Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 418: Arrival



This is a general name for a defense line located at the junction of the human kingdom and the orc kingdom. The entire Longxingguan defense line has eighteen large cities as fulcrums, supplemented by dozens of small cities and hundreds of military castles. The defense line stretches for thousands of miles. It is hundreds of miles deep, and its most important pass is Longxing Pass in the middle.

The wall of Longxing Pass is nearly 25 meters high, and the thickest part of the base is nearly ten meters. Ordinary siege equipment will only splash some flying rocks when hitting the high strength of Longxing Pass, but it will not threaten the defense of the pass at all. .

The gate is equipped with all kinds of weapons to defend the city, and heavy troops are stationed all year round. If you want to break the main gate of Dragon’s Breath Pass, you can’t even think about it without paying a sufficient price. Although the orcs have been gradually suppressed in the past hundred years Human beings have only attacked the Dragon’s Breath Pass a few times, and usually only made tentative attacks and then retreated.

At this time, the five dragon knights of the kingdom gathered here. Even Thor, who had been in the royal capital all year round, came to Longxing Pass for the first time. With him, there were 100,000 forbidden troops from the royal capital stationed together.

There have been too many troops coming to Guancheng recently. The originally spacious Longxing Pass became a bit crowded after more than 100,000 people were crammed into it. More people could only form a stronghold along Guancheng.

If you look down from the sky above Longxi Pass at this time, the camps centered on Longxi Pass surround Guancheng like half a big pie. There are crowds of people below, which seem to be denser than ants. The current In addition to the more than two million elite troops originally stationed at Longxi Pass, a large number of troops were also mobilized from the southern part of the kingdom and the central plains to garrison. Even the imperial army that had been stationed in Golden Dragon City for a long time came to fight with five legions.

Coupled with the civilian auxiliary soldiers and a small number of civilians living here, the Thousand Miles of Longxiguan defense line has tens of millions of people packed into it, and now, there are still large armies gathering in a steady stream.

Longxiguan Main Pass

To say that this is a majestic pass is better to say that it is a large city with military functions. Because of its special location, it is in a position that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it has been given more military functions.

There are hundreds of thousands of people living in the city, half of them are soldiers guarding the pass, and the other half are ordinary people, but they are not necessarily ordinary people. The livelihood of the people in the city basically revolves around the army, forming a It is an economic model with the military as the center of consumption, and it is all supported by the expenditure of the military. To give the simplest example, the best business in Longxiguan is the small buildings with pink curtains, and such small buildings There are several streets in Longxiguan City.

Because it is close to the territory of the orcs, the people in this city are somewhat brave. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, most pedestrians on the street have the habit of carrying swords and hanging knives. If there is an emergency, they can also take out their knives. The dust that resisted the orcs.

However, during this period, the people in the city feel much more at ease than before. In the past, the orcs were pressing hard, and small groups of orcs often spied on them, causing alarm bells to ring in the city. But now, not only are hundreds of thousands of people living in the city, The imperial army with distinctive armor and an unprecedented gathering of five dragon knights could be said to have reached the highest level in the entire city in a century.

Only a few people are more panicked by the gathering of five dragon knights. This seems to be the scene on the eve of the war…

The official residence of the Lord of Longxiguan City.

Sorgau sat on the main seat, with a row of senior officers on both sides.

“Where is the Duke of Ross now?”

“Reporting to my lord, Sir Ross’s Western Border Army has entered the Longxing Pass area the day before yesterday and stationed in Nanwang City yesterday.”

Nanwang City is also one of the eighteen large cities in the Longxiguan Defense Line. It is located in the southern part of the defense line. It is still about two hundred kilometers away from the main pass of Longxiguan. It is a protruding part of the defense line. Going out is a vast plain. The eastern plateau of South China used to be a main channel for the human army to go eastward to conquer the orcs. However, in the past hundred years, humans have basically only defended and not attacked. The role of South Look City is much lower than before. But it is obvious that this time Duke Ross entered South Look City. It is to regain the original role of Nanwang City.

“Where is the north? Where is Duke Hunter?”

“Duke Hunter just arrived near Hill City yesterday, and he should be able to reach Dragonscale Castle the day after tomorrow at the earliest.”


Thor nodded, obviously satisfied with the movements of the two wings.

“Are those golden dragons in Duke Hunter’s army provided by the golden dragon clan? This generation of dragon knights…”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.”

The more than twenty giant dragons that Richard brought to Longxing Pass flew so conspicuously in mid-air that anyone who was not blind could see them. Many soldiers and officers on the northern front saw those giant dragons with their own eyes. Finally, someone couldn’t help but asked Sol curiously, but Sol himself didn’t know how to explain it to others, so he simply blocked the questioner back with one sentence.

“Sir, are we taking any action this time?”

The person who asked the question was the senior general who was originally stationed at Longxing Pass. Although Ren and Thor had done a good job of keeping the secret secret, they had been using reasonable reasons to mobilize troops to Longxing Pass and accelerate the hoarding of food and supplies.

But the generals of Longxing Pass are not fools. At first, they thought that the Kingdom was strengthening the defense of Longxing Pass normally, but they could still understand by hoarding more food and supplies and calling in hundreds of thousands of reinforcements. Now the Kingdom alone The number of directly affiliated legions increased by nearly two million, and two dukes from the Western Region of the North were transferred over.

As a general who has steadfastly deployed various armies, he has already realized some problems, so he simply asked them through this military meeting.

“Well, we will indeed take action this time. In ten days, I will lead everyone to attack from Longxing Pass and take the initiative to attack the orc camp in front of the pass.”


“Do you want to take the initiative to attack?”

“Hahaha, are you finally going to attack? I have been passively beaten recently. I can’t stand it anymore. The Ninth Legion petitioned to be the vanguard.”

The content of Thor’s words was like thunder exploding in the hall. Although these generals had some similar speculations, it was still a bit unexpected when Thor said it himself.

After all, human beings have been shrinking for a hundred years. Some of these people have been at the Longxingguan defense line for half their lives, and they have never encountered a few active attacks, let alone an attack of this scale.

After receiving the news of Thor’s affirmation, the generals below also showed different attitudes. Some were worried, some were hesitant, and some were excited and wanted to attack immediately.

Most of the people who want to take the initiative to fight are young generals. They have not suffered too much in small-scale battles and their energy has been worn away. They are just depressed and want to take the initiative to vent their anger.

The ones who are worried are the veterans. Most of them are not greedy for life, but most of them have been dealing with orcs for half their lives. They know how big the gap between human soldiers and orc soldiers is in field battles. If there is no terrain to rely on, there will be no With three or four times the number of troops, it would be difficult for them to hold a stalemate with the orc army, so it was difficult not to feel worried.

“Each army has its own missions. This vanguard belongs to your ninth legion without any competition.”

“Thank you Lord Thor, I promise that my ninth legion will only be at the front of the army. If I fall behind the army, it must be because my head is no longer on this neck.”

The remaining generals looked at each other and knew that Thor did not want to discuss anything with them, but just gave an order directly. They had made some preparations in a secretive manner before. Now there was obviously no room for discussion if he spoke openly. No matter what concerns he still had in his heart, he still stood up one after another and asked Thor to assign tasks.

“The First Army, the Sixth Army, the Ninth Army, and the Eleventh Army are the vanguard, clearing the way for the army and clearing the obstacles ahead.”

“The Third Army, the Eighth Army, and the Twelfth Army are responsible for capturing the three wooden villages in the southwest after exiting the customs.”

“The Fourth Legion, the Seventh Legion…”

“Yes, sir.”

Saul quickly ordered the tasks of each legion, and the generals below kept standing up. It must be that Saul is extremely knowledgeable about soldiers, and he also knows the terrain outside Longxi Pass very well. In recent decades, Shao Some small-scale outings were conducted by Saul.

So Thor arranged the tasks in almost every aspect. When it came to formulating the plan, there was nothing to be picky about. The generals below just had to respond.

After Thor assigned the tasks, he did not immediately let the generals present leave to prepare, but continued.

“No windbirds are allowed to be released in the army recently, no one is allowed to leave the camp, and the news must not be leaked.”

“Yes, sir!”

When Thor said this, the generals below also had serious expressions. They all know the severity. This kind of action must be sudden. Although there are some clues in an action of this scale that will attract the attention of the orcs, it can The more time you hide, the more time you spend.

Although the orcs are powerful in combat, they are not as wealthy as the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Under uncertain circumstances, they will not easily mobilize the army to defend themselves. They just need to be more vigilant. Facing the human army with all their strength, simply Being more vigilant is obviously not enough.

However, after finishing the instructions, Thor did not let everyone leave. Instead, he clapped his hands and invited a group of armored sergeants in. However, although these people wore standard armor, they did not have the temperament of soldiers. Somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

“These orderlies have been responsible for the daily life of the generals recently, and I hope that the generals will not leave the camp easily.”

This is an honest and fair way to let people monitor these generals. The matter has been planned for so long, and Thor doesn’t want to go wrong at such a critical moment, so he will naturally make more arrangements.

After all, the Rising Sun Cult is so deep, who knows if there will be people from the Rising Sun Cult among the generals in Dragon Breathing Pass.

Although Saul didn’t say it clearly, everyone knew the identity of these so-called orderlies. Normally, they would only be under surveillance for a few days. They all nodded in agreement before leaving with these spies from the dark prison. .

Thor and the other four dragon knights were left making final preparations in the city lord’s mansion.

Dragon Scale Castle

Although it is a castle, it is actually the size of a small city. This was once one of the fulcrums of the human army on the northern front. If you look at the map, starting from Dragonscale Castle, you can go directly to the eastern plateau occupied by the orcs, and It is to reach the core area directly. After leaving the northern dense forest and heading east for several hundred miles, you can approach the Orc King’s capital.

When the war between the two sides was at its most intense, the two sides sent elites to infiltrate each other, and they often fought in the dense forest. I don’t know how many wild wolves living in the dense forest were fattened.

Dragon Scale Castle, as the closest military town to the northern dense forest, has naturally received a lot of attention. However, Dragon Scale Castle has now lost its role as an advance base and has long been reduced to a purely defensive castle. , the northern dense forest is basically controlled by the orcs. The orcs have set up many camps in the mountains, completely blocking the way for humans to penetrate into the eastern plateau through the northern dense forest. They also come out from the northern dense forest to harass them from time to time.

Dragon Scale Castle usually has about 10,000 troops stationed there to prevent the orcs from coming out of the dense forest to raid. It also connects smaller fortresses around it to act as an early warning for the big city behind it.

Only recently, Dragon Scale Castle has somewhat regained its former glory. For some unknown reason, four legions of 100,000 troops were transferred from the central line and stationed in Dragon Scale Castle. The castle is still somewhat inhospitable, and some of the troops are still along the coast. Live in the dragon scale fort.

“Boss, why do you think the superiors gave us such an order to come to Dragonscale Castle to wait for the commander?”

Several commanders of the Northern Route Army were gathering on the wall of Dragon Scale Castle at this time, watching the movements of the entire camp from a high place. The Northern Route Army had indeed arrived at the predetermined location in advance according to Sol’s order and was waiting. Richard’s arrival.

The four legions are all first-class legions under the jurisdiction of five flag regiments. Although they are not the most elite legions in Longxingguan, they are still capable regular armies. They can only be fought in the entire kingdom. That part of the army.

Before Richard arrived, one of the four corps commanders of the North Route Army who was slightly older and more powerful was appointed as the temporary commander responsible for coordinating the actions of various ministries.

“As long as the above is implemented, there are so many reasons why.”

“Hate, I’m not afraid that some nobleman from above will give us blind instructions, causing our brothers to lose their lives in vain.”

“The commander who asked us to wait is Lord Richard, the guardian of the North. The last great victory against the orcs was achieved by his hands. How could he be a noble who knows nothing.”

“Boss, do you really believe that those people in the North can achieve any great victory? Those in the capital don’t know the strength of the orcs, and we don’t know it yet? Who can tell how much they have falsely reported?”

“Master Richard has many giant dragons under his command.”

“If we could defeat the orcs with the help of giant dragons, we wouldn’t be unable to get out of the Dragon Scale Castle now.”

After that, he pointed to the dense forest in the distance. Those with better eyesight could even vaguely see the outlines of the orc camps along some of the main paths in the forest.

“Don’t have this attitude when Lord Richard comes.”

“I know. I’m not stupid. He is a Duke of the Kingdom. I have been here for so long and I don’t know if I can become a count when I retire.”


“Dragon! It’s a dragon! There are so many dragons!”

Several loud dragon roars interrupted the conversation between the two legion commanders. The surrounding soldiers trembled slightly when they saw the excited shouts of more than 20 giant dragons in the air.

Richard finally crossed the entire Central Plains and arrived at the starting point of the Northern Route Army, Dragon Scale Castle…


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