Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 399: Aragorn’s strength


After all the materials were obtained, Aragorn refined a new body for himself very quickly. There was no 7749 days of slow work. Richard couldn’t wait that long either. It only took a few hours. , a new body is completed.

“It feels pretty good.”

Aragorn, dressed in casual clothes, is doing some seemingly funny stretching movements. These movements may make people laugh at first, but if you look closely, you will find how difficult this set of movements is. , how high the flexibility requirements of the body are.

Compared with the slightly stiff body before, this body made of precious materials is obviously much more flexible, and even its face is different.

The previous body was made at Aragorn’s level. If Richard looked carefully, he could see some unnatural places. If Richard hadn’t seen the other party complete the refining of the current body, he would even feel that This is a normal physical body.


When Aragorn moved to the pond in the courtyard, he suddenly raised his hand and struck the water. A burst of red fighting energy came out of his body. It was no more economical than when using fighting energy on the earth or even the sky level. Aragorn kept on attacking. As the fighting spirit continued to be output, the entire pool became filled with mist.

The strangeness in the courtyard even attracted nearby sentries to observe the situation, and they left after Richard shook his head at them.

When Aragorn stopped, nearly half of the water in the pool had evaporated.

“It’s still a little bit awkward…”

After Aragorn was satisfied, he turned to look at Richard. At this time, Richard had quietly pressed his hand to his Vulcan sword, and was highly concentrated, ready to use teleportation to escape at any time. .

“Don’t be nervous, kid, are you tired of being on guard all day long?”

Aragorn, who had just demonstrated his strength, became a greater threat in the eyes of Richard. After all, although he also practiced the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Technique, Aragorn’s move just now made Richard himself unable to do it. That move was obviously done casually by Aragorn. Now that he saw Aragorn turning around and looking at him, Richard instinctively felt threatened.

Aragorn looked at the nervous Richard with a playful smile on his face, and seemed to be amused by Richard’s reaction. Then he spread his hands to show that he had no intention of attacking him, and Richard felt a little relieved. Come.

Logically speaking, Aragorn may have reasons to be unhappy with him, but the relationship between the two is essentially an alliance, and they both face a powerful enemy at the same time. Moreover, Aragorn gave Richard the feeling that he didn’t seem to care much about the Golden Dragon Kingdom he created, but had a hidden purpose.

And no matter what happens, Richard still has the protection effect of Asha and cannot be killed by one blow, so even if Aragorn suddenly takes action and Richard has no time to react, he will not die. As long as he does not die immediately, Richard can immediately activate teleportation and run hundreds of miles away. No matter how strong a saint-level expert is, he cannot catch up with Richard who can use teleportation.

After thinking about these points, Richard simply acted generously, put the Vulcan Sword behind his back, and took the initiative to walk towards Aragorn, looking calm.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty for regaining your strength.”

“Not even 50% is considered a recovery.”

After seeing Richard regain his composure and look generous, Aragorn lost interest and casually said something about his own strength.

But he immediately added another sentence

“But if you deal with the Tate boy, it shouldn’t be a problem, but there are certain conditions for me to help you.”

This profiteer, did I just give you the materials for refining the body for free?

Although he complained in his heart, the reality is that Richard has no choice. As long as Aragorn helps, even if the conditions are too high, Richard can only agree.

“You must share a share of the things obtained in the ruins with me.”

“Knowledge can be shared, but physical objects cannot.”

Richard did not agree immediately, but talked about the conditions with Aragorn.


“It seems that you gained a lot from the ruins of Mesta.”

“That’s right, how can a little fox like you be willing to spend such a high price to start a war on the snowfield if there are not enough benefits.”

“That’s okay, just share all the knowledge with me, and I don’t want those things.”

Aragorn was surprisingly talkative at the moment, or maybe he thought that Richard just found some usable extraordinary items or some other valuable materials in the ruins and was unwilling to share them with him.

For a person at his level, those sought-after extraordinary items are of little use to him, and he is too lazy to tangle with Richard here.

“Okay, after the snow giant is dealt with, I will have someone make a copy of the book I obtained for you. If your majesty is busy reading, you can enter and exit the library of Snowfield City at any time.”

After Aragorn gave in, Richard immediately confirmed the matter. Sharing knowledge to Aragorn was not a big problem. Originally, Richard was not prepared to hide the knowledge of the ancient elves.

He proposed this because he was afraid that when the old fox Aragorn discovered the godhead created by Mesta, Richard would be in a lot of pain if he wanted to get a share of the godhead.

Even the half-finished godhead still in the basement is useful in Richard’s plan, and he is not willing to share it at all. Fortunately, Aragorn did not get entangled in this issue.

“Let’s go, Your Majesty, time is running out, it’s time to set off.”


Faced with Richard’s urging, Aragorn did not delay. Although he usually remained silent, he still understood the dangers of war. A few more minutes of delay might delay the opportunity.

As soon as Richard finished speaking, he grabbed Aragorn’s wrist and directly used the teleportation skill to arrive at the teleportation array of Stone Castle.

At this time, the Stone Fortress was still busy. Soldiers were continuously transporting supplies towards Snowfield City through the teleportation array. In front of them, there were several divine crossbows being pushed towards the teleportation array by the soldiers.

Some wounded soldiers also appeared out of thin air in the teleportation array and were carried away by the medical team that had been waiting for a long time.

There is not much time to cease war and rectify, and every minute must be used.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

Richard’s appearance in the dense crowd was rather sudden, and many soldiers saw Richard and Aragorn appearing in the crowd instantly. But Richard usually brought too many magical events, and the soldiers were a little surprised. After being stunned for a moment, they immediately saluted Richard.

Aragorn on the side reacted after a brief moment of confusion. I asked tentatively

“Space magic?”

Richard nodded without opening his mouth to explain. He couldn’t explain the magic of the Heroes Invincibility system, but he accepted Aragorn’s statement. After all, although teleportation is classified as water in the Heroes game, this thing should actually be classified as space magic anyway.

Aragorn saw that Richard didn’t want to say anything more and didn’t ask further questions. He just added another meaningful sentence.

“It seems that you gained more from the ruins than I thought.”

Aragorn directly attributed this teleportation spell to Richard’s harvest in the ruins. He probably thought that Richard obtained some extraordinary items inside that could directly use the ability to teleport.

Seeing that Richard and Aragorn were about to use the teleportation array, the surrounding soldiers took the initiative to give way to the way. Richard would not pretend to line up at this moment, but directly led Aragorn onto the teleportation array. After a burst of white light, They appeared in the center of Snowfield City at the same time as some soldiers and equipment.

If Aragorn could still explain the past using the teleportation array and Richard’s teleportation, then after using the teleportation array to arrive at Snowfield City, which is not a small city, Aragorn couldn’t do it at all. Understand what this city came into being.

Looking at the walls and buildings of Snowfield City, although there are many signs of wear and tear due to the battles during this period, it is obvious that the city was built not long ago. Some stone bricks still look very smooth, and they look completely inexperienced. The feeling of being eroded by time. Aragorn still has this kind of judgment, but it is precisely because Aragorn has a certain degree of judgment that the city in front of him feels outrageous. Building a large-scale city under the gaze of the snow giant, even in the ruins It’s impossible to build on the foundation, and the frozen ground looks very difficult to construct.

As long as Richard mobilized manpower and material resources to slowly build it, he had already been killed by the snow giant several times. Could it be that the construction was completed in an instant? A ridiculous idea appeared in Aragorn’s mind at this time.

However, there is not much time for Aragorn to explore the details now.

They came back just in time. The light blue light curtain that originally protected Snowfield City was gradually fading away. From a distance, it looked like a broken piece of glass. It first turned into a spot of light and finally disappeared. The energy shield created by the miracle building has expired.

In the Snow Giant camp thousands of meters away, the Snow Giants, who were helpless against the energy shield, observed the disappearance of the light curtain throughout the process, and the thing that had been giving them a headache for a day actually collapsed.


It was a good thing that the light curtain disappeared, but the scene appeared too abruptly. They neither attacked nor made any other efforts. They just watched it for a long time, and the light curtain disappeared, which made them feel inside. There may be some conspiracy.

The leaders of the Snow Giant Tribe looked at the Snowfield City in the distance, which had returned to its normal state, looking at a loss.

However, although they hesitated, there were people in the camp who could issue orders directly without discussing with them.

“Get ready to attack!”

Just a moment after the energy shield disappeared, Snow Giant King Vernon immediately issued an order to attack. He even omitted the most basic probing link and ordered his snow giants to attack.

Because of the Snow Giant King’s absolute authority, no one questioned Vernon’s order at this time. Soon, the siege force of two thousand people was ready.

Of course, before they launched the attack, Vernon took out the Ice and Snow Key again, and used the power of the Ice and Snow Key to summon a blizzard.

The weather suddenly changed, the north wind howled, and the snow particles in the sky gathered and fell visibly to the naked eye.

More than two thousand snow giant warriors began to move towards Snowfield City as if they were following the rhythm of the blizzard. As they approached, the blizzard became heavier and heavier, and after a few minutes it reached a level that affected their vision. .

Due to the blizzard, Richard has ordered the outer front to be abandoned. Except for some iron horses and ground thorns blocking the road, there are no soldiers in the middle. The snow giants can clear the road more easily. This time, the snow giants can only withstand the long-range attack of Snowfield City and get directly close to the city wall.

“The Snow Giant is coming!”

“Get ready to fight!”

The movements of the Snow Giants were also clearly seen by the human soldiers on the tower. Even in the wind and snow, the soldiers who heard the battle signal quickly got into position, and the crossbowmen operating the divine crossbows were even more Regardless of the damage to the bow string, the stringing was completed ahead of schedule.

It’s just that the wind and snow are getting stronger and stronger. Although the snow giant is slowly approaching, its figure is becoming more and more blurred. Some soldiers have been blown by the biting cold wind to the point where they can’t open their eyes.

If this continues, a short battle will still be extremely detrimental to Snowfield City. If there is no way to break it, Snowfield City will definitely fall.

At this time, Richard turned his attention to Aragorn. The two of them had been standing on the city wall observing the movements of the snow giant. Although Aragorn was very interested in Snowfield City and the so-called Mesta Master Tower ruins, he also Prioritize clearly.

Just now looking at the snow giant slowly pressing up, even Aragorn frowned.

The dilemma faced by Richard was greater than he imagined. The Snow Giant was completely gathering its main force for a siege, and it would look like it would fall on Snowfield City regardless of casualties.

Although Aragorn is strong and can kill ten hundred, or even two or three hundred Snow Giant warriors, he is a little helpless in the face of tens of thousands of Snow Giant warriors in this circle. Standing here seems to be too much. He is just a high-level thug. Protecting a section of the city wall without missing a beat in a short period of time is the greatest use he can think of.

But now Richard asked:

“Your Majesty Aragorn, are you confident about dealing with the Snow Giant King?”

“Well, he should have reluctantly entered this realm with the help of the Tate family’s holy weapon. Give me some time and it won’t be a big problem to solve him. I didn’t expect that the Tate family has declined to such an extent. Even a saint-level person Even the heirs can’t take it out.”

“It’s just that these snow giants under him are difficult to deal with. I’m afraid that your people will not be able to hold on until he takes action. Snow giants are really the most powerful fighting race second only to giant dragons.”

Aragorn seems to have dealt with snow giants in the past, and may even have some connection with the Snow Giant Royal Court, and has a certain understanding of snow giants.

It’s just that these are not important to Richard. After he heard that Aragorn could kill the Snow Giant King, he felt that his plan could go ahead, and asked Aragorn:

“Your Majesty, how long will it take you to deal with him without being disturbed?”

“Although the Snow Giant is powerful, its ability to escape is much inferior to that of the giant dragon. The thing Lieyang Dou Qi is least afraid of is this kind of thick-skinned enemy. Give me ten minutes and I can kill him. ”

“Okay, Your Majesty Aragorn, the Snow Giant King will be handed over to you in a moment!”

“Wait, you mean it!”


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