Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 421: Breaking the stronghold


Langshou Village

As early as the day when Richard led the army to arrive, the orc commander who discovered that the human intruder was unkind had already sent a messenger to ask for help from the orc army in the rear. The orcs in this dense forest had deployed an entire legion of troops, and the Wolf Head Village Of course there is backup.

“How did Lord Adru respond?”

“Sir Adlu asked us to hold on for a week, and reinforcements will be sent to us later.”

“One week? Didn’t you explain the situation on our side clearly? Humans have come with more than 20 giant dragons. How can we hold on for a week!”

“I reported it to Lord Adlu in person. Lord Adlu said that he would send someone to confirm. He felt that we were deliberately exaggerating the strength of human beings.”


“Damn it!”

The commander of Langshou Village was obviously a little angry because of the other party’s suspicion, but if he thought about it from his perspective, he didn’t see it with his own eyes. If others told him that more than 20 giant dragons were coming from the northern front, he himself didn’t believe it. , but now more than twenty giant dragons have actually appeared in front of them. Langshou Village is already facing a full-scale human attack at any time, and the rear has not yet doubted his intelligence.

“There’s no time, I’m afraid it’s going to be even worse this time.”

“Immediately report to Lord Adlu again that the defenders of the Wolf Head Stronghold have been completely wiped out today. Human beings have broken through the Wolf Head Stronghold. Let him prepare early!”

“Sir, this?”

The words of the orc commander sounded a little puzzling to the messenger. Although there seemed to be more panicked troops in the military camp, they were still firmly in the hands of the orcs at this time, and there were not even traces of war. Why? The whole army was wiped out?

But the orc commander did not give him any time to think, but instead ordered loudly:

“Go quickly! You won’t be able to leave if it’s too late!”

“Yes, sir!”

Although I still had doubts in my heart, it was impossible not to obey the orders of my superiors. When the commander yelled at me, I didn’t care whether the military camp was lost or not, so I quickly agreed and turned around and returned the same way.

After watching the messenger fly away, the orc commander turned to look at the dense forest below.

Humanity has arrived…

“Quickly, chop down these trees and move them away.”

“Hurry up and clear up an empty space!”

Under Richard’s “eager for quick success” urging, just after noon, the first legion of the Northern Route Army had followed the kobolds and half-elves who opened the way to the jungle below Langshou Village. , Langshou Village is really too close to Dragon Scale Castle, which also illustrates the arrogance of the orcs, who have completely regarded the northern dense forest as their own territory.

Now the so-called First Legion is the legion led by Alsi. After taking control of the army, Richard did not use the previous designation. Instead, he divided the legions from the First Army to the Third Army based on the overall designation of the North Route Army. The four legions were rearranged. As Alsi was the oldest and his legion seemed to be slightly more elite, Richard designated him as the first legion.

The half-elf rangers and 10,000 kobolds under Gru were organized into a task force, while the system soldiers around Richard directly served as the standard guard regiment.

At this time, Richard, Arsi, and some senior officers were standing in the woods below Langshou Village, looking up through the gaps in the trees at Langshou Village, which was not far away.

Just looking at this village will make the attackers a little intimidated. The village is located on a relatively high ground, leaning against the mountain. There is only a small open space in front of the village gate for entry and exit, but it is this open space. It’s not completely flat, but an upward gentle slope. There are also horses placed on the slope. The soil looks obviously moved, and there should be many traps set up.

This Langshou Stronghold is stuck in a place where large armies cannot be deployed and large equipment is inconvenient to use. It is no wonder that the regiments stationed on the northern front in the past could not take down the Wolfshou Stronghold garrisoned by more than a thousand people. If it weren’t for Richard and the two More than a dozen giant dragons are really like a dimensionality-reducing blow to a team of more than a thousand orcs, and they will not make the orc commander so desperate.

“General Arsi, are the attacking teams ready?”

“The five thousand people of the First Flag Regiment are ready for battle.”

Although they have just trekked through the mountain road, the quality of this legion is good and the condition is still very good. There are more than 20 dragons to help, and the morale is also good. It can indeed go into battle immediately.

“It’s just that there is only one way up. After the first flag regiment went out, it still couldn’t deploy. Only a maximum of 500 people can participate in the attack at a time.”

This is the disgusting thing about the terrain of Langshou Village. The terrain in front of the gentle **** is not suitable for a large army to deploy. Coupled with the horse resistance and the inevitable traps, five hundred people are dispatched at a time to attack, and there are no large equipment. Basically, It’s no different than sending yourself to death.

“It’s okay, prepare the flying hook, just lift a few ladders, and let the First Flag Regiment prepare for battle!”

“Yes, sir!”

Seeing that Richard was so confident, Arcee stopped trying to persuade him and immediately went to the First Flag Regiment to start selecting the first team of 500 people.



“Humans are coming up!”

“Crossbowmen prepare!”

As Richard’s order was issued, a group of advance warriors who had been prepared poured out from the woods and rushed towards the Wolf Head Village. The orcs who had already made preparations also came from the Wolf Head Village. A sharp arrow emerged from the wall of the stronghold, aiming at the charging human soldiers, just waiting for them to come within shooting range.

Due to the terrain, human soldiers basically only have climbing tools such as flying hooks, and at most a few simple ladders. If they rely solely on this level of equipment to attack the city, I am afraid they can only rely on corpses to level the gentle slopes. Attack the city wall.

But obviously, although Richard was eager to spend the night in Langshou Village, he didn’t let them go there to die.

Immediately afterwards, orders were given to Gru and Moriel at the same time.

Gru, who was impressed, immediately emerged from the jungle with nearly 300 phantom shooters under his command, and without any warning, began to fire arrows at the orcs on the Wolf Head Stronghold.

According to the shooting speed, accuracy and power of the arrows of the Phantom Archers, ordering them to fire in volley would be a bit wasteful. The Phantom Archers who can use their freedom are more lethal.

“Swish, swish” arrows flew towards the wall of Langshou Village.

Three hundred phantom shooters fired a volley, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs in the Wolf Head Stronghold, but almost cleared away the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the First Flag Regiment to approach. , except for a small number of orc soldiers who hid in the blind spot in time, after the phantom shooters shot the third arrow on average, there was no longer an orc standing on the wooden wall, and there were corpses lying on the ground. At a glance, the phantom shooter’s round of shooting killed hundreds of orcs. Even the orc who was in charge of watching the enemy on the wooden tower did not escape. He fell down after being shot.

The system heroes were very calm in the face of the Phantom Shooter’s results. After all, among the generals of the same era, who has not heard of the names of Gru and Phantom Shooter? There are many heroes among them who are related to the Phantom Shooter. fought side by side.

Sir M’Lak whistled cheerfully, as if to celebrate the Phantom Shooter’s achievements.

On the side, Kurtz, Arcee and others opened their mouths with exaggerated expressions, looking completely dumbfounded.

What did they just see? Forget about the more than 300 sharpshooters, are those arrows’ shiny tails filled with fighting spirit?

More than three hundred knight-level marksmen?

For the first time, Kurtz and others felt that their knowledge was still a little short. All eyes were focused on the more than 20 dragons brought by Richard, and some ignored the other subordinates brought by Richard, three hundred Multiple knights are nothing. There are already tens of thousands of knights gathered at Longxingguan, but more than 300 knights are still sharpshooters, which is a bit scary…

If the effect of the phantom shooter on the human side is shocking, then it is simply called a disaster on the orc side. The orc commander who was still standing and observing the human attacking force just now is now being forced by the phantom shooter. He could hide behind a thick wooden wall, and if he showed up at the slightest moment, he would be struck by a sharp arrow.

As a great warrior, he managed to survive the first round of arrow rain. The battle ax in his hand blocked an arrow that hit his face, but after feeling the power of the arrow, He also lay down very calmly.

The other orcs on the city wall who did not have the strength to block an arrow have basically become dead souls.

However, although the commander survived, the orcs’ combat deployment was completely messed up. The two long-range attacks of the powerful crossbow and flying ax that were originally prepared were completely in vain. Under the threat of the phantom shooter, no orcs dared to take the lead.

The attacking Northern Route Army soldiers have already walked up the gentle **** in front of Langshou Village and have long entered the attack range of the orc crossbowmen. However, they have not been attacked at all. Instead, they have calmly moved away from the orcs’ layout. He resisted the horse and tested the opponent’s trap.

If the fight continues like this, the Wolf Head Village will be lost if they can’t even mount a decent resistance.

After realizing that he could not resist remotely, the orc commander could only change his mind. He retreated from the city wall and ordered to the soldiers who were still alive:

“Don’t show up! Don’t fight back! Wait for the humans to come up and engage them in melee combat!”

The orc commander was also decisive. Faced with the unreasonable long-range suppression of the Phantom Shooter, he changed his mind very quickly. He simply gave up the idea of ​​long-range consumption and no longer asked the soldiers to stand up and fight back. Of course he would Even if I ordered the soldiers to stand up, few would dare to obey.

When human soldiers scale the city wall and engage in close combat, human long-range methods will always be subject to some restrictions. After the melee between two parties, no matter how accurate the phantom shooter is, it is impossible to avoid accidental damage. In this way, the orcs still have the strength to fight. At least it can play a certain consumption role.


Just a high-pitched dragon roar completely shattered his plan to engage in a close combat with the Northern Route Army.

More than twenty giant dragons, led by Moriel, flew up from the clearings in the forest and gathered in the sky above the Wolf Head Village within a dozen breaths.

This is not the end yet.

When the giant dragon arrived at the Wolf Head Village, Richard asked the bodyguards around him to remove the dark red dragon king’s divine power from his body, and then cast a mirror image spell at the circle of giant dragons. Except for one, he was completely immune. Except for the magical black dragon, an identical dragon immediately appeared next to the other dragons.

The number of giant dragons has increased from more than 20 to more than 40. This number of dragons can also play a decisive role in a million-level battlefield, used to attack this small The Langshou Village was a complete bully. After more than forty giant dragons spread out, they completely covered the Wolfshou Village. The sky above the Langshou Village seemed a bit crowded.

Subsequently, dense dragon breath covered the wooden wall of Langshou Village and extended all the way inward. The orcs who had just escaped under the rain of phantom archer arrows and escaped behind the wooden wall were not so lucky this time. A wooden wall can block the phantom archer’s arrows, but it cannot block the dragon’s breath.

Many orcs didn’t even have time to scream, and were burned into cokes by the dragon’s breath. The orc commander who was originally on the wooden wall was dumbfounded when he saw the giant dragon coming like an overwhelming force. He really didn’t know how he was going to defend this Wolf Head Stronghold.

But there was no need for him to continue to worry about this matter. The next second, a giant dragon turned around and stared at him, the fish that had slipped through the net.

This golden dragon seems to look different from other giant dragons, it looks bigger…

This was actually the last thought in his mind, and then a ball of golden dragon breath grew larger and larger in his eyes, completely covering it.

The great warrior-level orcs were no better than other orcs after being sprayed by the ancient golden dragon with a breath of dragon breath. They just suffered for two seconds more due to their strong vitality.

“Buzz, buzz…”

There was a low sound of crossbow strings, and several giant arrows flew from the corner of Langshou Village toward the giant dragon in the sky. This was the orc commander’s final preparation to fight against the giant dragon. It was also the last stubbornness of the defenders of Langshou Village.

If a giant dragon enters Langshou Village at low altitude, this large bed crossbow may indeed harm the dragon in a short distance. Although it cannot directly kill the dragon like the dragon hunting crossbow, it is still possible if you are lucky. It caused the dragon to suffer a lot of damage.

It’s just that fate didn’t seem to favor the defenders of Langshou Village at all. They didn’t even give them a last thought. Most of the giant arrows they shot in a hurry missed their targets, and the only one hit them head-on. After the dragon’s arrow hit the target, the dragon actually disappeared out of thin air.

This arrow hit the mirror image of a golden dragon, and the next moment, the exposed crossbows were immediately baptized by several dragon breaths, and together with the soldiers operating them, they were reduced to ashes. In the Wolf Head Village The last resistance was broken.

Outside the military stronghold, a group of unscathed attacking troops entered the stronghold smoothly with some embarrassment…


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