Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 395: New January (changed)


“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Under the strict orders of Snow Giant King Vernon, the snow giants who were still outside the shield kept attacking the blue light curtain, trying to break the barrier, but they failed for nearly two hours. There is no sign of this blue barrier loosening at all.

After all, it is a miraculous architectural effect produced with the godhead of a medium **** as the core. Even though this godhead is made by elves, it is not weak at all in terms of energy level. The shield generated by this level of energy , it cannot be broken by a group of snow giants surrounding it and attacking.



The snow giants on the periphery cannot enter, and the snow giants trapped in the energy shield have completely become turtles in an urn. Facing ground siege, long-range strikes, and the triple attack of the giant dragon in the sky, these snow giant vanguards who cannot receive support are in danger. The formation completely collapsed an hour ago, and what was left was just a one-sided chase.

This is not even a chase, because these snow giants have nowhere to escape. They can only run in funny circles around the snowfield city, and then they are chased and killed by Richard and his men like herding sheep. .


As Richard slashed down with one blow, the last elite snow giant of the earth level crashed down. This snow giant basically made no decent resistance. After being exhausted in the chase, he was blasted by Richard with a sword. Broken heart.

After killing the last snow giant, Richard did not extinguish the fighting spirit on the Vulcan Sword. Instead, he raised his sword and walked to the piled corpses of the snow giant.

Several meters of flames erupted from the Vulcan Sword, and the position that Richard occupied made Richard very conspicuous on the battlefield. Of course, this was the effect that Richard wanted.

“Win! Win! Win!”

“Long live! Long live!”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

When Richard stood on a high place and raised his iconic Vulcan Sword, the surrounding officers reacted first and started cheering. The officers present were all old men who had been following Richard in battles and knew very well what Richard meant. , immediately picked up the rhythm. Although ordinary soldiers suffered many casualties, the joy brought by victory still made their morale high. Under the warm cheers, the atmosphere was very warm, and it seemed that they wanted to rush out and kill the snow giants outside. .

The blizzard has dissipated, and the visibility of the entire battlefield has been restored. In the distance, the Snow Giant King can clearly see everything happening in the shield.

Watching his men being slaughtered in front of his eyes made the Snow Giant King feel depressed, and then he felt fear. If he had not been more cautious and led the team forward in person, he would have been trapped in that road. He may be among the snow giants in the blue light curtain. Faced with the siege of a large group of humans, even he who has the key to ice and snow may not be able to escape unscathed. At least it would be very troublesome for the group of giant dragons in the sky to also besiege him with an ancient giant dragon.

Of course, Vernon thought of Snowfield City a little simpler. If he dared to get close, Richard would not use the energy shield skill first, but would directly activate his attack ability to kill him with one blow.

In the end, Richard stood on the piled corpses of several Snow Giants, holding the Vulcan Sword high and receiving loud cheers from the large group of soldiers standing below. However, the direction his eyes were looking towards was the direction occupied by the Snowman King in the distance. People look at each other in the air. Although the distance is so far that it is impossible to see each other’s face clearly, they seem to be able to feel the substantial gaze of the other person.

Richard also made a few provocative moves in the direction of the Snow Giant King with the Vulcan Sword, making the Snow Giant King even more angry.

However, no matter how angry he was, Vernon would never go into battle to attack Snowfield City himself. Even before the snow giant completely wiped out Snowfield City, Vernon would not get close to the blue energy shield.

The surrounding leaders of the Snow Giant tribe were also silent now. They had witnessed the whole process and experienced the same ups and downs in their hearts as Vernon. From being close to victory to being suddenly interrupted, the victory progress fell short. Everything happened only under the blue light screen. The moment it appears.

They have even developed a certain fear and awe of that human being. The magic of that blue light curtain does not seem to be much weaker than that of the Snow Giant King who can summon blizzards and hail.

It’s just that they could only hide this kind of awe deep in their hearts. At this time, Vernon didn’t say anything. You could hear a pin drop clearly in the quiet scene. The depressive atmosphere made everyone present The giant leader didn’t dare to take a breath, for fear of attracting Vernon’s attention and becoming the target of his anger.

Fortunately, although Vernon was close to going berserk, he still had some sense as a king. After a moment of silence, he took the initiative to break the silence.

“Let the soldiers in front retreat first, temporarily stop the attack, and surround the city. If humans leave the blue light curtain, they will try to attack again.”

“Yes, my king.”

Although the 500 vanguard troops who attacked the city were lost within the protective shield, there were more than 3,000 attacking Snow Giant warriors not far behind them, and some of them were the kings sent by Vernon to suppress the formation. Court elites are now completely unable to break through the blue light shield. It is a risk to keep the army there. Who knows if humans will use other methods again. It is a wise choice to retreat first.

After issuing the first order, Vernon immediately issued the second order.

“Publish the Ice and Snow King’s order and convey it to all tribes, and each tribe will immediately lead all the young men to come here.”

“Yes, my king!”

The Ice and Snow King’s Order is the highest order of the Snow Giant clan that can only be issued by the Snow Giant King. According to tradition, all tribes who receive the order must immediately lead all their forces to the designated location to obey the order. Anyone who resists the order or delays on purpose will be severely punished by the royal court.

This kind of order is very draining on the vitality of each tribe. Generally speaking, the Snow Giant Royal Court will try to avoid issuing royal orders. The last time it issued a royal order was when the snow giants and white dragons competed for dominance of the snowfield many years ago. Now they are facing Regarding Snowfield City, Vernon issued another royal order, obviously treating Snowfield City and humans as enemies on the same level as the White Dragon Clan.

No, in Vernon’s heart, these humans are more terrifying enemies than the White Dragon clan. The White Dragon’s methods are quite traceable. These humans may seem small, but their methods are endless. Even he must be careful. response.

When the king’s order was issued, none of the tribal leaders present had any objections. After experiencing these battles, they had long abandoned the concept of distinguishing strength and weakness based on body size. Who would care about it now? I feel that the humans in Snowfield City are weak, because there is something wrong with my brain.

“According to the previous position, guard this city and do not allow a human to be released.”

“Yes, my king!”

The royal court’s messengers have dispersed in all directions with the royal order, and the tribes followed Vernon’s orders to surround Snowfield City.

Everything seemed to have entered the previous calm period again, with only the blue light curtain occasionally flashing an arc of energy and attracting attention again.

Snowfield City

Richard, who had just won a victory, did not relax at all after accepting the cheers of the soldiers.

Ordinary soldiers don’t know much and think they can sit back and relax with this light curtain, but Richard knows that this light curtain only lasts for one day, and the next time it is used will be a month later.

He didn’t think that the Snow Giant King needed a month of cooling to create the kind of wind and snow just now. Maybe once the energy shield dissipated, the blizzard would come back again.

According to the situation just now, even if we make some preparations in this day, it will be difficult to withstand the attack of the snow giant. If we want to stop the loss in time, perhaps using this day to retreat is the best choice.

But giving up this valuable Snowfield City would be worse than cutting off one of his hands. It was absolutely impossible for Richard to give up Snowfield City unless he had to.

There is still one day left, and a countermeasure must be found.

After some consideration, Richard handed over various matters such as the rest and defense changes of the troops, as well as checking for leaks and filling vacancies, to Rhodes and Moriel. He returned to Miracle City through the teleportation array.

Today happens to be a new week, and Richard hopes that the things refreshed in the shops or taverns this week will help him defend Snowfield City…

Stone Castle

This is the first system city under Richard, and it is also Richard’s main city. From a development perspective, Stone Castle, as the main city, has special buildings such as taverns and markets that cannot be built in other system cities, as well as a Miracle buildings like Liz’s statue have developed quite well, but the only thing is that the seventh-level soldier nest of this castle (human race) city, Cloud City, is still in a gray state that cannot be built.

The prerequisite for the construction of Yunzhong City is that Richard should become a representative figure in the clan. Li Cha’s title has now reached the level of a duke, and he has also been granted the title of guardian of the North and River Valley. This kind of power and reputation are both great. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an astonishing title that splits the earth and seals the territory, but it is still not recognized by the system.

Richard feels that the only way to meet this construction requirement is to unkindly steal the throne of the Charman family. However, this matter cannot be considered in the short term. Stone Castle can only temporarily lack this seventh-level military nest like Harbor City.

On the other hand, Linzhong City came from behind and already achieved the prerequisites, creating the Golden Dragon Cliff, the seventh-level soldier lair of the barrier (elf) forces.

It’s not that the prerequisites for the barrier (elf) are simple. If it’s not difficult to defeat an adult golden dragon in a single fight, there may not be many difficult things in the world. It’s just that this prerequisite is relatively not that difficult for Richard.

After entering the Stone Castle and having a headache about the construction conditions of Yunzhong City, Richard quickly walked towards the market. When he entered the door, he nodded to Grandet as a greeting and immediately checked this Products updated monthly.

“Treasure Type: Dragon Tooth Crown

Effect: Strength +2, Spirit +4

Introduction: A hat made of dragon teeth as bones and sewn from dragon skin. It is well-made and can provide certain attribute bonuses to the wearer, and it is one of the components of the Dragon King’s divine power.

Price: 18,000 gold.

Poison: Knight’s Blessing Potion X15

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of a knight breaking through to the Great Knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: A good-quality alchemical potion, the leisure work of the potion master.

Price: 800

Soldier type: Archangel X1

Introduction: The seventh-level advanced unit of the Castle (Human Race) has a balanced attack and defense, and has the ability to resurrect fallen allies. It is an almost perfect unit.

Price: 12,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000

Li Cha looked at the product list, but his expression didn’t get much better.

To be fair, the products on the market this time are all good. The Dragon Tooth Crown is the equipment that Richard needs. It is not that it lacks the added attributes of the Dragon Tooth Crown, but that the Dragon Tooth Crown is one of the components of the Dragon King’s divine power. After so After collecting it for a long time, after Richard got the Dragon Tooth Crown, he was just one piece short of being able to synthesize the Dragon King’s divine power.

If the Dragon King’s divine power is successfully synthesized, then the current problems faced by Richard will be easily solved. In addition to greatly improving the attributes of the wearer, the Dragon King’s divine power also comes with a very overbearing magic banning effect, which appeared on the battlefield of Snowfield City. If you do this, you will most likely be able to nullify the opponent’s blizzard magic.

It’s a pity that one thing is missing. The next one should have to wait until next month at the earliest. Snowfield City does not have a month to wait for this treasure. When the protective shield dissipates tomorrow afternoon, If Richard still can’t think of a way, then the tens of thousands of snow giants outside Snowfield City will demolish Snowfield City.

This dragon tooth crown came at the wrong time. The remaining fifteen bottles of potions are also good things. These potions can speed up the training of low-level officers in the army under the Hunter family and enrich the number of knight-level officers. Now Richard The ordinary troops under his command can already comply with the standards of the Golden Dragon City Forbidden Army. Every 500 people must be equipped with a knight-level officer, and even more luxuriously. In the elite ace flag regiment, some hundred-man captains will be served by weaker knights. Here The Knight’s Blessing Potion is responsible for this, but unfortunately it still has no effect on the current predicament.

The only one who has any effect is the archangel, but it can only hold up to two teams of twenty or thirty snow giants. Facing the nearly ten thousand snow giants outside the snowfield city, it is difficult to change the overall situation.

Richard calmly bought these products. Although they couldn’t save his life, they were all good things. Now Richard could only place his hope in the tavern to see if there would be anything that could turn the tide. Characters come.

Because it was already close to dusk when Richard returned to Miracle City. After delaying for a while in the market, it was getting dark. This time, Richard did not wander around, but guarded the tavern and waited until The sun has completely set.

When it was completely dark, the orange lights of the tavern came on on time, and there was some movement in the tavern that was silent just now.

Richard still skillfully pushed open the simple wooden door of the bar. Although the orange light was dim, it overflowed along the wooden door, imprinting Richard’s shadow on the ground. The smell of decaying wood was felt when Richard pushed the door. It had already penetrated his nostrils in an instant, but Richard still walked into this simple and magical little bar with full of expectations…


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