Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 413: Discover


The atmosphere of the kingdom’s war has become increasingly serious. The 300,000 Western Army troops led by Duke Ross have been setting off one after another after resting near the royal capital for a week, heading towards Dragon’s Breath Pass.

Because the Ross family has always been strict in managing the army, although the 300,000-strong army was stationed in the most prosperous area of ​​the kingdom, it basically did not cause any trouble. However, these 300,000 people were all old men who had seen blood in the Western Territory. Death, the faint murderous aura that emerged when they gathered together still made the civilians hide far away and dare not get close. The 300,000-strong army silently drove towards Longxing Pass.

With this number of cavalry and auxiliary troops, the amount of food consumed during the march is absolutely an astronomical figure. Fortunately, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has a solid foundation accumulated over hundreds of years. The throne succession system of the Charman family ensures that they can sit on the throne. The person’s ability is at the lowest limit, and he has never produced any fools, not to mention generations of wise kings. At this time, all the accumulation at the bottom of the warehouse is freed up, and there is no shortage of food and supplies for the Western Border Army.

Moreover, this road passes through the Central Plains. Most of the journey is on the largest granary in the kingdom. There is no need to transport food thousands of miles. Everywhere we go, local nobles and officials are ready for the army. Supplies, the morale and the overall condition of the Western Border Army were maintained well, but most people didn’t know their combat goal this time, and thought they were just going to Longxing Pass to help in the battle, and many people were even a little excited.

“Hey, fighting those earth-skin lizards in the desert is really boring. I have long wanted to fight the rumored orcs. I heard that the noble in the north became a hero of the kingdom because he defeated the orcs. Lord Ross tied.

When we arrive at Longxing Pass this time, we have to let people know how powerful our Western Army is. The people from the North can step on the orcs, but we can’t embarrass Lord Ross. ”

“Captain, you said that if we defeat the orcs, what else can our Lord Duke do?”

These words made the captain ask. The hereditary duke position of the Rose family is already at the top of the title. If he makes a great contribution on the battlefield of Longxingguan, wouldn’t he be unqualified?

“That doesn’t matter. Anyway, our Western Army has made a contribution, and the king must show something. If there is nothing, we will get it ourselves.”

This group of soldiers in the Western Border Army are very similar to the soldiers in the North. Richard is the Tinaros family in the Northern Territory and the Heaven in the Western Border. The soldiers in the Western Border Army also have no respect for the kingdom and the Charman family. The only thing that awes them may be the dragon knights of the kingdom, and the Northern Army is even more exaggerated, because they have more dragons than the kingdom.

“Captain, I heard that those orcs are very powerful. Each of them is comparable to a quasi-knight. They can’t even cut through their skin like a war lizard.”

“I don’t believe that any leather is sharper than the sabers in our hands. So what if we are a quasi-knight? I am still a quasi-knight.”

“If their skin is really that hard, then peel it off and make it into leather armor.”


“What are you doing in the back? Be quiet.”

The soldiers and captains who had laughed just now were stared at by the officers in front, and immediately lowered their heads, and the team became quiet again.

After one day of marching, the sun was already setting. Because there was no need to march in a hurry, the army was not prepared to rush at night. There was a fixed camp on the marching route in front of them. The nearby nobles and officials had prepared supplies in advance. Once the army arrived, they could Rest overnight.

The Duke of Ross, who was walking at the front, was wearing a simple dark yellow armor and a dark red cloak, and he was quite conspicuous among the senior officers.

Looking at the setting sun and the invisible army behind him, his expression was a little serious, not as optimistic as his soldiers and officers.

As a master at the pinnacle of the earth level and a figure at the top of the human pyramid, Ross has a better understanding of the strength of the orcs, and also knows the goal of his trip. He also does not know how many of the disciples brought out from the Western Region this time can return alive.

Golden Dragon City

Royal Palace

In a side hall in the garden, Ren and Thor were sitting on chairs discussing something.

“Uncle Wang, where are Ross’s Western Army?”

“They arrived at Lake Fort last night. After settling in for the night, they took the first batch of supplies and continued marching towards Longxi Pass. According to the current speed, they should be able to reach Longxi Pass within a month. Off.”

“How are the preparations over there?”

“In addition to the 300,000 cavalry brought by Duke Ross, there are also 300,000 elites waiting on Longxiguan South Road. The army has been assembled and can cooperate with the action as long as Duke Ross arrives.”

“Can the 600,000 people on the southern road break through the orcs’ defense line?”

There are only two people in the side hall, and the confidentiality work of this proactive attack has been done very well. Although most of the kingdom’s upper echelons knew that a decisive battle with the orcs was about to break out, so the kingdom continued to gather elites to the Dragon Breath Pass, Lian Yongzhen The Ross family in the Western Region were all transferred here.

But no one knows that Lane, Thor, and Rose are playing such a big game that they want to gather their elite to take the initiative. Counting Harris, Richard, and Kurtz, only those who know the plan currently Just six people.

So when Ren and Thor discussed their plans, they only did so in this deserted side hall.

“The cavalry of the Western Army are all riding the best Western horses. They are all elite cavalry that have been fighting for a long time. There are 300,000 Western cavalry, in conjunction with the infantry of Longxingguan, and there is a surprise attack. With the Duke of Ross With the ability, it shouldn’t be a big problem to break through the Orcs’ southern line.”

“The orcs have been attacking in the past hundred years, and their defense has become lax…”

“After the Western Border Army breaks through the southern line, 300,000 infantrymen will form a stronghold on the spot to guard the southern line’s retreat. The Western Border Cavalry will immediately circle around to the Orcs’ middle army to cooperate with the main force in the battle. The troops we can concentrate in a short period of time are at least Orcs. Three times, and they are all elite.”

“How sure are you?”

“Fifty percent.”

“Fifty percent…”

After listening to Thor saying the 50% probability, Renn repeated it again, closed his eyes and fell into silence, and finally only said:

“Fifty percent is not low.”

Humanity is originally at an absolute disadvantage. If we can win this battle, defeat part of the orc army, and destroy the supplies that the orcs have hoarded in front of the Dragon’s Breath Pass, we can at least delay the orc attack for another five years and win for the kingdom. After five years of preparation, the risk was worth taking.

“If the Northern Route Army goes well, our probability of success may be 20% higher.”

“The terrain of the Northern Route is complex, and it has to pass through dense forests and mountains. Can the Northern Route Army with only 100,000 people have such a big impact?”

“After all, the Northern Route Army still has giant dragons. With the giant dragons cooperating in the battle, there should be no problem in breaking through the orc defense line on the northern line. As long as the northern route is broken through, they can directly reach the orc plateau.”

“If we don’t consider marching from the north and arrange Richard to cooperate in the battle in the middle, with the dragons and elites in his hands, we should have greater confidence in defeating the orcs directly in the middle.”

Rene is still a little confused about how to use Richard, but Thor still insists on his opinion.

“Your Majesty, if the Northern Route Army passes through the dense forest, it is equivalent to walking into the hinterland of the Orcs. The Northern Route Army will be closer to the Orc capital than any of us…”

“A human army with the cooperation of giant dragons appearing near the orc capital will definitely attract the attention of a large number of orcs. The orcs will even give up supporting the middle route first and go to encircle and suppress the northern route army.”

If it were just an ordinary human army, even if it broke through the northern dense forest, it would not affect the decision of the orcs. But if Richard led the dragon out of the northern dense forest, it would cause substantial damage to the core of the orcs. Threat, to put it bluntly, in Thor’s plan, the Northern Route Army is a large bait, attracting the attention of the orcs, disrupting the orcs’ judgment, thereby reducing the pressure on the middle route.

However, Thor had no intention of cheating Richard. Anyway, as long as the dragon and Richard himself were not stupid, they would never be easily left behind by the orc army. However, the 100,000 Northern Route Army who cooperated in the battle borne the most danger. It’s just a mission. In Thor’s plan, they are going to follow Richard alone and approach the orc capital to achieve the effect of mobilizing the orc army. After falling into a tight siege, Richard and the dragon have a chance to escape. This 100,000-strong army But it was a narrow escape.

As for actually taking over the Orc King’s Capital, neither Thor nor Ren thought about such a good thing. Their combat goal is very clear, to defeat as many orc armies as possible and destroy the orcs over the years. The supplies hoarded in front of Dragon’s Breath Pass disrupted the orcs’ attack plan and bought them more preparation time.

“Is there any news from Kuz?”

“Richard has already agreed on a time for arrival. Based on my understanding of Richard, he should abide by the agreement.”

Richard left a good impression on Sol at that time, so even if Richard beat Asuo violently later, Sol still believed in Richard.

Of course, the kingdom doesn’t know about black powder and the system, nor does it know that even if the kingdom has never defeated the orcs, Richard himself can still do it in a few years, so from the kingdom’s perspective, helping the kingdom defeat the orcs is also It was in Richard’s interests that without the kingdom standing in front of him, it would be difficult for Richard to continue to dominate in the North.


Ren nodded, which can be regarded as acknowledging Sol’s judgment on Richard. Judging from the current situation, if Richard wants to break the contract, he can just ignore Kurtz. There is no need to go through so many twists and turns. Come out, there is nothing the kingdom can do about the Northland anyway.

“When will Uncle Wang leave for Longxinguan?”

As the core of this battle, Sol with sky-level strength and a golden dragon in his prime who cooperate with each other tacitly are definitely a trump card for the kingdom. Sol naturally also bears the heaviest responsibility.

He will serve as the commander of the central army and coordinate the three-pronged operations. Now that the southern route army has set off, it is natural for Thor to go to Longxing Pass.

“I will leave for Longxi Pass with Asuo in the next two days, and I will leave the affairs of the royal capital to Your Majesty.”

Now everyone knows that there is a Lord Qing sitting in the palace, so there is no need for Thor to stay in the capital to guard him all the time.


“Uncle Wang must come back alive.”

“We must do our best.”

“What I mean is, regardless of victory or defeat, Uncle Wang will come back alive.”

Thor obviously misunderstood at first, thinking that Ren meant to let him return victorious, but obviously Ren meant that no matter he won or lost, he would return to the capital alive.

Ren stared at Thor, with a rare look of gaze in his eyes, and said word by word:

“The kingdom can live without me, but it cannot live without Uncle Wang.”

“Your Majesty…”

“Promise me. If nothing can be done, leave the army behind and return to Longxi Pass alone.”

Ren still has some understanding of his uncle Wang’s temper. It may be more uncomfortable to let him escape on the battlefield than to kill him, so he must agree.

In a sense, Thor’s prestige and personal strength in the military are indeed more important than Ren’s. If Ren’s dies, either the eldest prince Ward or the fourth prince Parley can quickly take his place. , but if Thor dies, no one can replace him.

Looking at Ren’s eyes, Sol hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and accepted.

Seeing Saul agree, Ren finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just when Saul was about to leave, Harris, who had been outside the door, walked in. He had been waiting outside the palace to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

“Your Majesty, Master Thor, Master Eldor wants to see you.”

“Mage Eldo?”

When Ren and Thor heard this name, they couldn’t help showing a puzzled expression. If an important minister had to rush to see Ren at this time, there might be some urgent matter, but Eldor This name was so unfamiliar that Renn couldn’t remember who it was, and he didn’t know how this person was qualified to enter the palace and let Harris, who was guarding outside, come in to inform him.

“Your Majesty, Eldor is the court mage.”

Seeing Renn’s confused expression, Harris had to remind him, and then Renn reacted.

Although the court mages were treated like rice worms in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the Aragon era still left many privileges to the mages, such as tokens that can enter and exit the palace, and direct interviews when important matters arise. Qualifications of a King.

It’s just that most of the court mages who have lost their magic power know it well. They keep a low profile in the kingdom and live with a large salary. How can they dare to use the privileges left by Aragorn to disgust the subsequent kings.

Just now, Master Eldo entered the palace directly with the token and came to this side hall. Harris, who knew the rules, could only come in immediately to inform.

With Harris’ reminder, Ren knew the other party’s identity, but after knowing the other party’s identity, he became even more confused. Why did the court mage who couldn’t cast magic come to him in such a hurry?

“Forget it, Harris, go ahead and let him in.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Ren was fine anyway at this time, and the court mage took the initiative to meet him. This was the first time since Ren took the throne.

Soon, Master Eldor was brought in by Harris. Master Eldor looked a little older than Gandolf, but his body was still strong, and his expression looked very excited at this time. He even forgot to salute Ren. Only when he met Ren’s eyes did he react and immediately bowed to salute.

“Dear Your Majesty Ren, I noticed that the magic power is recovering…”


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