Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 402: Stalemate and aftermath


Vernon was tall, twice as tall as the average snow giant warrior, so the scene when he was beheaded by Aragorn with one blow was also clearly seen by the surrounding snow giants.

The elite members of the royal court brought by Vernon just didn’t say that when they saw Vernon’s head falling to the ground, their eyes were red. The status of the Tate lineage in their hearts was so high that they could He did not hesitate to sacrifice for the king of Tate’s lineage.

After a brief stagnation, they spontaneously came up to fight Aragorn. However, the snow giants from other tribes, especially the tribal leaders, were not only shocked but also a little bit subtle.

The Tate lineage has ruled the snowy plains since their ancestors. Except for a battle with the white dragon in the middle, no one has ever dared to challenge the majesty of the Tate lineage in the snowy plains. And the current patriarch of the Tate lineage The untimely death of the king of the Snowfield was something that had never happened before.

This is the first time for everyone to experience the death of the Snow Giant King in battle. We really have no experience in how to deal with it. We just watched the elites of the royal court rushing up. Some people rushed up with their blood boiling, and others rushed up. Some of them shouted slogans, stood there blankly, or came forward slowly. They had a certain degree of loyalty to Vernon, but they did not have the fanaticism of the royal court. The strength displayed by Aragorn still had a certain deterrent effect. .

After Aragon Station cut off Vernon’s head, he was actually a little baffled. It went too smoothly. Vernon’s final state was obviously wrong. He subconsciously turned towards several magic figures wearing blue robes behind him. The mage looked around and saw that the attention of those people had been focused on him. Although he did not feel any trace of the other party’s action and there was no evidence to confirm it, his intuition told Aragorn that the reason why Vernon suddenly breathed his last breath was because of them. .

This is also true. As soon as the magic mages landed, they followed Aragorn first under Richard’s order. However, the chase between Aragorn and Vernon happened too quickly, and the magic mages did not catch up immediately.

It wasn’t until Moriel blocked Vernon’s retreat and Aragorn fought with her that the magicians caught up with the rhythm of the battle.

While escaping, Vernon was unlucky enough to be trapped by a weak magic mage. This overbearing status skill doesn’t care what your strength is and directly reduces your status proportionally. It’s not so much magic as it is Rather, it is more like a law-based skill.

Vernon, who had been exhausted and ran away in one breath, became weak and weak and became the last straw that broke his back.



The battle went much smoother than Aragorn imagined. After killing Vernon, Aragorn still had a lot of energy left. Facing the snow giant warriors who rushed up with red eyes, Aragorn quickly used his The long sword made them realize the reality, and the real masters were still being dragged by Richard and others.

The seven or eight sky-level snow giant masters around Vernon are still entangled with Richard, Natalie and others. The snow giants rushing up now are only the elites of the earth-level, facing the almost intact state. Aragorn, they can’t even make a splash.

More than a dozen blazing sun slashes passed by, and there were ten more huge corpses of snow giants on the ground. Because Aragorn’s killing efficiency was extremely high, the subsequent snow giants who wanted to rush up for revenge were not as fast as Aragorn. , so that within fifty meters of Vernon’s body, there was no standing snow giant.

And this scene also shocked the surrounding Snow Giant warriors. The Snow Giants, who were originally full of blood and wanted to rush over, slowed down when they saw the fallen elites of the Royal Court. These elites of the Royal Court, who were least afraid of death, used His own life once again strengthened Aragorn’s intimidation.

Coupled with the morale turmoil caused by Vernon’s death, Aragorn was free for a while and had time to feel his own condition.

“The state just now has improved slightly. Is it the work of those strange mages again?”

The magic mage not only added a negative status to Vernon, but also blessed Aragorn, his strongest combat power, with a very good buff status called prayer.

Although the increase of 4 points each in attack, defense, and speed is very low for a strong man of Aragorn’s level, Aragorn is very sensitive to his own condition, and he still feels the slightest improvement during the battle. .

“It’s interesting.”

After a slight pause, Aragorn looked around at the dozens of remaining snow giants. After the bravest ones died in battle, most of these snow giants lost the courage to fight, at least they lost the courage to fight Aragorn. Courage, after being stared at by Aragorn, some people even took a few steps back.

Seeing that no one came forward, Aragorn landed on Vernon’s body again, looking around as if he was looking for something.

“Oh, you’re still holding on so tightly even though you’re dead.”

The sacred weapon of the Snow Giant clan, the inheritance of the Tate lineage, was still tightly grasped by Vernon’s headless corpse, with only a few transparent ice crystals emerging.


Aragorn did not go up and break off Vernon’s fingers, but chose a more rough method. He cut Vernon’s fingers open with a few blows of fighting spirit, and a blood-stained Ice and Snow Key rolled down. On the ground, this sacred artifact inherited from the Snow Giant clan is all white, with some mysterious runes engraved on it, and you can faintly feel the cold air rising from it.

Aragorn stepped forward and picked up the Ice and Snow Key. Originally, the Ice and Snow Key, which was the size of Vernon’s palm, was as big as a shield for Aragorn, but when it fell into Aragorn’s hands, it was very powerful. After adapting, it became smaller again, and it happened to be held in Aragorn’s hand again.

“Hey, good stuff, but it’s a pity I can’t use it.”

Although he said that it was not needed, Aragorn still took the Ice and Snow Key into his arms. Originally, Aragorn could hardly feel the cold due to the fierce sun fighting energy in his body, but he also felt it when he put the Ice and Snow Key into his arms. My heart felt cold.

On the other side, in order to block the massive support from the snow giants, Richard’s high-level troops fought fiercely with the snow giants.

Originally, these highly mobile units should not have collided head-on with the Snow Giants, but at this time they had no choice. As long as they made any evasive move, the Snow Giants would simply ignore them and move towards them. The Snow Giant King left for support.

Faced with the impact of hundreds of Snow Giant warriors, the losses of the Champion Knight and the Unicorn Holy Beast were both in double digits. Not only did the Snow Giants have an absolute advantage in numbers, but their individual strength was not much different either. It is almost impossible to maintain zero casualties as before.

Not to mention the sixth-level soldiers such as the Champion Knight and the Unicorn Holy Beast, several seventh-level soldiers are also in quite bad condition at this time. The golden plate armor on the two Titans has been beaten to pieces. At a glance It looked like they were all covered in scars. The outstanding swordsman was slightly smaller, but he could still dodge attacks with a little flexibility. However, his physical strength was also severely exhausted, and he also suffered some minor injuries. The worst thing is the Ultimate Hydra. It is the largest in size and has the largest target. When its whole body moves horizontally, it blocks a large section of the road. Its nine heads may seem majestic but they can only attack the Snow Giant. It has a little blocking effect, but cannot kill one by one instantly like it did with the Sea Tribe before.

Although Ultimate Hydra is good at bullying the weak in group battles, it also depends on the strength of the opponent. Snow giants are not weak. Among the snow giants who came to support, the weakest are seven meters tall and at the level of senior knights. strength.

Biting the head of the Ultimate Hydra will hardly cause it to lose its combat effectiveness directly. Instead, due to its size, the Hydra has become a target that attracts more hatred than the Titans.

At this time, the ultimate Hydra not only had several giant spears stuck in its body, but also had several heads smashed by the snow giant. What was even more shocking was that it only had three heads left, and two more. They were forcibly tied together by the Snow Giant, making the originally fierce-looking Ultimate Hydra look a little funny.

The current Ultimate Hydra has almost lost the ability to fight back. It relies entirely on its rough skin, thick flesh and amazing resilience to act as a human shield. If this continues, it won’t be long before the Ultimate Hydra is ready to fight back. It became a stiff corpse on the snowy field.

Fortunately, Aragon solved Vernon at this time, and the task had been completed ahead of schedule. In Richard’s worst expectation, this force, which was composed entirely of high-level soldiers, would be delayed even if all of them died in battle. The mission is accomplished, and now this loss is nothing.

“Get ready to withdraw!”

Now not only the nearest snow giant army is attacking the blocking army, but the surrounding armies are also rushing over. Without Richard’s teleportation, except for some troops with the ability to fly long distances, the remaining It is only a matter of time before all the ground creatures are surrounded by snow giants. But with the magical skill of teleportation, escaping is not very difficult.

Both Richard and Natalie had the upper hand in the battle, and the sky-level snow giants they fought were somewhat injured, but Richard did not take credit at all after seeing Aragorn kill Vernon. Meaning, without any hesitation, they quickly found an opportunity to escape from the battle. The other people also followed Richard and retreated to Aragorn’s location. It seemed that they were going to use teleportation to evacuate after reuniting with Aragorn.

After arriving around Aragorn, Richard paused for a moment. The two archangels who followed him took back the long swords in their hands, clasped their hands together and began to sing.

Seeing Aragorn on the ground who had just taken the Key of Ice and Snow, he was a little confused, but then Aragorn saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

The two giant dragons that were clearly dead just now stood up slowly under the two beams of light, and the wounds on their bodies began to recover visibly. After a few seconds, the two giant dragons simply shook their heads, flapped their wings and flew away again. Back to the dragon queue in the sky.

“What a ghost!”

Although he had been fighting Vernon before, he was very sure that the two giant dragons had long lost their vitality, and even their bodies were a little stiff due to the extremely cold temperature of the snowfield. For a strong man of Aragorn’s level Speaking of which, it was not unheard of to resurrect dead creatures, and even his own state was somewhat similar to resurrection, but he had never seen the scene of two golden dragons being resurrected so easily as before.

Without any ceremony or preparation, the whole process was like going back in time. The key is that the two people who performed this technique were not very powerful, at least not as powerful as Aragorn’s impression of being able to reverse life and death. He was confident Even in his current state, a Birdman of this level could casually hit ten, and the resurrection method that he couldn’t do when he was in his prime was easily accomplished by these two weaklings in his eyes.

“The same goes for those mages just now. What they cast seems to be spells, but in fact it is more like a law.”

“This boy has more secrets hidden in him than I thought…”

At this time, Richard had no time to care about Aragorn’s thoughts. After pulling up the two giant dragons, he led his people to rush towards the team blocking the snow giant reinforcements. He would suffer more casualties a little later. These Losing one of the high-level soldiers would make him feel distressed for a long time.

Now the army of snow giants is about to surround them. Any delay will only make the casualties more severe. Fortunately, the snow giants around Vernon were so scared that they were killed by Aragorn. Those who dared to fight were all turned into corpses on the ground. As Richard and others passed by, these snow giants did not stop them. After the giant dragon broke away from them, these snow giants actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Cha took advantage of this opportunity and quickly gathered everyone within the teleportation range. In the blink of an eye, everyone disappeared from the core of the Snow Giant without a trace, except for the remaining Outside the mess on the ground and Vernon’s headless body, it was as if he had never appeared. The Snow Giant warriors who had just been fighting a **** battle with a group of high-level system soldiers, but their last frenzied attack was like an old punch hitting the air. They were so uncomfortable that they died without the group of high-level creatures under Richard. With no resistance, it took less than a minute to surround the place where Vernon died.

But because of Vernon’s death, everything seemed to be meaningless at the moment. A group of angry snow giant warriors and a few snow giant tribe leaders with different thoughts looked at each other on the spot.

A group of direct warriors from the royal court cried bitterly and knelt down next to Vernon’s headless body. Because Aragorn was not interested in collecting the heads of strange creatures, they found his head not far from Vernon’s body. His eyes were wide open, as if he still couldn’t accept the result of his own death.

The direct descendants of the royal court worked hard to combine Vernon’s head and body, trying to return his whole body. Those with a little more status were thinking about how to return to the royal court. After all, there was more to the royal court than Vernon. There is a bloodline of the Tate family, and there are many senior members of the Tate family. Now Vernon died in the battle, and even if there was a reason, they could not escape the blame.

“Quick! Order the siege soldiers to move back!”

On the other hand, Hu Lier, the leader of the Xuefeng tribe, reacted quickly and asked the snow giant team that was still attacking the city to retreat, because everything happened so fast that the troops in front of the siege did not react.

Because Richard took away most of the high-end combat power, the snow giants attacking the city were making very smooth progress. Not only did they successfully approach Snowfield City, some of them even scaled the walls of Snowfield City…


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