Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 392: Counterattack and Magic


Although Si Air has a salty personality, he is still a high-quality hero. If he levels up, at least he will not lose to Rhodes.

Although she usually looks dazed, when it comes to the critical moment, Xi Air can still display her abilities when she is serious. You can tell from the title, Xi Air knows what will happen next. There is no room for carelessness in the battle.

On the other side of the teleportation array, newly added troops are still appearing in Snowfield City, and then they are quickly arranged to the outer positions. Although the Snow Giants suffered heavy losses in the day’s fierce attack, the Snowfield City side also suffered heavy losses. In order to Impeding the Snow Giant’s advance, the Dragon Army guarding the outskirts of Snowfield City also suffered nearly 10,000 casualties. The three flag regiments suffered serious casualties and had to retreat to rest before they could regain their combat effectiveness.

“Get ready to fight!”

The Snow Giant’s attack came very quickly. Under the command of Vernon, the Snow Giant’s actions were much more determined than before. Before the additional troops were in place, a new round of Snow Giant’s attack began.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

As usual, more than a hundred giant arrows flew towards the surging snow giant. Sometimes its huge size was an advantage and sometimes it was a disadvantage.

At least with the same strength as a great knight, if it is a human great knight, it is difficult for the divine crossbow to cause enough damage. First of all, the target is not big enough, and the divine crossbow is not so easy to aim. Secondly, the human great knight is much more flexible. Even if the giant arrow of the Divine Power Crossbow cannot be blocked, there is a high probability that it can be dodged in advance.

But the Snow Giant is different. The Snow Giant’s seven or eight-meter figure is a huge target in the eyes of Shenwei crossbow shooters. Its huge figure makes it difficult for them to dodge flexibly when facing the giant arrows that are flying towards them. Sometimes it can only be done forcefully. Although their skin and flesh are thicker than those of the ogres in the wilderness, and their hard skin is already worthy of a high-quality battle armor, but the battle armor cannot withstand the divine power. Among the currently known creatures, only the hard dragon scales of giant dragons can withstand the power of crossbows, a large war weapon that requires more than ten people to operate.

However, because the formations of the Snow Giants were dispersed, more than a hundred giant crossbows only caused more than 20 Snow Giant casualties. Evenly spread out in four directions, the casualties caused were only single digits, and they were completely unable to stop the Snow Giants from advancing. pace of.



After the Shenwei Crossbow began to enter the intense reloading, the Titan Giants, Ice Giants and other long-range troops in the city also began to attack. Every attack of the Snow Giants had to pay dozens of casualties before they could enter with the troops outside Snowfield City. A state of close combat.

This kind of casualties is actually very painful for the sparsely populated snow giants. If only those tribes were responsible for the attack, they would have stopped the action due to excessive casualties, but with Vernon and Wang With the elite troops in the court, these snow giant warriors could only attack in waves.



The snow giants who came to the outer front threw a wave of stone bullets at the snowfield city without saying a word.

Most of the so-called stone bullets are actually made of solid ice. In the snowfield, such stone bullets only need electricity and time to get ice and polish them, so there are as many as they need. Basically, each of the attacking Snow Giant warriors carried three or four stone bullets, which they threw at the city wall to suppress the attack of the divine crossbow. Although these stone bullets do not pose any danger to advanced units such as Titans, and magic mages and phantom shooters can also stick to the wall to avoid them, the Divine Power Crossbow is indeed difficult to avoid, so they can only hand it back to the opponent against the stone bullets.

The production cost of Shenwei Crossbow is not low, and the craftsmanship is relatively complicated. Recently, it has been damaged a lot by the attacking snow giants, and the Miracle City Ordnance Factory is running out of supplies. However, there is no need to consider the issue of supply for the time being. After the snow giant finished throwing several rounds of stone projectiles, the shooter team quickly rushed back to the position, set up the still usable Shenwei crossbow and prepared to continue shooting.

Below the city, the Snow Giants also came into contact with the dragon army and the griffin army. After several rounds of fighting, everyone became familiar with them.

The first thing the snow giant did was to send people to destroy the iron horses and other objects blocking the key road. There were also people nearby to carefully keep an eye on the human soldiers who were holding torches and carrying something similar to kerosene.



A snow giant who was destroying the iron horse was suddenly set on fire by human soldiers. Although there were many snow giants covering the surroundings, they could not withstand the large number of human soldiers who were not afraid of death. After losing dozens of people, , a team of Dragon Army soldiers successfully completed their mission.

The entire battle process is actually a process of speed comparison. The snow giants withstood the long-range firepower of Snowfield City and the attacks of the soldiers on the front line, and kept destroying iron horses, ground thorns and other objects. As long as a few roads were cleared, it would be difficult for the human soldiers without cover to withstand the hordes of enemies. The snow giant charges.

If you have to describe it, the current situation is like a group of tanks trying to break through the trenches. Ordinary soldiers in the trenches can only use their flesh and blood to block the progress of these tanks.

“Get ready!”

Although the dragon army soldiers resisted resolutely, the progress of the snow giants in destroying the iron horses was still visible to the naked eye. These deviant races were able to knock down the reinforced iron horses with stone spears. The soldiers behind the horses either If you die in battle, you can only retreat and evade temporarily. It seems that the snow giant will be able to open several passages soon.

Richard did not order the soldiers on the periphery to fight to the death. He only asked them to resist and try to hinder the footsteps of the snow giant. After losing the cover of the iron horse, most of the commanders and their soldiers thought The two wings retreated. After all, Richard didn’t want to lose all the Hunter family’s most elite troops in a silent battle.

“Da, da, da…”


The Snow Giant had just opened the gap and was trying to widen the gap on both wings when a rapid sound of horse hooves was heard.

The sound came from a strange direction. It did not come from the direction of Snowfield City, but from behind the snow giant. The snow giants who heard the sound of horse hooves were stunned and at a loss.

Although most of them have experienced teleportation, the snow giants are still not used to this unreasonable skill every time Richard uses it.

Just like now, Richard directly led the Champion Knight Unicorn and Titans to suddenly appear behind the snow giants attacking the city. Some snow giants who were destroying the iron horse suddenly fell into a situation where they were attacked from both sides. .


Richard led all the faster troops, and the location where teleportation occurred was in a very uncomfortable place for snow giants.

The snow giants attacking from the east were attacked before they could even react.

Faced with the charge of the champion knight after igniting his fighting spirit, the snow giant, whose formation was chaotic during the attack, was completely unable to resist. It was broken through by the champion knight in two or three times. The unicorn holy beast following behind was less aggressive in comparison. It’s not as strong as the champion knight, but it’s quite disgusting. Some of the snow giants who had just reacted and wanted to resist suddenly saw blackness in front of their eyes, lost their sight, and immediately became slaughtered fish.

The effect of the back attack launched by Richard’s team was very obvious. The snow giant in the east showed signs of collapse under the attack from both sides.

But this time the Snow Giant had other trump cards. Snow Giant King Vernon raised his hand when he saw this, and a ball of blue light began to gather in his hand…


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