Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 407: God-level hero


“This is?”

Richard, who was holding a wine glass at the bar, was slightly stunned when he saw the name of this hero. This name was really too loud.

“Name: Gru

Race: Half-elf

Level: 19

Strength: 31

Agility: 32

Physique: 33

Spirit: 21

Feature 1: Phantom Shooter

Gru can upgrade his marksmen and great elf shooters to phantom shooters.

Speciality 2: Jungle warfare expert

Gru is good at jungle warfare and guerrilla warfare. Under his command, the troops can exert greater combat effectiveness in the jungle.

Skills: Financial Management (Advanced), Offensive (Advanced), Defense (Advanced), Logistics (Advanced), Breathing (Master Level), Qi-Entraining Technique (Advanced).

Treasure 1: Bow of the Tree Elf

Increase the attack power of all ranged troops under your command by 5%.

Introduction: This is the trophy Gru won in a contest with a famous archer. It is also one of the three components of the artifact Phantom Bow.

Treasure 2: Tianyu Arrow

Increase the attack power of all ranged troops under your command by 15%.

Introduction: An arrow made of Seraphim’s feathers, one of the three components of the Phantom Bow.

Hero Introduction: The legendary hero Gru lost his parents when he was a child and became an orphan. Because of his embarrassing half-human and half-elf ancestry, Gru experienced many hardships when he was a wandering child until he met Erathia’s General Kendall, after being adopted by Kendall, as Kendall’s adopted son, Gru began to serve in the military, and soon showed his outstanding military talents, and repeatedly made military exploits in the subsequent war with the Evil Alliance.

Unfortunately, his character was too stubborn, and he eventually made a big mistake that destroyed the world. However, he also successfully destroyed the weapons that threatened the world. Now he has to atone for his past actions. ”

It’s really the legendary half-elf hero Gru. In the game, Gru is sometimes a little bit useless, but when it comes to Richard, Gru fills in a lot of shortcomings.

That is the problem of the weakness of long-range shooters. Now there are hundreds of sharpshooters and great elf shooters under Richard’s command. These shooters have good accuracy, fast shooting speed, and their attack power is good for killing vegetables. But when facing some heavily armored units or powerful creatures, their attacks are very weak.

Especially the marksmen, facing the heavily armored orc warriors, it is difficult for them to cause effective damage. When facing the snow giant this time, they did not play any important role at all.

After all, reality is not a game. There will be forced blood deductions to grind high-level units to death. In reality, no matter how accurate the arrows are, they will still be equal to zero if they cannot break through the defense. Those snow giants with the level of knights have astonishingly high defenses. Apart from the mighty crossbow, only the long-range attacks of intermediate units such as five phantom shooters and magic mage monks caused some damage.

The arrows shot by a large number of ordinary archers were completely ignored by the opponent. Anyway, even if they penetrated the rough surface of the snow giant’s skin, it would only feel like being bitten by a large mosquito.

But the hundreds of marksmen and big elf shooters have become phantom shooters. That is completely different. Although the phantom shooters are only level four according to the military level, their attack power is already equivalent to that of senior monks. Level five soldiers are not too much.

With the addition of Gru, Richard can quickly complete a gorgeous transformation with a large number of low-level shooters at level 2 and 3. Hundreds or thousands of phantom shooters appear on the battlefield. It is a bit exciting to think about it. If the phantom shooters are dense enough, even giant dragons can shoot them down to see.

Gru’s own strength is also sky-level, and his combat power is about the same as Elena’s. He also comes with two bonus treasures for long-range troops. Those two treasures are only one piece short of forming another effective combination. It’s an artifact, and it also possesses several strategic skills, and its ability to lead troops independently is not bad either. Compared with the Dragon King’s power he just obtained, Richard even felt that Gru was the biggest gain this month.

Unfortunately, looking at the introduction, this should be Gru when he destroyed the Doomsday Blade. Wouldn’t it be great if this Gru still had the Doomsday Blade on him.

Although I was still a little greedy thinking about the Doomsday Blade, my body still acted very decisively.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, he walked to Gru’s table and sat down in front of Gru, who was drinking alone.

On the other hand, Gru, who had a look of decadence on his face, didn’t seem to see such a big living person like Richard being around him, and was still drinking alone.

“Friend, what fun is there in drinking alone?”

After saying that, Richard raised his glass. It was obvious that he was going to sit at the table with Gru and drink together.

Gru stopped and looked at Richard, but he did not refuse. He also raised his glass to Richard and drank it all in one gulp. Richard was also unambiguous and drank the wine in his glass in a bold manner. Light.

In his previous life, Richard was not a good drinker and did not like drinking. Of course, the current Richard has no special feelings towards wine, it is just a tonic to cheer him up.

It’s just that Richard’s current physical condition is here, and it’s difficult to get him drunk with any high-alcohol alcohol. Gru didn’t say anything, so Richard drank with him with his head down. In the meantime, there wasn’t enough wine on the table, so Richard He also asked the owner of the tavern to add some wine again.

After drinking for the fourth time, Gru on the other side finally stopped. Although he was very strong, after drinking enough, the two of them still felt a little tipsy. Gru looked pale. There was a hint of drunkenness on his face.

Raised his head and stared at Richard and asked:

“I can see that you are a lord. You want to recruit me to serve you, right?”

After Gru put down the wine glass in his hand, Richard also stopped. Faced with Gru’s straight-to-the-top question, Richard did not mince words and nodded directly and said:

“I am the Duke of the North of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the guardian of the North and the River Valley, the loyal object of all intelligent creatures in the North, and the favored one of the creator **** Asha…”

After nodding, Richard said his title as if he was giving the name of a dish, and described his great strength to Gru. Anyway, when recruiting a hero, he must let others know that his platform is not small. It takes space to display your talents.

But Gru didn’t seem interested in hearing Richard’s pile of titles, so he asked casually:

“You already have such a high status, what do you want me to help you become? The new king of the kingdom? Or the ruler of the entire world?”

Faced with this problem, Richard thought about it for a while. The introduction did not directly explain what kind of person Gru wanted to be loyal to. He could only speculate through his experience. In order not to directly touch the minefield, Richard I simply gave a plausible answer first.

“Yes, I want to become the new king of the human kingdom and the emperor who rules the world, but these are just means. My real goal is to bring peace and tranquility to the world.”

“Peace and tranquility?”

Gru stared at Richard and repeated his last sentence, and Richard looked directly at him without blushing or heartbeat, appearing extremely candid.

“You are good at talking. I didn’t really like politicians like you before.”

“You are still Asha’s favored one. I can feel that comfortable aura, but I have never believed in gods, not even Asha.”

After asking a question without knowing anything, Gru changed the topic to the identity of God’s Favored One. Richard is a very real guy. In the past, when he introduced himself, he called himself the Favored One of the Dragon of Light. , but since being blessed by Yasha, Richard has chosen Yasha, who is one level higher. Anyway, it is a tiger skin, and naturally he will get a bigger one.

“It doesn’t matter. Ms. Asha is tolerant. Even if I am his favored one, I will not require everyone to become her believer.”

“It’s interesting that a person favored by God actually said such a thing. You are different from those lunatics. You are a guy who purely cares about interests. I can’t see any belief in gods. However, I like this now. kind of people.”

After inexplicably approving Richard’s sentence, Gru consciously added without waiting for Richard to think about his next sentence.

“I accept your offer, Lord.”

Then he stretched out a hand. Unlike the orthodox Erathian knights, Gru was obviously not constrained by those rules and regulations, and did not perform a serious ceremony like Rhodes and Sir Mrak. .

Richard didn’t care about this problem. He stretched out his right hand and shook it with the other party. The solicitation was completed.

When Gru agreed to work for Richard, Richard somewhat understood the meaning of Gru’s questions.

Gru once led to the destruction of the world because of his stubbornness and extremeness. Now he wants to atone for his sins and obviously does not want to serve a similar person, because after destroying the world, Gru has grown a lot.

Those politicians who were good at dancing were the existences he looked down upon the most in the past, but now he understands that these politicians who are good at adapting and compromising, and talking nonsense to others are more suitable for being in power. Stubborn people are not suitable for making important decisions.

Of course, this is just Gru’s own subjective feeling, and it even skews towards the other extreme.

However, regardless of whether Gru has slipped to the other extreme, Richard’s tactful way of answering the two questions was recognized by Gru.

Richard successfully passed the test and recruited this legendary half-elf hero.

Then, Richard left the tavern with the upright Gru. The moment they left, the candlelight in the tavern was extinguished, and the Rock Castle was completely plunged into night again.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

Take Gru all the way back to the Duke’s Mansion. Although the guards on both sides were a little confused when they saw Gru, no one would check their identity because he was brought by Richard. Instead, they all respectfully saluted Richard first. .

Richard nodded in response, and then he and Gru went straight back to the Duke’s Mansion.

“Today I will ask you to temporarily stay in the guest room of the Duke’s Palace. Tomorrow I will ask someone to take you to choose a mansion. If you need new decoration, I can also contact you with an engineering team and you can decorate the mansion yourself. Transform it into something you like.”

Although Richard has been relying on the constant morale of the system soldiers to provide sufficient food and not pay salaries commensurate with their strength, which is a bit blood-sucking, but the treatment of the system heroes is still good.

At least he would not do such a shameful thing as letting his important generals squeeze into the Duke’s Palace in Miracle City. All heroes have their own residences near the Duke’s Palace, and Richard deliberately set aside a lot of them. An idle mansion is used to house newly added heroes.

Of course, Gru, like most systems, doesn’t care much about the affairs of the mansion. Currently, Richard only sees an obvious sense of surprise in Sir Mrak.

“The guest room conditions in the adult’s mansion are already very good. I can easily sleep one night on the branches.”

“It’s time to fight, there’s no need to be harsh on yourself in Miracle City.”

Richard’s words indeed come from his heart. He is such a person himself, and he still likes to enjoy life when he is not fighting.

Gru nodded noncommittally, and then asked:

“Lord, I wonder what I need to do next?”

Richard originally thought that it was already night, and it would not be too late to confirm the arrangements for Gru the next day. After all, with Gru’s abilities, he could not just be regarded as a tool to upgrade the phantom shooter. He must also be like Molly. Er and Catherine were entrusted with important tasks.

And Richard also has his own ideas on how to use Gru.

“Wait until dawn tomorrow, go to the army and select a group of half-elves to serve under your command, and then recruit a group of half-elves to form a half-elf army to train specifically for jungle warfare.”

With the continuous expansion of Richard’s power and the cooperation of the half-elf hero Al, half-elves who used to live in the woods have now basically joined Richard’s command. There are about five half-elves under Richard’s rule. The number is one hundred thousand.

There are about 20,000 half-elves joining the army, but they are not used intensively. They are mainly distributed in various legions as reconnaissance scouts.

The strength and physique of these half-elves are slightly weaker than that of humans, and they have no advantage in frontal combat. Although their agility, reactions and eyesight are better, they cannot make up for the disadvantage in strength.

Now that Gru has appeared, Richard plans to not only allocate a large number of shooters to Gru to upgrade them all to phantom shooters, but also use Gru’s half-elves and jungle warfare experts to train a team of soldiers specialized in fighting in the forest. The half-elf army is used to adapt to the battle that may break out in the woods later.

“I will train your lord a legion of rangers that will make the enemy fearful.”

When Richard said this, Gru seemed very confident and took over the task very decisively. Richard naturally trusted Gru. After all, Gru was also professional in this kind of thing.

However, time was running out, so Richard added one final sentence:

“First select the elite. You don’t need too many people. Just organize a flag group of half-elves. I need them to have a certain fighting ability within a month.”

“One month?”

Gru hesitated obviously when faced with this time requirement. It was obvious that completing the training in one month was quite difficult. Even a master-level jungle warfare expert like Gru could not guarantee it.


Richard nodded and added.

“Just try your best, if it doesn’t work, you have to learn in the war.”

“I’ll see the soldiers first tomorrow.”


After Gru spoke conservatively, Richard felt more relieved, because it was late at night, and many things could wait for tomorrow. Finally, after a few words of habitual concern, he let Gru leave to rest.


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