Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 414: Decision and departure


Eldor, like Gandalf, used to be a court mage who couldn’t cast magic, but now Gandalf in the Northland has fallen out of this category.

However, although he cannot cast spells, Al’s theoretical foundation is not bad. After all, even if you are a rice insect, you have to be a little fooled. It is impossible to really eat and sleep all day long, but compared to Gando Husband, he just doesn’t have that much adventurous spirit.

During this period, Tian Erduo maintained the practice of sensing magic power as usual. Although the court mages of their lineage had not really felt the existence of magic power since his teacher’s teacher, the fixed daily practice was still carried out. It has been passed down as a ritual, but the orc shaman has retained the method of casting spells through traditional sacrifices.

It was only during this period that Eldo vaguely noticed something different from before. Different from the previous practice where he gained nothing every time, he seemed to feel something else. Every time he practiced, there was an energy in his body. Convergence.

Although Eldo has no practical experience in magic practice, he is not an ordinary person who does not understand it at all. His theoretical knowledge is still very solid. After confirming that he really sensed magic, Eldo was ecstatic at first. After all, It’s not a good feeling to have been treated like a slut, to be looked down upon even though you have a high salary. Each of these court mages has had the dream of becoming a real magician.

After sensing the magic power, Eldo did not report to Ren immediately. If something happened to him, it would be a small shame. But if he was accused of bullying, it would be a big deal.

So Aldo has been suppressing his excitement and insisting on sensing and practicing magic every day, until today he successfully released a lighting technique according to the method recorded in the book.

The moment the illumination technique emitted a faint light, Aldo, an old man who had almost put half his foot in the coffin, was so excited that he felt like he was twenty years old again, and tears could not stop flowing.

After calming down a little, Eldo took out the token that Aragorn had given to the court mage of this lineage, and hurriedly came to the palace and found Renn who was discussing the Eastern Expedition with Thor. .

“Is this magic?”

In the palace, Eldo successfully demonstrated the simplest lighting technique to Ren, Thor and three others. This time Eldo performed well, and the light on his fingertips was stronger than when he tried it before. Much, at least it is as large as a large candle. Although it is not practical, it is indeed of great significance.

This is a completely different system from fighting spirit. It is impossible for the old man Eldo to have the strength of an earth knight to release fighting spirit. There is no possibility of fraud in this lighting technique.

“Your Majesty, this is just the simplest lighting technique. According to the records in magic books, there are also spells such as fireball and wind blade that can directly cause damage. High-level wizards can also release water dragon and fire rain. This kind of more powerful magic is even recorded as a forbidden spell like meteorite fire rain that can directly destroy a city.”

Seeing Ren’s doubts, Eldor immediately introduced more magic to Ren regardless of whether he asked questions or not.

Obviously, Eldor has done his homework and knows that relying on a lighting spell can only prove that the magic power is recovering. Only by introducing these powerful and destructive magic spells can it draw enough attention to Ren.

Sure enough, when he heard the forbidden spell that could directly destroy a city, Ren’s eyes immediately lit up and he asked:

“Mage Eldo, how long will it take you to cast the meteorite and fire rain you mentioned?”

Eldor: “…”

“Well, if you give me another half year, I think I should be able to successfully cast a fireball…”

“Your Majesty, you need to know that magic cultivation values ​​talent more than knight cultivation. A magician who can release meteors and fire rain, just like a strong man like Lord Thor, does not just appear.”

Eldor’s words are still a bit conservative. Mages who can release forbidden spells are at least close to the holy level. They can fight ten sky knights like Thor.

Ren pinched the bridge of his nose and knew that his demands were too high. If the magic power had just recovered and there was a magician who could cast spells at the level of forbidden spells, then everyone else would not have to mess around.

Obviously, the practice of magic is the same as that of knights. You must first have a certain talent and then practice hard. It is a slow process.

“How many court mages are there now?”

Although the court mages have been raised in the royal capital, they really have no sense of existence. That is to say, the finances of the Golden Dragon Kingdom have always been relatively good, and there has been no cutting of funds. Otherwise, existences like the palace mages would definitely be the first to be eliminated. They were abolished, so Renn didn’t know much about the court mages at all. He didn’t even know how many court mages there were.

“Back to Your Majesty, there are currently four groups of court mages in the royal capital. Five of them have been unable to practice magic for a long time and voluntarily gave up their status as court mages and left. Another group left the royal capital and went to the North.”

A total of ten court mages who could barely release magic were canonized during the Aragorn era. Later, when the magic power declined more and more seriously, and they could not even release a fireball spell, it was impossible for everyone to be like Gan. Dov and Eldo’s teachers were equally persistent. After hundreds of years, there were only five branches left, and one even went to the North to seek refuge with Richard.

“Oh, another one went to the Northland?”

“Your Majesty, when I was in the river valley, the court mage named Gandolf came to see me with his disciples. He came to the north after hearing that there were beings among the ogres who could release spells. It’s just that people who knew it at the time thought that the ogre had accidentally discovered a magic weapon that could still be used.”

Thor still had some impressions of Gandalf. When Harris said it, he remembered the pair of down-and-out masters and apprentices, and he sent him directly to Richard.

“Master Gandolf is a respectable court mage. He studies magic ten times harder than me. At that time, when he said he was going to the North to find the reason why ogres can release magic, we also I thought he was crazy, but now it seems that maybe he was right…”

“Then Gandalf must have been recruited by Richard again now?”

“That guy is a bargain.”

Gandalf did not come back after arriving in the North. Apparently he was left behind by Richard. After Ren said a few words, he changed the topic and said:

“Master Eldor, I will temporarily appoint you as the chief court mage. I will gather all the remaining three palace mages. After confirming the recovery of the magic power, I will come up with a magician training plan, and then I will find some apprentices. Professor, from now on, the salary of all court mages will be doubled. For every apprentice who successfully releases any magic, the kingdom will subsidize the training cost of ten gold nuggets per month.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

After hearing this, Eldor quickly bowed to Ren again. His goal had been achieved. Ren paid a certain amount of attention to magic and gave him a chief title. He also raised the salary of the court mage by one level. Big cut.

The next thing he has to do is to sort out all kinds of magic according to Ren’s order, compile a set of teaching methods in the classics, sow some seeds for the progress of the kingdom’s magic, and rename the word magician by the way. …

“Uncle Wang, is the recovery of magic power a good thing for us?”

“If the records are correct, our race is the race with the best magic talent besides elves.”

In the era of the Elf Empire, in addition to the Elf mages, there were also some high-level human mages. Although humans were slightly inferior to the elves in terms of magic talent, the difference was not too much. The reason for the greater gap was the differences between the two races. In terms of lifespan, if the two lives are equal, humans may not necessarily be worse than elves in terms of magical attainments.

The orcs’ talent in magic is so poor that they have to point out the shaman’s crooked ways. Therefore, the recovery of magic power will definitely be more beneficial to mankind in the long run.

“Unfortunately, we don’t have that much time.”

“Time is now on our side which is the greatest good news.”


The training of magicians almost always takes ten years. Judging from the current state of the kingdom, even if the magic power returns to the level of the Elf Empire, it will take at least several decades to slowly train magicians by the kingdom. To be on an equal footing with the knights, in order to reverse the situation, there must at least be a high-level magician who thinks they can release the forbidden spell. Therefore, although the recovery of magic power is good news for mankind, it does not have much significance at the moment. The actual effect, so in addition to putting some resources from the fingers to train magicians, we still have to do what we plan to do. The Eastern Expedition is the top priority that Ren should be concerned about at the moment…

In the early morning, the sun is shining slightly.

After completing his daily morning exercises, Richard arrived at the large campus outside Miracle City, accompanied by Kurtz and several senior officers.

At this time, an army of 15,000 people has been assembled on the school grounds. If they did not care about their race, this army would still look a bit cool. At least everyone would hold their heads high and their chests high, and they would be in good spirits.

But if you take a closer look at the race, you will have to doubt their combat effectiveness. They are just a group of slender half-elves. There are also some stronger-looking half-elves holding long bows and double swords, and maybe even What’s going on with these kobolds who are less than 1.5 meters tall and bark in the team from time to time? They have some fighting ability.

Kuz, who was standing next to Richard and looking at the army below, couldn’t help but frown. Kurz had seen kobold battles before. Although his fighting will was not bad, his inherent disadvantages were too great. Now he was forced to organize Will you be able to fight if you stand up?

“Lord Richard, is this the army you are going to take to Longxingguan?”

Kuz checked with Richard with some suspicion, and then Richard nodded affirmatively.

“Let’s have a brief expedition ceremony today. General Kurtz and General Gru will lead them out first, and then I will lead the dragon.”

Although Richard has teleportation, it is impossible to use teleportation with so many troops. Now it is Gru who will lead this group of half-elves and kobolds. He will soon be able to bring the system army with him in a few days. After all, with the bonuses of logistics and several treasures, leading a pure system army will be several times faster than leading an ordinary army.

“Shall I lead them to Longxing Pass?”

“You are with General Gru.”

“Sir Richard, Mr. Saul has prepared one hundred thousand elites for you at the North Route Army Camp, including legions from the four kingdoms. You do not need to send these… troops over.”

If Richard wants to send the elite of the Dragon Army or the Griffin Army, Kuz must agree with both hands and feet. Although these two armies have not been established for a long time, after fighting with the Snow Giant, The temperament of the army has undergone earth-shaking changes. An expert like Kurtz can judge at a glance the combat power of the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army, and they will not lose to the first army of the Royal Capital’s Forbidden Army.

But the army in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable. Now he was asked to take this army to Dragon Breathing Pass, which made Kurtz, who was born in the orthodox knight academy, feel a little embarrassed.

“No, General Kurtz, they are more flexible than you think in the jungle. Although these kobolds are not strong, they are flexible and have a keen sense of smell. It will be more convenient to move in the dense forests and mountains of the north, and these half-elves are more They are prepared for jungle warfare. I think the Northern Route Army will need them.”

After speaking, Richard ignored the repulsion in Kurtz’s words and walked to the stage to start his brief mobilization for the expedition.

But the style of mobilization for this expedition is a bit strange. At first, when only half-elves were responding, the whole scene was normal. When the mobilization reached its climax, the kobolds also began to get excited, and the entire school grounds began to be filled with people. The shouts of “bark woof” and the barking of dogs one after another made the scene look like a large group of wild dogs fighting for territory. Even Richard on the stage felt that something was wrong with the painting style, and stopped his speech in advance, and Kuz on the side turned even green when he saw it.

“General Gru and General Kurtz, after arriving at Longxing Pass, remember to put the items you escorted in the open space, remember to prevent fire and moisture, and be careful on the road.”

“Don’t worry, Lord Richard, I guarantee that these barrels will be delivered safely.”

“Okay, you guys set off early and go to Longxing Pass to rest first, I will come later.”

“Yes, sir.”

The barrel contains naturally the secret weapon Richard prepared for this battle, black gunpowder. This army of kobolds and half-elves was not only going to fight at Longxing Pass, it was also tasked with transporting barrels of black powder to Longxing Pass in advance.

Due to the poor stability of black powder, Richard had to emphasize safety matters to Gru and Kurtz over and over again.

Although Kurtz was reluctant to lead this strange army with a large number of kobolds, Richard took the initiative to send an army to fight at Longxing Pass. He had no right to refuse, and with the current status gap between the two, he He didn’t dare to disobey Richard’s wishes, so he honestly followed Gru and led the army on the road.


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