Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 408: Merge


Cold Wind Canyon

Although it is summer, biting cold winds are still coming out of the canyon. If ordinary creatures enter the canyon against the cold wind, they may not be able to go more than a few dozen meters without being frozen by the extreme weather. Stuck on the roadside.

In addition to the unmelted ice and snow at the bottom of the canyon, there are piles of scattered white bones. These bones are scattered in a messy manner. It seems that they did not die naturally here, but were thrown down from the top of the canyon.

This Cold Wind Canyon is the habitat of the White Dragon clan. This environment, which is very harsh for other creatures, is quite comfortable for the White Dragon. The White Dragon clan is somewhat similar to the Snow Giant in this regard. Both like cold environments. That’s why there was a scramble for territory in the snowfield.

Although the White Dragon clan is a giant dragon, its strength is at the bottom among the giant dragons. It is just stronger than some sub-dragon species. In the battle with the Snow Giant, the White Dragon clan has an advantage in individual strength, but Unable to withstand the large number of snow giants, they are led by a Snow Giant King who holds the Key of Ice and Snow.

The White Dragon clan suffered a humiliating defeat and were driven out of the snowfield. They retreated to their earliest clan territory to lick their wounds. When the White Dragon clan withdrew from the snowfield, the victorious snow giants did not continue to pursue them. They attacked the people of the snowfield. There is no interest in the outside world.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even after being defeated and retreating to this cold wind canyon, the white dragon clan is still one of the top predators, overlord-level creatures.

Within a hundred miles of Cold Wind Canyon, there are basically no large-scale biota activities. The white dragons are within the hunting range for thousands of miles. Occasionally, they will enter the territory of the orcs to perform tooth sacrifices. As long as they do not go deep into the orcs’ strongholds, ordinary orcs will still take them. They can’t help it.

But today, a special figure appeared in the Cold Wind Canyon. He flew into the canyon against the cold wind blowing in the canyon, without hiding his figure in mid-air.

His appearance also attracted the attention of the white dragon in the canyon. The white dragon is considered a cruel one among the giant dragons. Sometimes it will kill for pleasure even when it does not need to hunt. On the contrary, Jinlong’s personality is generally relatively peaceful, and apart from being a bit arrogant, he is easy to get along with.

Because of Bai Long’s character, Cold Wind Canyon has basically become a paradise for medium and large lifeforms. They have to go hundreds of miles away to hunt, so it is only now that a human-looking guy enters the canyon and becomes very conspicuous.

On both sides of the canyon, many white dragons poked their heads out from their lairs and stared at the humans flying in the air, their eyes full of violent and dangerous auras.

However, Bailong is also a dominant creature, and his instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages prevents them from acting rashly. They feel threatened by this figure, especially the white dragon who is facing the opponent directly, and they even feel a little scared.

Just like that, a strange scene appeared in the Cold Wind Canyon. Hundreds of dragon heads poked out from the rock wall, slowly turning with a human figure, staring at him as he continued to go deeper into the canyon, but there was no white head. The dragon went up to stop him.


Until deep in the canyon, a dragon roar sounded. This roar sounded louder and louder than Moriel after the transformation, and his strength should still be above Moriel.

The white dragons who heard the roar seemed to have received some signal. The roars echoed in the canyon, and the sound waves formed could even break the eardrums of some creatures. Then, the white dragons on the mountain wall started to rush from He flew out of the nest and surrounded the humanoid figure.

Although the white dragon is smaller than the golden dragon and the black dragon, and not even as good as the green dragon, it is still nearly ten meters long at least. The scene of hundreds of white dragons flying together is really shocking. If you stand up Below, it is not an exaggeration to say that it blocks out the sky and the sun. For most of the creatures on this continent, the two forces would be fighting and unable to maintain their posture at this moment.

However, the figure surrounded by hundreds of white dragons was very calm. It just did not move forward and stopped in place, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough, several more white dragons flew in from a distance. These later white dragons were obviously stronger than the hundreds of white dragons around them. They were basically the same size as the golden dragon. The white dragon at the head was even stronger. It is several times larger than other white dragons. If you have to compare it, it is much stronger than Moriel who transformed into an ancient black dragon.

It’s just that this strongest white dragon has obvious scars on its body. Not only are there a few scales falling off on its body, but there are also several damaged holes on the upper edge of its huge fleshy wings, allowing it to maintain its normal shape as much as possible. It can also be seen that it is somewhat inflexible in flight.

“Human, this is not the place you should be. Leave quickly. The great white dragon Yamos can let you live.”

Of course Bailong doesn’t have such a good temper. Although he doesn’t know the purpose of the human being here, with the slightly arrogant attitude of the other person, Yamos will not let him go. The only reason is naturally that it has a relationship with him. The other white dragons also felt threatened by the opponent, and even Yamos’s perception was stronger. The opponent made no secret of his own strength and released his aura unscrupulously. Yamos judged that even in his heyday, he was no match for the opponent. That aura should be that of a strong person at the holy level.

Damn it, why do holy powerful men appear as frequently as cabbage recently? When fighting the snow giant before, it had the upper hand, but that brainless fool suddenly took out a spear and gave it to it After learning a lesson, it is still injured.

At this moment, another holy-level human comes. Yamos is actually timid. But as a giant dragon, it is also the tradition of dragons to have a tough mouth. Although Yamos is timid, he still speaks in a condescending manner. It seems, but it inevitably sounds a little lacking in confidence.

But the human opposite raised his head and stared at Yamos with an unhappy look on his face, which made Yamos a little hairy and a little angry.

Not to mention being defeated by the Snow Giant, now even a human dares to challenge him single-handedly. So what about the Holy Order? When the Snow Giant King defeated him, there were still a large number of Snow Giant warriors and his tribesmen fighting fiercely around him. , the current situation is that more than a hundred tribesmen are surrounding each other.

Even if they were saints, it would be difficult for them to fight against so many white dragons alone. However, the white dragon clan itself suffered heavy losses in the battle of the snowfield. If they were to fight another saint-level human now, casualties would definitely be unavoidable.

Yamos tried hard to control his anger and asked again.

“Human, aren’t you leaving yet? Don’t challenge the patience of the great Yamos.”

“Haha, human, I am not a human, don’t think of me as one of those inferior creatures.”

“What are you if you are not a human being? You…”

Suddenly, Bailong Yamosi paused, as if he had seen a ghost. After careful observation, he found that the other party’s ears were pointed. You have the oval-shaped ears of a half-elf, but the orthodox ones. Elf’s long pointed ears.

As the leader of the White Dragon clan, Yamos has a long life. He has experienced the chaotic era at the end of the Elf Empire. He can naturally identify the identity of the elves, but shouldn’t the orthodox elves be extinct long ago? The elves who lost their magic encountered backlash from hundreds of races. After falling from the altar, they were suppressed without any chance of turning around. In that era, the elimination of elves even became the consensus of all races.

In Yamos’ memory, the elves should have been extinct for hundreds of years, but suddenly a living elf appeared in front of it, and it was a holy-level elf.

“Okay, Elf, this is not the place you should be, get out of here.”

After digesting it for a while, Yamos put aside his surprise for the time being. The opponent’s race is not actually important to it. Now it just wants to drive the opponent out.

“Strictly speaking, I am not an elf, but follow a greater existence.”

The other party shook his head and denied the identity of the elf.

“Okay, I don’t care who you are. Cold Wind Canyon is the clan of the White Dragon Clan. You are not welcome here. If you must continue to move forward, you will be torn apart.”

“Sir Yamos, please wait until I finish saying that I am here to help your White Dragon clan get out of trouble?”

“Help us out of trouble?”

The White Dragon clan has indeed been in trouble recently. After a disastrous defeat in the previous battle with the Snow Giant, the number of clan members has dropped sharply to about 500, and they have completely withdrawn from the snowfield, losing the qualification to hunt in the snowfield.

The strongest clan leader, Yamos, was seriously injured and has not recovered yet. This should be the time when the White Dragon clan is at its weakest.

“Yes, I can help you get out of trouble.”

The elf on the other side nodded, but Yamos was full of doubts.

“How can you help? Help us defeat the snow giant and win the snowfield?”


“But not now.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Yamos’s huge dragon eyes glared. If he couldn’t defeat the opponent, Yamos might have killed him with a breath of dragon breath.

“Your Excellency Yamos, I think this can prove my sincerity.”

After speaking, the elf opposite Yamos took out a blue crystal stone from his arms. The white dragons around him could feel the energy content of this crystal stone from more than ten meters away. The well-known and well-known elder Bailong and the clan leader had some abnormal emotions after seeing this crystal stone.

“This is dragon crystal?”

“Yes, this dragon crystal comes from the ancient white dragon. A giant dragon of the holy level.”

Facing this dragon crystal, Yamos showed an uncontrollable desire. Not all dragons can produce dragon crystal. Dragons must reach the holy level to produce dragon crystal in their bodies.

The White Dragon clan is not like other giant dragons, such as golden dragons, black dragons and red dragons. Each generation has at least four or five holy dragons to support the scene. The leader of the clan must be a saint-level existence, and the white dragon Although the clan is also a giant dragon, it has been many years since there has been a giant dragon of the holy level.

This dragon crystal is very consistent with Yamos in terms of attributes and all aspects. Yamos himself has reached the peak of the sky level, and is only one step away from stepping into the holy level. As long as he absorbs this A dragon crystal can not only quickly recover from injuries, but also has a greater chance of helping Yamos successfully enter the holy level.

“What does the White Dragon clan need to do?”

Although Yamos has the unique arrogance of a giant dragon, he is not stupid. There is no free lunch in the world. If the other party brings out a treasure like dragon crystal, it must cost the White Dragon clan something. Suppressing the inner impulse to **** directly, Yamos raised his question.

“It’s very simple. Cooperate with the orc kingdom and join the war against humans. This dragon crystal is a meeting gift from our lord.”


“I don’t want to be the enemy of the golden dragon.”

After all, Yamos is a white dragon that has lived for so long. He still understands the covenant between golden dragons and humans. Although he cannot understand how a noble dragon can enter into a covenant with such a weak creature as humans. But it was not the chief of the White Dragon clan’s turn to question matters concerning a powerful clan like the Golden Dragon.

But those golden dragons and green dragons that have been fighting together with humans are not fake. Not to mention that the white dragon clan is now at its weakest. Even when the white dragons were at their strongest, they did not have the guts to be enemies with the golden dragons. .

After listening to the conditions put forward by the other party, Yamos stared at the dragon crystal in the other party’s hand, with a dangerous light in his eyes again. More than a hundred white dragons surrounded the other party in the middle, Do you want to fight and rob it?

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to be enemies with the Golden Dragon clan. The Golden Dragon has already broken its alliance with humans. If the Golden Dragon appears on the battlefield, you only need to help the orcs deal with the human army.”

After hearing this, Yamos thought for a while. Under normal circumstances, it would not be willing to do something that might offend the golden dragon. If it had a fight with the snow giant, it would be able to run away if it lost and would not annihilate the clan. , if it is targeted by the golden dragon, the white dragon will not be able to run away, but the temptation of the dragon crystal in front of him is really great.

Regardless of whether the other party’s statement about the invalidation of the covenant was true or false, Yamos was a little moved after hearing what the other party said later that he did not have to fight the golden dragon on the battlefield.

There was really no confidence in snatching the dragon crystal from the other party. Yamos finally made up his mind after struggling again.

“Okay, I accept your conditions, but we are only responsible for fighting human armies, and we will never fight golden dragons.”

“A word is settled.”

After speaking, the other party directly threw the dragon crystal in his hand towards Yamos.

The dragon crystal drew a blue arc in the air. Yamos, who did not expect the other party to be so decisive, panicked and quickly went up to catch the dragon crystal. It had already felt the impact of other white dragons around it. The desire for this dragon crystal, especially the ancient white dragons around it, already seemed ready to move, but before they dared to act, Yamos reacted and swallowed the dragon crystal directly into his belly. The white dragons around him calmed down.

“When needed, I will contact you again and gather your people.”

“Who are you?”

“Aren’t you afraid that I won’t abide by the agreement?”

“I am Adelillo, the first envoy of the great Lord of the Rising Sun.”

“No one dares to break the agreement with my Lord.”

“Believe me, my lord’s anger is ten times more terrifying than the Golden Dragon clan…”

After saying that, Adelillo turned and left, leaving a circle of white dragons in place for a long time without coming back to their senses…


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