Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 416: Familiar heroes


As soon as Richard went out, he saw the huge figure of the ancient golden dragon. At first glance, it looked similar to an ordinary golden dragon, but its body was a quarter larger than the ordinary golden dragon, and the color of its scales was darker. It doesn’t have the glittering feeling of other golden dragons, but it gives people a heavy feeling. From the appearance, it can be seen that the ancient golden dragon’s combat power is much higher than that of the golden dragon.

“Your Majesty the Envoy of God.”

The wisdom of the ancient golden dragon is no less than that of humans, and it can also speak human words. When it saw Richard coming out, it immediately lowered Gao Wang’s head to the ground and leaned down as low as possible to show its respect.


Richard came to his senses and nodded, not paying more attention to the ancient golden dragon. After all, he had seen many giant dragons. He just told him to stay where he was and walked towards the tavern not far away.

Richard estimated the time very accurately now. The sun had just completely set and the sky was completely dark. The tavern, which was originally closed and dark, suddenly lit up with yellow light after Richard came to the door. .

Richard skillfully pushed open the old wooden door of the tavern and walked into the somewhat narrow tavern. As far as he could see, there were only three owners of the tavern. This was the least number of people Richard had seen in so many times.

Richard walked to the bar as usual, ordered a glass of ordinary dark beer, and began to observe the guests in the pub.

“A shameful deserter doesn’t know how he ended up in this tavern. He’d better hope to stay in this tavern forever, otherwise he will face harsh military law. Of course, if you want to save him, If he survives, you can choose to recruit him here…”

The first person that Richard paid attention to was a relatively normal-looking human, wearing a half-breasted armor and a long sword slung around his waist. At first, Richard thought that the other person was a human hero or a high-level mercenary. He was a kind of deserter, but he didn’t expect to be a shameful deserter. As a lord, Richard naturally hated deserters, and it was impossible to save him.

Without any pause, Richard turned his attention to another guest who seemed to be unusual. The other guest was wearing a white cloth hat, and his upper body was completely enveloped in a mist. It’s hard to see the image clearly, and looking down, this person seems to have no legs, and there is nothing under the stool. If someone else sees this scene, someone who is less timid may scream in fear, but Richard Deliberately leaving it for last, he looked at it with interest, wanting to see what kind of monster it was.

Just when the other party’s information appeared in Richard’s consciousness, a strong sense of intimacy came up. This was one of the heroes that Richard used most often.

“Name: Somra

Race: gods and monsters

Level: 18

Strength: 16

Agility: 17

Physique: 22

Spirit: 31

Feature 1: Chain Lightning

When Somra uses chain lightning, the damage of chain lightning will be deepened and cause more rounds of damage.

When Somra uses chain lightning, it will cause a lot of damage to the first target and jump 36 times. The damage will gradually decrease by 10%, but at least 30% of the initial damage will be maintained

Feature 2: Magic

Sumra’s magic skill level is increased by one, which will cause more damage when using magic.

Skills: Financial Management (Intermediate), Offense (Intermediate), Defense (Elementary), Magic (Master).

Treasure 1: Magic Book

Effect: Records a large number of air spells.

Introduction: As a warlock, the magic book is a must-have treasure for Somra, which records all air spells of levels 1-4.

Treasure 2: Crown of Wisdom

Effect: Spirit +4

Introduction: This is a treasure of a mad wizard, which can use the spiritual power of the caster. I don’t know how it fell into Somra’s hands.

Hero Profile: Although Somra is not a human being, he is a grateful guy. He was imprisoned in a lamp for thousands of years until he was released by Gwen, so he risked his life to serve Gwen. Now he was about to die at the end of the world and was saved by the mother goddess Asha. He will obey the will of the mother goddess Asha and be loyal to the person chosen by God.

This is Lao Suo. This hero who was once banned in battles has always been Richard’s favorite. When the leveled up Soram uses chain lightning, the damage caused is simply better than that of several level seven soldiers. Terrifying, although in the actual hero introduction, the damage value cannot be accurately quantified, but based on Somra’s level and his own skills, Richard estimates that at least the first strike of the chain lightning may not even be able to catch the earth level. .

For Somra of this level, the chain lightning skill must be fully utilized. Calculated based on 100 points of magic power consumption, Somra can release three chain lightnings in one battle, directly causing hundreds of casualties. Good guy, this is it. The pace of the battlefield was simply devastating at the start of the opponent’s game.

Furthermore, Somla’s introduction is also very interesting. As a person who will be loyal to Asha, Richard doesn’t even need to make excuses to recruit him. The protective effect of Asha on him is not fake. As long as he will Once his identity as the Chosen One was revealed to Somra, it was a piece of cake.

After reading Somra’s attributes, Richard didn’t waste any time thinking about it. He walked directly to the confused Somra with his wine glass and sat down in front of him.

And Somra seemed to have noticed something, and took the initiative to lift the fog that obscured himself, revealing the unique blue body of the monster, a large square face and a pair of small eyes, which made people look a bit silly. It felt silly, but Richard knew the horror of this guy. Under his control, the corpses under the chain lightning could probably fill several football fields.

“You are?”

There was some doubt and uncertainty in Somla’s tone, but Richard knew that the other party felt a trace of Asha’s breath in him.

“My name is Richard, the Duke of the Northland of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the guardian of the two regions of the Northland Valley, and…the one chosen by Asha, the divine envoy who is protected by Asha…”

Like signing up for a dish, Richard introduced his identity to Somra, who was hesitating, and focused on his relationship with Asha. Sure enough, when he mentioned Asha’s name, Somra Mulla’s expression changed.

“This familiar breath is indeed the breath of the mother goddess Asha. I have been looking for you for a long time, sir.”

“Then are you willing to accept my recruitment and fight for me?”

“I am willing to serve you, the noble one favored by God.”

After saying that, Somra straightened up, leaned down to salute, and expressed his attitude. However, Somra was still floating when he stood up. Sure enough, even if he became a hero, gods and monsters have no feet…

Because Asha’s tiger skin is too big, it is particularly useful when facing Somra, who regards Asha as a benefactor. The process of recruiting Somra was simple and smooth, and Richard did not even waste a few words…

When the two left the tavern, the tavern extinguished the candlelight again, closed the wooden door automatically, and became pitch black again. Richard, who was used to all this, was not surprised at all, and assigned the newly arrived ancient golden dragon to Moriel Afterwards, he took Somla back to the city lord’s mansion to rest for the night.

Early on the second day, there was a faint dawn.

A sparse crowd has appeared on the street. Workers in this era do not have a nine-to-five rule. They almost get up to work at the first glimmer of the sun.

Due to the sharp increase in population, Miracle City has become a lot more smoky. Many breakfast shops have appeared on the street and started selling food. Most of them have prepared the ingredients in the early morning and are waiting to earn some hard money. .

This day seems to be another ordinary day in Miracle City, except that the senior leaders of the Hunter family gathered outside Miracle City to see off a rather strange army. This army included not only humans and elves. , there are also blue-skinned half-bodied humans floating in the air without legs and feet, and monsters with the head of a human and the body of a snake and six arms. The more than twenty giant dragons hovering in the sky are the most common ones.

Today is the day when Richard leads his army to Longxingguan. Because this time Richard only brought the system troops and heroes, so there was not much movement in the expedition, and it almost did not have much impact on the Northland, and the system soldiers There is no need for Richard to mobilize in front of the station. If necessary, they can fight to the last soldier, so Richard even planned to leave in a low-key manner after arranging things.

It’s just that I can’t stand the senior management who stayed behind, especially my parents and Messiah, who must want to send them away. Whether they were fighting wilderness ogres or snow giants before, the relatives of the Hunter family didn’t have too deep feelings. After all, It was so close, especially when fighting the Snow Giant. Although the Snow Giant was powerful, Richard seemed to be at the doorstep of his home when he went back and forth through the teleportation array.

This trip to Longxi Pass was completely different. There was basically no interaction between humans and snow giants. Before the battle in Snowfield City, even most people in the North did not know the existence of this race.

But when it comes to Dragon’s Breath Pass and orcs, almost everyone knows it. This word is usually associated with danger. The battlefield of Dragon’s Breath Pass is a flesh-and-blood millstone for both humans and orcs. As soon as I heard that Richard Going to the battlefield of Dragon Breath Pass made not only Mrs. Kellyn nervous, but also Viscount Sauter, who had always been carefree.

Just going to Longxi Pass to fight is originally one of the honors of human nobility. The position of Viscount of the Hunter family was also obtained by Richard’s grandfather from Longxi Pass. No one can stop Richard from going to Longxi Pass. To participate in the war, that’s why today some senior members of the Hunter family came to see each other off outside Miracle City.

“Okay, everyone, let’s go back. This time when we go to Longxi Pass, the only danger will be the orcs. Look at the twenty-one giant dragons in the sky, what danger will I be in?”

After Richard hugged his mother, Mrs. Kailin, and Messiah, he pointed at the giant dragon in the sky and comforted him a few words. He really felt that there was no big danger, but he was more worried about himself after he went to war. No matter what happens in the territory, there are still a lot of guards left.

“Okay, everyone is giving it away. Richard has never lost in a battle. There is nothing to worry about.”

“Go ahead, kid, kill more orcs.”

After Viscount Sauter finally spoke, Richard was able to get on his horse, waved his hand, and replied casually.

“Not only do I have to kill a few more orcs, maybe I can also capture the orc capital?”

“You brat, if you take over the orc capital, you can be my father.”


Seeing that Viscount Sauter started to talk nonsense again, Mrs. Kellyn who was standing beside her had no time to worry. She stretched out her hand and pinched Viscount Sauter’s waist, accurately grabbing a ball of soft flesh in his strong body. Pulling, Viscount Sauter screamed in pain.

“The Duke will definitely win the battle…”


A group of people bowed down to see him off. Richard rode on the red flame horse and without looking back, he led the system army behind him towards the south. He was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, the people seeing him off would set up a bunch of flags for him and make people panic.

A small but extremely powerful army followed Richard calmly and marched south together.

This army includes more than 500 halberdiers, more than 200 Crusaders, more than 500 centaur elites, more than 100 Silver Pegasus knights, more than 80 magic mages, more than 30 Knights, more than thirty unicorn sacred beasts, eight gods and monsters, four snake monsters, three outstanding swordsmen, and dozens of fanatics and priests summoned by Elena, there are nearly a thousand on the ground. Five hundred units of the army.

Among them, the God and Monster Lord is a fifth-level advanced soldier in the tower who can release buff spells for friendly forces, while the Snake Girl is a sixth-level advanced soldier in the tower. These upright heights reach two and a half meters, with six hands on their backs. The snake demon with weapons is very powerful in combat, and it is a well-deserved top three choice among all the six-level soldiers in Invincible Heroes.

Including the ancient golden dragons in the sky, there are twenty-one giant dragons, more than two hundred royal griffons, and three archangels.

Excluding some of the troops staying in the North and the war dancers and phantom shooters that Gru took away first, Richard basically took away most of the system’s elites.

Among the high-level units, units such as Titans, which are too large and cannot fly, are difficult to perform in the northern dense forests. Richard simply left them all in Snowfield City to guard against the Snow Giants. After all, the hostility of the Snow Giants has not dissipated. Li Cha Although Richard wants to go to Longxing Pass, he doesn’t dare to resort to the empty city strategy in Snowfield City. If the other party comes up with a plan, Richard won’t even be able to cry.

So the defensive power of Snowfield City is still very sufficient. In addition to the giants, some of the other units produced by Snowfield City, such as Iron Man, who are inconvenient to move and are good at defense, simply stay in the city and cooperate with the Dragon Army to strengthen the counterattack. Snow Giant Defense.

Similarly, Harbor City is located in the hinterland of the Sea Clan. It needs to face the threats of the Sea Clan from time to time, and it does not dare to spare the elites easily. In addition, there are no teleportation arrays available in the two places. Richard simply did not use the harbor this time. Of the city’s troops, part of the troops were left in Linzhong City, and the Deadwood Guards basically stayed in the city to defend the city. In addition to leaving some high-level system soldiers in Miracle City, Richard also visited Aragorn specifically and asked him to take care of a group of troops. Second, during these days, after Aragorn took the knowledge from the ruins under the Snowfield City, he never left the house and studied with concentration. In order to get rid of Richard, he casually agreed.

But most of the heroes have to go out with Richard, and Moriel, who wants to lead the dragon, naturally has to follow. The dragon army is temporarily led by the following flag captains.

In addition to Moriel and Gru, who has already set off, Elena, Ron, Rhodes, Sir Mrak, Siair, Natalis and Somra, who was just recruited, are all in this team. middle.

Only Catherine is temporarily in charge of the overall situation in the valley and cannot go out with the army.

Although Richard did not mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops from the North during this Eastern Expedition, these system creatures and a string of heroes were worthy of the various benefits that Ren gave him in order to win over him.


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