Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 391: The fierce battle




A snow giant had just smashed several human soldiers away with the stone ax in his hand. Before he could celebrate, he was unexpectedly hit on the knee with a hammer. The knee bent and he fell.

“Well done Captain Matt!”

When the surrounding human soldiers saw the snow giant falling to the ground, they suddenly emerged from the iron horse formation and prepared to cause more damage to the fallen snow giant.




However, even the fallen snow giant was extremely threatening. With a wave of his hand, he knocked down a group of human soldiers who were ready to take advantage.

However, after summarizing the previous two battles, the human side also summarized the experience of fighting against the snow giant. There was someone in the team carrying an oil barrel. Before being knocked away by the snow giant, the dragon soldier poured the oil on it. Half the body of a snow giant.

The following Dragon Army soldiers also decisively threw their torches at the Snow Giant.


The flames burned along the arms of the Snow Giant. The Snow Giant who was still showing off his power just now let out a miserable scream. Burning the Snow Giant was no less than the most cruel torture. The Snow Giant began to roll on the ground in pain. , after slamming into the iron horse, he was scratched all over by sharp spikes without stopping. Obviously, the pain of being pricked by sharp spikes was nothing compared to the pain of burning flames.

At this time, the surrounding Dragon Army soldiers did not dare to step forward, watching the opponent rolling hysterically on the spot.

It wasn’t until the opponent had exhausted some of his energy and the struggle was reduced that a man who looked like a junior officer of the Dragon Army stepped forward and slashed the snow giant’s neck accurately with a long knife filled with fighting spirit. Even a snow giant with the strength of a great knight cannot resist the long knife with fighting spirit with just his body. With one blow, the long knife cut off the snow giant’s neck. Only

“Oh! Captain Matt is mighty.”

Seeing the snow giant being killed by his own knights, the surrounding Dragon Army soldiers cheered.

Matt put away his sword and retreated with a calm expression. There were many snow giants around him. He had just stepped into the knight level. If he faced any snow giant alone, he would be no match.

The centurion captain named Matt was the first squad leader to serve in the Flying Bear Army. When the Dragon Army recruited officers to quickly form an army, Matt was transferred to the Dragon Army. He basically did not miss any subsequent battles.

With a little talent of his own and the abundant resources of the Hunter family, he managed to reach the knight level in less than a year. Although his family was well off and his body was in good shape, Inside, but more importantly are the two unreasonable resources of the training camp and the Knight’s Blessing Potion.

Matt’s luck has always been good. He made contributions in every battle and never suffered any serious injuries. When he served as the squad leader in the Dragon Army, he soon got an opportunity to go to the training camp for training.

After coming out of the training camp, Matt has been completely transformed. Originally only considered an elite, Matt successfully broke through to the level of a quasi-cavalier in the training camp. He simply practiced the steel breathing method he just exchanged to a deep level, and his strength directly improved. It has reached the mid-level level of quasi-knights,

In the subsequent battles, Matt still fought first. After accumulating enough merits, he exchanged for the Qi-Entraining Art, which is commonly used in the army, and embarked on the path of knight practice. I don’t know if it was because of Matt’s talent. Miracle City has a certain bonus effect on the practice of the Qi-inducing technique. Matt practiced the Qi-inducing technique very smoothly. After accumulating enough merits in the subsequent battles, he actually exchanged it for a knight’s blessing potion and successfully became a knight. Junior knight.

Of course, Matt, the knight, is actually a bit weak in strength. After all, he has not received knight training since he was a child. At most, he only has better nutrition. His physical foundation is stronger than that of ordinary civilian soldiers, and he is completely incomparable to the aristocratic children who have been trained since childhood. After breaking through to the knight level, he became the weakest level among knights. From breathing techniques to qi-entraining techniques, he used the most common ones.

Of course, this ordinary technique is not without any advantages. At least the Steel Breathing Technique and the Universal Qi-Entraining Technique have low training thresholds and are relatively easy to master quickly. This is the most important thing for Matt who is eager to pursue strength. The advantages.

He doesn’t have time to slowly lay the foundation like a noble child, which is really a luxury for Matt, who is born as a commoner. All Matt does is to improve his strength as quickly as possible and convert all the merits he has obtained into strength as soon as possible. .

He knows that the Steel Breathing Technique is not as good as the Hunter Family’s Beast Breathing Technique. He also knows that the General Qi-Entraining Technique does not have any characteristics. It requires the amount of fighting energy but not the amount of fighting energy and strength but no strength. It is completely incomparable to Qing’s Qi-Entraining Technique and the New Qi-Entraining Technique. The water attribute Qi-entraining technique.

But so what, the merits consumed and the entry difficulty of these two items increase exponentially with their power. If he had to save up for redemption, I am afraid that Matt is only a quasi-knight by now, how can he have the ability to do it all? Cut off the snow giant’s head.

Matt is a smart man and knows that his strength on the battlefield is fundamental. Only with enough strength can he improve his survival rate on the battlefield and his progress in accumulating meritorious deeds.

“Team 2 is ready!”

There was no time to celebrate for Matt. Soon another snow giant attacked. This time there were three snow giants attacking Matt’s defense line. Matt’s centurion team had already lost more than half, and the one next to him had already lost more than half. The captain of the centurion company had died in the battle, but the follow-up reinforcements had not yet caught up. Matt could only rely on himself and the remaining hundreds of remnants to fight. The situation was a bit dangerous.

But there is absolutely no room for retreat at this time. Although the reward of the Hunter family is sufficient, the military law is also strict. If you dare to take a step back, you will not only die, but also your relatives at home and even your fellow villagers. Therefore, deserters in the Hunter family’s army are also very serious. Although there are few, they can often fight tenaciously with nearly half of the casualty rate.

“Prepare the divine crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”


Lucky things soon happened again. The divine crossbow on the distant city wall once again unleashed its power. The snow giant that had just attacked Matt and others head-on became the target of the divine crossbow. A snow giant was directly hit by a giant weapon more than five meters tall. The arrow was hit in the chest, and he fell to his knees on the ground, clutching the wound without even uttering a scream. Another snow giant was also shot and injured, and Matt and others once again got a chance to breathe.

Outside the snowfield city, the sound of killing was loud.

With the Snow Giant King Vernon in charge, the surrounding Snow Giant tribes no longer had any space to draw water, and they all started to attack with all their strength. The elites of the three major tribes were directly used as forwards. , Vernon didn’t do any tricks of surrounding three and missing one, and directly surrounded them from all sides and attacked at the same time in order to maintain maximum pressure. Deep in the snowfield, as long as the human commander is not stupid, there is no possibility of abandoning the city and breaking out. It is better to attack from four directions at the same time.

Now the Snow Giants are maintaining an attack of more than 500 Snow Giants in every direction, and the number of troops invested at one time exceeds 2,000. Moreover, a reserve team of 4,000 people was maintained. When the attack in any direction was repelled, a new team of snow giants would come forward to continue the attack. Those who retreated would immediately replenish and rest in preparation for a second attack.

Under the command of Vernon, the siege quickly entered the most intense stage. The Dragon Army, which was deployed on the outside, bore the brunt of the battle and became the most damaged unit. Not all teams were as lucky as Matt’s Centurions. , after two rounds of Snow Giant attacks, the outer defense line was beaten into a sieve. After paying a certain price, the Snow Giant broke through the defense line arranged by the Dragon Army. A large number of Dragon Army soldiers died in the outer Iron Juma formation. When the Snow Giant army is determined to attack, these reinforced iron horses and ground thorns cannot become an absolute obstacle.

The remaining part of the Dragon Army retreated to the defense line previously operated by the Griffin Army as ordered.

“My king, the soldiers have successfully broken through the human defense line. Do you need to take a short rest?”

The leader of the Gray Wolf Tribe said this with his heart actually bleeding. Although he quickly broke through the first front line of mankind, the long-range firepower of the human side and the more than 20 top-level troops in the sky are not just a show-off. The fierce attack on the Snow Giants also paid a heavy price. Close to a thousand Snow Giants died in the battle, many of whom were members of his Gray Wolf tribe.

But facing Vernon, he didn’t dare to complain at all. In his eyes, after a day of continuous attack, the soldiers were a little tired, and the sky was getting dark. It would be better to see him today. Just give it up and rest for a while before attacking.

But Vernon rejected his proposal and directly ordered:

“Let the second team withdraw and rest, and the third team will immediately launch an attack. Next, Wang Ting’s elite will serve as the reserve team. All human peripheral fronts must be cleared tonight.”

“Yes, my king!”

Vernon’s order was very firm, and he even put the direct descendants of the royal court he brought into the battle order. No one from the other leaders dared to question Vernon, and they quickly prepared for the next round of attacks.

On the city wall, Richard looked at the snow giant army retreating like a tide and felt uneasy at all. Although the sky was getting dark, the snow giants had no intention of stopping their attack.

The snow giants who retreated this time were obviously just going back to rest. Standing on the city wall, you could already see from a distance that another snow giant was forming a team and preparing to attack. This posture did not give any time to breathe and adjust.

The Snow Giant’s attack was more violent than Richard had imagined. The Snow Giant’s attack, which had no regard for casualties, forced the outer defense line that was expected to last for a few days to give up after holding on for a day and consuming some Snow Giants. The troops that have now returned are still working with the Griffin Legion to reinforce the second line of defense.

But now it seems that the Snow Giant will not leave Snowfield City a lot of adjustment time like last time, and the next round of attack is just around the corner.

Something must be done…


“Lord Richard.”

“Get ready, I will bring the unicorn holy beast to fight together later.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”


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