Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 406: New troops and the power of the Dragon King


“Treasure Category: Dragon Eye Ring

Effect: Strength +1, Spirit +1

Introduction: The ring made of dragon eyes can increase some strength and spirit. It is one of the components of the divine weapon Dragon King.

Price: 8,000 gold.

Poison: Knight’s Blessing Potion X20

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of a would-be knight to break through to the knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: A good-quality alchemical potion, the leisure work of the potion master.

Price: 800

Soldier type: Archangel X1

Introduction: The eighth-level advanced unit of the castle (human race) has stronger combat capabilities than archangels. They are the most powerful warriors among the angels. Archangels also have the ability to resurrect fallen allies. They are a An almost perfect unit.

Price: 20,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000

“Sure enough.”

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing the new product list. On the surface, he was still trying to stay calm, but in fact, his palms were trembling slightly with excitement.

The last piece of equipment for the Dragon King’s divine power has also appeared. This artifact is composed of nine treasures, and he is about to collect them all.

Without hesitation, I bought the dragon eye ring for 8,000 gold. This thick ring really has an eyeball-like shape on it. It is slightly larger than the dragon eye ring that Richard wears on his hand. A few points.

This component of the Dragon King’s divine power is also very strange. The ring and ring are actually divided into two pieces. Richard has always suspected that this was made to force the number nine.

After Richard put on the dragon eye ring, a somewhat curious-looking equipment, the system prompts followed.

“Congratulations on collecting all the parts of the Dragon King’s power.”

Richard came well prepared. He also equipped Moriel with the Red Dragon Sword and Dragon Wing Robe. After a simple prompt from the system, the nine related equipment on him disappeared. Out of sight, a new piece of equipment appeared in front of him a few seconds later.

It was a piece of dark red armor. The front of the armor was in the shape of a lifelike dragon head, with two sharp dragon horns on it. The dragon head seemed likely to open its eyes and spit out a breath of dragon breath at any time. generally.

Li Cha raised his hand and took the Dragon King’s divine power in his hand, and the effect of the equipment was quickly revealed in his consciousness.

“Artifact: Dragon King’s Divine Power

Equipment effect:

1: All attributes +15

2: The equipment hero leads the soldiers to increase their attack power by 30% and their defense power by 30%.

3: The unit to which the wearer belongs will be immune to all magic at levels 1-4. ”

Richard frowned slightly after seeing this attribute. This attribute cannot be said to be not strong, but it is a little worse than what Richard expected. Compared with the effect of wearing nine pieces of equipment together, the effect of the Dragon King’s divine power is still a little worse. .

And this magic immunity effect is a little bit useless for the current army under Richard’s command. It is immune to level 1-4 magic, which means that magic mages and the buff magic mastered by Richard and several of his heroes are also effective. The soldiers under his command are ineffective. Although a few buff magics will not play a decisive role in large-scale battles, they are better than nothing. In this era when magic is not yet apparent, this effect is a little more than worth the loss, but considering I have personally promoted the recovery of magic power. Maybe this effect will be useful one day.

However, after continuing to study, the little disappointment in Richard’s heart gradually disappeared.

The game is a game, and reality is reality. In the game, the attributes of the Dragon King’s divine power are added to the nine combined treasures. However, after being equipped, the Dragon King’s divine power will also occupy nine equipment grids.

But in reality, the Dragon King’s divine power is just a piece of armor. Richard discovered that after he was equipped with the Dragon King’s divine power, he could still use the Vulcan Sword in his hand. Richard, wearing a red armor, was in the market at the same time. He activated the Vulcan Sword in his hand.

In reality, the Dragon King’s divine power does not occupy the nine treasure positions, which means that Richard can continue to wear other treasures. In this way, it is not unacceptable that the attributes of the Dragon King’s divine power are slightly weaker.

Taking into account the increase in the Dragon King’s divine power, it is acceptable even if he cannot use buff magic temporarily, and Richard has already thought of a trick. The reality is that there is no so-called combat status in the game, and Richard can wear it at any time. Or take off the Dragon King’s divine power, so when he actually encounters a battle, Richard can take off the Dragon King’s divine power first under the protection of everyone, and then put on the Dragon King’s divine power to enjoy its attribute bonuses after all the various buffing magics are in place.

Richard is a professional at finding bugs and exploiting loopholes.

Li Cha, who had a preliminary idea about the use of the Dragon King’s divine power, equipped it and temporarily turned his attention back to the market. This time, there were more than one dragon eye ring on the market.

Not to mention twenty bottles of knight’s potion, this thing seems to be of no use to Richard, but it is definitely a hot commodity in the Hunter family. Many quasi-knights with military exploits don’t want even a kinnar reward. , just waiting to redeem the knight blessing potion. Without these knight potions, the Hunter family’s army would not be so luxurious that a centurion captain could use the level of a junior knight.

The most important thing is the arms. There is an eighth-level arm that makes Richard feel a little surprised. The Archangel looks a bit like the arm in the modified version that Richard once played.

Although the price was extremely expensive, at 20,000 gold for an eighth-level soldier, Richard had no reason to hesitate and decisively clicked to buy.

The gold was consumed like water, and an angel nearly two meters tall also walked in from the door of the market.

As soon as this so-called archangel entered, Richard saw the difference between him and the archangel. Their clothes and armor styles were somewhat similar, but the decoration on the white robe of the archangel was mainly red. , looks more murderous, and the bigger difference is in the wings on its back. Ordinary angels have one pair of wings, but the archangel has two pairs of wings, and it looks even bigger than the archangel. The wings behind it are wider.

“The Archangel Pers greets you, your will is the point of my sword.”

The newly minted archangel came to Richard and bowed formally. He was half a head taller than Richard, and he tried his best to bend his body slightly to show respect to Richard.

Richard nodded and said:

“Let’s go outside first and let me see your strength.”

Richard didn’t have much idea about the strength of the eighth-level soldiers, so he had nothing to do now, so he called Bosi to go out and try his hand.

“Dear Mr. Richard, welcome to come again next time!”

When Richard went out, Grandet’s flattering voice was still heard. This time, Richard, who was in a good mood, turned his head slightly and nodded for the first time, with a little smile on his face.

But Bosi followed Richard silently, because his head was completely covered under the helmet, and no expression could be seen.

After the two walked out of the market, Richard first took off the Dragon King’s power and started teleportation, arriving at the open space outside Miracle City.

Teleportation will also be restricted by the Dragon King’s divine power, and the strength of the two of them should not be weak. Richard would not dare to compete in Miracle City easily. With the strength of the two of them, the aftermath of the fighting spirit splashed out at will is possible. If the buildings in the city are damaged or some ordinary people are injured, they can relax more when they go to the open space outside the city.

“Bosi, attack me with all your strength!”

“Yes, sir!”


Richard, wearing the power of the Dragon King and all his treasures, held the Vulcan Sword and collided with Platinum.

The four to five meter tongue of fire spit out by the Vulcan Sword was completely blocked by the golden fighting spirit on Bosi’s body. Then he waved his two pairs of wings and moved flexibly behind Richard. His hand movements were not merciful at all, and he struck with a slash. Coming from a tricky angle.


Richard could barely block the blow with his back, but his body was a little unstable in the air and he looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, Richard’s strength has completely reached the level of a pseudo-saint due to the attribute bonus of the Dragon King’s divine power, and his attributes are even better. His personal combat power may have been comparable to that of Moriel and Natalis. The generals under his command are comparable, and the only difference from ordinary saints is the application of rules.

If the current Richard had another fight with the former Snow Giant King Vernon, and if Vernon had not used the power of the Ice and Snow Key, Richard might have been able to fight on a par with his opponent.

The archangel Bosi on the opposite side also showed the strength that an eighth-level soldier should have. Facing Richard’s attack, Bosi defended almost perfectly, and was able to steadily receive Richard’s attacks every time. Attack, and his casual counterattack can make Richard particularly uncomfortable. Not only can Richard not be able to suppress the opponent in terms of attribute strength, but he is also far inferior to the opponent in terms of combat experience.

“Stop it.”

“Yes, sir.”

After dozens of fights, Richard was completely at a disadvantage and called a halt to the fight in time.

Richard has probably measured the strength of the eighth-level soldiers. The opponent’s strength still hasn’t reached the level of Saint level, otherwise Richard wouldn’t be able to last for dozens of rounds, but at the peak of Sky level, it is definitely difficult to find an inferior player. In terms of strength, he is not inferior to the full equipment. Richard.

The combat experience is completely overwhelming. Among Richard’s current subordinates, the only one who may be able to defeat him is Natalie, and Moriel may just be in a dilemma with her opponent.

Of course, in terms of value, Platinum is not as good as the two heroes. There is no comparison in terms of growth alone. However, in terms of actual combat effectiveness, the value of Platinum at this stage is at least equal to that of the two heroes. 4. 5 giant dragons.

“Eighth-level soldiers, really still can’t enter the holy level?”

Although he is a little disappointed, Richard has thought about this result. Even if he has not entered the holy level, this kind of combat power is now top-notch, and it is just a piece of cake to defeat thousands of troops on the battlefield.

Let’s hope that we can reach the holy level. After a few more levels, we can improve the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique again.

After testing the strength of Bosi, Richard teleported Bosi back to the Stone Castle. Facts have proved that Richard’s operation is feasible, as long as he doesn’t mind the trouble of constantly piercing and removing armor. The side effects of the Dragon King’s divine power can be completely avoided.

Now that the magic power has recovered, some powerful magic can be arranged on the battlefield in the future. At that time, you will first put buff spells on your troops, and then put on the Dragon King’s divine immunity magic, and then start throwing crazy Harmful magic is a bit exciting to think about.

Stone Castle

Different from Miracle City, which is only separated by a wall, due to Richard’s restrictive order, the ordinary people who lived in the Rock Castle have been moved outside the castle, and no other people can be seen except for some system soldiers.

Richard and Bosi stood in front of the closed tavern and paused for a moment. Richard looked at the slowly setting sun in the distance, waiting for the sky to darken completely…


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