Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 400: Risky action


“Do you want to behead the Snow Giant King directly?”


Aragorn reacted quickly. Combined with Richard’s ability to teleport with him before, he quickly understood the meaning of Richard’s constant asking himself how long it would take to defeat the Snow Giant King.

This is to prepare to take him in and directly behead the Snow Giant King, but although the beheading tactic has an immediate effect, killing the opponent’s highest-ranking person on the battlefield can directly reverse the situation of the battle most of the time.

But even with Aragorn’s strength, he almost never used beheading tactics in the battle five hundred years ago.

The reason is very simple. There are not many true fools in this world. People who reach this status must be surrounded by very tight protection. Although Aragorn also led his army to attack, he was surrounded by the most elite knights and soldiers to ensure that own safety.

When Richard charged into the battle, he basically protected the surroundings with outstanding swordsmen and other elite forces, and it was impossible for others to concentrate their efforts on the siege.

Now the Snow Giant King is staying in the middle of a large group of snow giants, surrounded by not only a group of tribal leaders, but also a large number of elite guards from the royal court. Once he teleports in, whether he can get out is a problem.

Aragorn did not agree directly, but planned to ask Richard clearly about his plan. He was afraid that Richard would lead him to make a desperate move, and that the Snow Giant King would not be solved by then, and he would be trapped.

“How many people can you bring there?”

“I can bring about a hundred people in.”

“What should I do when I come back?”

“I can use it twice. I will come back immediately after killing the Snow Giant King.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t joke with my life. My life is more important than a city. I will take action in advance when things cannot be done.”

Seeing Aragorn’s hesitation, Richard took the initiative to explain that if Richard used his teleportation, it would be measured in hundreds of kilometers, but if he had to take someone with him, the distance would plummet.

But the Snow Giant King is only a few kilometers away from Snowfield City. Richard’s mana has increased after his level has been improved. He can use it twice at this distance.

“A hundred people, are you sure they can stand in the middle of those snow giants for ten minutes?”

Aragorn did not doubt that Richard could bring people in and out. The key was that after approaching the Snow Giant King, someone had to stop the other Snow Giants for him.

Although the Snow Giant King’s strength is a bit unmatched in the holy level, Aragorn is not in full condition now. The two are considered opponents of the same level. If there are still a large number of Snow Giant warriors rushing over to support during the battle, Aragorn will Gong Ke was not sure of killing the Snow Giant King among the thousands of troops.

Richard could only bring a hundred people there. In Aragorn’s opinion, the surrounding snow giants might be overwhelmed in an instant, and it would be completely ineffective.

“This hundred also includes dragons, giants and them.”

Richard waved his hand and pointed to Aragorn, who was waiting for fifteen dragons and Titans, as well as a mixed team of champion knights and unicorns. In addition, there are two outstanding swordsmen, the Archangel and the Ultimate Hydra, who are also participating in the battle. There is no one below the earth level in the entire team. For this beheading operation, Richard concentrated all his high-end combat power here.

“If this is the case, you can give it a try.”

Aragorn looked at more than a dozen giant dragons and the ultimate hydra, such curious creatures, but did not ask where these things came from. He also knew about such things involving Richard’s secrets. I can’t tell you anything. As long as these things can participate in the battle, it is still possible to hold off the snow giant army for a period of time.

“However, I have to make it clear first that if something unexpected happens, I will leave the battlefield at any time.”

“No problem, Your Majesty just needs to do your best.”

Richard is not qualified to make more demands on Aragorn now. In his rash plan, Aragorn is the core part. If Aragorn feels that things are not going to work and wants to run away, then they will also There is no need to persist, just teleport away and abandon Snowfield City.

“Your Majesty, are you ready?”

At this time, within a kilometer radius of Snowfield City, the blizzard was getting bigger and bigger, and snowflakes began to pile up on the ground as before. The Snow Giant King was not polite. Following the blizzard, there were crackling hailstones. Although the soldiers made some emergency preparations, they were still a bit untenable. At this time, they were just holding on.

Only near the Shenwei Crossbow, soldiers set up wooden frames to help withstand it, minimizing the impact of bad weather on the Shenwei Crossbow.

“The Divine Power Crossbow is ready!”


At this time, the snow giant at the forefront had already reached a distance of a thousand meters from the city wall, and was about to enter the attack range of the divine crossbow.

But the aiming of the Shenwei Crossbow was a bit awkward at this time. The best it could do was find a general direction to launch. The snowstorm had greatly affected the visibility. Only the vague silhouettes of the snow giants in the distance could be seen from the city wall. .

However, this does not affect Richard’s knowledge of the location of the Snow Giant King.

In the open snowfield, the Snow Giant King’s outstanding height made him very conspicuous among a large group of snow giants. The thousand-meter-high royal griffon in the sky had a panoramic view of the entire Snow Giant camp, and the Snow Giant King even more so. They have always been targeted.

“Your Majesty Aragorn, are you ready?”

As the snow giant gets closer, they don’t have much time to prepare.

Aragorn nodded. He had nothing to prepare alone. He only needed to fight in the place.

The moment Aragorn nodded, exactly one hundred units of people and monsters disappeared from Snowfield City instantly…


“How did the dragon come here!”

“Protector King!”

Richard had the Royal Griffin in the air to help confirm his position, and the teleportation target location was very accurate, even more accurate than guided missiles.

Fifteen dragons, one Hydra, two Titans, one ice giant, two outstanding swordsmen, two archangels, Moriel, Natalis, Elena, and eight magic figures The mage also had a mixed team of champion knights and unicorns. Counting Richard and Aragorn, they formed a commando team of one hundred units.

They suddenly arrived at the core of the Snow Giant camp and landed in front of Vernon, which directly caused a commotion among the Snow Giants.


This time, Aragorn, who had gained experience, was not as distracted as before. Instead, he waved the dwarf sword in his hand the moment he teleported to the scene. This was a weapon that Richard temporarily gave to Aragorn. It is available on the market. The best sword he could buy, Aragorn was barely able to hold this weapon.

The red fighting spirit blasted directly at the Snow Giant King Vernon directly in front, but when he was about to approach Vernon, there was a roar, and the sudden blow was blocked.

A transparent ice shield appeared in front of Vernon, blocking the red fighting spirit, but then the ice shield also shattered.

After Aragorn’s attack, the surrounding snow giants also reacted, and at least five sky-level snow giants quickly stood in front of Vernon.

This is the core of the Snow Giant army. The three major tribes alone have no less than ten sky-level snow giants. In addition to the confidants Vernon brought from the royal court, in addition to dealing with Vernon , and had to face more than fifteen sky-level snow giants, and there were a large number of snow giant warriors around to come to the rescue after discovering abnormalities. The pressure on Richard’s team was actually not small.

Aragorn also knew that time was precious, so he immediately took action with all his strength, preparing to kill the Snow Giant King in the shortest possible time to complete his goal.

Vernon, who blocked Aragorn’s sudden attack, didn’t look relaxed at all. The incident happened suddenly, but he instinctively felt a fatal threat, and directly used the Ice and Snow Key to activate the strongest ice and snow. Asylum, this advanced defensive spell that can almost make sky-level attacks ineffective, unexpectedly became unsustainable and shattered after blocking the opponent’s blow.

I am afraid that the other party’s strength is still higher than ours. Is this the reason why humans have the confidence to build a city in Snowfield City?

After blocking Aragorn’s blow, Vernon did not take the initiative to fight again. Instead, he took a few steps back among the surrounding snow giant leaders.

“Protector King!”

In addition to the first five sky-level snow giants, most of the surrounding snow giant leaders also stood up and wanted to help stop Aragorn. Although they usually plotted for hunting grounds, they were the snow giant king. As the only spiritual leader, no one is interested in protecting the Snow Giant King.

It’s just that their strength is far behind that of Aragorn. Aragorn was once a peak holy man who could cast the golden dragon clan leader into a shadow for hundreds of years. Even if his strength is now greatly reduced, the former The combat experience is still there, and not a few sky-level snow giants can stop him.



Snow giants are not resistant to high temperatures, and Aragorn’s fighting spirit happens to be the hottest fighting spirit. With one blow, he hit a sky-level snow giant who came up to block him. The red sun fighting spirit fell on the snow giant. A large piece of black char was left on his body, and he couldn’t help but cry out in great pain. It looked like he had been seriously injured.

If Aragorn stopped to deal with this snow giant, it might take less than twenty seconds to completely end the opponent’s life, but Aragorn did not dare to waste any time at this time. After injuring this snow giant, he must After passing the snow giants on the road, he chased directly towards Vernon. If each snow giant delayed him for a while, then he would not have to chase him. He would either run away quickly or be consumed by this group of snow giants.

But Aragorn was not alone. He was fast enough and wanted to strike first, so he chased after him alone. Now after a pause, Richard, Natalie and others also followed up, directly trying to stop Aragorn. The powerful snow giants are fighting together.

Both Richard and Natalis are considered strong in the sky level, especially Natalie. One person can restrain three sky level snow giants. Elena is slightly weaker, but she is also a sky level person. A junior strongman, with rich combat experience and an angel necklace that can be used at any time, can also contain a sky-level snow giant. Several sky-level snow giants who had wanted to support Vernon just now had no time to care.

On the other side, Moriel flew directly over Vernon’s head with fifteen giant dragons, blocking the opponent’s retreat route from several directions, blocking him and more than a dozen snow giant leaders. They were in the same place, making it temporarily impossible for them to join the Snow Giant group not far away.

This is also what Aragorn said about the shortcomings of snow giants. Due to racial reasons, even sky-level snow giants do not have the ability to fly. At most, they can jump higher and throw spears more accurately.

Before the sky level, this gap was not obvious. Although the snow giants seemed bulky, their movement speed was not slow due to their height and size advantages, and they could even easily crush humans of the same level. But at the sky level, From now on, the Snow Giant will still only be able to move on the ground and will lose its flexibility slightly.

Including the Snow Giant King, they clearly felt the danger, but before they could leave, they were locked in place by more than a dozen giant dragons.


More than a dozen giant dragons exhaled dragon breath at the same time, raising the surrounding temperature by several degrees. Several snow giants stained with dragon breath suddenly screamed.


It is not that there are no strong people on the Snow Giant side. After being blocked by the giant dragon, several giant stone spears were thrown from below. Although the stone spears were not sharp, they were very powerful. Those who were hit The giant dragon instantly lost its balance in the air and almost lost its balance.

After the snow giants fought back one after another, the giant dragons that had never suffered a loss all suffered casualties.

A golden dragon was hit by three giant stone spears in succession. The stone spear thrown by a high-level snow giant in the sky directly penetrated one of the wings of the golden dragon. After the golden dragon fell to the ground, it was hit by a large group of snow giants. Soldiers surrounded him, and there was no chance to fly again.

In order to block Vernon’s way, he would not hesitate to lose the dragon.

Moriel’s target has long been locked on Vernon’s tall figure. Vernon knew that he was no match for Aragorn. After finding that his way was blocked by a dozen giant dragons, he was still looking for a chance to leave.

After a golden dragon was shot down, Vernon seized the opportunity. An ice spear quickly condensed in his hand, and hit the golden dragon next to him with a “bang”. After receiving a blow from the holy snow giant, , this unlucky golden dragon quickly followed in the footsteps of its companion, and also fell down and was besieged by the snow giant warriors on the ground.

But just when Vernon thought that the way to retreat was open, the ancient black dragon transformed by Moriel rushed directly from the air, and a fierce dragon’s breath spurted towards Vernon.

“Shelter of Ice!”


The dragon’s breath was blocked by the ice protection and separated from the middle. This dragon’s breath looked powerful, but in terms of power, it was obviously not as powerful as Aragorn’s blow just now. The most intuitive expression is that the dragon’s breath received this breath The Ice Shelter still exists, but the one that received Aragorn’s previous blow directly shattered.

At this time, in order to stop Vernon, Moriel revealed a huge flaw, almost only attacking but not defending. After the dragon’s breath did not cause any damage to Vernon, Vernon could severely damage Moriel by just making up for it casually.

But at this time, Vernon didn’t even have time to make up for it. After Aragorn continued to deal with the two elite snow giant warriors who were blocking the way, he caught up with Vernon who was blocked by Moriel.

“The Tate boy is so slippery. Although you are the weakest Tate giant I have ever seen, you are definitely the best runner.”

“Who are you?”



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