Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 401: Beheading


Vernon knew very little about humans, almost no understanding at all. We were so far apart in the past that there was no need to understand each other. The last time Vernon heard the word human, it was orcs who borrowed roads from the snowfields. When attacking the Northland.

At that time, in order to take advantage of the passage, the orcs also paid a lot of money, allowing the Snow Giant King’s family to make a small profit. The guards around the Snow Giant King all received a batch of customized products from the orcs. After tasting the benefits of sophisticated armor and weapons, Vernon finally remembered humans a little bit.

I just didn’t expect that the word human would bring him so much trouble when it appeared in front of him for the second time.

Originally, he felt that humans were not something to be afraid of. After the energy shield in Snowfield City appeared, he realized that humans were difficult to deal with, but he did not expect that he would encounter any danger to his life. After all, the energy shield in Snowfield City was at best It’s just a turtle shell. As long as he doesn’t get close, nothing will happen to him.

The human being who suddenly appeared in front of him now, after shattering his ice protection with one blow, gave him a chilling sense of crisis. When he reached the holy level, he had a strong premonition of danger.

It was also this premonition that made him not even care about the face of Tate’s lineage. Facing the sudden appearance of human masters, he hid behind after releasing a shield of ice, letting his loyal men go with their lives. Buy him time.

Because he did not expect humans to have such masters and launch a surprise attack in such a sudden way, Vernon only had some senior officials and some cosmetic guards around him, and now they were all entangled by Richard and his men.

But he is only more than 500 meters away from the nearest Snow Giant army. At this distance, it usually takes less than ten seconds to run. As long as he gets into the group of people, there are hundreds of Snow Giant soldiers as cover. , this crisis can be escaped.

But just a short distance away, he and other snow giant leaders were blocked by the dragon led by Moriel in advance.

The human who split the Ice Shelter apart with one strike stood in front of him again.

“Who am I? Have you heard of me, Aragorn?”


Aragorn’s name is too old for a snow giant whose lifespan is not much longer than that of a human. It is an extremely unfamiliar name to Vernon, even if the giant of the Tate family once knew the powerful Aragorn. Or, hundreds of years are enough for them to slowly forget it. If this name is mentioned in front of the golden dragon, they will have a slightly different reaction.

However, Vernon asked this question partly because the other party mentioned the giants of the Tate lineage, which sounded like they had contact with his ancestors, and partly because he was just trying to delay time.

Although he could not get into the Snow Giant army, the nearest Snow Giant warrior had already reacted when he saw the giant dragon in the sky, and was on his way quickly. This place was originally located in the heart of the Snow Giant camp. If everything goes well, the first wave of support will arrive in less than half a minute.

It’s just that Aragorn obviously didn’t accept this kind of trick. While speaking, his hand movements showed no intention of stopping at all.

“Scorching Sun!”


The red fighting energy turned into an arc of light along the long sword in Aragorn’s hand and slashed towards Vernon.

Different from when Richard used the Sun Fighting Qi, when Aragorn started, the surrounding temperature had risen by more than ten degrees out of thin air. This was a comfortable temperature for normal creatures, but for a snow giant It’s already been called unbearably hot. This is also one of the characteristics of Saint-level powerhouses. When they take action, they will even have an impact on the surrounding environment. Because it is cold in the snowfield, the ice and snow attributes of Snow Giant King Vernon are not obvious here. , but the impact of Aragorn’s actions on the environment is very obvious.

Although this blow has not yet landed, the snow giants below have already felt its power. Although they shouted to protect the king, they all subconsciously dodged when faced with this red fighting spirit slash. After all, not everyone can have the courage to step forward and block the knife in the face of the horror of life and death.


An ice spear shot out from Vernon’s hand and went towards the red fighting spirit. The two forces collided in mid-air and roared. The nearby snow giants who were not strong enough to reach the sky level were all affected by this collision. The aftermath of the shock made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Vernon temporarily blocked Aragorn’s blow again, but Aragorn was obviously more relaxed, and then several streaks of red fighting spirit were inspired, attacking Vernon from different angles.

The size is too large, but it becomes a liability in a battle of this level. Because the target is too large, Aragorn does not need to deliberately find tricky angles to prevent Vernon from dodge.

“Ice Shield!”


Several shields composed of ice crystals formed around Vernon, blocking two of the most threatening slashes. However, there were two more Dou Qi that broke through the blockage and were about to hit Vernon.

Although the two fighting spirit slashes cannot kill Vernon, it will definitely not be a good thing if he uses his body to force it. If Vernon, who is not Aragorn’s opponent, is injured again, the next battle will be even more uncomfortable. .

Vernon simply rolled on the spot, his huge body now looking strangely flexible.

It’s just that Aragorn’s few blows actually completely blocked Vernon’s escape route. Aragorn’s strength is not only reflected in his own strength, but his rich combat experience also allows him to easily suppress Vernon.

However, Vernon was not the only snow giant below. When Vernon rolled on the spot, he decisively pulled over another snow giant next to him. This snow giant was just an ordinary elite-level snow giant. When facing the fight between Vernon and Aragorn, he neither ran away nor had the courage to go up to help Vernon, and just stood there for a long time.

But at this time, Vernon allowed him to play a little role. In the face of Vernon’s absolute power, he had almost no resistance, and he had no precautions against the Snow Giant King, so easily Became Vernon’s human shield.

Using one’s own men as human shields is actually a very shameful thing, and may even affect one’s personal prestige, but at this moment Vernon can’t think about so much. No matter how much he says, he must survive first. , Vernon just wanted to delay for a little longer. Time is on his side. He didn’t observe carefully in the chaos just now. Now he can see that although the first wave of human offensive is fierce, the number is very small. His own troops should be able to catch up soon.


This unlucky snow giant was hit by Aragorn’s fighting spirit and had almost no ability to resist. He just screamed and died quickly.

Vernon successfully dodged Aragorn’s wave of attacks, but most of the surrounding snow giants were a little chilled by the sight, and a small number even made dodge movements. They would rather fight the giants blocking their way back. The dragons fight each other, and they don’t want to get involved in the battle between Vernon and Aragorn.

“The Tate boy is quite ruthless.”

“It’s just that your Ice and Snow Key can still be used a few times. If you have the strength of the Saint level, combined with the Ice and Snow Key, I still have some trouble dealing with you now, but I can barely stand with the help of external objects. How long can you persist in this field?”

“Who the **** are you!”

Vernon was already a little frightened at this time. Except for Tate’s lineage, other snow giants didn’t know the ability of the Ice and Snow Key. Why did this human understand it so well?

It’s just that Aragorn never stops in the middle of a battle. Even while talking, the offensive is still the same. This time Aragorn does not continue to launch fighting spirit slashes from a distance.

Instead, he directly ignited his fighting spirit and attacked Vernon. From a distance, Aragorn seemed to have turned into a comet, dragging a red light tail and hitting Vernon.



The violent shock made the surrounding air seem to shake. After Aragorn got close, Vernon couldn’t activate his ice protection, so he could only barely resist it with the ice spear in his hand.

But he could only try his best to block some fatal injuries. After a while, Vernon had several wounds that seemed to be burning.

Vernon raised his head and glanced into the distance. He wanted to see if his army had arrived.

But the reality made him a little disappointed. Although the nearest army was charging hard, an army blocked his reinforcements.

A team of knights and unicorns, led by an outstanding swordsman, is still capable of fighting the snow giant with numerical superiority. Under Richard’s order, they can’t let it go despite the losses. These snow giant warriors join Vernon.

The equally huge Titans and Hydra have also become a high wall that is difficult to cross on this defense line, making it difficult for the support of the Snow Giants to cross at a distance of three to four hundred meters.

“If this continues, you will die before we can get reinforcements.”

The wounds on his body were burning with great pain, constantly stimulating Vernon’s nerves. At this moment, Vernon seemed to be willing to take the risk. As if he had made some decision, he raised the Key of Ice and Snow and muttered something unconsciously. What, the Ice and Snow Key actually turned into a spear, replacing the weapon in his hand just now.

“The power of ice and snow!”

After the changes in the Ice and Snow Key, the surrounding temperature that had been raised by Aragorn’s influence suddenly dropped again.

Aragorn, who was targeted, only felt a chill eroding himself. A strong man of his level should have been immune to the cold and heat for a long time, but now he felt like he was about to be frozen.

It’s just that Aragorn seemed to have been prepared for it, and he opened a little distance when the Ice and Snow Key changed.

“Hmph, you actually dare to use this. I want to see if you can last ten seconds or twenty seconds.”

“Ice, ring!”

A ring of ice shot out from the spear formed from the Key of Ice and Snow, but Aragorn, who had already distanced himself in advance, easily dodged the blow. However, a golden dragon in the distance was affected, and his whole body was covered in knots visible to the naked eye. If there is a thin layer of ice, it will fall.

“Damn it!”

Why does this human being know all about his own methods?

Tate couldn’t understand. Not only was this human being incredibly powerful, but he also seemed to know a lot of things. Every one of his trump cards seemed to be expected by the opponent. Tate wanted to use the ice ring just now to freeze him. Live each other.

He did not expect to be able to defeat his opponent with one strike of the ice ring. He just wanted to gain a chance for himself to escape. Who would have expected that his opponent would dodge in advance and not give him a chance at all.

Using the Ice and Snow Key in this way is too severe for the body. He forced it to open. Not only will he have to suffer serious sequelae later, but even with his current strength, he can’t hold on for long. The humans on the opposite side guessed it very accurately, and they can hold on for at least two seconds. Ten seconds.

Vernon held the spear, glanced at Aragorn in the distance, and had no intention of continuing the fight. He tried to turn around and leave again, but as soon as he turned around, Aragorn caught up with him again like a gangrene on his bones. .

Forcing him to use an ice ring again to force him back.

“Oh, if it had been in the past, I would have taken his head even with this ice ring.”

Aragorn, who retreated twice, felt a little emotional, but continued to choose to act cautiously. Apparently he was still a little wary of the spear formed from the Ice and Snow Key.

This ice ring can freeze even a golden dragon with such high magic resistance, which shows its power.


Morill, who was skimming the formation at the side, saw Vernon escaping and sprayed out a dragon’s breath from the side in an attempt to stop him. However, Vernon, who had activated the Ice and Snow Key, casually separated the dragon’s breath with an ice wall. There was no pause, and one could see the strength gap between the two.

After opening the new state of Ice and Snow Key, Vernon successfully reached the middle level of the Holy Level from the end of the crane.

Use this little time to join the army and still have a chance to survive.

Now Vernon only wants to join the reinforcements and seize the little chance of life. No matter how he squeezes his own origin at this time, or how serious the sequelae he will suffer later, surviving first is the most fundamental thing.

“What’s going on!”

“Why is the power passing away?”

“My body…”

Suddenly, Vernon stumbled while running, and his legs became inexplicably weak. Then he could no longer hold his breath. The power of the Ice and Snow Key disappeared from his body, and the powerful backlash made him His body felt weak.

Aragorn, who was chasing after him, also found that the other party lasted shorter than he thought, which was a bit strange.

But strangely enough, Aragorn was also decisive and ruthless on the battlefield. Taking advantage of Vernon’s pause, he slashed down with two streaks of fighting energy, and turned into an arc of light and fell rapidly.

“King! Protect the king!”

There were still loyal enough leaders among the surrounding snow giants. Seeing that Vernon’s life was in danger, they rushed up to resist him, but their efforts, besides costing themselves their own lives, only bought Vernon another second. time.

Aragorn ducked down, and the powerful sun fighting energy made the surrounding temperature as high as if he had entered a sauna, and the surrounding ice melted under this attack.

And along with the frost, all the vitality of the Snow Giant King Vernon disappeared.

At this time, Vernon was too weak. He didn’t know why he was suddenly unable to maintain himself, and he couldn’t figure it out. He tried to raise his hand to resist Aragorn’s attack, but the key to ice and snow in his hand Having already restored his original shape, he couldn’t even resist Aragorn’s attack.

The light of that sword was too dazzling, and in the final sight there was only Aragorn’s blurry figure and endless light.

“Your Majesty!”

“My king!”

“Avenge the king!”


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