Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 415: Final preparations


Northland, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful.

As autumn is coming, the hottest period is finally over, and the sun is finally no longer painful. Busy construction sites across the North are taking advantage of this period to hurry up and wait for the autumn harvest. At that time, young laborers were hard to find.

At this time, Gru and Kuz had been traveling with the army for nearly ten days. The war was approaching, but the Northland was not greatly affected, because this expedition basically did not use the Northland’s conventional troops. The 100,000 standing army was almost not mobilized but entered a short rest period. Even in order to prevent the army from getting too comfortable, some troops were sent in rotation to sweep away the scattered ogre tribes in the wilderness and help capture some kobold slaves. .

Linte is in charge of Zhenmo City. While managing Zhenmo City in an orderly manner, he also makes trade between the east, west, north and south more and more popular. The income given to Richard every month continues to rise, and Richard does not have to worry about it at all. .

On the other side of the river valley, Queen Catherine was there to comfort her. The panic caused by Moriel’s tragic killing in Burleigh City was basically calmed by Catherine. The streets gradually became prosperous, and the river valley also returned to normal. On the road of development, we have to admit that Catherine’s internal affairs are clever. This completely different system in Northland has been fully rolled out in the river valley in a short period of time. Soon the river valley with a population of up to 6 million will be completely included in Hunter. The home territory has become a basic area similar to the Northland.

After his staff gradually became more talented, Richard began to become more and more leisurely. Things that used to need to be done personally now only require approval from the Duke’s Palace. He controls the general direction, and the actual work is done by his subordinates. people.

In the Duke’s Mansion, in Richard’s private bedroom. The blinds were closed tightly, and it was obviously almost noon, but the light in the bedroom was still dim, with only the slightest trace of sunlight seeping in through the cracks in the window and door.

Richard was half leaning on the bed, with one hand on Messiah’s pink shoulder, holding Messiah in his arms, and gently pinching the ends of Messiah’s hair with his fingers, while Messiah He hugged Richard with both hands, rested his head gently on Richard’s chest, and closed his eyes slightly, seeming to enjoy this rare tenderness.

“My dear, are you going to war again?”

Messiah suddenly raised her head and looked at Richard with a pair of blue eyes, with unstoppable worry on her small face.

Although no army was mobilized this time, except for a small number of high-level officials, most people in the territory did not receive the news. Richard did not specifically inform Messiah, but Messiah and Richard were tired of the delicate thoughts for several days. Finally, I still noticed something.


Richard nodded and did not deny it. He had no intention of hiding it from Messiah.


“Can you take me with you this time?”

After hesitating for a while, Messiah made a request to Richard. Richard was stunned when he asked. He didn’t know why Messiah suddenly thought of going on an expedition with him.

However, Richard still smiled and reached out to pinch Messiah’s beautiful face.

“It’s not convenient to take you with me. It’s too dangerous on the battlefield. I have to distract myself from taking care of you. You stay well in Miracle City. I’ll be back soon.”

“But, I think I can already help you. I can use several spells now.”


Although he had no intention of letting Messiah go with him to Longxingguan, after all, the Northern Route Army was going deep into enemy territory this time. Richard did not want to take Messiah to take risks, but he heard Messiah say that he After already mastering several spells, Richard was still a little surprised. After all, Messiah only had less than two months to learn magic. At this time, it would be difficult for a normal person to get started. He could only master one spell well. It can be called a great talent. If you really master a few, wouldn’t you be a genius?

Looking at Richard’s unbelieving look, Messiah said again:

“Teacher Gandolf said that I have extremely high talents in light and water magic. Especially light magic, I can learn it almost once.”

After speaking, Messiah left one hand free and muttered something. After a few seconds, a ball of light immersed directly into Richard’s body from her hand.

“This is?”

This ball of light actually made Richard feel a little hot, and his strength seemed to have increased a lot. Although the amplitude was very small, Richard knew that this was not an illusion. At Richard’s level, he had already gained control over his body. It was quite high, and Richard could clearly detect such subtle changes.

“This is the second level magic of the light system, prayer. How about it? Mr. Gandolf said that mastering this spell can be regarded as an official magician.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have enough magic power now, so I can only cast it twice, but I think I can master some more spells in the future, which should be able to help you.”

A formal magician is equivalent to a formal knight in terms of strength. Coupled with the special characteristics of a magician, if Messiah really accumulates more magic power and can cast a few more second-level magics, she can The effect is at least equivalent to that of several knights, and it can indeed play a certain role on the battlefield.

But for the current Richard or Hunter family, knights are no longer considered high-end combat power. To put it nicely, they are called backbone combat power. To put it worst, they are stronger than cannon fodder and are only consumed on the battlefield. It’s just a first-level existence.

“Okay, Messiah, you can safely stay in Miracle City to practice magic. It’s not convenient for me to take you with me this time. I will take you with me when you can release third-level magic.”

Richard knew that Messiah started learning magic just to be able to help him. Not taking him now would dampen his enthusiasm, so he could only make a blank promise first. Anyway, by the time Messiah can release third-level magic At that time, it was at least the level of a great magician. Not to mention how much fighting power Messiah had at that time, at least he had enough power to protect himself.

Hearing Richard’s refusal again, Messiah still had a look of disappointment on her face. However, Messiah has always been very considerate and knew that Richard was doing it for her safety. After Haoyan refused twice, he did not continue to pester. He just hugged Richard tightly again, took the initiative to kiss Richard, and began to caress Richard’s body with his hands. Then he put it next to Richard’s ear and said in a mosquito-like voice:

“Then you must let me conceive a child for you this time.”


Messiah, who had always been very shy and passive, suddenly took the initiative. Without any reason to refuse, Richard immediately turned over, turned Messiah who wanted to ride on him to the bottom, and then tightly held Messiah Ya hugged her and kissed her passionately…

In the afternoon, the sun has already hung on the top of the mountain in the west. Messiah, who has been crazy with Richard for a long time, has fallen asleep in bed. The physical difference between the two is huge, although it was Messiah who took the initiative to invite the fight. , but it was also Messiah who surrendered first. Richard, who was still feeling pity for Messiah, stopped fighting after the other party begged for mercy. When he was tender, Messiah had fallen asleep due to excessive physical exertion.

As for Richard, he got up and got dressed and prepared to go out. The main purpose of his stay in the territory for these ten extra days was not to spend a few more days with Messiah. Although Richard was lazy occasionally, he was not It’s ridiculous to delay the business. He is waiting for the new month to try to strengthen his strength. Today is the new month.

After putting on his clothes, Richard came to the bedside again. Messiah made a slight and regular breathing sound. It seemed that she was too tired and fell into a deep sleep. Richard leaned down and gently kissed her. Saya kissed her forehead, straightened the quilt, turned around, hung up the Vulcan sword and walked out of the bedroom.

While passing by the corridor, Richard also met Senna, the maid who came with him as a bride.

“Li, Master Richard, the princess…”

“Messiah is a little tired. Don’t disturb her for now. Prepare some food and bring it to her when she wakes up soon.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

Saina dodges slightly after meeting Richard’s eyes, her head gradually lowered, and her face turned red.

“Lord Richard…”

When Senna looked up and wanted to say something more, she could only see the back of Richard who had walked to the end of the corridor…

Of course Richard knows what Senna is thinking. In a sense, Senna is legally his after marrying Messiah, but until now, Richard has not touched Senna. Na.

Logically speaking, although Senna’s face is not as exquisite as Messiah’s, she can still be regarded as an outstanding beauty. Her figure is more protruding and curvy than Messiah’s, which is completely different. Although Richard is not bad, But he is not a moral gentleman, and he will not restrain himself too much in this era. Even Messiah asked Senna to come and serve her on time when Richard was still not satisfied several times, but Richard refused.

No matter what, Richard’s love for Messiah is real. At least until Messiah gives birth to a child, Richard has no intention of touching Senna. In this era, as a real wife, she has not given birth to a child. , but another woman gave birth to a child for him, which would make Messiah very embarrassed. Although I don’t know why Messiah had no intention of getting pregnant so many times, but Richard is young after all, and now he is There’s no rush, I can afford to wait.

It’s just that Saina has been waiting for it day and night, but has never been able to get what she wanted. Maybe she had wanted to do something in the corridor just now, but when she just plucked up the courage, Richard left without any pause. Now…

But now Richard can’t control what Senna is thinking. At this time, Richard has arrived at the boulder castle in the center of Miracle City as quickly as possible, and has walked into the boulder before the sun goes down. in the market of the fort.

“Dear God…”

“Show me this month’s new arrivals.”

Without giving Grandet much chance to speak, Richard walked straight to the market counter after entering and checked out this month’s new products.

“Treasure category:

Reins of the Poisonous Dragon

Effect: You can recruit a domesticated poisonous dragon as a mount. The poisonous dragon can assist in combat. After being seriously injured in the battle, it will actively return to the subspace to recover. The recovery time is about one month.

Introduction: Poison Dragon has never belonged to any force. He is an extremely special existence among dragons. He is powerful and dangerous. His combat power can easily suppress other dragons. Only the legendary Holy Dragon can defeat the violent Poison Dragon. You have taken care of it, and now, this poisonous dragon that you have tamed since childhood will become your most loyal companion.

Price: 22,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Knight Divine Blessing Potion X1

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of breaking through from the Great Knight level to the Earth Knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: This is the proud work of a master potion. It always requires some good luck to make it successfully. It will not easily flow into the market. Each potion may mean the birth of a strong man.

Price: 5000 Kinnar

Weapon Type: Ancient Golden Dragon X1

Introduction: The eighth-level advanced unit of Barrier (Elves), some golden dragons have lived for a long time, and their combat power has declined sharply as they age, so they tear up their own scales and pull out their own bodies. The sharp dragon teeth broke the softened claws, and they were reborn in pain. After experiencing great suffering, the surviving old golden dragons grew tougher scales and sharper claws, and they were reborn. Became a more powerful ancient golden dragon…

Price: 20,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000

“Poison Dragon.”

Li Cha was a little surprised when he saw the treasure that appeared this time. It turned out to be a mount treasure, but this time the mount was completely different from the last Feilong King.

The Flying Dragon King was completely reduced to a marginal role after Richard was promoted to the sky level and mastered teleportation. Many times, Richard summoned the Flying Dragon King not to rush on the road, but to use it as a supplementary combat power, which has basically been lost. The function of a mount is that it is not as convenient as teleportation when used for traveling, and the speed over short distances is not as fast as Richard flying by himself. It can be used to mount a fork. Now the soldiers in the North see dragons more often, and they can often see ten. Several majestic giant dragons touched the top of his head. He was not as ignorant as before, thinking that the Flying Dragon King was a giant dragon. Compared with the real giant dragon, the Flying Dragon King was really ugly and weak, so Richard had not summoned him for some time. The Flying Dragon King.

But the Poison Dragon Reins that appears now just fills the gap in Richard’s mount. This is a mount that is more powerful than the ordinary dragon. The Poison Dragon is a proper eighth-level soldier in Heroes of Invincibility. Not only does it look handsome when riding, It is also a powerful top-level combat force.

At more than 20,000 gold, although the price was slightly expensive, Richard still took the reins without hesitation.

The newly appeared potion is also the best potion that Richard has seen so far. Although the potion that improves the breakthrough of the great knight to the earth knight level is still of little significance to Richard, there are now several great knights stuck in the territory. A person who is difficult to break through at the top.

It is not difficult to go from knight to great knight, but it is definitely a big hurdle to go from great knight to earth knight. It is not so easy to break through. But this bottle of potion can greatly improve a certain person in the Hunter family. The probability of an important figure breaking through the Earth Knight level is equally significant.

The emergence of an eighth-level soldier in the soldier category was unexpected by Richard. Because of his improvement in strength and level, the quality of market products has gradually improved.

After the generous payment, a dragon roar rang out from outside the market a few seconds later, and an ancient golden dragon that was a bit stronger than an ordinary golden dragon landed in the open space outside.

Richard grabbed the reins and the dark golden potion that appeared on the counter and quickly left the market amidst Grandet’s compliments…


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