Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 396: New Hero


The tavern is still the same as before. A few candlelights are unable to dispel the gloomy night. A few wooden tables are scattered in the hall. The man who is the owner and bartender still has no intention of greeting the guests and continues to go on. The wine glasses on the bar looked like they had not moved at all. If it weren’t for the changes in the guests in the bar, Richard would have thought that the time in the bar had not moved at all, but had stayed at a special time.

Richard didn’t care about the boss’s cold attitude. As usual, he went straight to the bar, ordered a glass of beer, and began to observe the guests in the pub.

There were not many people in the tavern this time, only four, and they all looked relatively normal. After taking the wine handed over by the boss, Richard took a sip, then turned around and observed the four people in the tavern while holding the glass. A guest comes.

“Bankrupt businessman

Name: Fuld.

Race: Human.

Introduction: Fuld was once a successful businessman. The chamber of commerce he ran even monopolized all trade between Negan and Erathia. Unfortunately, in the subsequent war, the lord behind Fuld After the defeat, Fuld’s Chamber of Commerce fell apart, and the once rich man could only come here to drink away his sorrows. ”

The red-top businessman.

This was Richard’s first reaction when he saw Fuld’s introduction. He used his relationships with big lords to do business, and his fate was also closely related to the rise and fall of these lords. The lord behind him was unlucky, so this kind of red-top The businessman’s fate is also doomed. Fuld is lucky to be able to save his life and come to this bar.

Ford is more of a talent than Richard. After all, he can use the Chamber of Commerce to monopolize the trade between two huge forces. In addition to the strength of the lord behind him, the personal ability of the manager is also very important. In this regard, Fuld’s ability is definitely not bad.

And its final bankruptcy was also due to the collapse of the lord behind it, which was regarded as a crime other than war. Without a backstage, it would be impossible for a chamber of commerce of this level to capture such huge profits.

Now there is no shortage of middle managers in the several caravans under Richard, but the senior managers are still a bit lacking. Middle managers can be trained like an assembly line, but senior managers still need a little business talent. Fu Erd can just fill this gap.

However, Fuld’s arrangement is just an afterthought. What Richard needs now is a hero who can immediately improve his strength.

Putting the down-and-out red-top businessman aside for the time being, Richard looked at the guests at the other table.

This is a human being who looks out of place with his surroundings. Compared to other guests who are either downcast or hiding under their cloaks, this human being is dressed in decent aristocratic uniforms and has a black and white striped jazz hat on his head. , with a neat moustache, one could tell at first glance that he was a gentleman who should not appear in such a shabby bar. However, although he was well-dressed, his face looked a bit funny, and his round face and small eyes made him look well-dressed. The temperament is completely destroyed, and it even makes people feel like a theater comedian.

However, his appearance made Richard feel more and more familiar the more he looked at him, giving him a sense of déjà vu.

After focusing on him for a few seconds, his information also appeared in Richard’s consciousness.

“Heroic Unit: Sir Mrak

Level: 17

Strength: 22

Agility: 29

Physique: 27

Spirit: 13

Specialty: Divine Speed ​​(the movement speed of the army led by Sir Mrak increases by 20%)

Skills: Breathing Technique (Advanced Level), Qi-Entraining Technique (Advanced Level), Offensive Technique (Advanced Level), Defense Technique (Intermediate Level), Logistics Technique (Master Level).

Introduction: Sir Mrak is an elegant nobleman who always maintains his own demeanor. At the same time, he is a loyal minister of Erathia. On the battlefield, he will abandon his demeanor and become a mad dog on the battlefield. , Sir Mrak is good at leading troops to attack long distances, and the troops he leads are always one step ahead of others. As an elegant nobleman, he also hopes to serve a decent nobleman. ”

Sure enough, this little round face is the god-level hero of the castle in the game, Sir Mrak. They say he is a god-level hero, not because of his strength, but because his specialties in the game allow him to seize the throne faster. Resources, but when he found out that this was Sir Mrak, Richard was not too happy.

It’s not that this skill that increases the army’s marching speed is not good, but the appearance of M’Lak still cannot solve Richard’s urgent need. Looking at M’Lak’s attributes, he is only an earth-level hero, and he is placed on the battlefield of Snowfield City. But it can only kill a few more snow giants, not even as good as the Archangel I bought just now.

However, Richard did not show his disappointment on his face. If the current emergency situation was not taken into account, Sir Mrak and a top business talent would be worth the price.

Richard felt a little disappointed and then turned his attention to the other two tables of customers. However, at this time, Richard had the mentality of being a dead horse. After all, Sir Mrak had already appeared. There have never been two heroes in the tavern in one month.

“An ordinary farmer has no other hobbies except drinking low-quality beer.”

Richard glanced at a human wearing burlap clothes. His introduction was as simple as his clothes.

Finally, Richard focused on a figure under a black cloak. Because of the cloak, Richard couldn’t see the man’s face clearly. He could only vaguely see that his skin was a little pale, but after looking at it, A few seconds later, Richard showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

“Name: Sandro

Race: Undead

Level: 27

Strength: 15

Agility: 16


Spirit: 48

Specialty: Spiritualism

Skills: Spiritualism (Grandmaster Level), Financial Management (Advanced), Offense (Advanced), Defense (Advanced), Logistics (Advanced),

The Undead Canopy (can create a domain exclusive to undead creatures within a certain range. In the Undead Canopy, the combat effectiveness of the undead creatures will be greatly enhanced. The corpses of creatures in the Undead Canopy will have a high probability of being awakened by spiritualism. , after the undead canopy is released, a permanent desolate land will be formed, and all living creatures will be continuously negatively affected by the undead canopy)

Treasure 1: Cursed Armor

Treasure 2: Cloak of the Ghost King

Introduction: The legendary necromancer Sandro, after experiencing defeat, was betrayed by his subordinates. After a long period of imprisonment, Sandro finally found the opportunity to escape and rise again. Sandro made a comeback. Ruby was even more powerful and cunning than before.

Sandru only works for himself, but he likes to do cruel things. If you want to recruit him to fight for you, you need to sacrifice the lives of 10,000 intelligent creatures to him. ”

It turned out to be Sandru again, but in a different time period. The Sandru who appeared last time was just Sandru before being defeated by Erathia, and his level was only a dozen levels. But this time The level of Sandru who appeared was as high as level 27, which is the highest level among the heroes that Richard has seen so far. Judging from its attributes and skills, Richard guessed that Sandru, who has the skill of Undead Sky at this stage, is based on the strength of this world. The division has reached the level of the Holy Order.

If Sandro is recruited, perhaps the whole thing will be solved. As long as Sandro of the holy level opens the canopy of the undead on the battlefield of Snowfield City, those corpses that were killed in the battle and have not had time to be cleaned up will immediately become a new force in Richard’s hands. .

And the reality is very different from the game. It is impossible to summon ordinary skeleton soldiers on the corpse of the snow giant. It is very likely that spiritualism has acted on the corpse of the snow giant, and what stands up is a corpse. Zombie giants, their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary skeleton soldiers.

Richard stared at Sandro under the hood, and he was having a fierce battle between heaven and man in his heart. Sandro was obviously a bomb-type figure, and the request to recruit him already crossed the bottom line. Play it in the game Forget about the undead, in reality, if the surrounding environment turned into a cemetery-like environment, it would be difficult for Richard to even sleep well. Normally, Richard would have given up forbearing. After all, he might not be able to control it. Richard would generally rather not have power. But at this time Sandru seems to be Richard’s only solution to his current predicament.

Just when Richard looked at Sandro, hesitant in his heart, Sandro suddenly looked up at Richard, and the two men’s eyes met in the air.

It was a handsome face, with three-dimensional facial features, long black hair, and smooth skin without any wrinkles, but it was a bit too pale. If you look closely, you can still feel a hint of cyan.

And those pupils, lifeless but profound, seeming to sink into them…

“What’s going on!”

After being in a trance for a while, Richard suddenly regained consciousness and secretly became vigilant. He seemed to have been attacked just now.

When Richard opened his eyes and looked around, he was even more surprised. After such a short moment of daze, the surrounding environment had changed drastically. At this time, Richard was no longer in an old and narrow tavern. We came to a large building.

The building is surrounded by marble columns, and the walls are carved with exquisite reliefs, which seem to tell the story of the creation of the world by gods.

The hall is brightly lit, and its spaciousness and brightness are in sharp contrast to the tavern just now.

There was a high platform at the end of the hall, which seemed to be where something was enshrined. However, the statue on the platform was missing. Richard didn’t see anything, but he vaguely guessed that it was a temple.

“Richard, my chosen one.”

Just when Richard was confused, a magnetic female voice sounded in his ears. This voice was very comfortable to listen to, and it also gave people an inexplicable sense of awe, as if they were nearby, but also as if they were in the horizon. So misty.

Before Richard could find the source of the sound, a figure appeared on the high platform from virtual to real in front of Richard’s eyes, as if the vacancy on the high platform was reserved for him.

“Who are you?”

The figure in front of him seems to be just an ordinary human woman. Of course, it is impossible for normal people to think that the other person is just an ordinary human woman in this situation, and Richard found that he could not see it no matter how he looked. You can’t remember the other person’s face clearly, or you can’t remember the other person’s face.

Faced with Richard’s doubts, the other party immediately responded.

“Who am I?”

“People call me Asha.”


“Or, call me the God of Creation.”

Asha, in the background of Invincible Heroes, is the mother of the gods, the great existence of creation. Regardless of whether the other person is really Asha, facing this existence, Richard still expressed his respect with a slight salute. .

Then Richard asked again his doubts.

“So, was it you who summoned me here?”


The figure calling herself Asha nodded and did not deny it.

At this time, Richard was no longer as vigilant as he was at the beginning, and he also figured out that if the other party wanted to harm him, no matter whether the other party was Yasha or not, just pull him away without Richard noticing. At this point, it is no longer possible for him to resist. As for what purpose or conspiracy the other party will have in the future, that is also a matter of later days. At least there is no danger to his life for the time being.

After thinking this through, Richard continued to ask:

“Then, I am here because of you?”

“It’s me and it’s not me.

You are just a person who just fits the rules. My world is destroyed in the apocalypse, and we need to find a new home for the creatures in our world. ”

“Rules? Destination?”

Li Cha didn’t understand what this had to do with him for a moment, but the figure opposite continued:

“As long as you know that I have no ill intentions towards you, you are the key to the overlap of the two worlds.”


Richard believes this. Since turning on the system, Richard has benefited from Invincible Heroes. If the other party has ill intentions towards him, there is no need to bother.

“Child, I know you are facing a difficult situation now, and I have sent Sandro to help you get out of it. I just don’t know why you are still hesitating. Is it just because he is an undead?”

“There are reasons for this.”

Richard nodded and did not deny it.

The person opposite who called herself Yasha shook her head, as if she didn’t understand Richard’s persistence.

“Child, the undead are also part of the rules of the world, and their existence is reasonable.”

The other party’s words seemed to have some magic power, as if there was a will constantly instilling in Richard the view that the existence of the undead is a natural thing, but Richard came to his senses at the last moment, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Is it reasonable? It’s just that you don’t understand my world yet.”

“Your world?”


A trace of reminiscence appeared on Richard’s face, and he continued:

“In that world, there is death but no undead. It is impossible for the undead to appear in the world of living beings. The existence of the undead there is unreasonable.”

The other party paused slightly after hearing what Richard said. She didn’t know whether she was digesting Richard’s words, or she was surprised because Richard broke away from the indoctrination of her will. She didn’t say anything for a long time.

“Also, you should not be Asha, maybe I should call you Namtaru?”

The shadow of a spider with six legs and four arms reflected on the wall behind the opponent’s human body…


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