Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 393: The terrifying Snow Giant King


Facts have proved that as long as there is no military strength and combat power to crush, being attacked from both sides is very passive.

After Richard led the system army to teleport behind the snow giants in the east and launched an attack, the snow giants who had just maintained high morale and maintained an offensive posture immediately became confused. They did not know whether to continue attacking the people in front of them. The enemy still turns to defend the enemy behind him.

And Moriel was not idle either. After Richard launched a counterattack with the champion knight and the unicorn holy beast, Moriel also flew out of Snowfield City with a dozen giant dragons. According to the tactics just now, as long as the attacking Snow Giants are defeated first, they can take the opportunity to expand the victory. Even if they cannot achieve the previous results, it is not a problem to defeat the Snow Giants’ attack.

“Hold it!”

“My king is watching us from behind, no retreat!”

“Hold on, reinforcements are right behind you! If you retreat, you will die!”

This time the snow giant’s fighting spirit was obviously much tougher than the last time. Because Vernon and the Royal Court warriors supervised the battle, they were attacked by a combination of punches from Snowfield City and still managed to withstand the attack without collapsing.

From the elite leaders to the ordinary soldiers, everyone understands the truth. When attacking with a tribal alliance, even if they were defeated, they would most likely not die. At most, they would be punished. After all, each tribe regarded the young as the strong ones. How can I be willing to kill someone with the trump card at will?

But now that the Snow Giant King has arrived, the situation has changed. As soon as he arrived, Vernon made it clear the rules. During the battle, those who stopped attacking without orders or retreated would be killed by the royal soldiers supervising the battle. This is not a big deal. It was an empty threat, but he actually did it. In the previous rounds of attacks, there were some clever deserters who came back and were killed by the soldiers of the Royal Court on the spot without even a moment of hesitation.

If you continue to fight, you might be able to survive until reinforcements arrive. If you run away, you will be sentenced to death by the Snowman King in this snowy field, and no one will be able to survive.

So the fighting will of the attacking Snow Giants from top to bottom was tenacious. They did not collapse quickly after encountering a back attack. Instead, under the command of the officer, some of the men turned around to resist, while the other part Continue to destroy the iron horse in front, trying to clear a buffer area.

“What’s going on in the front? Didn’t you eat?”

“Why are your hands shaking? There is no such timid guy in our tribe.”

The Snow Giant commander, who was directing his men to guard against the human army behind him, turned around and saw a scene that made him angry. Two Snow Giant warriors worked hard together, but they did not turn over an iron horse for a long time, causing the progress of the entire section to be lost. After being delayed, there were still many human soldiers around who relied on these iron horses to launch attacks and cooperated with the humans who suddenly appeared behind them to attack them.

The key point is that a snow giant was still shaking when he lifted the iron horse. This made the commander think that the opponent was unable to use his strength because of cowardice, so he cursed a few times.

But soon the snow giant commander felt something was wrong. Just as he was about to rush over to teach the other party a lesson, his body suddenly went limp and he couldn’t help but fall to the ground. He felt like he couldn’t use any strength all over his body. At least one-third of his strength had been reduced. He stood there for a long time before he recovered. However, this recovery was just because he had temporarily adapted to the weak state and would not fall. Combat strength Still in a damaged state.

This is of course the eight magic mages in Snowfield City playing their role. After casting several random buff spells on the army leaving the city, some random negative states were also added to some of the snow giants attacking outside the city. On their bodies, the Snow Giant Commander and the Snow Giant warrior in front were hit by the spell of Weakness. The effect of Weakness in the game is to reduce the attack power, but in reality it is directly related to its name, putting the Snow Giant who was hit directly in a state of weakness. A weak state, unable to exert any strength.

“The dragon! The dragon is coming!”



The snow giant commander in charge of the eastward attack no longer had to scratch his head and wonder why he suddenly felt weak. A dozen giant dragons led by Moriel came to their heads at extremely fast speeds. The Snow Giant commander who bore the brunt was directly wrapped in a breath of dragon breath by Moriel, who had transformed into an ancient black dragon. He screamed in agony for less than a second and then lost his life. Due to the influence of weakness, he could not even make a dodge move. There’s still time to make it.

Due to the death of the Snow Giant commander and the entry of the giant dragon into the battle, the Snow Giants in the east could no longer hold on under such a flanking attack from left and right and from up and down, and gave up their previous offensive missions and began to escape.

Because the army led by Richard happened to block their retreat, and because Moriel and Richard deliberately drove them away, these fleeing snow giants were forced to flee from both wings to attack the snow giants attacking from other directions.


The human soldiers who were originally hiding in the Tiejuma bush were also very cooperative. Under the leadership of the officers, they picked up their weapons and chased them out, cooperating with Richard who was driving away the snow giant’s troops.

Matt is the favorite of the team. Although Matt was born as a civilian, he is an ambitious and spiritual person. After several rounds of battles, he has a strong sense of battlefield and has a good understanding of Richard. With an almost blind trust, Richard was already ready to attack when he appeared behind the snow giant. The moment the snow giant in front of him was defeated, he rushed out with his men.

“Why did it suddenly snow?”

Just suddenly, it started to snow on the snowy field where there was only a slight wind just now.

Snow on the snowfields is actually not a strange thing. Even in June and July, it is common to snow in the snowfields. In winter, it snows non-stop.

But something was obviously wrong with the snow in front of me. The snow came without any warning. Just a moment ago it was bright sunshine, and suddenly the sky changed and it began to snow.

Moreover, the snow was shockingly heavy. The heavy snowfall was accompanied by strong winds. In less than three minutes, Matt, who had just chased him out, was already covered in snow, from his shoulders to his helmet. It’s all covered in white flowers.

It turned out to be a sudden snowstorm…

Of course, a snowstorm of this magnitude cannot occur naturally. The entire area of ​​falling snow happened to only cover Snowfield City.

This is the high-level magic released by the Snow Giant King through the Key of Ice and Snow – Blizzard, which changes the weather in a range in a short period of time, causing an extreme blizzard.

Originally, the magic of Blizzard is a covering spell, which should also have an impact on one’s own people, but this spell is different in the hands of the Snow Giant King. Snow Giants are naturally a race with full ice resistance, although they will also It was affected a little but not much. At most, it was just a squinting effect from the wind. More than one meter of snow has a great impact on humans. It has reached the level of completely affecting movement, but for the snow giant, it is just a strong wind. It’s just a bit confusing to the eyes.

Richard originally chose the time to avoid the time when blizzards are prone to occur in the snowfield, but he did not expect that the Snow Giant King would be so good at it.

After chasing for a while, except for the giant dragon in the sky, everyone else was already affected. Especially the ordinary soldiers who were chased out were now unable to move in the snowstorm.

“This snow is wrong!”

“Let the army withdraw! Abandon the outer front and all return to Snowfield City!”

“Moriel, cover their retreat!”

With such an outrageous snowstorm, Richard naturally noticed something unusual and did not care about expanding his previous victory. He immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat. In this kind of weather, it is very unreasonable for the soldiers to fight the snow giant outside the city. , if you still insist on placing the army outside the city, it is very likely that when the snow giant attacks again, the soldiers may be buried in the snow.

In fact, there was no need for Richard’s orders. Rhodes, who sensed something was wrong, had already ordered the army to stop the pursuit. When Richard gave the order, he quickly organized the soldiers to start retreating.


On the other side, Moriel, who received Richard’s cover order, led the dragon to launch a more violent attack, leaving the snow giant no time to turn around and pursue.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier. It is not an easy task for tens of thousands of troops to enter the city. Although Rhodes and Richard reacted quickly enough, the quality of the Hunter family’s army is also excellent, and there is no disorder in the retreat. , but at this time, we still had to queue up at the city gate to enter. Coupled with the constant wind and snow, the entire retreat was not progressing very fast.

“My king! My king!”

On the other side, the snow giants cheered collectively when they saw the sudden snowstorm. Many snow giants around the light in Vernon’s hand just now saw it. They naturally combined the blizzard and snow giants currently covering Snowfield City. King connected.

The leaders of the tribe also shouted like ordinary snow giant warriors, but in addition to cheering, they also deepened their awe for the royal court in their hearts.

Although they were all vaguely aware of it, and some had even seen the Snow Giant King using the Key of Ice and Snow to display his extraordinary abilities, this was the first time they had seen a blizzard of this magnitude by directly affecting the weather, and this ability had already surpassed theirs. I understand, maybe the legend that Tate’s bloodline is the bloodline of the God of Ice and Snow is well-founded.

“The effect turned out to be better than expected…”

Tate, who was enjoying the cheers of the crowd, looked indifferent now, but in fact he was not at peace inside. He knew the power of this spell. In an era when magic power was scarce, the Snow Giant King Pulse release spells are all cast by relying on the power of the inherited holy weapon, the Ice and Snow Key.

Normally, blizzards cannot cause this kind of effect. Normally, using this spell can achieve half of the current effect, which is considered a good thing. Now it is so powerful that the Snow Giant King himself is a little surprised.

However, the Snow Giant King did not show this surprise on his face at this time, but maintained an enigmatic look, which further deepened his majesty.

“Let the soldiers of the Royal Court press forward directly and keep the retreating humans for me!”

After a brief observation, Vernon immediately ordered the remaining two thousand Royal Court soldiers to press forward. Human beings obviously could not withstand this blizzard and were already withdrawing their troops into the city. At this time, many troops were already stranded in the city. At the gate of the city, Vernon would not let the human army leave easily.

The magic boiling effect of the Energy Tower is area-wide, and it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. The magic power in this area is already in a state of recovery and is no longer in a state of scarcity. The blizzard triggered by Vernon through the Ice and Snow Key is not the same this time. It was released purely by the power stored in the Ice and Snow Key, but the Ice and Snow Key acted like a magic wand, triggering the boiling magic power around it and unleashing a super-sized blizzard.

The effect of magic boiling was powerful for the first time, and it actually had a negative effect on one’s own side. This was something that Richard never expected.


The human army has already experienced difficulties in moving in the snowstorm, and its command and dispatch are in a negative state. Only the elite of the system led by Richard are not affected.

But this unaffected effect is only temporary. When the snow accumulates, the horses under the champion knights will be affected to some extent, and the snow will sink the horses’ hooves.

The Snow Giant’s counterattack was also very decisive. Originally, Richard’s counterattack was quite effective, and it was very likely that the Snow Giant’s attack would be in vain. However, after being hit by this sudden blizzard, only the Giant The dragon was still able to continue fighting unaffected, but the other men and horses stopped pursuing.

Except for the Snow Giant troops who were attacked from the east and were severely damaged at the beginning, the Snow Giants in other directions were still capable of fighting and were not affected by the defeat of the army in the east. In addition, the Snow Giant King’s strict order The elite Snow Giant Royal Court came up to attack and support, and the Snow Giant army quickly entered a counterattack state.


Another iron horse was overturned to the ground by the snow giant. Due to the raging snowstorm, the divine crossbows on the top of the city were greatly affected. Although the soldiers stood on the top of the city and operated against the wind and snow. It is a divine crossbow, but its speed is much slower than normal, its accuracy is even worse, and its lethality is greatly reduced.

Only the high-level units in the system such as Magic Mage Phantom Shooter still maintain a certain output, but the number is still too small, while the twenty-four Dark Gold Golems are on standby, and the Snow Giant has not yet entered their attack range.

Although the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army received Richard’s order to withdraw to the Snowfield City, the retreat would naturally not be possible in a swarm, and some people would inevitably remain in the outer positions to delay the Snow Giant’s actions.

The troops left behind on the ground are still fighting to fend off the snow giants that are destroying the outer positions. In the snowstorm, these ordinary troops are the most negatively affected, while the snow giants are almost unaffected.

The human soldiers, who were never opponents of the snow giants, found it even more difficult to fight. It didn’t take long for the number of casualties to rise sharply. They were completely unable to stop the snow giants from attacking. Behind them was the wide-open city gate and a group of people who were still waiting to enter. city ​​soldiers.

Although the Snow Giant side has now begun to gain the upper hand, the Snow Giant King in the distance seems not satisfied, or wants to test the effect of the Ice and Snow Key again. After ordering the Royal Court warriors to press on, He raised the Snow Key in his hand again, and soon after the blue-white light condensed in his hand, new changes appeared on the battlefield covered by the snowstorm.

Blocks of ice the size of goose eggs formed in mid-air, and then fell clatteringly amid the heavy snow…


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