Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 390: Snow Giant King


Snowfield City

More than a week has passed. Richard immediately upgraded the mage tower, the biological nest of the production mage, to a high level. Because of the miracle effect of Snowfield City, Richard upgraded the four mages he had previously recruited through the mage tower. After becoming archmages, they automatically changed from archmages wearing scarlet robes to magic mages wearing blue robes. With the four new ones produced this week, Snowfield City now has eight magic mages.

In terms of attack power alone, the attack power of the magic mages is equivalent to that of the senior monks in the castle. The long-range attacks they send out are only equivalent to a full blow from the peak knight. However, the magic mages have a very powerful special effect that makes their The price-performance ratio is close to that of the sixth-level advanced arms.

Magic mages can release random buff magic on ten units of their own targets in a day, or release negative status magic on local targets. If they are lucky, the effect will even exceed that of most sixth-level soldiers.

It would be absolutely disgusting to put a weak magic on the opponent’s important units.

If you are lucky enough to randomly add magic like prayer to your own powerful units, you can directly strengthen the sixth-level soldiers to the level of seventh-level soldiers.

Because of the powerful ability of the magic mage, Richard made the high-level mage tower the first target of construction without even thinking about it after looking at the building list of Snowfield City.

At this time, in addition to eight more magic mages, Snowfield City also had a golden dragon, more than twenty unicorn holy beasts, and more than 30,000 elite dragon troops.

Because Linzhong City no longer has to face the threat from the north for the time being, after leaving a certain number of troops behind, the salted fish elf hero Xi Aier was also transferred to Snowfield City for support. Richard concentrated almost all the forces he could. Arrive at Snowfield City.

Although Si Air is of low level, has limited strength, and has a salty personality that only wants money and does not work, his own specialties are very practical. A unicorn is friendly, and he is forced to let the sixth level of Lin Zhongcheng The number of soldiers has doubled, and now the number of unicorn holy beasts has caught up with the champion knights.

Although the unicorn holy beast can only be ranked in the middle level among the sixth-level soldiers, it is still barely as strong as the earth. More than thirty unicorn holy beasts can also be worth the battle of two to three hundred snow giants. Stronger. It is also an important city-defending force when placed in Snowfield City.

The newly arrived 30,000-strong army used this week to rely on the original Griffin Legion’s defense line to expand the outer position. The snow giants who were besieged from afar felt their teeth aching at the sight.

But the preparation time left for Snowfield City ends here.

“My king!”

“My king!”

Early this morning, the Snow Giant camp, which had been silent for a week, let out a loud cry, which made the human soldiers on the city wall look askance. A tall Snow Giant wearing a crown came to the surrounding Snowfield City, except for the Snow Giant King. In addition, two thousand elite soldiers from the Royal Court came over at the same time.

“Welcome my king!”

In the Snow Giant Camp, rows of Snow Giants formed two teams, half-kneeling on the ground, to welcome the arrival of the Snow Giant King Vernon. The three highest-ranking tribal leaders in the camp were kneeling respectfully at this time. The front of the line.

The Snow Giant Royal Court has absolute prestige among the snow giants. The Tate lineage has been suppressing the snow plains for hundreds of years. Snow giants are accustomed to having such a royal court above their heads. Even if there are large tribes that attack the royal court I am dissatisfied and dare not show it.

However, their respectful attitude did not seem to satisfy Snow Giant King Vernon. Vernon, who led the people to the camp, was looking at the three snow giant tribe leaders kneeling in front of him with an unhappy expression, and frowned from time to time. Looking at the human cities in the distance, it is obvious that they are very dissatisfied with the current situation and have some doubts.

Among the snow giants, including Snow Giant King Vernon, they actually don’t know much about humans, and becoming neighbors is a recent thing. In the past, there was an entire ogre wilderness between them.

No matter how little he understood, Vernon knew that the snowfield was not suitable for human beings to live in, and the place where humans lived was not suitable for snow giants to live. For humans, the snowfield was a cold and doomsday place. It is difficult to even build a house, and for the snow giants, the place where humans live is too hot. Even the wilderness next to the snowfield is a remote place that is too hot to survive in their eyes, let alone further south. A little bit of humanity has conquered the country. Logically speaking, there should be no conflict between the two parties at all.

But now humans have so suddenly gone to the depths of the snowfield to build a city. Vernon looked at the snowfield city and couldn’t think of anything human, let alone what means humans used to do this. A city was built here soon.

But there is only one thing that is certain, this city of humans is their nail in the snowfield. No matter for whatever reason, since humans have the intention to get involved in the snowfield, as the Snow Giant King, he will never tolerate it.

By observing Snowfield City, Vernon also saw something else, which made him very dissatisfied with the leaders of the Snow Giant tribe in front of him.

“How many attacks have you launched since the emergence of human cities?”

Vernon asked in a deep voice.

The leaders of the three major tribes, including Hulier, the leader of the Xuefeng tribe, knew something was wrong as soon as they heard Vernon’s tone. However, they had to answer Vernon’s questions and could only answer hesitantly and describe the previous situation. Read it again.

“So you didn’t continue the attack and watched helplessly as humans extended the defense outside the city so far?”

“My king, human beings’ long-range means are very powerful, and we are unable to interfere.

Moreover, we have surrounded humans, they…”


The leader of the White Wind tribe who was kneeling on the ground wanted to explain something, but he saw a ball of ice suddenly condensed in Vernon’s hand and hit the opponent with a bang.

The leader of the White Wind Tribe, who had sky-level strength, was knocked directly to the ground by this sudden blow, and lay paralyzed on the ground unable to move for a long time.

“I think you are afraid of losing the strength of your men?”

As Vernon spoke, he glanced at the snow giant leaders around him. None of the snow giant leaders summoned by the three major tribes dared to raise their heads and look at Vernon. They didn’t even know why a weapon suddenly appeared in the king’s hand. An ice ball knocked down one of the three highest-ranking snow giants who was kneeling on the ground.

However, with the lesson learned from the leader of the White Wind Tribe, no one dared to defend himself when Vernon spoke. Everyone could now see that Vernon was in a bad mood, and no one dared to get into trouble.

After several minutes of silence, the leader of the White Wind Tribe who had been knocked to the ground finally slowly got up and knelt back to his original position, clutching his chest. Although Vernon was angry, he was not ready to kill one of his men. With important combat power, the blow was measured and did not cause any substantial damage. It could only be regarded as a slight punishment.

The reason why Vernon was angry was naturally because he saw the traces of the previous battle. He knew at a glance that these short-sighted guys allowed humans to strengthen the city’s defense in order to save some strength and let him face it. It is a defensive line that is about to be turned into a hedgehog.

“All the soldiers in the concentration camp, the Yukikaze, White Wind, and Gray Wolf tribes each mobilized a thousand elites as forwards, and launched an attack on the human city in two hours.”

“Yes, my king!”

After being silent, Vernon immediately issued an order to mobilize elites to attack, and also directly mobilized elites from the three major tribes. However, at this time, no one had the courage to disobey Vernon’s order, and they all obeyed the order and went back to extract people. Prepare for battle.

Snowfield City will usher in the most violent attack after a week of calm…


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