Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 419: Intimidation


The people of the Golden Dragon Kingdom always have a different kind of emotion towards the giant dragon, especially the soldiers who have been fighting the orcs all year round at Dragon Breathing Pass. His original intention was not to worship the dragon, and the process of making the contract was not very pleasant.

But it cannot be denied that the golden dragon clan has protected mankind for hundreds of years after Aragorn disappeared. Otherwise, no matter how strong the dragon’s breath gate is, without the deterrence of the golden dragon, it would have been broken by the orcs countless times.

Just like this, seeing the giant dragons hovering in mid-air, the army gathered in Dragon Scale Castle became a little excited. The scene of more than twenty giant dragons gathering in the air was quite shocking, even if they knew that the other party was a friend. They were not enemies, but many soldiers’ hands and feet were trembling slightly in front of such a behemoth.

Even the several army commanders on the city wall did not bother to communicate. They just looked straight at the more than 20 giant dragons hovering in the sky. Hearing about it and actually seeing it were two different things. It is not that the Golden Dragon Kingdom has never had so many giant dragons. Dragons, but that was all a hundred or two hundred years ago in Aragorn. The recent generation of Dragon Breath Gate defenders have never seen more than double digits of dragons.

“Quickly, open the city gate and welcome the Duke into the city!”

The giant dragon was not far away from the army on the ground. Shortly after the giant dragon appeared, an army holding high the golden three-arrow flag entered the sight of the Dragon Scale Castle army.

The soldiers in the camps on both sides first opened the roadblocks such as Juma and others to open the way for the army. The gate of Longscale Castle also opened with a bang. The four army commanders and their dozen flag captains quickly lined up outside the city. Welcome.

At this time, Richard also re-identified himself as the leader of the system army. He wore a somewhat exaggerated appearance of the Dragon King, a gold-rimmed iron helmet, and rode a red flame horse that was also fully armored. He walked at the front of the team. The soldiers who were also fully armed were standing behind him, holding the Three-Year Flag and holding their heads high.

Then a group of quite human-looking heroes and champion knights followed closely behind. The momentum of entering the city was still very strong.

With Richard and more than 20 giant dragons joining the team, this group of teams mainly composed of kobolds and half-elves have never encountered any difficulties from the nobles along the way. They can doubt the kobolds and half-elves. The half-elves may also hate the unruly Three-Year Flag, but in front of the notorious Richard and more than twenty giant dragons, they would never dare to even utter a single breath.

To put it more exaggeratedly, if any noble family in the Central Plains offended Richard along the way, Richard would directly smooth it over, and Renn would not blame him at all, but would only appease him.

Now, all the officers in Dragon Scale Castle have truly felt the power of Richard. Not to mention the group of giant dragons in the sky that roared from time to time, the group of knights covered in iron armor surrounding Richard gave them a very dangerous feeling. This group of knights was definitely not easy to mess with, and they were sitting on top of each other. I don’t know what kind of horse he was riding on, but it was actually a head taller than the best horses in the West.

Facing the slowly approaching Richard and others, the officers who had originally complained about this kind of airborne leadership all lined up obediently to welcome them, completely giving up the idea of ​​being a thorn in the side.

“Welcome to the Duke.”

“Who is in charge of Dragon Scale Castle now?”

Facing the generals of the Northern Route Army who were waiting in formation, Richard no longer had the polite manners he had used to establish relations with the king in the North. He directly rode on the tall red flame horse and began to ask questions condescendingly. .

Facing a group of unfamiliar subordinates, especially the group of Qiu Ba who have been stationed at Longxingguan for a long time, there is no need to show any good looks at the beginning, otherwise it will make these people. If it takes a longer time, Richard can slowly To win over him with kindness, but he only has a few days, so he must show his majesty to the extreme, establish his own majesty first, and let everyone respect and fear him first.

“Arsi, Commander of the Tenth Legion of the Left Wing Corps, reports to you!”

As soon as Richard finished asking, Arcee, the leading officer in Dragon Scale Castle, immediately responded loudly.

Li Cha followed the voice and looked over. He was an officer who looked to be about fifty years old. He had a beard, a fleshy face, a broad body, but the proportions were a bit short like a winter melon. He was wearing a Thick chain mail, and a tortoise shell on the outside to protect the chest and back. The inside should also be lined with a piece of silk armor to protect against blunt objects and arrows. He wears an earth-colored helmet on his head. It can be regarded as the standard image of a warrior on the battlefield. At least the first impression this person gave Richard was that he should be relatively reliable on the battlefield.

Arsi is indeed a senior general. He has been in the army for more than 30 years, and his strength has gradually improved from a quasi-knight to a senior knight. His military position has also climbed step by step from a small captain to the position of a legion commander. His military exploits cannot be mentioned. But he has never made any mistakes. He has rich experience in fighting orcs, so he has the highest status among the four legion commanders. Before Richard came, he was always the one causing trouble.

“What is the situation in the city now, what is the number and status of the army.”

“Report to your lord, there are 10,000 people from the two flag regiments stationed in Dragon Scale Castle plus our four legions, a total of 110,000 people. There are 60,000 people stationed in the city and two legions stationed outside the city. The army has already We have been resting in Dragon Scale Castle for more than a month, and the city has enough food and supplies to support the army for a year.”

The foundation of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is indeed solid, and the northern line reserve, which is the least valued, is also extremely abundant. If the hard power is not inferior to the orcs, the orcs can be consumed to death.

Arsi is indeed a conscientious soldier. During his temporary stay in charge of Dragon Scale Castle, he got a clear picture of the situation at Dragon Scale Castle. Richard could basically answer a few random questions in detail. .

“It’s not too late. I’ll give you two hours to gather the army. I will review the army immediately.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Order the troops to assemble at the school grounds immediately!”

Richard’s decision to review the troops without even making basic arrangements made the surrounding generals look at each other in confusion, but Arcee was unambiguous and immediately ordered the army to assemble. A second later, he also accepted the order from Richard and quickly led his men to gather the troops. Richard didn’t give him much time, and he was the first to make a show of force.

For a time, the entire Dragon Scale Fort whistled loudly, chaotic footsteps could be heard in and outside the city, and from time to time, the shouts and curses of junior officers could be heard.

Li Cha and his men dismounted and walked to a high position on the city tower to observe the army he was about to take over.

“General Kurtz, what do you think of this army compared to the Royal Capital’s Forbidden Army?”

“The royal capital’s imperial army was also strictly trained under Lord Thor. It’s just that their actual combat experience is worse than that of the defenders at Longxingguan. However, the proportion of knights is higher, and their combat power may be about the same.”

“Moriel, how do they compare with the Dragon Army?”

“Before, they were stronger than the Dragon Army, but after fighting the Orcs and Snow Giants, the Dragon Army has the ability to suppress them.”


Richard asked them to gather the army not only for the purpose of establishing prestige, but the key was to roughly confirm the combat effectiveness of this army through details.

It is said that once a person crosses the border, there is no limit, but Richard can still see the edge of the 100,000 troops lined up neatly from a high place. The quality of the North Route Army is indeed good. In less than half an hour, the army basically After the formation was completed, the four regiment commanders led by him hurriedly came to Richard to resume their duties.

“Lord Richard, the troops have been assembled!”

Although there was no rehearsal in advance, this was not the first time for the four legions to be paraded in formation. On the large campus outside the city, a hundred thousand troops were divided into twenty large square formations, and the soldiers were divided according to their respective The legion units stood in unison, leaving a road in the middle for war horses to pass.

It was just that Richard stood there for a long time without moving. The four legion commanders looked at Richard eagerly and could not say anything to urge him. However, they soon understood why Richard had not moved.


A huge dragon flying down from the sky was khaki with a bit of green. This dragon didn’t look like the golden dragon they were familiar with at all. Not only was the color wrong, but the scales on its head were not as flat as the golden dragon, but had some… It is densely packed with spikes and is much larger than the golden dragon they are familiar with. The overall look is much more ferocious and even a bit violent. If you get closer, you can smell a strong fishy smell. Anyway, it is the same as the golden dragon. It just doesn’t look like a good dragon.

The four legion commanders were startled and even subconsciously wanted to draw their swords to defend themselves, but Richard’s next move completely dispelled their worries. In their eyes, they saw the ferocious and cruel dragon bending down in front of Richard. Come, his neck is almost touching the ground, and Richard easily jumps onto the dragon’s back.

Then, the giant dragon raised its head and flapped its wings, abandoned them directly, and flew Richard to the school field below, flying close to the ground along the passage specially left when the army lined up.

“Dragon Knight!”

“It’s the Dragon Knight!”

When Richard flew by on the poisonous dragon, many soldiers could no longer restrain their inner excitement and began to shout. Although the poisonous dragon was not the golden dragon they were familiar with, its size was no different at first glance, and was even better than they had ever seen before. The golden dragon is even more majestic. In the army that worships the strong, the Dragon Knight itself has its own aura. In addition, everyone knows that Richard will be their new commander. Most of the soldiers are led by the Dragon Knight. It seems like an honor.

“I, Richard! I will lead you to victory!”

Having said that, Richard raised the flying height of the poisonous dragon slightly. The dragon attracted by this kind of reins really suits his wishes, and he can fully understand what Richard means.

After reaching a just right height, Richard raised the Vulcan Sword high, poured his fighting spirit into it and stirred up a wave of seven or eight meters of fire in mid-air. He waved it a few times, instantly bringing the atmosphere to a climax. Talking about ordinary soldiers, even the four legion commanders on the city looked like they had blood in their blood.

As the so-called expert knows, these four legion commanders are all masters at the level of great knights. They can naturally see the way in which Richard can express his fighting spirit. It seems that there is no misinformation about Richard’s strength. That’s a real master.

And the giant dragons in the sky were not idle either. As Richard deliberately showed off his strength, more than twenty giant dragons then lined up in the air and followed the poisonous dragon to patrol the army with Richard. The soldiers were not as thoughtful as the generals. Many, after seeing Richard’s somewhat pretentious display of strength, they all started shouting.

“Win! Win! Win!…”

The roars of a hundred thousand people gradually merged into one voice, resounding through the sky, and even the leaves in the distant forest rustled.

Li Chali stood on the back of the dragon and looked at the 100,000 shouting soldiers with satisfaction. Although these soldiers could not die for him like the soldiers from the North, the military mentality was temporarily subdued. Next, as long as If he leads them to continuous victory, he will firmly control this army…

Northern Jungle

Langshou Village

This is a wooden stronghold built according to the dense forest and mountains. Although the materials used are not as good as the masonry structure of the city, the terrain on both sides is steep. The wood is also made of thick old trees in the dense forest, and has been treated with fire protection. , is also a military city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This village is not big, but its location is quite special. It is stuck on the main road from the northern dense forest into the mountainous area, and the terrain is high, overlooking most of the northern line of Longxingguan. Dragon Scale Castle is almost completely within its observation range. within.

A hundred years ago, the Wolf Head Stronghold was still under the control of humans. However, with the strategic contraction of humans in the past century, all the strongholds in the northern dense forests and mountains have been basically abandoned, and they have all been occupied by orcs. Of course, this This also resulted in the northern line of Longxiguan always being passively beaten.

Langshou Village is not big, but as a key node, there are still more than a thousand orcs stationed there for a long time. And because this place is special, the orcs stationed are all elites, and its generals are super-standard warriors.

Originally, the Langshou Village did not pay much attention to the human activities in the Dragon Scale Castle. Even though a large number of troops were gathered in the Dragon Scale Castle recently, the orcs in the Langshou Village were only more vigilant.

The army cannot be deployed in this dense forest. There are sufficient supplies in Langshou Village. If humans attack, they will always be in a state of attack. A hundred thousand troops will attack Langshou Village because they cannot be deployed in actual combat. Falling into the tactic of fueling the troops, the orc army that was occupying the advantageous location continued to bleed. Moreover, the orcs at Langshou Village were not alone. Langshou Village was only the first step into the dense forest. The orcs in the entire northern dense forest were trying to prevent humans from infiltrating through this place. , dozens of large and small wooden villages were densely built, and more than 20,000 people were deployed in the mountains to set up defenses.

Therefore, in the past, the defenders of Langshou Village were fully confident no matter what happened in Dragon Scale Castle. Even if dragon knights occasionally visited the northern front, they were confident that they would be defeated in the forest.

Only today, the guard of Langshou Village felt a little panicked. Although the distance was far away, the sound coming from Dragon Scale Castle could still be faintly heard in Langshou Village.

You can also see the giant dragons hovering in mid-air. Not only humans have not seen this scene for a hundred years, but the orcs now have also never seen so many giant dragons appear at the same time.

Almost as soon as Richard led the dragon to appear at Dragon Scale Castle, the orc guard of Langshou Village had already sent people back to the Dazhai behind to report the news.

Now I am even more nervous standing on the gate of the city wall observing the movements of Dragon Scale Castle.

This time, humans may be coming with bad intentions…


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