Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 410: Discuss


In the drawing room of the Duke’s Palace.

Richard is receiving the envoy from the royal capital and the liaison officer of the Eastern Expedition. The liaison officer is sitting on the chair below Richard. His leather armor is covered with dust and he has not even had time to wipe it off. He can tell at a glance that he has traveled a long distance to come here. , he came to the Duke’s Palace without making any stop. The waiter brought him a cup of tea. The messenger thanked him and drank the tea in one gulp. He did look like he was thirsty, but he drank like a cow. It made Richard feel a little distressed.

However, Richard was still very polite and immediately ordered the waiter to bring him more tea.

“General Kurtz has worked hard all the way, and he came to me right now without even taking a break.”

The envoy sitting in the hall at this time is still an old acquaintance of Richard. When they fought against the ogre, the two had some friendship in fighting side by side. At that time, Kurtz had the strength of a great knight and was a close confidant of Thor. He directly served as the commander of the newly formed River Valley Army. At the beginning of the campaign, his status was still slightly higher than that of Richard.

Even when Thor finally returned to the capital, Kuz had a sense of superiority as a person in the capital. Just a few short months have passed, and the person who was originally a small nobleman in the North, or at most a middle-class nobleman, has now become a famous master in the kingdom. He has the same status as the adults he follows, and is even more powerful in terms of strength. Still have it.

The Duke of the North, the guardian of the two realms, the most powerful man in the kingdom, with great military exploits, and the service of the dragon of unknown origin. Any one of these identities can only look up to Kurtz, let alone the combination of these identities. Together, this made Kurtz, who had met many big names with Saul, even appear a little cautious in front of Richard.

Kuz, who was sitting in the subordinate position, was even a little surprised when he heard Richard speak. Although he had been hearing about Richard in the capital and was mentally prepared, it was still difficult for him to deal with it when he was in front of Richard. The young and excessively young Duke in front of him overlapped with the young nobleman from the North.

However, Kurtz quickly adjusted his position. Before setting off, Sol had already warned him repeatedly to maintain sufficient respect for Richard. After listening to Richard’s questions, Kurtz immediately changed his position. He stood up from his position and replied, not showing any signs of being a messenger from the royal capital.

“Sir Richard, you are too polite. It’s just a major military matter. I have to see you as soon as possible. Please forgive me for disturbing you.”

“Sit down and talk, sit down and talk, no matter what, we are all comrades who have fought side by side. General Kurtz does not need to be so reserved.”

Richard just said that it was not necessary, but in fact he was quite satisfied with Kurtz’s attitude. It was not that Richard wanted to show off his power in front of this half-old friend, but that Kurtz’s attitude was more It represents the attitude of the royal capital.

The way Kuz looks now is obviously due to some kind of instructions from the decision-makers in the royal capital. They very correctly placed Richard in the position of a collaborator at the same level, instead of attacking Li Cha without any pressure. It is important that the police take a commanding stance.

“I wonder what General Kurtz is doing in Northland this time?”

After Richard finished speaking, Kuz did not sit back, but still stood in the hall. Richard no longer dwelled on this small issue, but asked Kuz directly.

Faced with Richard’s knowing question, Kurtz didn’t go around any more. He just looked to see if there were any idle people on both sides.

Richard waved his hand in agreement, and the waiters on both sides took the initiative to exit the hall. Soon, only Richard and Kuz were left in the hall.

“Sir Richard, the Eastern Expedition is imminent, and the 100,000 elite troops of the North Route Army have been prepared. Your Majesty and Lord Saul asked me to remind you to prepare your army for war. After that, I will stay in your army as a liaison officer and coordinate Cooperation between you and the army.”

No wonder the envoy must be a great knight like Kurtz. The matter involves a top-secret matter like the Eastern Expedition. I am afraid that many of the country’s nobles are still kept in the dark, and only close relatives of the royal party like Kurtz are involved. Only then was he qualified to participate in the plan at the final stage. It was indeed very appropriate for him to urge Richard and serve as the liaison officer.

“General Kurtz came to serve as this liaison officer, is he going to help convey military orders?”

Richard asked directly because he wanted to know if Kuz and the Kingdom had any intention of getting involved in the command. If Kuz wanted to dictate his actions, then Richard would have to find a way to make him quieter. , Fortunately, Ren and Thor in the royal capital are not incompetent people, so they have naturally considered this matter.

As soon as Richard asked, Kurtz immediately answered:

“The command of the North Route Army is handed over to Sir Richard. Naturally, all actions are decided by Sir Richard. I am only responsible for passing information between the North Route Army and the Middle Route Army. I will never be involved in specific Interfering with Lord Richard’s actions.”

Richard nodded, quite satisfied with Kurtz’s answer. Basic contact and cooperation should indeed be there, but it would be absolutely impossible for Kurtz to give orders to Richard.

“How should we act specifically?”

“The attack will be launched after autumn. The specific time will be waited for after you arrive at the North Route Army and wait for the news from Sir Saul. Now the five legions of the North Route Army with 100,000 people have arrived at the reserved position. They are just waiting for Sir Richard to lead them. The dragon is in place.”

In addition to serving as a liaison officer, Kurtz naturally also has the task of urging Richard to leave. It is almost autumn, and the time to launch an attack is not far away. Richard is still shrinking in the Northland, Rennes He Saul was naturally a little anxious. After all, it was impossible for Richard to perfectly command the action of a hundred thousand troops as soon as he arrived. There was still a process of getting familiar with his subordinates, and he had to arrive some time in advance.

Facing the urging in Kurtz’s words, Richard was not annoyed. He had no intention of breaking his promise and was willing to cooperate.

“Don’t worry, General Kurtz will rest for a while in Miracle City first. I need to make arrangements for the Northland. I will arrive at the Longxingguan front line with the dragon on time when autumn comes.”

“In addition to the giant dragon, I will also lead some of my men to Longxing Pass to participate in the battle. They will arrive before the expedition.”

Although the condition negotiated with Ren was that he would only bring some elites and dragons to the war, Richard still planned to bring some special troops to the war.

Most heroes and high-level system troops must be brought with him. In addition, because the main attack direction of the North Route Army is mainly a mountain forest, Richard is also planning to bring 10,000 specially trained kobolds and Ge. The thousands of half-elf rangers that Lu is training should also be able to play a greater role in the dense forests on the north road.

“Well, then I will report Sir Richard’s wishes directly to Your Majesty and Sir Saul.”

After Richard promised to arrive at Longxingguan within a month, Kuz did not continue to urge without interest. Instead, under the leadership of the waiter, he found a room in the Duke’s Mansion and settled down temporarily…

“Go and ask General Gru to come.”

“Forget it, I’ll go there by myself.”

After asking Kuz to go down and settle down, the first person Richard thought of was Gru. Richard had done his homework on the route of the Northern Route Army he was going to lead.

Not only is the road to the northern route rugged, it also has to pass through the northern dense forest area with complex terrain and dense jungles. That area is not suitable for large groups to fight. When the orcs attacked Longxing Pass, they didn’t even bother to make a feint attack. They just moved in the mountains. Some camps were set up to prevent humans from attacking through the dense forest.

The defensive force is not strong, but it is not easy to break through. Because it is difficult to deploy large corps in the northern dense forest, the human army cannot take advantage of numbers and corps. In small-scale conflicts, the orc army can occupy most of the time. Absolute advantage.

And after leaving the dense forest, we went directly to the eastern plateau. Although the terrain was flat and the orcs seemed to have no danger to defend it, humans would have to be able to defeat the orc army in a field battle. They could have passed through the dense forest. There are not many human armies. In many cases, four or five legions of humans combined cannot defeat two legions of orcs. The orcs can block the human army infiltrating from the dense forest by mobilizing two ordinary garrison legions at will.

Only when humans were still eating the legacy of the Aragonese era more than two hundred years ago could they organize capable forces to enter the eastern plateau occupied by the orcs through the northern dense forests to contain the orcs’ power. In the past two hundred years, , humans who have gone on the defensive simply do not have the ability to organize their forces to come out of the dense forest.

Now Ren and Thor have given this task to Richard again. Apparently, they have taken a fancy to the fact that Richard has many elites at his disposal and is capable of leading the Northern Route Army to break through the orc camps in the dense forest. As long as the army appears on the plateau, Even if Richard’s Northern Route Army has accomplished its basic goal, it will be a surprise to see what it can accomplish in the future.

Soon, Richard appeared in a training camp designed by Gru himself, where a group of 5,000 half-elves were being trained.

This training camp was built in accordance with Gru’s requirements in the middle of a jungle. There were rows of obstacle facilities in the middle. At a glance, Richard could see half-elf soldiers lining up to pass the obstacles.


The sudden appearance of Richard startled the sentry guarding him. The sentry subconsciously raised the weapon in his hand, and then put it down after discovering that it was Richard.

“Lord Richard!”

Richard nodded towards the sentry and continued to observe the training of the half-elves.

Although this group of half-elves have not been trained for a long time, their movements are already impressive. These five thousand people are all carefully selected elites. Most of them were hunters in the half-elf tribe before, and their skills are good. Not bad, but they lack systematic training. Some of them are even half-elf scouts drawn from various legions. They are making rapid progress and only need a certain amount of running-in under Gru’s training.

It’s just that their natural physical strength and strength are weaker than that of humans. Although they are not as exaggerated as kobolds, compared with the youthfulness of humans, the strength and physical strength of half-elf soldiers are generally only 70 to 80% of that of human soldiers.

So most of these elven soldiers also wore iron-clad armor, which was lighter and easier to march in the jungle, and the weapons in their hands were mostly lighter weapons such as scimitars and armor-piercing daggers.

However, the advantages of half-elves are also obvious. They are all natural archers, and their archery accuracy is particularly good. However, due to their strength limitations, most of them cannot fire heavy bows, so they have no range advantage in plain combat, but in this forest Here, the half-elf’s talent is useful. The two sides can often find each other at a distance of more than ten meters. At this distance, even a blowgun may be able to hit the enemy.

“Lord Richard!”

Here, Gru also noticed Richard’s arrival and immediately rushed to Richard.

“How are these half-elves trained?”

“It’s more troublesome than expected, and the soldiers are somewhat unqualified.”

Richard’s half-elf army seemed to be well-trained, but in Gru’s eyes it was unqualified.

“How to say?”

“Compared to the ranger regiment I led before, their foundation is too poor. They are generally weak in physical strength and strength. Most of them cannot even use heavy scimitars and can only use light scimitars and bayonets to fight. , only his performance in archery is remarkable.”

“To be honest, sir, if these soldiers were selected according to my previous standards, I am afraid that less than 500 of them would be considered qualified soldiers.”

It can’t be said that Gru’s standards are strict. After all, Gru led soldiers from Erathia before. The basic physical fitness of those guys was somewhat better than that of the creatures on this continent. These half-elves are even better than ordinary humans. He is an inferior being, and it is only reasonable for him to be disliked by Gru.

“Then what are you going to do?”

Now that Gru has brought it up, Richard believes that he has also considered a solution.

“In forest operations, their weaknesses will be reduced, but they will still exist. My idea is to combine them with the army in Forest City to form a combat team. Each team will be equipped with a phantom shooter and two war dancers. The remaining nine are combined with these soldiers, so that they have a certain degree of lethality and can deal with more enemies.”


Richard nodded. In simple terms, this method is to use it as cannon fodder to disperse the pressure for the phantom shooters and war dancers in the team, and to create opportunities for the phantom shooters and war dancers.

“How much time will it take to complete the training?”

“It will take at least one month to be basically familiar with tactics and form combat effectiveness. If there is sufficient time, it will be better to train for another three months or so.”

“It won’t take that long. This army will be trained within three weeks. You can train harder and ask the logistics department to prepare more rice and meat. In three weeks, the army will set off.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

If they enter the battle early, the casualties of the troops will definitely be greater, but Richard does not have so much time, so he can only let these soldiers grow in the battle.


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