Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 422: Occupy


Northern Jungle

Li Cha was standing on the ruins of Langshou Village with a group of heroes and officers.

Although Langshou Village is strong and has been treated with fire protection, ordinary fire attacks have little effect.

But anything can be transformed from quantitative change to qualitative change. More than forty giant dragons repeatedly washed the ground with dragon breath against Langshou Village, and any fire prevention treatment was in vain.

Occasionally, there will be a burst of fighting sounds in the distance, and then it will soon calm down. It is that some orc warriors outside the village have survived and are escaping into the forest. They are killed by soldiers from the First Flag Regiment of the North Route Army. Biting and holding on.

Richard did not stop them from chasing the poor bandits. Although the poor bandits were not to be chased, it depends on the situation. Now there are only two or three kittens and puppies left among the nearby orc warriors, and they are all scared out of their wits. of defeated troops.

The First Flag Regiment was mobilized by Arsi for a long time, and it was with the determination to fight the forward with a narrow escape. As a result, when they arrived at Langshou Village, there was no decent battle, and they were just cleaning up the battlefield. The only The casualty was still injured while going up the gentle **** to clear the trap set by the orcs.

Although it was a good thing to win without any injuries, the soldiers of the First Flag Regiment were still holding their breath and felt as if they had been punched in the cotton. At this moment, they were using all their energy that had not been expended. To hunt down the remaining orc troops.

Richard, on the other hand, was dressed in bright armor. In the ruins still smoking black, if there weren’t a large group of officers surrounding him, he would have looked like an aristocratic young man posing for a photo.

“Lord Richard, where did those giant dragons go just now?”

Kuz was shocked too much today, which was even greater than the shock he received in the City of Miracles. There were so many dragons under Richard’s command, and Kuz could still convince himself that in case someone and the dragon What kind of private friendship is there? This kingdom has no control over it.

But today, the dragon that appeared in the sky by half out of thin air was too much. It almost appeared in front of everyone, completely defeated the orcs, and then suddenly disappeared out of thin air. This was already challenging Kurtz’s response to this dragon. awareness of the world.

The heroes on the side did not respond to Kurtz’s question, but General Arsi and several other senior officers of the Northern Route Army also shifted their attention after hearing Kurtz’s question. In fact, they Everyone was curious about this question, but Kuz asked it first.

“Are you talking about those mirror images? Just one magic will do it.”

“Magic? What are the mages in the palace always bragging about?”

Compared with Ren, Thor and some top nobles with a long history, Kurtz, Arcee and others obviously have less knowledge. Magic has been away for so long that they are extremely unfamiliar with the word magic.

Kuz only had some impression of magic when he was often in the royal capital and occasionally met court mages. Moreover, hearing what he said was obviously not good for the senses of court mages. He thought that the magic mentioned by court mages was just a boast. He is also one of the people who treat the court mage as a rice bug.

“Magic is not a lie, it is real.”

Richard was in a good mood, responded with a smile, and then brought the topic back without further explanation.

“Give credit to the First Flag Regiment and ask them not to chase too far and not to enter the woods more than 100 meters.”

Richard is unwilling to say more about the mirror magic. After all, he is also a dabbler in bluffing people later. If he talks too much, he can’t explain it clearly and he has no obligation to satisfy other people’s curiosity. Richard no longer answers the question about magic. After this topic, others did not dare to ask further questions.

After Richard gave the order, someone immediately began to convey it forward and restrain the pursuing soldiers. In this kind of forest, it is one thing to chase too hard and be defeated by the defeated troops. Running too far without a guide, It is possible to get lost.

The number of casualties caused by the army’s attack on Langshou Village was not as high as the number of people missing during the recent march in the woods by the 100,000-strong army.

“Sir Richard, the First Flag Regiment has not made any merit, do you want to directly record one merit?”

Arsi was a little hesitant when he heard that Richard wanted to take credit for the First Flag Regiment. Although the First Flag Regiment was an army under his command, logically he should get the credit.

But today’s battle was really weird. He had never encountered anything like this before. It was too easy to win. The battle was not difficult at all. It was just like an armed parade. He did not encounter any resistance during the attack. Suffering casualties, the soldiers eventually used a venting pursuit to relieve their depression.

Richard now said that he wanted to credit the First Flag Regiment as the vanguard, which made Arcee feel a little guilty, so he asked a question.

But Richard didn’t think so, and courage is worthy of encouragement.

“It is a rule for pioneers to record their first contribution. They are indeed the first to enter Langshou Village.”

“And the courage to fear death on the battlefield is itself worthy of reward.”

“Yes, Sir Richard, I understand.”

Alsi quickly announced the news of the credit to the First Flag Regiment who had returned from chasing the orcs, which made the ordinary soldiers overjoyed. They did not have the embarrassment of receiving reward for nothing as Alsi felt. Everyone cheered after the first success.

It’s just that Richard still has something to say. The army that acts as the vanguard will have to prepare for a large number of casualties. The next battle will not be as easy as the Wolf Head Village. As long as the orc general does not Silly, after confirming the number of human dragons, the tactics will be adjusted accordingly. It will be difficult for a bunch of orcs to be crammed into the village and the dragons will be able to catch them all like a stuffed can.

Night falls

The North Route Army was well prepared and captured the relatively flat land of Langshou Village. Richard and some of the soldiers lived in the original Langshou Village, but this village was only half In vain, the kobolds had to work hard to repair and build it before the Langshou Village had a look. It was considered that Richard’s idea of ​​spending the night in the Langshou Village was realized, and more soldiers were cutting down trees outside. The tent was set up and the camp was set up according to the specifications of the temporary camp.

“Did you see that today at Langshou Village, the more than twenty giant dragons suddenly turned into forty, and the orcs were eliminated in one breath?”

“Ah, so many dragons suddenly appeared. I thought I was blinded.”

“Hey, so many brothers have seen it, it’s not like we are dazzled.”

“Where do you think this suddenly transformed dragon came from?”

“If I knew, I would still be sitting here with you warming up? But I see, Sir Richard looks like another grown-up.”


“Hey, who else in our kingdom can recruit more than forty dragons to help fight, of course, His Majesty Aragorn.”

“That’s right. Who could have found so many dragons except His Majesty Aragorn at that time.”

“I think Sir Richard and His Majesty Aragorn are similar not only in being able to serve with so many giant dragons, but also that Sir Richard has the same winning streak against the orcs as Lord Aragorn.”

“I heard that Lord Richard fought two orcs when he was in the North, and he won both times. He also killed an orc warrior who was protecting the country.”

“I heard about it too. At that time I thought it was just the nobles from the mainland who were bragging.”

Although the kingdom had examined the heads of the orcs that Richard sent to the capital from the north, the defenders at Longxingguan, who had been suppressed and beaten by the orcs all year round, simply did not believe in the results of the battle. The results of the war are exaggerated.

But now after fighting with Richard, they all believe it. With his ability to suddenly turn twenty giant dragons into forty, wouldn’t it be a matter of minutes to defeat two orcs?

“We follow Lord Richard on this expedition, maybe we can really reach the Orc Plateau.”

“Maybe, how can the orcs in the woods to the north be able to stop Richard’s dragon and those sharpshooters? Our Northern Route Army was heading towards the orc plateau from the beginning.”

“But we only have 100,000 people…”

“What’s wrong with a hundred thousand people? Lord Richard still has forty dragons under his command.”

The soldiers didn’t know anything about mirror magic. After seeing more than forty dragons, they immediately assumed that Richard had more than forty dragons under his command.


These soldiers were talking and bragging around, and they didn’t care whether it was appropriate to compare Richard to Aragorn, but they still looked respectful when mentioning Aragorn. The throne of the Charlemagne family is so stable, and half of it depends on What’s more, the other half of the golden dragon relies on Aragorn’s legacy.

Now comparing Richard to Aragon also illustrates Richard’s current position in the hearts of the soldiers of the Northern Route Army.

“Forty-plus dragons, do you think we have anything to do with this battle?”

“Yes, look at the First Legion today. Just walking into Langshou Village with weapons is considered their first achievement.”

“It’s a shame for them to remember this song.”

“If you are embarrassed, you should also sign up for the next forward selection.”

“Sign up if you sign up. With more than forty dragons helping us fight, can we still be afraid of the orcs!”

“Team 7, please keep your voice down! Go to bed now that it’s warmed up!”

An officer stopped the soldiers’ discussion, and in the end there were only the occasional sounds of insects and the crackling of burning wood in the forest.

Time passed slowly, because the nearby orcs were cleaned up relatively thoroughly, the Northern Route Army spent the night in Langshou Village quite peacefully…


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