Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 412: Kobold


The scorching sun was shining high, and waves of heat were coming, and the earth seemed to be roasted. It was obviously the end of summer, and autumn was about to enter, but the temperature was surprisingly high, even higher than in the previous midsummer. A little warmer.

It’s just that in this weather, people who should be busy still have to work hard. The entire Northland is scrambling for time, whether it is various projects or soldier training, all are racing against time.

However, the labor force in the North has increased a lot now. After several months of kobold trade, there are at least more than a million kobolds working everywhere in the entire North. These kobolds are short in stature and have little strength. , but there is one advantage that humans do not have, that is, they have very good endurance. Human workers sweat profusely after working on the construction site for a while and need to drink some heat-relieving soup to take a break, while kobolds only drink a few sips of water and stick out their tongues. Just keep working.

However, now kobolds have a new use. A group of kobolds that are nearly 1.5 meters tall and look “majestic” have been assembled in Miracle City.

These ten thousand kobolds are elites carefully selected from millions of kobolds. They are generally a head taller than other kobolds. Their muscles are also bulging. They are not as thin as ordinary people. If you must To use an analogy, these kobolds are as stocky and strong as bullies.

From the moment they were selected, they escaped the fate of slave labor and became glorious cannon fodder.

Of course, these kobolds did not feel as low as cannon fodder. Instead, they all held their heads high and felt full of superiority in front of a group of fellow tribesmen who were mining and building roads. In the distance, they were still working on the infrastructure construction of the Northland. The sweaty kobolds would occasionally look at the team with envy when the supervisor was not paying attention, wishing that they could be selected into this team.

As for the danger of losing one’s life in battle, it is generally not within the scope of these kobolds’ considerations. In fact, kobolds have long been accustomed to life and death. They have a yearning for life but their fear of death is not very strong, or perhaps Until that moment, most kobolds feel that they are not afraid of death.

Instead of worrying about dying on the battlefield later, it is better to care about whether you can finish today’s work and receive enough food to feed your belly. The most enviable thing about these kobolds who have been selected into the army is that they can open their bellies to other kobolds. When eating, not only can you have rye steamed buns to keep you full, but you can also eat refined grains and fatty meats that ordinary kobolds cannot eat.

The envious gazes cast by fellow racers in the distance made the kobold warriors in the team stand taller, as if they were trying to stand out from a height of less than 1.5 meters to a height of two meters. .

Master Haba has said that this time they will follow the great Master Richard to eliminate the enemy. As long as they return victorious, they will be able to get rid of their status as laborers, successfully become a kobold foreman, and get an independent kennel. , if you perform meritorious service, you can also get a few beautiful kobold girls to serve as maids like Lord Haba, and live a life of dogs on dogs, so the morale of this 10,000 kobold army is still very high at this time, even I can’t wait to go to the battlefield quickly.

However, although Richard had some intention of using the kobolds as cannon fodder, the equipment he was given was quite sophisticated, all customized according to the kobolds’ figures. This was because of the large-scale professional ordnance factory and hydraulic power. Thanks to forging technology and assembly line management methods, the production capacity of armor weapons in the North even tends to overflow, so even kobolds are qualified to pierce armor.

These kobolds basically wear a simplified version of cloth armor, colored in the traditional blue and white colors of the Hunter family. Only the helmet is still the earliest iron-bone animal skin helmet, and they carry a small luggage on their backs. , a shovel, a short spear, a small machete and other equipment, and some also carry logging tools.


As the kobold officer shouted loudly, the kobold army that had been barking just now became quiet, except for the occasional whining sound that could not be suppressed.

“Good day, your distinguished lord, Duke.”

Richard’s arrival made the kobold officers a little nervous. After following humans for a few months, these somewhat intelligent kobolds have learned a lot about some human behaviors. At least when the big shots came, they The face-saving work was done well, and now the officers were working hard to suppress the kobold soldiers who were still making strange noises. Haba, the leader, ran up to Richard in a hurry.

“Well, get up, no need to kneel.”

“Thank you, Lord Duke.”

Seeing that there was a little confusion in front of him, but he still listed several square formations of kobolds, Richard was actually quite satisfied. At least Lint did a good job in what he told him, and he finished it in three months. It was very difficult for such a group of kobold soldiers who were neatly equipped and looked like an army. Richard had seen the virtues of kobolds in fighting before, so they rushed in a swarm without any tactics or formations. Rely on not being afraid of death and relying on force in numbers.

It’s just that if you don’t look closely at this kobold phalanx, Richard will see the feeling of little devils lining up. Is this height just right?

Shaking his head, Richard put aside the strange thoughts in his mind and ordered the officers on the side to continue training with the kobold army. He observed from the side to see how effective these kobolds were in combat.

As Richard’s order was issued, the kobolds quickly dispersed into teams under the command of several human officers. The nominal general of this team was Haba, who was currently following Richard and bowing his head constantly. The actual military command is still in the hands of a few human officers, and the lower-level officers of the kobolds are more accustomed to obeying the orders of human officers. The orders of these human officers are generally more reasonable and detailed, and they will not grab kobolds to eat at will. They are much easier to serve than ogres.

As the human officers issued instructions, the kobolds began to demonstrate the results of several months of training in the spacious school grounds.

Use the short spear in your hand to stab the wooden target.

Hold the machete with both hands and make standard slashing movements.

Some even started digging on the spot to build simple camps.

Because Richard was on the side reviewing, the kobold warriors performed even harder. The whole scene seemed to be the same thing. The only thing that made Richard feel inconsistent was that in such a passionate scene, there were occasional There was a barking sound.

Enduring a strong sense of disobedience, after watching the demonstration of this elite group of kobolds, Richard nodded with relief, turned back to Moriel and several senior officers who came to watch together and said:

“It’s really reassuring to see Lin Te’s side doing things. These kobolds won’t necessarily suffer a loss if they are used to fight against the kingdom’s third-line defense forces.”

“With the same number, the kingdom’s third-line garrison will definitely be defeated by the kobolds. Although they are stronger than the kobolds, the gap is not so large that it cannot be made up. However, their morale and fighting will are completely unable to match the kobolds. People and armies compete.”

Morill on the side praised these kobold warriors seriously, but at the end she added:

“Although their individual combat effectiveness is worrying, considering their firm will to fight and their large numbers, they are a good group of cannon fodder. They may be able to play a greater role under some special circumstances.”

Morill spoke straightforwardly, but she revealed Richard’s position on the kobolds.

The so-called special circumstances, in Moriel’s words, may refer to certain complex and rugged terrains where the kobolds will be more flexible in their actions, but a more unethical idea came to Richard’s mind.

If kobolds add black powder, will it happen…

Forget it, this idea is too immoral. Unless it is absolutely necessary, Richard is still unwilling to do such an inhumane thing. Even if he is used as cannon fodder, he cannot be sent to do dirty work with a higher casualty rate. Doing things that are worthless than death, these are two concepts.

“Yes, sir, the training cost of these kobolds is relatively low. Just give them stutterers. If we train a few more legions, we can also increase our military strength.”

Richard’s wicked thoughts were interrupted by another general. After temporarily putting aside the idea of ​​using the kobolds as secret agents, Richard replied:

“These are the elites carefully selected from the kobolds in the North. The quality of training a few more legions cannot be guaranteed. Let’s wait until the Demon Suppression City captures some kobold slaves and then take our time. And after all, I just watched their training, and I have to wait until they go on the battlefield and go through the test before I can correctly evaluate their combat effectiveness.”

“Okay, order the logistics side, this kobold army’s food and grass must be supplied normally according to the standards of the regular army, and no deductions shall be made.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ordinary kobolds generally consume less than half of the food of humans, but these kobolds who are covered in tendons obviously cannot be treated as ordinary kobolds. With such a large amount of training every day, the food intake must increase a lot. Richard is afraid of logistics. People discriminate against kobolds.

No, according to the urine of this era, discrimination is a normal thing. If Richard did not give special instructions, it would be absolutely impossible for logistics to supply food and grass to the post-Kobold Legion according to normal standards, and even the Kobolds themselves. It doesn’t feel too big to be treated differently.

It’s just that although Richard is not a Holy Mother, he is a very practical person. Next, these kobolds will have to work in the mountains of the northern dense forest. Even cannon fodder must be fed well to have the strength to fight. ah.

The group of people came suddenly and left quickly. After watching the kobold training in the camp for a while, Richard led the people and left the camp with Haba respectfully seeing them off. As the expedition was about to begin, Richard had to deal with This is not the only thing.

“Lord Richard.”

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Moriel.”

Back in the Duke’s Mansion, guards and waiters were greeting Richard and Moriel behind him along the way.

“How have you treated General Kurtz these past two days?”

“Sir, General Kurtz has not left the Duke’s Palace in the past two days except for one trip on the first day. Except for eating, he has been practicing martial arts in that side courtyard almost the whole day.”

“Well, try to satisfy General Kurtz if he has any requests. After all, he is a guest from the royal capital.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

After Kurtz came to Miracle City, apart from meeting him on the first day, Richard had no time to entertain him in the next two days. If the person who came was Saul, Richard might even stay with him for a while. A messenger from the royal capital was indeed not qualified to keep Richard with him all day long.

Kuz is also sensible. After getting Richard’s accurate reply, he stayed in the Duke’s Mansion without bothering Richard. He even discovered the secret of Miracle City in the past two days. Here The efficiency of practicing Dou Qi has improved a lot. Now he has no motivation to bother Richard anymore and enjoys the joy of practicing quickly all day long.

After hearing about Kuz’s recent news, Richard didn’t care. He used Miracle City’s special effects to promote it, and he wasn’t afraid of other forces knowing about it.

I even wished that Kurtz would spread the news to the royal capital, give him publicity, and lure a group of knights to seek refuge in the North. After all, Richard’s series of actions in the North made him popular among the aristocracy of the kingdom. His image is very poor, and now there are far fewer knights coming to seek refuge with him. He must rely on other aspects to attract knights, but these are things for another time.

After asking about Kuz’s situation over the past two days, Richard returned to the hall of the Duke’s Mansion, turned back to Moriel and asked:

“Moriel, do you have something to say to me?”

Moriel nodded and said:

“Does Lord Richard sincerely want to contribute to the kingdom to defeat the orcs?”

“It doesn’t count. The 300,000 cavalrymen of the Ross family in the Western Region have already arrived on the central plain. I only plan to bring these 10,000 kobolds and the 5,000 rangers that Gru is training this time. The rest The army will stay in the north.”

“No, sir, your contribution is no less than that of the Duke of the West. Just a few of our heroes, the dragon and some soldiers you plan to bring with you can already match the 300,000 cavalry.”

“As long as the orc army breaks through the Dragon Breathing Pass, the royal capital will never be able to defend it. At that time, we will go south from the north. After defeating the orcs, you will be the one to sit on the throne, and you will no longer have to accept them sitting on it. The king gives orders.”

“At that time, you will become the unique king of mankind. It is only a matter of time before you conquer all races and establish a great empire comparable to the ancient elves.”

Morill became more and more excited as she spoke, while Richard held his forehead with a headache.

Moriel’s ambition disease is a little bit worse. Looking at her state, she must have been holding it in for a long time. She has never had any righteousness in her heart. She herself cannot be considered a person. What she is looking forward to is the situation. The more chaos, the better. As for whether the orcs will threaten the Northland after they break through the royal capital, Moriel is very confident that after the orcs defeat the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the Northland will develop for another year or two, and they can easily come forward to deal with it. At the end of the game, you can take over everything naturally, and there is no need to run to Longxingguan to fight for your life at this time.

“After defeating the orcs first, we still have the ability to go south and seize that position.”

“But sir, this is a bit…”

“Needless to say, let’s prepare for this battle now. Time is always on our side.”

Richard refused very firmly. In the final analysis, Richard always had his own bottom line. He could rebel and seize the throne from his father-in-law, but he could not do anything like borrowing the help of foreigners to clear his obstacles. Come.

Morrell didn’t try to persuade her any more. Fortunately, although she had a personality, she only persuaded him verbally, and she still respected Richard as the lord in action.

If we really recruit abnormal undead heroes like Sandro, we might be able to create some trouble for Richard.

When looking at Moriel’s leaving figure, Richard inexplicably thought of Sandru, who he almost recruited, and he was still a little scared. Moriel, Gru, and Siaire were already considered problematic heroes. If they were really screwed up, The appearance of several absolutely evil heroes really gave Richard a headache…


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