Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 423: The momentum is overwhelming


In the dense forest in the north, more than three hundred miles away from Langshou Village, there is a heavily guarded orc camp. The camp was not located in the jungle but on a hill. The combination of the wooden village and the cave made the camp much stronger than the Langshou Village.

“General Adru, the Wolf Head Stronghold has been lost, and the sky is full of dragons! The entire Wolf Head Stronghold has been burned to rubble.”

In a spacious cave halfway up the mountain, the messenger who escaped from the Wolf Head Stronghold was reporting the situation of the Wolf Head Stronghold to Adlu, the commander of the orc army. When he mentioned the giant dragon, a look of extreme panic appeared on the messenger’s face. expression.

Because there were too many dragons under Richard, under the leadership of Moriel, not long after the messenger left, Langshou Village was burned to ruins by Dragon Breath. The messenger almost witnessed the rampage of the dragons with his own eyes. the whole process.

Because the distance was too close, he could even faintly hear the screams of his companions in the village. If he hadn’t run fast enough, he might have been chased by the suffocating atmosphere of the First Legion. superior.

“How many dragons do humans have?”

“At least thirty.”

Because the messenger was busy escaping, he couldn’t see the number of dragons accurately, and he also missed the scene where Richard used the mirror method, so he only gave an approximate number.

After hearing this, Orc General Adlu frowned and kept tapping his fingers on the table. There was a tapping sound of “ta, da, da…” in the cave. The messenger leaned on the ground and did not dare to speak anymore. .

This time Adlu did not think that the defenders of Langshou Village were conveying exaggerated news about the enemy’s situation. Out of caution, he also sent scouts to Wolfshou Village to verify the news. He was equipped with faster weapons under his command. The Big Mouth Bat Knight is much faster than the messenger, and he had already reported the situation at the Wolf Head Village earlier.

Now that the two facts are confirmed, even if this matter is unreasonable, he has to face reality.

“Forget it, you go down first and rest for a few days to report to Luoquan Village.”


After hearing Adlu’s arrangements for him, the messenger finally relaxed temporarily, turned around and exited the large cave.

Then Adlu ordered the soldiers around him:

“Let all the officers above the flag regiment commander in the camp come over to discuss the matter!”

“Yes, General!”

Soon, except for some officers stationed in other cities, all senior orc officers rushed to the cave where Adlu was. However, they still had some doubts on their faces, because Richard captured the Wolf Head Village. Soon, the defeated soldiers had not yet escaped, and these orc officers had not received the news.

“Langshou Village has fallen. The human army of more than 100,000 has now broken through the first line of defense in the dense forest and is attacking us.”

As soon as they sat down, Adlu’s first words caused the orc officers, who had been doubtful just now, to explode.


“How is that possible!”

“Why didn’t you ask for help when Langshou Village fell?”


Listening to the noise below, Adlu slapped the table with some dissatisfaction. Everyone realized that they had lost their temper, stopped the discussion, and turned their attention back to Adlu.

“This is the news from the messenger of Langshou Village, and it has been verified with the news from Bat Knight. There is absolutely no problem. What we want to discuss now is not whether Langshou Village has fallen, but how to deal with it. The question of humanity’s next offensive step.”

“Lord Adlu, why did Langshou Village fall so quickly?”

“According to accurate intelligence, the attacking humans had at least thirty dragons participating in the battle. The entire Wolf Head Village was burned to ashes by the dragon’s breath, and only one messenger has returned so far.”

“Thirty dragons?”

Hearing this number, the orc officers below were in an uproar. You must know that according to the orc intelligence, there are only five human dragon knights in total, and now thirty dragons suddenly appeared.

“Lord Adlu, our legion only has more than 20,000 people, and they are scattered in different camps in the dense forest. I am afraid that we cannot resist the human attack. Please ask for help from the royal capital.”

“The Bat Knights requesting help have been dispatched, but it may take some time until the Royal Capital sends reinforcements. Humanity’s attack has been premeditated. We must find a way to entangle the humans in the dense forest before the reinforcements arrive.”

“But there are too many giant dragons in humans. Except for the dragon-hunting crossbow in Dazhai at the legion headquarters, the others are ordinary bed crossbows. We really have no means to deal with the giant dragons.”

The northern dense forest has never been the focus of the battle between the two sides. Although the orcs control the access to the dense forest, the road is still too difficult to walk. It will be very difficult to supply supplies if they really want to pass through the army. In the afternoon, they will immediately hit the human dragon’s breath pass. The northern section of the defense line has never been the focus of the orcs’ attack.

Although humans can climb to the core territory of the Eastern Plateau of the Orcs after passing through the dense forest, the dense forest has always been an insurmountable difficulty for the human army. If there are too many people, they will encounter the same supply problems as the orcs. If there are too few people, they will encounter the same supply problems as the orcs. It’s just a food delivery.

The dragon-hunting crossbow is also a scarce war tool in the orc kingdom. Of course, it will be deployed in more important places to defend against the dragon knights. Therefore, the entire orc army stationed in the northern dense forest for a generation only allocated one dragon-hunting crossbow to defend against it. The possible arrival of the Dragon Knight.

“We must stay in the northern jungle to buy more time.”

Difficulty Adlu naturally knows that a dragon with more than thirty dragons is more terrifying than the five human dragon knights coming together, but he knows better that the king will definitely do it after receiving the situation reported here. They will be ordered to hold on to buy time for the mobilization of the royal capital’s troops, and there will be no room for retreat.

“A dragon-hunting crossbow will definitely not be able to stop so many giant dragons, so we can only fight with them.”

“Yes, only the orcs who died in battle fought against humans!”

In any case, the morale of the orcs is still good. This kind of thing involving the conflict between the two tribes will naturally improve the morale a lot.

It’s just that Adlu felt helpless as he pressed his head. He asked these officers to discuss how to deal with humans, not to listen to their determination.

“Lord Adlu, I think we should abandon the stronghold and only leave a small number of troops to garrison it.”

“Are you going to be a coward?”

“Qi Erwei, I have long been unhappy with you. If you become a deserter, I will be the first to chop you to death!”

Qilwei’s name is not as rough as other orcs, but his appearance is the same as those of other orcs, with a green face and fangs. However, his tone of voice lacks the impatience of most orcs, and he is not anxious when interrupted.

“Don’t interrupt Qilvi, let him continue.”

On the other hand, Adlu was interested in the speech of his calm flag captain, and immediately pressed the button on the other violent orcs, allowing Qilwei to continue speaking.

“Yes, General Adreu.”

“When I say we give up Dazhai, I don’t mean to retreat in front of humans, but the current situation does not allow us to defend a fixed location. If we gather in Dazhai to defend, the final result will not be the same as the defense of Langshou Village. There is a big difference between the army and the army, but there are more casualties.”

“Go on.”

Qil paused for a moment before continuing:

“I suggest that you abandon all the fortresses, take all the food and grass with you, and burn the ones that can’t be taken away. Except for leaving some defenders in Dazhai to attract human attention, since the other fortresses cannot be defended Give it all up.”

“The army retreated into the forest and dealt with humans in the dense forest. After leaving the city, the effectiveness of human dragons in the dense forest will be greatly reduced, and we are more familiar with the terrain and water sources…”

“But if we leave Muzhai, we can only carry less than a week’s rations at most. We will run out of food soon.”

“We can first hide some supplies in a place that only we can find, and the human army has come from afar. They are more short of food than us. If we drag it on, maybe we can defeat them. Even if we can’t resist it in the end, we can Give the Kingdom more time to respond.”

“However, those strongholds are in good locations, and the traps we have set up surround the strongholds. If every stronghold is defended, we may be able to slowly consume humans.”

After all, it has been a place that has been in operation for so long. Some orc officers are still a little hesitant about abandoning the stronghold. Especially some of the strongholds are much larger than the Wolf Head Stronghold, with more complete facilities and a large amount of supplies. It’s really hard to let them give up.

“That’s just a large Wolf Head Village. Facing more than thirty dragons, all the arrangements are meaningless.”

“Okay, no need to fight anymore.”

At this time Adlu finally spoke. He looked at Qilwei and then glanced at the orc officer below and asked:

“Did you hear clearly what Qilwei said just now?”

Under Adlu’s gaze, the orc officers below all nodded.

“Okay, follow the method Qilwei just said and execute it immediately!”

“Yes, General Adreu!”

“Go and let the meeting end!”

Although many officers still have some doubts, Adlu is the highest officer after all. Once he makes the decision, other orc officers can only execute it.

In the dense forest

Atop the ruins, there were occasional screams, which were probably human soldiers chasing down the surviving orcs, and there were bursts of black smoke rising from some charred wood on the ground.

Richard was stepping on the ruins and lighting up a cigarette, a specialty of the North, surrounded by a circle of senior officers and heroes of the system.

This is the third orc city captured by the Northern Route Army after Langshou Village, almost at a rate of one per day. This small village with hundreds of orc soldiers stationed is at least a threat to Richard Company. No obstruction can be done.

The Northern Route Army spent most of their time on the road, and attacking the walled city became a kind of adjustment. After the dragon washed the land, all that was left for the ground troops was basically the work of cleaning up the battlefield. Now they have eliminated nearly 100,000 people. Two thousand orcs, the human casualties have not exceeded three digits, which was unimaginable before.

Every legion is now vying to be the vanguard. Although the vanguard has changed to clean up the battlefield, it can still drink soup. Otherwise, there will be no credit at all and only marching will be left.

“Sir Richard, at our current speed, we can enter the plateau through the dense forest in less than half a month.”

The speaker was a younger commander of the Second Legion, with a hint of excitement on his face.

Li Cha, who was just smoking a cigarette, was not so optimistic and just looked to the north.

If the orcs were really that stupid, they would not be qualified to be human beings’ close enemies for hundreds of years…


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