Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 398: Visit


In Miracle City, in an independent courtyard near the Rock Castle, a middle-aged man was eating breakfast leisurely.

What is on the dining table is currently the most popular breakfast style in Miracle City, a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, two fried dough sticks, and a bowl of small noodles made of green wheat. There is also a cup of steaming milk next to it. After the Hunter family took control of the wilderness, milk and meat products were replenished. Basically, the nobles were able to eat meat and drink milk freely, and some families with better conditions could also Enjoy it once in a while.

Of course, the breakfast table served by the owner of the courtyard is something that ordinary wealthy households cannot afford, because there is a pot of brewed tea in the corner of the table.

There are not many places where tea can be produced in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, and it is basically concentrated in the mountains in the south. The cost of transporting it is not high, and because it is sought after by the nobles of the kingdom, it is often sold out in the Golden Dragon City. The prices are basically astronomical.

Only nobles above the earl level can drink tea in the North. Ordinary minor nobles are not eligible.

The person enjoying leisurely in the courtyard at this time is none other than Aragorn, the founding monarch of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Since the last battle with Rand, Aragorn has been recuperating alone on the grounds of injury. When relocating to Ironwood City, Li Chaya was not worried about leaving Aragorn alone in Ironwood City and asked him to move to the Miracle City together.

Although Richard has always been wary of Aragorn, he still has the due respect. The location of the courtyard is also in the core area of ​​Miracle City. The tea that usually only the upper class of the Northland can enjoy is also for Aragorn. Offer unlimited tribute.

Aragon himself seems to be enjoying this kind of life, and his daily life is worse than that of Viscount Sauter. At least Viscount Sauter can do serious things like martial arts training in addition to hunting and watching circuses. According to Richard People who stayed with Aragorn reported that Aragorn did almost nothing except three meals a day and resting at night. He could often live for a whole day with a pot of tea, and basically no one would disturb him.

But today, a special guest came to this courtyard, and the sentry and secret sentry originally arranged outside did not stop him at all, because the person who came was none other than the owner of Miracle City, Richard.

Since rejecting Namtaru last night, Richard has been thinking about how to break the situation. Snowfield City, which is connected to the Elf Mage Tower, naturally has an additional golem manufacturing factory, which can also produce extremely cost-effective products. A magic mage, and owns a miracle building, its value theory is much higher than other cities in the system. Only the main city of Stone Castle with a tavern and market can be said to be worth more than Snowfield City. Giving up Snowfield City is a big deal for Richard. It was as painful as stabbing his heart with a knife.

Even if it was said that Snowfield City could be saved by stabbing the heart twice with a knife, Richard would consider giving himself two stabs. Anyway, he has plenty of ways to save himself.

After much consideration, Richard could only think of Aragorn. The only person in the Miracle City who might be able to help Richard make a comeback was His Majesty Aragorn, whose depth Richard could never understand.

At least judging from his deeds, Aragorn was definitely a holy master, and he should be one of the stronger ones. At least he was able to beat the leader of the Golden Dragon Clan, who was also a holy man, into signing a contract with humans. Having made an unequal treaty, this is probably not something ordinary saints can do.

Although he looks weak now, there are still three pounds of nails left in the broken ship. Richard does not believe that this man who has even defeated gods does not have some trump cards. The only problem is how to get Aragorn to take action.

“Lord Richard.”

“Lord Richard.”

Seeing Richard come in, the waiter waiting next to him greeted Richard first and saluted him. These people were nominally here to serve Aragorn, but in fact they were all Richard’s people, but Aragorn was not satisfied with this. He didn’t care and didn’t chase these people away.

After Richard came in, he made a gesture to the people nearby, and the people around him retreated very wisely. Soon, only Aragorn and Richard were left in the courtyard.

“Your Majesty Aragon, I wonder if my Hunter family has not provided good hospitality recently.”

After everyone left, Richard gave Aragorn a slight salute. No matter what state Aragorn was in at this time, he led mankind to rise up and drove the orcs to the plateau north of Longxi Pass. For this kind of achievement, Richard should also maintain a certain degree of respect for him.

“Yeah, pretty good.”

Faced with Richard’s polite question, Aragorn’s attitude was a little perfunctory. He didn’t even stand up from the stool. He still drank the milk in the cup and started to pick up the teapot to prepare himself. Tea.

“It’s just that when you came, there was no one to make tea for me, and I had to do it myself.”

Aragorn’s tone was obviously dissatisfied. But Richard has always been a person who knows how to beat snakes with sticks. As soon as Aragon said this, Richard immediately came to the table as quickly as possible, reached out and took the teapot and cup from Aragon’s hand, and personally served Aragon. Gong made tea.

Richard’s tea-making skills are quite decent. After all, in his previous life, in order to be arty, Richard also learned some tea art. There is no problem in using it to fool Aragorn.

Aragorn was confused by Richard’s behavior. It took him a while to come back to his senses, looked at Richard and said:

“Do you have anything to ask me about?”

To be courteous for nothing is to be either an adulterer or a thief.

Although there is no such sentence in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, this truth is applicable to all countries. Aragorn asked the purpose of Richard’s visit directly.

Richard didn’t make any pretentious denial, and just nodded and accepted.

“I need your help this time.”

“Help? Are the church people looking for trouble again?”


Richard shook his head.

When Aragorn heard that it had nothing to do with the church, he immediately lost interest and buried his head again and asked:

“Then what else do you need me to do? Those two men under your command were powerful men in the world five hundred years ago. Now, except for the church and those old monsters, there is nothing they can’t deal with, right? ?”

Hearing this, Richard narrowed his eyes slightly. He had never let Moriel and Natalie take action in front of Aragorn, but he knew the strength of the two of them. This guy really hid it well. .

However, at this time, Richard wanted to find a way to get the other party to take action. He did not dwell on this issue and raised his hand to point to the north.

Said the words “Snow Giant”.

“Snow Giant?”

“Why are you provoking those guys?”

Aragorn raised his head in confusion, obviously very puzzled by the confrontation between Richard and the snow giant. He knew about the existence of the snow giant, and he also had a certain understanding of the snowfield. It was precisely because of his understanding that he did not Understand why Richard wants to fight the snow giant.

The place where the Snow Giants live is a barren land for humans. It has basically no value. Half of the year is like a doomsday situation for humans. He really can’t figure out what this land means to humans. What role does it play in terms of Richard?

And it is impossible for snow giants to have any conflict with humans. For snow giants, the coldest areas where human activities occur are also very hot, which is not suitable for them to produce at all.

With Richard’s character, it is impossible for Richard to do something that has no benefit at all, unless there is some benefit in the snowfield that Richard cannot afford to leave behind.

“I have a city in the snowfield.”

“So there is a teleportation array in the city that is directly connected to the snowfield? Recently you have deployed troops just to go to the snowfield to defend your city?”

The large-scale deployment of troops in the city and the recent carrying of many wounded people back to Miracle City for treatment were very loud and it was impossible to hide it from Aragorn. Of course, Richard never thought of hiding anything.

“Yes, we have been fighting the snow giants during this time.”

“Is it worth it? Is there something you must get there?”

“It’s worth it. We must keep that city. It was built on the ruins of the ancient elf mage tower.”

Richard was not too prepared to hide anything from Aragorn. First, this matter could not be hidden from prying eyes. Second, Aragorn needs help now, so it would be better to be more honest.

“The ruins of the Elf Mage Tower on the snowfield? Which Elf Mage’s Mage Tower did you find?”

Hearing Richard talking about the ruins of the Elf Mage Tower, Aragorn suddenly became interested and even sat up straighter.



Richard directly said Mesta’s name. Aragorn paused obviously and repeated it again. He had obviously heard of the name and should have a certain understanding of it, otherwise he would not have such a reaction.

“You actually found the ruins of Mesta’s mage tower. Have you successfully entered the ruins?”

“Yes, the entire site has been explored, and I have obtained all the research results of Mesta.”

Richard saw that Aragorn was interested, and directly told him part of what he had gained in the mage tower. Under normal circumstances, Richard would definitely hide it, but now Richard needs Aragorn to help him get through it. The difficulty is to make Aragorn have enough interest. After all, Aragorn is not his subordinate.

“Since you have already obtained the items in the ruins, why are you still fighting the snow giant on the snowfield just for a teleportation array?”

After a slight loss of composure, Aragorn returned to his calm look.

“The value of the ruins is far beyond imagination. You cannot give up until you have to. The ruins involve the key to the rise of the human race.”

Richard said this to provoke Aragorn to take action, but he was not deceiving Aragorn. There is a magic boiling effect near Snowfield City. After Snowfield City stabilizes, he can use the knowledge compiled from the ruins to quickly Training human magicians may produce some results in ten or twenty years. Humans’ magical talents are the best after elves.

When humans train enough magicians, the threat of orcs will be nothing. As long as humans’ magical achievements can reach one-third of the level of elves, then humans can now transform from a second- or third-rate race. Suddenly became the dominant race on the continent.

However, Aragorn was not easily fooled by Richard, but looked helpless.

“Do you think I’m still human now?”

Apart from the fact that Aragorn is a human being, there is no real flesh and blood in his body. From a biological point of view, this is definitely not a human being. However, judging from Aragorn’s insistence on eating and drinking tea, he is Trying to stay human.

Richard nodded firmly.

“You are the hero of the human race, no matter what you become, you are still human.”

This was half compliment and half sincere, but it was impossible for a mature man like Aragorn to be easily moved by Richard’s true feelings. Instead, he continued to ask:

“So you and your men are now besieged by the Snow Giants? They should be directly attacked by the Snow Giant King’s Court. Every generation of Snowman Kings seems to have saint-level strength. No wonder you came to me. Take action.”

“Your Majesty, we are allies. The more my strength increases, the more likely I will win against the Lord of the Rising Sun in the future.”

Li Cha saw that Aragorn seemed to be a little moved, so he immediately added.

“It’s not that I don’t want to help you. Although the Snow Giant King is not very strong among the Saints, my current state cannot even bring out the strength of the Saints. I cannot defeat the Snow Giant King even if I go there.”

“Unless, you help me prepare a material as I said before, so that I can reshape a body.”

“Okay, your Majesty, please wait a moment.”

What Aragorn needs is naturally the most suitable material for refining his body. In the past, the best materials were found deep in the South China Sea, on the territory of the Sea Tribe.

Richard did not have the ability to help Aragorn collect the materials at that time, because some of the things Aragorn wanted were extremely useful to the Sea Tribe. They were not for sale and were difficult to obtain from trade, even if they could be obtained through trade at the time. If you buy it through the Fourth Prince’s channel, the price paid is not worth it in Richard’s opinion.

But after the Battle of the South China Sea and the establishment of Harbor City in the sea clan’s clam farm, the difficulty for Richard to collect these materials became much easier. Before Natalies returned, Harbor City had already followed Richard’s instructions. They were all collected and sent to Miracle City some time ago.

But after the materials arrived, Richard did not take them out and give them to Aragorn for use. Instead, he put them in the Miracle City warehouse for safekeeping.

To put it bluntly, Richard is still wary of his ally Aragorn. After all, what he is doing now, at the kingdom level, is that he is an ambitious rebellious traitor. If it were not for the threat of orcs, Lei Cha would Well, I’m afraid a large army has already been mobilized to quell the rebellion.

After all, Aragorn was the founding monarch of the Golden Dragon Kingdom and the ancestor of the Charman family. Richard naturally felt a little guilty when facing Aragorn.

Using an ordinary body, one can exert a combat power equivalent to Moriel’s. Wouldn’t it be possible to directly exert a holy-level combat power by replacing it with a suitable body?

Richard currently has no means to check and balance such a powerful person. According to Richard’s initial thoughts, everything must be under control and wait until either Moriel or Natalie reaches the holy level. Consider helping Aragorn regain some strength.

But now the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Even if Aragorn is obviously raising the price, Richard, who wants to keep Snowfield City, has to admit it by pinching his nose.

At least the two of them still have a common enemy. There is a high probability that Aragorn will not be disadvantageous to him, but Richard still hopes that he will not do this kind of thing where he is betting on probability.

As Richard’s order was issued, a cavalry team soon escorted this batch of materials sent from the South China Sea to the small courtyard in Aragon.

Richard and Aragorn also put down the warm teacups in their hands and walked towards the big boxes…


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