Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 420: Enter the forest



“Woof woof woof woof woof!”

In the dense forest, a group of kobolds barked incessantly. A mixed team composed of phantom shooters, war dancers and ordinary half-elf soldiers had a fierce battle with an orc team. Several orcs lurking in the forest The warrior charged out with a hatchet and fought with two war dancers and a kobold half-elf soldier.

A cold arrow would appear from time to time, each one capable of taking away the life of an orc warrior.

Originally, this ten-man orc team took advantage of the home field advantage to lurk in the forest and prepare to eliminate the human army scouts first, but they were smelled by the kobolds in advance and locked their position.

Immediately, more than ten sharp arrows were shot at a bunch of dense leaves of trees. It would have been difficult for these ordinary bows and arrows to cause effective damage to the armored orcs unless they were lucky, not to mention that they were still in the forest, half of the time. No matter how accurate the elf’s shot is, he can’t directly pass through several trees and complete the armor breaking.

But just when these orcs thought that these arrows were not threatening, a sharp arrow with completely different strength was shot like a white rainbow. An orc who looked up to observe was directly hit by this kind of face armor. The thickness of the face armor was originally It was not as good as the heavy armor on his body, which immediately shattered after being focused on the front of the arrow, and then the sharp arrow went straight into his face, and finally shot through.

Before this orc warrior had time to let out a cry of terror, he just opened his mouth and was speechless. He was half-bent and facing forward, and was carried away by this arrow. Then he leaned back and fell down.

The other hidden orcs also knew that they were exposed and no longer hid in the leaves and weeds. Several powerful crossbows that had been strung up shot out, whistling and shooting down the three closest kobolds and the two following them. The standing half-elf warriors, but the phantom shooters and war dancers evaded faster and quickly hid behind a few thick trees without suffering any damage.

Then the orcs stopped winding their bows and rushed out with the short axes at hand. Apparently they were more confident in their melee abilities, or perhaps the phantom archer’s magical arrows allowed them to interact with each other remotely. Consumption has little confidence.

After all, in just a short period of time, the phantom shooter hit twice, both of which were killed by one arrow. The armor on the orcs can obviously offset the damage of ordinary bows and arrows, but in front of the phantom shooter, it is like paper. Completely powerless to resist.

It seems that the casualties of the orcs in the first round were smaller, but one orc life can be exchanged for the lives of at least four or five elite human soldiers on the battlefield, not to mention that the orcs in the forest are still elite, and they can be used to fight against the kobolds. The exchange ratio for half-elves is a humiliation.

The two sides were actually very close. The orc warriors rushed up in an instant within a distance of less than 20 meters, and the two war dancers who were originally hiding behind the trees also waved two heavy scimitars and carried ten Several barking kobolds and several half-elf soldiers rushed forward. Only the phantom archer continued to fire cold arrows from behind.

Then the first scene appeared. A few eight orc warriors and a mixed team under Richard’s command were fighting together in the dense forest.

The kobolds moved very quickly in the forest and rushed in front of the war dancers. At this moment, they seemed to have turned into fierce hounds and rushed towards the orcs.


However, the absolute power gap between kobolds and orcs is still too big. Although these kobolds are the strongest group in the group, they are still vulnerable to the orcs. They don’t even wave the short ax in their hands. The orcs in front Kicked away a kobold.

The kobold, which was less than 1.5 meters tall, had no ability to resist in front of the orcs who were more than 2 meters tall. The internal injuries were simply kicked and his spine was broken.


But at this moment, the kobolds showed their ferocity in battle. When they recognized that they were soldiers under Richard’s command, the kobolds’ desperate posture was no weaker than that of those driven by ogres. At that time, they even became better at cooperating under Lint’s training.

While the orc was kicking his companion away, he did not use the poor short spear in his hand to try to pierce the orc’s thick armor, but directly possessed him and dodged the battle ax in the orc’s hand. He bit the opponent’s calf that was not protected by armor.


The orc screamed in pain and swung his legs to kick the kobold out, but the kobold bit him tighter.

“Despicable kobold, die!”

After saying that, the orc simply struck down with an axe, smashing the head of the kobold open. Although these kobolds are fierce, they can only cause some trouble to the orcs at most. If there are only these kobolds, the orcs can completely eliminate them with a little effort and minor injuries.

But it was enough that these kobolds caused them some trouble. The orc warrior who had just killed the kobold looked up and saw that as the arc light approached, War Dancer’s heavy scimitar was in front of him, and the orc warrior He quickly raised his ax to resist, but the War Dancer’s scimitar changed its direction strangely and slashed directly towards his wrist. With one blow, the orc warrior’s hand holding the battle ax was cut off at the wrist level. Then he turned around and used another scimitar to slash the throat of the orc warrior.

Originally, as a second-level promoted unit, war dancers should be on par with orc warriors in strength, and even weaker than orc warriors in formation battles. However, with the bonus of Richard’s advanced offensive skills, his attack power is A little longer, and with the fact that Richard was now wearing the power of the Dragon King and several treasures, the war dancer had already surpassed the orc warriors in terms of individual strength. With the help of the kobold, he easily killed one. An orc warrior.

The phantom shooter on the other side was not idle either. In less than half a minute of the battle, he shot two more arrows, and the two orc warriors fell down in response.

“Kill the archer first!”

“Bang! Bang!”

After saying that, some orc warriors threw axes in the direction of the phantom shooter, but the phantom shooter nimbly dodged them and the ax hit the tree. After all, not everyone has the power and accuracy of the phantom shooter.

The threat of the phantom shooter is much greater than that of war dancers and kobolds. It was luck to shoot one at the beginning. Now that he has shot four of his own people in succession, it is not just luck. It is simply a terrifying existence. .

The leading orcs wanted to deal with this threat first, but two war dancers and a dozen kobolds and half-elf warriors blocked them tightly. There was no chance of getting close to the phantom shooter, and they responded. Two more people were killed by war dancers.

When the last orc warrior died under the arrows of the Phantom Archer, this mixed scout team disappeared into the forest again and began to continue exploring forward.

This small conflict ended with Richard’s scout team winning a complete victory, annihilating an elite team of ten, at the cost of only six kobolds and three half-elf warriors.

Similar battles continue to take place in this dense forest. Most of the time, the scout team, led by the phantom shooter, wins a complete victory. In a short time, the orcs, who relied on their familiarity with the terrain and environment, were defeated step by step.

In a small open space in the middle of the dense forest, Richard, Kuz, four army commanders, and a few of their heroes were stopping here. Behind them was a dense army, but the number of people could not be seen in the forest. It’s just that everywhere in the open space there are heads.

After completing the military parade, Richard did not stop at Dragon Scale Castle. His mission was not to guard Dragon Scale Castle, but to lead the Northern Route Army to attack the eastern plateau occupied by the orcs, so he did not attack Dragon Scale Castle and Dragon Scale Castle at all. After understanding the surrounding terrain, he led the Northern Route Army into the dense forest on the third day.

As for the fact that he acted earlier than the time when Sol’s middle route army was dispatched, Kuz was even more happy to see it. The northern route army was originally a cover to attract the attention of the orcs. The faster Richard moved and the bigger the noise, the more powerful he was. Draw the attention of the orcs to the north lane, thereby sharing more pressure on the middle and south lanes.

It’s just that Richard’s action was not supported by the four army commanders at the beginning, especially the veteran Alsi. According to him, the orcs had been operating in the northern dense forests for many years, and there were camps and hidden sentries everywhere. The battle in the forest is already extremely disadvantageous. We should not lead the army into the forest without thinking. Instead, we should set up a stronghold outside the forest and slowly send out elites and scouts to explore and explore the way for the army before entering. Forest.

This was indeed Lao Zhongchicheng’s suggestion, but Richard did not adopt it. He very stubbornly ordered the army to go directly into the forest. Because of Richard’s forced order, several army commanders could not resist and could only follow Richard’s order. I went straight into the forest, but I felt very uneasy.

Although the Duke has many dragons under his command, the dense forests in the north are not plains. They are dense forests at every turn, with some large trees more than ten or twenty meters high. This complex terrain limits the performance of the dragons. It’s huge, if you take your time and push in little by little. Although they were more confident, but they took such a radical action, several army commanders could only attribute this to the fact that Richard was young and energetic.

Not long after entering the forest, they noticed the source of Richard’s confidence. The army marched very smoothly. Not only was it not disturbed at all, but even the traps were destroyed in advance. The entire march was extremely smooth, and the only obstacle was It was a rugged mountain road. The Duke’s scouts actually cleared away the orcs in the forest. It was simply unbelievable.

Facts have proved everything. After Richard has proved his wisdom with the actual situation, these army commanders no longer dare to question Richard’s orders. At this time, Li Cha stopped in this open space and did not move. , they also stood by and waited for Richard’s next order.

After a while, several figures emerged from the forest in front.

“Lord Richard, the orcs in the forest have completely retreated, and the road ahead has been cleared.”

The person who came back to report was none other than Gru, a legendary hero. At this time, he was actually wearing a disguise and leading some of his men to clean up the orc scouts in the forest. He was completely bullying the small ones to reduce their dimensionality.

Gru’s behavior also accelerated the orcs’ defeat in the forest. The army had not paused for long before it was about to move forward again.

“Command the army to continue marching towards Langshou Village! Take the Langshou Village for me, I don’t want to sleep in the forest tonight.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Send the order! Continue marching towards Langshou Village!”

Soon, the orders were passed down one level at a time, and the whole forest began to make ???? movements again…

Langshou Village

Most of the scouts who were scattered have returned to the stronghold. The outer checkpoints have also been eliminated or withdrawn to the stronghold. All the surrounding orcs have gathered in this small stronghold.

Including the original 1,000 defenders, the number of orc warriors in the Wolf Head Village now reached about 1,500, although it sounds far from the number of 100,000 human troops. But generally speaking, with the strategic location of Langshou Village and the superior combat effectiveness of the orcs, it would be the humans who would have a headache in a fight.

Only now, the situation is completely reversed. Almost half of the orcs’ sentry posts and forest patrol teams have been destroyed. The remaining half who ran back are also panicking. They have obviously eaten a lot in the forest. deficit.

The orc general was listening seriously to the retreating team describing the situation on the battlefield.

“Those kobolds can spot us from a long distance away. It is useless for us to hide in the bushes. We have no chance of a sneak attack.”

“The human team is equipped with a marksman. The archery is not only accurate, but also very powerful. I saw an arrow piercing directly from the captain’s breastplate. We wanted to kill the marksman first, but we would be The kobolds and some tall-looking half-elf swordsmen stopped us. Half of them would be killed directly by the arrows. If we didn’t run, we would all die in the forest…”

“This is not the reason for your retreat.”

After asking the question, the orc commander of Langshou Village shook the battle ax in his hand. According to the rules, the captain of this team had been killed. The ordinary soldiers ran back without snatching the body. What was waiting for him was It could be death.

It’s just that now is the time when the troops are insufficient. After hesitating for a moment, the orc commander put down the battle ax in his hand, waved his hand and ordered:

“All soldiers who have returned from the rout will be organized into punishment camps. When humans attack, they will all be on the front line.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!”

Although he was included in the punishment camp, a team with the highest casualties, he was lucky enough to be able to escape and survive for a while. The orc soldier who escaped did not complain at all. Honest was taken to the punishment camp by two soldiers to report.

After the defeated troops were escorted away, the orc commander’s serious expression gradually turned to worry.

These patrol soldiers who were familiar with the terrain and ambush in advance did not even slow down the footsteps of humans. They all collapsed in less than a day. I am afraid that the vanguard of humans will arrive soon.

“Command the army to cheer up and prepare for battle!”


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