Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 394: Dilemma


Snow was once something that excited Richard.

As someone who grew up and worked in the south in his previous life, it was actually rare for Richard to see snow once. Occasionally, a few grains of snow would fall and he would feel as excited as the Chinese New Year. When people come out, it’s fun to mess around for hours.

But in this life, Richard has lived in the Northland for nearly twenty years. There is no winter in the Northland where it doesn’t snow. Occasionally, snow disasters will cause headaches because the snow is too heavy. I no longer have the same curiosity about snow as before.

Now facing this kind of snowstorm that is countless times more terrifying than a snowstorm, Richard has no mood to appreciate the snow scene at all.

The heavy snow accompanied by the whistling north wind has no intention of stopping, and is even getting more and more intense. His men are all high-level troops. Although they do not have the magic resistance effect of the dragon, they have not been affected by the ice and snow for the time being. However, the ordinary soldiers of the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army have basically found it difficult to fight in this environment, and it is even difficult to walk.

Only the Shenwei crossbow shooters on the city wall changed to non-slip shoes in time and still gritted their teeth and managed to load and shoot, but the efficiency was already shockingly low.

While leading the charge, Richard kept looking in the direction of the Snow Giant King in the distance. The figure that was much taller than the surrounding Snow Giants was really obvious, and it was difficult not to notice him. Although Richard didn’t figure out the key for the moment, but it was obvious that this sudden snowstorm was inseparable from the newly arrived Snow Giant King.

The reason why Richard has been observing the opponent is also very simple. As long as the Snow Giant King gets closer and enters the attack range of the energy tower, Richard will immediately attack and activate the strongest attack of the energy tower, directly To kill the opponent with a holy blow, even if the opponent has some life-saving means, it is impossible to escape. As long as the opponent is seriously injured, the current predicament will be solved.

However, Snow Giant King Vernon has no intention of getting close to Snowfield City.

Although Vernon was born tall and mighty, his character was somewhat similar to that of Richard. He would do whatever he could and would not take risks easily. Xueyuancheng’s endless methods made him instinctively feel a lot of threat. In addition, with this The appearance of this city is very strange. As the Snow Giant King, he would rather let his men charge a few more times than approach the Snowfield City casually.

Releasing a few spells using the Ice and Snow Key from a distance is the limit of what he can do at present.

Facing such a stubborn Snow Giant King, Richard felt very uncomfortable. At this time, he finally understood the feelings of his former enemies, and he simply didn’t give him a chance.

The Snow Giant King is just outside the attack range of the energy tower. As long as he advances to the Dragon Army’s first line of defense, which is about one kilometer away from Snowfield City, Richard can decisively activate the energy. Tower’s ability to directly attack Vernon.

But Vernon was extremely cautious and stayed behind, refusing to move forward at all, leaving Richard holding a trump card but unable to play it.

“Bang! Bang bang…”

The next thing that made Richard even more uncomfortable came. In this weird snowstorm, there was not only wind and snow, but also hail the size of goose eggs started to fall…

The blizzard contained hailstones as big as goose eggs, which greatly increased the destructive power. The hailstones hit the ground with a loud bang. Hailstones of this level can directly cause a certain amount of damage when they hit a person. of hurt.

The snow giant’s defense can still ignore the damage of these hailstones, but ordinary human soldiers will start to feel pain after being hit a few times. Some unlucky ones were hit on the head by large hailstones and fainted on the spot. The battle was obviously unwinnable.

During the time when the Snow Giant King was using his skills, Richard turned around several plans in his mind, but in the end they were rejected one by one. They were either too risky or the success rate was too low, so he could only play a trump card in advance.

Seeing that the Snow Giant front team was approaching the city wall chasing the retreating army, Richard did not issue an order to close the city gate. Anyway, with the height of the Snow Giant, as long as he got close to the city wall, it was not a big problem to climb over. This city The meaning of the gate is actually not that great. If you rush to close the city gate, the heroes will enter the city to escape the wind and snow.

Seeing that the vanguard of the Snow Giants’ front team had basically entered within 500 meters of the Snowfield City, Richard called his system soldiers to gather together, used the remaining magic power to activate teleportation again, and returned to the Snowfield. Outside the city gate.

“The First Flag Regiment of the Dragon Army! Follow me to fight!”


At this time, the wind and snow had reached the level of blocking the vision. Under the double interference of blizzard and hail, even the most disciplined army would inevitably have chaos. However, at this time, the subjective initiative of the battle was reflected. .

After the snow giant broke through the outer position and approached the city wall, although most of the soldiers were in confusion, few escaped. After an officer raised his arms and shouted, many soldiers simply turned around and faced him with weapons. Go in the direction where the snow giant came.

“Griffin Legion!”


“Griffin Legion!”


“Fight me!”


Compared with the silence of the Dragon Army when they went into battle, the Griffin Army still had an explosive atmosphere, but this second-level energy broke the dullness due to the defeat in the war and improved morale. Shake up.

Afterwards, some soldiers continued to enter the city, while the other soldiers decisively and difficultly turned around to face the direction the snow giant came from. If it weren’t for this blizzard environment, such a group of soldiers who were willing to die would have given the snow a hard time. The giants caused some trouble, but now it was difficult for them to walk. Fighting the snow giants, who were not greatly affected by the environment, was basically no different from delivering food.

Fortunately, Richard would not watch his brave soldiers die meaninglessly. After returning to Snowfield City, Richard quickly clicked on the Snowfield City panel and found the Energy Tower. .

As a miraculous building made of artificial gods, the Energy Tower not only produces the effect of boiling magic, but also has two powerful active abilities, one for attack and one for defense.

There is no chance to use the attack ability for the time being. The Snow Giant King is too stubborn. The range of the energy tower is not that far, so he can only activate the energy shield that Richard regards as his trump card.

When Richard turned on the shield option at the midpoint of his consciousness, a dazzling light blue light instantly swayed from the energy tower and expanded in a semicircle in all directions.

The dazzling light directly penetrated the obstruction of the blizzard, and was very conspicuous in the vast whiteness. From the outside, a semicircular light curtain could be seen breaking through the snowstorm, gradually covering the entire Snowfield City. in it.

Using the light curtain as the dividing line, there is still wind, snow and hail outside the light curtain, but the wind and snow inside the light curtain have stopped, and all the wind and snow are blocked outside this light curtain.



“What is this?”

The extended light curtain finally stopped at a position about 500 meters away from the city wall of Snowfield City. Several hundred snow giants who were attacking more quickly were also shrouded in the light curtain at this time. Because of the sudden incident, they were Some also carried out the attack in accordance with previous orders.

The Snow Giant troops that were supposed to continue attacking behind them were just blocked outside the light curtain.

After hitting hard to no avail, several snow giants even collided directly with their bodies, and then fell to the ground twitching.

“Stop! Stop!”

The snow giant commander in front discovered something was wrong with this blue light curtain, and immediately ordered the snow giant to stop the attack and stop causing fearless casualties.

But the snow giant who was already inside the light curtain was a little embarrassed. Those who reacted faster had turned around and tried to retreat, but this light curtain turned out to be two-way. Without Richard lifting this protective shield, or the duration was up, it would automatically Disappear, no one can enter or exit this blue light curtain.

Unless there is more power to directly break it, in terms of energy, the energy core that maintains this light curtain is a pseudo-godhead equivalent to the entire energy of a medium-sized god. No matter how bad it is, it cannot be opened by a group of ordinary snow giants. Even the current Snow Giant King, who sometimes attracts wind and snow and sometimes hail, can’t do it.

“What to do!”

The Snow Giants who had just been aggressively about to attack the city were suddenly dumbfounded. There were not many or few Snow Giants who entered the protective shield range, less than 500 people, and the follow-up troops could not enter now.

What’s more serious is that within the shield, the influence of the wind and snow has subsided, and everything is blocked outside the blue light curtain. The soldiers on the Snowfield City side have returned to their normal state. Just now Although the soldiers who were determined to face death and turned around to fight didn’t know what happened, the blizzard had receded and they saw that Richard, not far away, had given an order for the entire team to attack…

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The teams of soldiers quickly adjusted and attacked the hundreds of snow giants who were still stunned. Because the protective shield was opened, the battlefield environment suddenly changed drastically. The snow giants that had the absolute upper hand just now suddenly became a force. The lone soldier was trapped in the protective shield.

The momentum on both sides changed in an instant. The human side was full of momentum, but the morale of the trapped snow giant dropped sharply.

“Get ready to fight!”

“Don’t panic! My king is behind us, and my king is watching us!”

At this time, the snow giant commander was the first to come to his senses, reminding the surrounding snow giants to prepare for battle. Facing the approaching human army, the trapped snow giants also came to their senses.

There is no way to retreat now. If you want to survive, you can only resist the human attack first and wait for the rescue of the Royal Court. These snow giants still have some hope in fighting the Royal Court. The Snow Giant King is here. Behind them, although there was nothing they could do with the shield, they believed that the powerful Snow Giant King would definitely have a way to break this strange blue light curtain.

So when the Snow Giant Commander mentioned the Snow Giant King, the Snow Giant soldiers calmed down a little. Although their morale was still low, they finally regained their combat capabilities.

However, they have to continue fighting at this time, and the difficulty is no less than that of the human army fighting in the blizzard just now. The blizzard in the shield has stopped now. They not only have to face a large number of human ground troops, but also Facing all the long-range firepower in Snowfield City, they were just within the attack range of all the long-range troops on the city wall…

The first ones to launch attacks were long-range units such as phantom shooters and magic mages. As soon as the wind and snow stopped, the system soldiers who had regained their accuracy took the lead in launching attacks. Although their attack power was slightly weaker, under Richard The tactic usually used by Ling Kuixia was to set a dozen snow giants on fire. After a few rounds, seven or eight snow giants had fallen to the ground and died.

The Shenwei Crossbow in the distance was quickly put in place. Although half of it was damaged and there was no time to replenish it, even if it was used to face the remaining half, the Snow Giant would still have a headache because they were too close. Easy to aim, the damage caused by dozens of Shenwei crossbows is already equivalent to the previous hundred Shenwei crossbows.

Also firing at the same time were the dark gold golems that Richard had already placed on the city wall. These long-range weapons, second only to the mighty crossbows in power, emitted red rays intensively. Usually, it only takes two or three hits to kill a person. The famous snow giant warrior lost his ability to fight.


“Take cover!”

Due to the limited materials in the snowfield, the snow giant does not have any siege weapons. Of course, the snow giant does not actually need those things to attack ordinary cities.

But therefore, facing the powerful long-range firepower of Snowfield City, the Snow Giant seemed very helpless. There was a flat plain in front of Snowfield City, and it was difficult to repair anything on this frozen soil. There was no bunker.

In the end, the snow giant had to pick up the corpses of his companions to block the snowfield city’s long-range attacks. Although the method is not good-looking, it does play a certain role. At least the effect of the ordinary attacks issued by the system soldiers has been weakened a lot. Only the magic mages are still exerting their abilities. Anyway, every once in a while they A buff skill will be released, which is negative for enemies and positive for own people.

But this attack can only be resisted for a while at best. Before the soldiers of the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army could attack, Richard had already led his system soldiers to launch a counterattack…


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