Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 425: Fierce fighting in the forest


The northern dense forest is a primitive forest. Because it is located in a remote area, at the junction of the two ethnic groups’ territories, it has basically not been developed. The forest is full of tall trees, and it has just turned from summer to autumn, and the broad leaves on the trees are Although it has turned yellow, it is still some days away from completely falling off. Looking down from the air, you can only see the lush branches and leaves, so the aerial reconnaissance that Richard originally relied on does not work at all in the dense forest.

Aerial units are also greatly restricted in the forest. After the orcs broke away from the military camp and completely sneaked into the forest sea to fight with the North Route Army, even the role of the dragons was greatly restricted, and more of them could only rely on ground troops. Explore the jungle little by little.

In the forest, a mixed team was carefully exploring forward. The team was still arranged with the kobolds at the front exploring the way. Ordinary half-elf soldiers held scimitars to protect the phantom shooters and war dancers. in the middle.

The movement of the team was very quiet. Everyone was moving at a slow pace, fighting in the forest. It would be too much trouble to take the first move. If they could find a place to occupy the first move, the subsequent battles would be much easier.

“Whoosh, whoosh…”


“Woof, woof…”

Unfortunately, this team was not very lucky. This time it was the orcs who discovered them first. The other party even deliberately let go of the less valuable kobolds in front and directly attacked the half-elves walking behind. The powerful crossbow that was prepared came out quickly, and a dozen sharp arrows instantly knocked down several half-elf warriors.

The sound of sharp arrows piercing the air broke the silence in the forest. The half-elf warrior who was hit by the arrow fell down wailing. The distance between the two sides in the forest was very close. The distance from which the arrow was shot was less than thirty meters. This distance The crossbow is extremely penetrating, and the armor of the half-elf warrior cannot withstand it at all.

Then the kobolds screamed, and they were actually a little panicked. This time the orcs were so close, they didn’t even notice each other first, and they were successfully ambushed by the other side.



“Fight back!”

After encountering the ambush, the Phantom Archer was the first to launch a counterattack. A white light flashed in the direction of the opponent’s arrow, instantly bringing up a bunch of blood flowers, and an orc fell to the ground screaming.

The kobolds who were in panic also immediately reacted. They rushed forward fearlessly in the direction pointed by the phantom shooter. The good thing about kobolds is that they are less numerous. After being conquered and trained by humans, These kobolds quickly put themselves on the human side and dared to bare their teeth without fear in the face of powerful orcs.


“Woo woo…”


The orcs did not continue to hide their crossbows, but after one blow, they all charged as fast as possible.

This is how Qilwei summed up how to deal with it based on the oral complaints of the defeated soldiers. Don’t try to compare your archery skills with the opponent, and launch a charge immediately after the surprise attack is successful. Try to target the protected shooters, and don’t get too entangled with kobolds and ordinary half-elves. It’s best to form a semi-arc or even circular encirclement, and don’t give the opponent’s marksmen too much room to dodge. .

Obviously, this group of ambush orcs did these things perfectly. The kobolds did not discover them in time, and the team accidentally stepped into the ambush circle of this orc team of about 20 people.

At this time, the whole team seemed to have orc warriors rushing towards them from all directions. The kobolds who rushed out spilled their blood all over the floor, but only one or two orcs were stopped, which did not have much impact on the situation in front of them. help.

“Retreat, fight out!”

The one who gave the order was the core phantom shooter of the entire team. When he saw orcs coming from all directions, he knew that the battle was unwinnable. He selected a direction and shot down an orc warrior with one arrow. War Dancer and the remaining half-elf warriors began to retreat under the protection of the remaining half-elf warriors.


“Stop them! Don’t let these guys escape!”

The orc captain who commanded had a cruel smile on his face. After several battles, countless orc warriors died under the arrows of the opponent’s sharpshooter. This time they finally seized the opportunity to surround the opponent. How could there be any more? Let the other side run away.



Soon, the half-elf warriors and war dancers fought with several orcs. The orc warrior easily blocked the scimitar of a half-elf warrior and chopped down the opponent with one strike of the ax. The half-elf warrior stood in front of him. They are still somewhat powerless against the orc warriors. Once they enter into close combat, they are just large kobolds to the orc warriors.

The war dancers, who were dressed similarly to half-elf warriors, achieved results equally quickly, based on the principle that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt the enemy’s index finger.

The two war dancers did not care about the life or death of the other half-elf warriors, or the role of these half-elf warriors from the beginning was just to create opportunities for them to share the pressure. The orcs did not notice the two war dancers and the half-elf warriors. The difference is that the two war dancers faced off against the same orc warrior.

When the orc confidently collided with the war dancer’s scimitar with his battle ax, he immediately realized something was wrong. The force was so strong that it made his jaw numb and he took a small step back.


The orc warrior who realized something was wrong tried to call his companions for help, but before he could shout, another war dancer had already taken advantage of the second of their stalemate to bully him, and braved the cold light of his scimitar to come directly from him. The side cut into the weakest link of the armor at the waist. The moment the war dancer’s scimitar was drawn out, the blood of the orc warriors immediately spilled all over the floor, mixed with some broken internal organs. The knife was deeply connected with The waist was almost cut, and the orc warrior basically lost the ability to move, and lay on the ground clutching the wound.


The surrounding orcs also reacted at this time, and came towards the two war dancers and the phantom shooter. The phantom shooter shot down an orc warrior at close range, and a gap was about to open. As long as they could The half-elf warriors and kobold warriors who ran away and lost the entire team were actually not considered serious casualties.


When the War Dancer was about to find a way out, an orc dressed as an officer stood in front of them. He blocked the War Dancer’s scimitar with one blow, interrupting the three of them.

“I want to leave! Have you asked me?”



The phantom shooter was also unambiguous. He shot an arrow into the opponent’s cheek, but the opponent seemed to have sensed it and used a battle ax to protect his face in advance. The battle ax was also slightly glowing with a light red fighting spirit. This turned out to be An orc warrior’s precise arrow missed.


Taking advantage of this pause, the surrounding orc warriors had the opportunity to entangle themselves. Four or five orcs clung to the war dancer at the same time, and the phantom shooter had no chance to shoot again. The orc warriors on the opposite side rushed over in an instant. In front of me, although the phantom shooter is also equipped with a short sword, is agile and has certain combat capabilities, this melee ability is obviously not enough in front of the orc warriors.

Although the two war dancers struggled to dance their scimitars and wanted to come to support, but despite their sharp sword skills, these orc warriors who had been fighting for a long time were not soft persimmons, and the war dancers did not overwhelm them. With his unique combat power advantage, he would be in danger even if he was one against two, let alone come to support the phantom shooter.

As for the previous half-elf warriors, several were chopped down by the orc warriors as soon as they came into contact. Now there is not even a single one left standing, let alone sharing the pressure for them.

So since entering the forest to fight the orcs, the phantom shooter suffered casualties for the first time…

“General Gru, Lord Richard asked me to remind you that the orcs’ tactics may have changed.

The First Army Corps has also come to support under the leadership of General Arsi. ”


There is no need for Richard to send someone to remind him. Gru, who is commanding the battle from the front, has already felt the changes of the orcs in the battle. In addition to being more flexible in tactics, the orcs have also found ways to interfere with the kobolds’ sense of smell, which makes the task force’s Warriors can no longer detect orcs in the woods in advance as before.

The two sides were brought back to the same level, and they could only judge each other’s position by listening and looking. Even the orcs, as the defensive side, had a certain advantage.

“Lord Gru, we found traces of beast excrement on the orc corpses. These excrements have a very pungent smell and completely cover up the original smell of the orcs. They are used by the beasts in the dense forest to declare their territory. , this should mean that the kobolds can no longer accurately locate the orcs.”

“Lord Gru, we have lost another entire team…”

“Lord Gru, the orcs are retreating, do you want to pursue…”

At this time, in addition to receiving the news from Richard, Gru was also listening to the news about the war in the forest. The orcs became difficult to deal with, although the overall situation was still suppressed by Gru’s task force. The orcs fought, but the battle loss ratio between the two sides was much closer. Even the phantom shooter suffered more than one casualty.

“Order the troops not to pursue. Let the troops stop temporarily and wait for the first army to come up.”

“Yes, sir.”

Pausing to wait for reinforcements is also a last resort. Gru has a very keen sense of war. He knows that the orc commander he is facing is unusually clever. Under his command, the orc army has caused some trouble to Gru. He blindly pursues The possibility of encountering an ambush is high.

Of course, if Gru had the ranger regiment he led at this time, he would not hesitate to order the army to pursue him. Regardless of the other party’s conspiracy, he believed that his army was the jungle. The king of battle.

But at this time, the half-elves he had trained for less than three months were several steps behind the legion he had led. Even with the help of war dancers and phantom shooters, they were far less powerful.

In his eyes, even if this team is equipped with war dancers and phantom shooters, they are just novices in jungle warfare. Their combat effectiveness is about the same as that of the orcs on the opposite side. However, the orcs still have the defensive advantage of being familiar with the terrain. Now the orcs have transformed. After the tactics, it is the task force that suffers.

In order to minimize the casualties of the phantom shooters and war dancers, Gru must also put aside his pride, act as cautiously as possible, and wait until reinforcements from the First Legion arrive to strengthen his troops before continuing to advance.

“General Qilwei, humans are not pursuing you.”

“What a pity.”

On the orc side, Qi Erwei, who was also paying attention to the war, sighed when he heard that the other party did not pursue him. He was obviously a little disappointed. He did not expect that the human commander did not fall into the urn despite the successive victories. This time he was in Ah Under the authorization of Captain Drew, two flag regiments were assembled, and tens of thousands of troops were ambushed around the giant wooden village, preparing to give humans a ruthless blow.

As long as the opponent dared to pursue him, he would dare to press forward with all his troops and bite off a piece of flesh from this proud human soldier.

“Go and inform the leader of the Resado Banner and act according to the second plan.”

“Yes, General!”

The messengers are mostly orc soldiers who are smaller in stature but have nimble steps and strong legs. They disappear into the forest within ten seconds after receiving the order.

Subsequently, Qilwei also retreated deep into the forest with his soldiers, temporarily out of contact with Gru’s legions.

The flag regiment led by Resado was sent by Adru to cooperate with Qilwei’s operation. At this time, it was ambushing the flanks, but Gru’s caution made the ambush a success.

However, although the human army did not enter according to his ideas, Qilwei still had other plans. He had set his sights on the human supply line.

In his opinion, the supply of the human army is their weakest link. The orcs can supply through the secret warehouse he designed in the forest, but the human army can only carry enough food and grass in the forest for seven days at most. As long as he continues to harass the human supply line, the other party himself will collapse in the forest after a while.


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