Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 403: Temporary Ninghe Strength Improvement


Snowfield City

The ten-meter city wall cannot stop the Snow Giant from attacking at all. At this height, the Snow Giant can come up by simply turning over.

“Kerosene! Pour the kerosene down!”

“On the left, the snow giants have come up. Team 2 is going to stop them!”

“Retreat, retreat, give up the mighty crossbow!”

At this time, the city wall was already in a mess. The iron horses and ground thorns on the outside could not hinder the snow giant’s attack when no one was stationed. The time to pass the iron horses did not exceed five minutes.

During this period of time, the Divine Power Crossbow did not cause any decent damage due to the snowstorm. Only the twenty-four dark gold golems caused dozens of snow giant casualties.

After paying a relatively slight price, the Snow Giant rushed to the bottom of the city wall. If the army were to attack the city normally, after experiencing the baptism of long-range attacks from the defenders and arriving at the city wall, it would only be the first step in the siege. What follows? The climb also had to face a series of means such as rolling rocks and hot oil from the defenders.

But the snow giant obviously skipped this step and jumped directly onto the city wall without stopping at all. The first target of their attack was the divine crossbows that were still trying to adjust their shooting direction.

In desperation, the commander could only order the crossbowmen to withdraw without making unnecessary sacrifices, leaving an empty Shenwei crossbow to be destroyed in retaliation by the snow giant, while other elite infantry armed with spears and heavy troops rushed forward. An attempt was made to lay siege on the snow giant.

However, the city wall originally used for defense has now become a restriction for human soldiers. On the narrow city wall, two or three huge snow giants can block one direction. They can easily wave their seven The eight-meter stone spear was either smashed or swept away. Soldiers holding weapons and wanting to fight were basically unable to get close and were swept to the ground by the snow giant.

Fighting the Snow Giant on such a narrow city wall is not even as good as fighting directly on the plains. At least the Snow Giants are difficult to defend on the plains. If you can attack them carefully from several aspects, there is always a chance to break through. In this kind of terrain, human soldiers can’t even find a chance to besiege.

“Lord Quill, we can’t hold on at all. Even the knight-level officers are unable to complete the breakthrough. All the snow giants are coming up.”

Here, although the soldiers of the Hunter family are tenacious in fighting and have not yet fled in the face of this one-sided battle, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this city wall cannot be defended at all. This pair of human beings To the snow giant, the city wall, which was relatively tall and strict, was simply a broken house with air leakage everywhere.

Looking up, there are already many snow giant warriors standing on the entire city wall, and there is no obvious breakthrough. It shows a multi-point flowering pattern. For the commander, this form uses the reserve team to fill the gaps. There is no way to use this kind of conventional operation, because there are gaps everywhere that cannot be filled. Only the section of the city wall guarded by the dark gold golem is still stable. These demons have the same combat power as the sixth-level advanced arms. The collective firepower easily killed several snow giants trying to get close.

The other snow giants noticed and simply took a detour. Anyway, the city wall had been breached. Many snow giants had jumped directly into the city to destroy it. There was no need to fight those dangerous things. Even the commander in charge of the siege They simply bypassed the city wall where the Dark Gold Golem was located, and prioritized sending troops up there.

“Order the army to pour hot oil directly on the city wall, and pour some at intervals to stop the snow giant’s movements!”

“Let the troops hold on a little longer, victory belongs to us.”

Quil was able to take the lead among local talents not only because of his loyalty, but also because of his talent and learning ability. They were also important reasons why Richard was willing to reuse him. After system heroes successively assumed the important position of legion commander, Quill The strength of the knight is still stable, and the ace army of the Flying Bear Army is enough to prove that his ability is trusted by Richard.

Splashing hot oil directly on the city wall is the first step to hinder the movement of the snow giant. The snow giant has no habit of wearing shoes at all. It basically moves barefoot in the snow field. With its habit of being afraid of heat, it will step on the hot water. The pain of oil is not much less than stepping on a thorn in the ground. Anyway, there is enough hot oil prepared on the city wall. Since we can’t pour it directly on the snow giant, we pour it on the city wall first.

After this step is completed, simply no longer place the army on the city wall for useless defense. After withdrawing, setting it on fire will be more effective in blocking subsequent snow giants.

Anyway, this newly built snowfield city does not have many residential areas or a large amount of combustible materials. It has more open spaces and pure stone buildings, so it is not afraid of letting the city burn.


“Quick, pour the hot oil and take down the city wall!”

“Lord Quill ordered all the hot oil to be poured down and the city wall to be taken down!”

After giving the order, Quill stood on a high platform and observed for a while. More and more snow giants rushed to the city wall. The current form did not look like the snow giants were attacking the city, but that they were attacking the city. Just clear out the defenders piece by piece. It’s just that the hot oil all over the floor slightly hindered their progress.

There are still many defenders on the city wall who have not withdrawn, but Quill is already preparing to order the hot oil to be ignited. When the snow giants come up again, it will be difficult for the fire wall to stop them.

However, just when Quill was about to give the order, Xue stopped unexpectedly.

“Sir, the snow has stopped!”

“The snow has stopped!”

“Master Richard succeeded.”

As a high-level executive, Quill knew about Richard’s plan. The order given by Richard to him was to delay as much time as possible, and lighting the city wall on fire was the last resort.

After discovering that the snow had stopped, Quil was basically sure that Richard’s side had succeeded, and did not give the order to light the fire at the last moment. Instead, he paused, as if waiting for something.


Fifteen giant dragons suddenly appeared out of thin air on top of the city wall, just like when they left. Although the human side has seen this scene of divine soldiers descending from the sky several times, they still can’t help but follow the high-pitched voices in the sky. The dragon cheered.


The roar of the dragon was accompanied by the hot dragon’s breath, because a large number of soldiers had withdrawn from the city wall under Quill’s order. The dragons had no scruples when using the dragon’s breath, and the dragon’s breath directly swept away the entire city. Section of city wall.

In conjunction with the hot oil poured by the soldiers before, a strong explosion occurred. Some fire pillars even shot up to a height of more than ten meters. The snow giants that were still on the city wall suddenly turned into moving objects. torch.

The narrow city wall restricted the snow giant’s escape at this time, and they had no choice but to jump outside the city wall. However, the direction they chose was to instinctively jump in the direction where there were more people outside the wall, but they were all covered in It had burned like a torch. Not only could they not get rescued by jumping back to their own side, but they had also caused chaos to the friendly forces and even injured many snow giants who had just been preparing to scale the city wall.

This sudden attack achieved unexpected results, and Hulier’s order was timely

But after the death of Snow Giant King Vernon, the Snow Giants even had a problem with military orders. After the sky-high flames ignited, the order to retreat was conveyed to the Snow Giant commander in charge of siege.

Richard and others have returned to Snowfield City. The snow giants who were killed and wounded in the dragon’s breath and flames are just the first step in the counterattack.

As soon as Richard returned to Snowfield City, he issued the order to counterattack. Now that the Snow Giant’s command system is in chaos, it is a good time to counterattack.



In addition to the counterattack by Richard’s army under the command of Richard, Aragorn also joined the battle to save face at this time. His movements were extremely fast and he could take away a snow giant every time he drew his sword. In terms of killing efficiency, Aragorn alone can match the efficiency of five or six seventh-level soldiers.

Some snow giant warriors initially tried to besiege Aragorn, but four or five of them only ended up dying quickly. A ring of fighting spirit directly cut off several snow giant warriors who were surrounding them.

Compared to other snow giants whose necks were directly wiped off by Aragorn, this method of death was obviously more painful. Instead of dying immediately, half of the body was left wailing on the ground. This scene also made the surrounding snow giant warriors start to Walking hiding from Aragorn.

At this time, the Snow Giant commander also exposed his shortcomings of poor battle experience. Hu Lier originally had good intentions in asking the siege army to withdraw, but it was obviously not suitable to retreat under such circumstances. He was forced to retreat during the retreat. When the enemy pursues them, it can easily turn from retreat to rout.

The retreat order came almost at the same time as Richard’s counterattack. The morale of the Snow Giant army, which had been so powerful just now, suddenly dropped to freezing point. It didn’t matter whether they should cover each other, let alone the small number of people who climbed up the city wall. The Xiaoyong men who had even entered the city ran away from Yazi, directly exposing their backs to the chasing team.

Facing the easily defeated Snow Giant, Richard had no intention of being polite. Regardless of the battle he had just fought, he directly chased after him with the Vulcan Sword. The other system soldiers followed suit without taking any rest. Go up.

However, the ordinary soldiers in the city were not ordered by Richard to launch a pursuit. With the snow giant’s escape speed, these soldiers could not catch up even if they wanted to. Under Quill’s command, they dealt with the endgame in the city. The snow giant is their target.

The most heroic pioneers among these snow giants are now trapped in the city and are confused. The situation was obviously very good just now, and they were about to take over this human city, but in the blink of an eye, the situation changed. There was a big change, fire broke out on the city wall, and the follow-up troops disappeared. The humans who were still struggling to deal with it focused all their attention on them. They became the real turtles in the urn.

The pursuit continued until they reached a distance of 500 meters from the Snow Giant camp before turning back. The siege army of two thousand people collapsed inexplicably and was chased all the way. Because of the death of the Snow Giant King, the Snow Giants in the camp The giant was like a headless fly in a short period of time, failing to even provide the most basic response. If Richard’s military strength was several times stronger, he might have driven his troops to try to directly attack the snow giant’s simple camp. .

This Snow Giant army, which had an extremely smooth start, left hundreds of corpses in the subsequent pursuit after the siege. This was another threat to the Snow Giant army that was already in chaos due to the death of King Vernon. A small blow.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

After the chase ended, the system prompt also appeared immediately.

Due to the Snow Giant’s high amount of experience, Richard, who requires a lot of experience to upgrade, has been continuously upgraded after several battles. The experience accumulated in the two battles has allowed Richard to move up a level.

Name: Richard Hunter

Level: 22

Strength: 45.8

Physique: 45.1

Agility: 42.5

Spirit: 22.5

Talent: Dominance

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster – cannot be upgraded), Burning Sun Air Entrainment Technique (intermediate level), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Elementary), Magic Power (Elementary).

Available skill points: 3

The level up has slightly improved Richard’s various attributes, and he has saved three skill points unknowingly, but there are not many places where the three skill points can be used, only logistics and magic. Each skill is in an upgradeable state.

Although these two skills are of great use, they are not urgently needed skills for Richard. After seeing Aragorn’s strength, Richard is more urgent to improve his personal strength and conquer Liege. Improving Yang Yin Qi Jue to a high level is Richard’s most urgent goal at the moment.

We can only save the skill points for the time being until we have enough to improve the Lieyang Qi Entrainment Technique. Unfortunately, this battle to defend Snowfield City did not receive a task from the system, and we did not get the effect of eating both fish and fish.

So far, Richard has also discovered some rules of the mission system. When enemies take the initiative to provoke him, missions are more likely to be triggered. But for things like forcibly building a city on the snowfield and starting a war with the snow giants, the system will generally not respond.

After examining his own attribute changes, Richard also recovered from the system and turned his attention back to Snowfield City.

The snow giants in the city have been cleaned up, and the soldiers are trying to remove the bodies. Even though there are a large number of soldiers on the city wall organizing to put out the fire, there are still small flames that are difficult to extinguish.

Fortunately, the entire city was produced by the system, and there was no problem with the quality. Apart from looking a bit miserable, the functional buildings were not affected at all.

At this time, Quill was standing next to Richard reporting the casualties.

“In this battle, the combined casualties of the Dragon Army and the Silver Wing Army were close to 6,000, of which more than half were killed…”

Although it was not the Flying Bear Army that he personally led that was lost, many of the middle and lower-level officers were recruited from the Flying Bear Army. Among the people who died in the battle today were many faces he was familiar with. It is estimated that this After the casualty data, Quill also felt very heavy.

Richard’s mood did not change much after hearing the casualty data. Today’s Snow Giant casualties were also not small. Counting only the Snow Giant army attacking the city, their casualties were close to one thousand.

Based on the exchange ratio, being able to exchange six for one with the Snow Giant is definitely a sure profit. However, it was impossible to say such words on the table, so Richard still gave a few words of advice, requesting that we try our best to rescue the wounded and provide compensation for those who died in battle.

Next, although the hostility of the Snow Giant clan towards Snowfield City has risen to the maximum, the Snow Giant clan is in chaos after losing Vernon. At this time, no one is organizing a further attack. Snowfield City will face Come to a long period of peace and quiet…


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