Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 42: Into the Forest 2


“Sir, we are at Muzhai just ahead.”

Although Al didn’t get a good night’s rest, he seemed energetic at this time.

More than a thousand Flying Bear Army soldiers, led by guides such as Richard and Al, have approached Muzhai after half a day’s march.

When Richard reached a high place, he could already see the situation of the wooden village from a distance. The ogres had gathered and they should have been discovered.

It is very difficult for a team of more than a thousand people to launch a surprise attack in broad daylight without being discovered. Richard has never thought about launching a surprise attack. Using force to overwhelm talents is what the dominant side should do. matter.

“There are more ogres than imagined.”

Richard said after observing

According to Al and others’ previous description, the number of ogres should be around two hundred, but now it seems that there are at least three hundred ogres. Excluding the old and young with weaker combat effectiveness, there are at least 150 quasi-knights. The young ogres with strong combat power also need to consider the ogre warriors who are equivalent to the knight level. This group of ogres is not easy to chew.

“Sorry, sir, we definitely didn’t hide it on purpose before.”

Al quickly explained, fearing that Richard might misunderstand something.

Richard has no intention of pursuing the case. Al’s half-elf tribe was originally attacked by ogres and was crushed without any resistance. It is indeed difficult to accurately know the specific number of ogres.

“Get ready to attack.”

“Yes, sir.”

Quil, Kerry and other officers on the side began to direct the Flying Bear Army to arrange the offensive formation.

However, the ogres in the wooden village did not seem to be prepared to stay in the village and wait for the Flying Bear Army to launch an attack.

The gate of Zhimuzhai was lowered heavily, and a group of ogres wielding assorted weapons came towards Richard and others in a simple formation.

The ogres are not stupid, and their choice is actually not wrong. This kind of wooden stronghold without reinforcement and special treatment may be able to prevent wild beasts or small groups of snow thieves, but it will never stop one. A well-prepared army, and the ogres themselves are not very good at defending.

Whether it is a simple car charge or a fire attack, it can easily break through the defense of Muzhai. It’s just that what Richard wants is a complete half-elf wooden stronghold. Fortunately, the ogres are quite intelligent. If they rely on the wooden stronghold to defend, it will give Richard even more headaches.


As the flags waved, the officers and soldiers of the Flying Bear Army who had just been advancing in unison stopped in place. The spearmen in the front row squatted half-crouched and pointed their gun heads forward.


The archers in the Flying Bear Army all opened their bows and waited for the next order.

“One hundred and twenty steps”

“One Hundred Steps”

“Eighty Steps”


“Wind! Wind! Wind!”

As the soldiers shouted, a rain of arrows accurately covered the path of the ogre.

Unfortunately, the effect of this rain of arrows is not good. Although the ogres lack armor, they are naturally thick-skinned and have a body of armor.

Most of these bows and arrows have difficulty penetrating their skin. Even if they penetrate the skin, they will be stuck by their thick muscles, making it difficult to cause fatal damage. They still have the ability to move, and even become more violent when stimulated by blood. ,

Richard even saw four or five arrows stuck in several ogres, and he casually broke the arrows and continued charging.

Only the archers produced by the system have caused certain damage to this group of ogres. With the addition of Richard’s intermediate offensive skills, the penetrating power of arrows fired by these archers is greater than that of the Archers of the Flying Bear Army. The arrows shot are much stronger.

Coupled with their amazing shooting skills and most of their attacks aimed at the eye sockets or knees, most of the dozen or so ogres who fell in this round were due to them.

“Let it go!”

The ogres charged so fast that the archers had no chance to perform after releasing a round of arrows.


The spearmen in the front row bravely raised their spears, and most of the spearheads got stuck in the ogre’s muscles, making it difficult to make any further progress,

Then the ogres who rushed into the group of spearmen waved the crude wooden stakes in their hands. The wooden stakes that required human hands to be picked up were firmly held by the ogres’ big hands, making the tigers angry.

Soldiers of the Flying Bear Army will basically die or be disabled as long as they take a hit. Their sophisticated armor is almost useless against such blunt weapons.


The sound of impact and howling suddenly filled the entire battlefield.

From time to time, ogres would be stabbed by several spears at the same time and become incapacitated, screaming in pain on the spot.

The entire battlefield situation of the Flying Bear Army could barely hold on, but they had no power to fight back. However, the soldiers fought very tenaciously, and no one retreated in the face of a battlefield meat grinder like the ogre.

However, this balance of power did not last long. An obviously stronger ogre jumped into the crowd on the side of the Flying Bear Army.

More than a dozen soldiers from the Flying Bear Army formed a standard formation to fight against powerful enemies. They all handed over their spears, only to find that the tip of the spear was as if it was stuck on an iron plate and it was difficult to move forward.

On the other hand, the ogre waved the mace in his hand, and several nearby soldiers flew backwards, and finally fell to the ground without making a sound,

Then the ogre waved the mace in his hand again and again, and there was no enemy around him. Even the soldiers of the Flying Bear Army who had always dared to fight were stagnant. However, this pause was very short. The soldiers quickly filled in. Compared to dying in battle, the soldiers were still more afraid of the harsh military law.

The ogre warriors finally appeared. The ogre warriors are stronger than ordinary ogres, and their combat power is equivalent to that of human knights. Although they do not know how to practice and use fighting spirit, they are trained by their own unique skills. way,

With their powerful bodies, some of the more talented individuals among them can also introduce Qi into their bodies, but they do not have the same Qi routes as humans. They just use Qi to strengthen themselves in a very rough way. If they are humans, I’m afraid that this kind of breathing will destroy your body very quickly.

But the ogre warrior was able to bear it hard, and finally used his energy to polish his body to a level that was not inferior to that of the human knights. His rough polishing method even made him a little more aggressive than the human knights. Resistance.

The ogre warriors slaughtered everyone in the crowd, shaking the formation of the Flying Bear Army to the point of collapse. The surrounding ogres were also boosted in morale and roared loudly.

But the arrogance of the ogre warriors ended here. After finding out the depth of the ogre team, Richard turned to gesture to Ron,

Watching the ogre warriors slaughtering friendly troops, Ron, who was already a little unable to contain himself, called for a dozen crusaders to quietly surround them.



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