually has more than thirty dragons fighting together. It is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

After thinking for a while, Haldane decided to pay attention to this excessive army with obviously too many dragons, and gave the order.

“The 7th, 12th, 17th and 21st legions of the Monaya Guards were led by Lord Ruer and carried ten dragon-hunting crossbows. They immediately went to the northern dense forest to set up defenses and be sure to block the humans. In the dense forests of the north.”

“The fifth and eighth legions of the Guards went to Watch City to support the Avengers. Order the troops in Watch City not to act rashly.”

“Your Majesty, wouldn’t this make the Royal City too empty?”

Haldane dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops in one breath. He arranged for half of the army in the royal capital to leave, leaving only a few hundred thousand defenders. It was really too big for a big city like Monaya. A little less.

“Nothing happened. The Alpine Corps has called back twenty legions from the grassland. They will arrive at the royal capital next month.”

“The Alpine Corps has called back. How will the Centaur respond?”

Although the land in the eastern plateau occupied by the orcs is poorer than that of humans, its area is not small at all. Otherwise, it would not be able to support a population of hundreds of millions, and it would naturally border more than one race.

Although the orcs’ biggest enemy is humans, with more than a million troops stationed at Longxingguan for a long time, it does not mean that they are not in other dangers. In the land bordering the centaur clan in the north, the conflict between the two clans is also not Although the combat effectiveness of centaurs is not as good as that of orcs, they are better at mobility. They are also a headache for orcs.

Just like the sea tribe in the south, lizardmen in the west, and races such as trolls and ogres, the orcs are also restrained by the centaurs. Now Haldane suddenly mobilized so many grasslands. The return of the front-line orc army made the ministers in the royal court feel something was wrong and raised questions.

“Recently we have reached an agreement with the centaurs. The centaurs should not take the opportunity to attack us, and we can concentrate our efforts on dealing with humans.”

“Your Majesty, the Centaur often breaks their word and breaks the agreement faster than we do. I don’t think the Centaur’s words can be trusted. If the Centaur takes the opportunity to attack, millions of Centaur rush into the kingdom, causing The loss will not be smaller than that of humans.”

The minister’s quick words even revealed the nature of the orcs who are also good at tearing up agreements.

But the orc king Haldane shook his head on the throne.

“This time the centaur is trustworthy, at least for a short period of time.”

“There is no need to discuss this issue. This is a matter decided jointly by the king and the great shaman.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

In the orc kingdom, Haldane’s power is also not small. If he makes a decision, generally no one dares to object. In addition, with the endorsement of the great shaman who has suddenly become more mysterious recently, the ministers also do not If they continued to struggle with this issue, Haldane’s order was soon implemented, and the army began to gather out of the city, each running in different directions…

In the palace, when Haldane returned to the apse, a face that was incompatible with the surrounding orcs appeared in the palace. A fair-skinned and handsome elf was standing in front of Haldane.

“Adrillo, did you know that there were serious errors in your intelligence?”

Haldane’s tone was not good. A trace of impatience appeared on Adriello’s face after hearing this, and he called him by his name. That was the qualification that only the Lord of the Rising Sun had, but for the will of the Lord of the Rising Sun After being implemented, Adriello endured it, maintained his respect for Haldane, and explained:

“Your Majesty Haldane, it is absolutely true that the Golden Dragon Clan will break the promise. The human dragon knight Thor has been rejected by the Golden Dragon Clan several times in a row.

Even the human kingdom itself has not figured out where those giant dragons from the Hunter family came from, and I am also investigating. ”

Obviously, the Hidden Power of the Rising Sun Cult in mankind is still strong, and Adriello has obtained a lot of secret information.

“Besides, Your Majesty, you should also know that no matter whether the golden dragon breaks the promise or not, you orcs cannot avoid this battle. Now that the magic power is recovering, time is no longer on your side.”

“But your wrong information will lead to my misjudgment of the battle situation!”

As if his inner worries were being answered, Haldane unconsciously raised his voice a few degrees when retorting.

“Your Majesty, please calm down. Although an unexpected dragon appears in the human army, the situation is still under our control.

The white dragon clan has officially agreed to form an alliance with the orcs. Soon, your army will be assisted by dragons just like the human army. ”

Hearing Adrilo mention the White Dragon Clan, Haldane’s expression softened slightly. If it is true that the White Dragon Clan is willing to form an alliance with the orcs as Haldane said, then the next battle will be much easier to fight. .

But even though I think so in my heart, I still have to say a few words.

“Although the white dragon is also a giant dragon, its combat power is much inferior to that of the golden dragon. They are not necessarily the opponents of the human golden dragon.”

“Your Majesty, don’t worry. Although the White Dragon clan is not as good as the Golden Dragon, they can send more clansmen to fight. You just need to prepare enough food for them and wait for the arrival of the White Dragon.”

Although the leader of the White Dragon, Yamos, took advantage of Adillo, he could not lead his tribe to fight for free. The minimum food needed to be supplied by the orcs. The food intake of a white dragon in a day is two cows. The quantity Once there are too many, it will be a big burden on the orcs.

But as long as the White Dragon clan is willing to participate in the war, this burden will be borne with gritted teeth.

“Don’t worry about food. The royal capital has already prepared more than 5,000 cattle. If it’s not enough, you can continue to recruit them, but I need enough white dragons to fight against the human dragon knights.”

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, we all have the same goal, and I will arrange everything.”

“This is best.”

Besides discussing how to deal with humans, the two did not have any other topics. After the topic was over, without Haldane opening his mouth, Adriello himself took the initiative to disappear into the palace…

After Adriello left, an old orc came out from the back of the palace. Although he was holding a cane, he seemed to be in good spirits. He still greeted Haldane first.

“A great shaman doesn’t have to be like this. How can I behave like a great shaman as a junior?”

“This is the rule of the kingdom, and it is also an iron law that the shamans have adhered to for hundreds of years. All shamans must respect the king. Your Majesty Haldane does not need to persuade me.”

Although the great shaman looked old, his gestures of greeting were still clean and neat, and he quickly stood up again.

Although Haldane said no, it was obvious from his expression that he was quite satisfied with the great shaman’s attitude.

If the great shaman masters the ability to communicate with ancestral spirits and starts to be more than satisfied with his status and wants to gain real power, it will still be a big trouble for Haldane. Fortunately, the great shaman is quite capable.

“Your Majesty the Great Shaman, do you believe what the elf just said?”

When Haldane was talking to Adriello just now, the Great Shaman had been at the back. In addition to protecting Haldane, of course he also listened clearly to their conversation.

“Of course it’s not trustworthy, but we need them and they need us. That’s enough. At least for the time being, we have a cooperative relationship.”

“The magic power has revived, even if it’s poison, our clan will have to eat it…”

“I understand, Your Excellency the Great Shaman.”


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