Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 404: Untitled


On the snowfield

The snow giants basically dispersed after two days of pause outside Snowfield City. After losing Vernon, other snow giant tribes basically lost their fighting spirit. Even after the king’s order was issued, they continued to come. With the support of a tribe, the strength is stronger than before.

But without the unified command of the Snow Giant King Vernon, the more tribes came, the more chaotic they became. They couldn’t even form a simple alliance like the three major tribes before, and no one wanted to be the vanguard.

After two days of being frozen like this, the royal court soldiers who came with Vernon broke the deadlock. They simply took Vernon’s body and left, preparing to return to the royal court first.

The tribe of snow giants who gathered simply left in the same way. At least from now on, this group of humans is considered harmless. Unlike the white dragon, the white dragon wants to compete with the snow giants in the snow field. The hungry white dragon will even directly prey on the lone snow giant.

As for Snowfield City, it is completely in a passive defensive state. The humans inside rarely go out, let alone compete with the snow giants for prey. As for whether humans will take other actions after they gain a foothold in the snowfield, That is something that only the royal court and a few large tribes will worry about. More people only see immediate benefits.

Most leaders of snow giant tribes are not willing to use their tribe’s warriors to compete with a race that does not seem to threaten their own interests.

As soon as the royal court’s troops left, it was as if they had set a demonstration, and many tribes followed suit and left.

In the end, even the three major tribes at the beginning were shaken.

“Since everyone has dispersed, I, the White Wind Division, will also leave tomorrow. During this period, so many wars have gathered here, and the surrounding prey has almost been exhausted, and the food we brought is not enough. We can no longer waste time here.”

“This city is not far from the hunting grounds of several of our tribes.”

“These humans only dare to stay in this city. How dare they come out to touch our hunting grounds? We just need to leave a hundred soldiers each to monitor them.”

“But if this happens, it will become more and more difficult to drive these humans out of the snowfield.”

“Hu Lier, this is all we can do now. The other tribes are all scattered. I’m afraid we won’t have a chance to attack again until the next king appears.”

“Oh, this is the only way it can be.”

Everyone among the leaders of these large tribes knows that leaving Snowfield City is a hidden danger, but now Vernon is dead. Because Vernon died suddenly, there is no arrangement for the next Snow Giant King. In this situation, Tate There will be a period of time when Pulse will not be able to choose a new Snow Giant King.

During this period of time, the Royal Court had too much time to take care of itself, and the powerful large tribes were unwilling to be the leader. After all, Snowfield City had also proved that it was a tough guy, and the large tribes did not take the lead to set an example. Those small and medium tribes It is even less likely that there will be any enthusiasm.

After confirming that the Snow Giants had basically evacuated, this short but fierce battle finally came to an end. The two sides entered into a strange balance. Although the Snow Giant King died, Richard could not defeat the ogres in the wilderness. The two sides are not even on the same level as the Snow Giants on the snowfield. If they act too aggressively and are surrounded and suppressed by a large tribe of Snow Giants, the gains will outweigh the losses.

We can only take advantage of this balance to accelerate the accumulation of strength. However, Aragorn brought good news to Richard. The Ice and Snow Key, the sacred weapon of the Snow Giant clan, was taken by Aragorn. This thing In the tradition of snow giants, it is an important token for choosing the king. To become the new snow giant king, in addition to being a person of Tate’s lineage, you must also have the ability to use the ice and snow keys. Now the ice and snow keys have fallen to Aragorn. In his hands, the royal court will most likely encounter difficulties when choosing a new king, and until the new king appears, as long as Richard doesn’t get angry to death, Snowfield City will be safe for the time being.

After the snow giants basically evacuated, Richard did not break his promise and handed over the knowledge he agreed to share to Aragorn. He even provided a copy of those notebooks to Aragorn. He just spent a few days studying in the study room of the underground ruins. During this period, Aragorn became interested in the godhead that has now become the Tower of Energy. However, Aragorn did not ask for the agreement between him and Richard. He just asked Richard to agree to the opportunity. When the time is right, let him study another half-finished godhead.

Miracle City

After a great battle, the atmosphere in the Northland became a little solemn. The battle with the Snow Giant was actually not as influential as the battle with the Orcs, because most humans didn’t know much about the Snow Giant, and not many people talked about it.

It is said that a great victory was achieved, but the casualties of 20,000 to 30,000 people were real. These 20,000 to 30,000 people were basically natives of the North. They were all someone’s husband or someone’s son. A little detour, every household in the North knows one or two soldiers who died in battle, several flag regiments were directly disabled, and some young people from the village agreed to join the army, but none of them may be able to go back this time.

The impact of the heavy casualties was to dampen the enthusiasm of young people in the North to join the army. The **** casualties made them understand the cruelty of war. After all, although the North is bitter and cold, the people will not be unable to survive, especially in After the Hunter family gradually took control of the Northland, the quality of life of the people has improved, and they will not be unable to eat without joining the army.

In order to minimize this negative impact, Richard and his senior executives gathered in the meeting hall of the Northland Duke’s Palace to discuss the aftermath.

“Master Richard, according to post-war statistics, more than 17,000 soldiers were killed in this battle with the Snow Giant. A one-time pension of more than 20,000 gold nuggets is required. The number of injured is equivalent to the number of killed. Depending on the severity of the injury, in general we will need to spend at least more than 10,000 kinnars. Including post-war rewards, we need to spend at least 50,000 jinnars, as well as tens of thousands of jinnars spent in advance for war preparations. Our financial shortfall may reach 100,000 gold naars.”

In the conference hall, Richard was sitting on the main seat, and Egger was reporting to Richard the aftermath of the war. The expressions of several senior generals did not change. Anyway, under the Hunter family’s system, they were only responsible for leading troops to fight, and it was not their turn to worry about post-war appeasement, not even the recruitment and recruitment of new soldiers.

Richard’s head hurt when he heard this, and he always felt that this was just like collecting a debt. Owing this debt was much scarier than owing credit cards, Huabei Borrowing, and various online loans. If you don’t pay that kind of money, you’ll just make your life a little more uncomfortable. If you owe the army under your command, you’ll end up owing something big.

Although Richard’s prestige and control over the North will not cause any mutiny, if he is really unable to pay out pensions and rewards, it will definitely be a huge blow to morale. He will not think about the soldiers in the future. It wouldn’t be so easy if we fought so hard. Reputation is something that accumulates slowly, but it only takes once to be destroyed.

“Is the gap so big? Haven’t the profits from soap and cigarettes from the south been sent? And the maritime trade also has a share of our Hunter family.”

Richard asked again without giving up. Richard had not personally managed finances for a long time, and he only had a general idea of ​​the Hunter family’s financial situation. After the trip to the south, the Hunter family had been living a rough life for a while. Days of plenty. The property that can be used immediately amounts to more than 200,000 gold nuggets. After cooperating with the fourth prince, soap and cigarettes also quickly opened up sales in the south. A lot of gold nards are accounted for every month. Now the finance is unexpectedly Gaps also appeared.

Fortunately, many members of the Hunter family’s army did not want a penny after accumulating military exploits. They just wanted to obtain better skills and training resources, which saved Richard some money. Otherwise, the gap would only be bigger. .

Iger looked at Richard and nodded to confirm, then said:

“Because of the recent large-scale construction of colleges according to your order, coupled with the rapid expansion of the army, the previous fiscal surplus has been almost consumed. Our current income is only enough to maintain the daily expenses of the entire territory. The only good news is that The tens of thousands of gold bonds issued previously do not need to be repaid.

But now it is difficult for us to issue new bonds. Basically, the merchants and nobles of the kingdom will not recognize our bonds. ”

This good news is very spiritual, because the previous buyers of the tens of thousands of gold nuggets of the Hunter family were all nobles from the River Valley. Now that the River Valley has been dealt with by Moriel, most of the creditors have directly repaid the debt. After opening, many bonds were even confiscated by Hunter soldiers during the house search and returned to their original owners. Naturally, the money did not need to be paid back.

What the Hunter family is doing in the Northland is basically to isolate themselves from the aristocratic class of the kingdom, and it has even been faintly resisted. If they want to get the powerful people in the central plains and the royal capital to subscribe, The Hunter family’s bonds also became a very difficult matter.

Although the Hunter family’s financial income is growing like a snowball, Richard’s pace of building a business is also even faster. Military administrative expenditures and various projects are constantly being rolled out. A large amount of kinnar is fixed every month, and the income only maintains a tight balance. With the war, so much extra expenditure has turned into a big financial hole.

However, no matter how poor he was, he could not afford to lose the army now. After thinking about it for a while, Richard gave the order to Egger:

“Now we will halve the administrative expenses, push back the money, and say that we will wait until next month to pay out. We will first ensure the payment of pensions and bounties. If there is insufficient money, you can discuss it with Lin Te and start from Suppressing Demons.” The caravan on the other side of the city will withdraw some of its funds.”

“Yes, Master Richard.”

The current size of the Hunter family is not such that they cannot spare 100,000 gold, but every penny has its use and cannot be easily misappropriated. Only after Richard speaks can the original value of the money be changed. the use of.

Although the casualties and the consumption of money and materials in this battle were considerable, the benefits it brought were also very obvious. In addition to completing the established goal of preserving Snowfield City, all the participating heroes, including Richard, basically had a lot of success. of improvements, among which the most upgraded one is Xi Aier, the salted fish elf.

After the battle, Xiair was directly promoted by five levels, from level ten to level fifteen. The properties panel has also undergone major changes.

Heroic unit: Siel

Race: Elf

Level: 15

Strength: 26

Agility: 29

Physique: 27

Spirit: 26

Magic: (260)

Feat: Unicorn Affinity

The unicorn output of the city where it is located is increased by 1

Skills: Natural Forest Breathing Technique (Master Level), Natural Forest Qi Entrainment Technique (Advanced Level), Financial Management Technique (Master Level) to obtain 1,000 Jinnar every week, Offensive Technique (Advanced Level), Defense Technique ( Elementary), Logistics (Elementary).

Because the financial management skills have reached the master level, Xi Aier, who has been promoted to five levels in a row, has finally improved his strength in a stage this time, reaching the level of the earth level, and finally got rid of the one-horned saint that Lian recruited. Even though he was in the embarrassing situation of being defeated by even the beasts, he also learned the new skill of elementary logistics.

Other heroes participating in the battle have also been improved. Moriel and Natalis have each been promoted to one level, and their strength has been slightly improved. However, for heroes of this level, the strength improvement brought by a level upgrade Not obvious.

And Elena, who participated in the whole process, has been promoted two levels in a row to level 17 like Richard, and her personal strength has reached the level of mid-level in the sky.

Rhodes and Sir M’Lak, who participated in the battle, have also been promoted to one level each. It can be said that this battle was a bumper harvest of experience for Richard and his men. Only Catherine, who was in charge of the situation in the valley, missed this battle. A feast.

I am afraid that there will be a short period of stability next, and the tone of the Hunter family will probably be based on steady development, and they will make every effort to digest the current results.


As the royal capital of the orcs, this city still looks very prosperous on the desolate eastern plateau.

In the past hundred years, the orcs have continuously gained advantages in battles with humans. The atmosphere in the whole city is very warm, as if all the orcs feel that they are not far away from regaining their former glory.

It’s just that the atmosphere in Monaya has been a bit gloomy recently. An expedition that the Orc King Haldane had high hopes for ended in the annihilation of the entire army. According to the intelligence from the humans, even the defending warrior Ge who led the army went into battle. Walter was killed on the spot.

This is an unprecedented defeat. In the past hundred years, the orcs have not suffered such a big loss from humans. Now Haldane is wondering whether he was tricked by the so-called human god. .

However, the **** Adelillo, who was suspected by Haldane, appeared in Haldane’s palace again. No one knew how he came in, but the moment he appeared, Hall Dan subconsciously used the weapon at hand. After a few seconds, the surrounding guards also reacted. They all surrounded him with a roar, as if they were ready to chop the opponent into pieces as long as Haldane gave the order.

“Dear Your Majesty, please don’t be nervous. I have no ill intentions towards you.”

Facing a large group of orcs with weapons at each other, Adelillo didn’t look nervous at all, and still communicated with them with a calm expression.

“Oh? Then can you explain to me how General Geert died?”

“I think this is just an accident. None of us expected the strength of the humans in the North.

I came here to invite Your Majesty to join an alliance. ”

“Your words cannot make me believe you anymore.”

Haldane was somewhat wary of Adelillo and did not immediately order to capture him, but his suspicions did not lessen and he always maintained a certain degree of vigilance towards him.

“Your Majesty, the world is changing. If you don’t choose to believe me, you will miss your last chance.”

“What do you mean?”

“The magic is coming back.”


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