Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 389: A brief moment of calm


In the endless snowfield, a human city is particularly eye-catching, becoming the only mottled spot in the thousands of miles of frozen white world.

The smoke of the war has not yet dissipated. The corpses of snow giants and humans were piled up in layers around the snowfield city. The large areas of snow were completely dyed red by blood. The interlaced corpses and mottled blood stains were scattered on the white background. A cruel picture was dyed on the ground.

“Quickly, quickly, carry people back to Miracle City!”

“There are still people alive here, carry them back quickly!”

“The iron horse here can no longer be used. It has been completely deformed and must be replaced immediately!”

“Hurry up and push the snow giant’s body out!”

“One, two, one, get up!”

A team of soldiers lifted up the body of a seven-meter-long snow giant,

In Snowfield City, everyone started to get busy as soon as it dawned. The outer positions need to be cleaned up. Most of the various horses and ground spurs have been destroyed by the snow giants. Many corpses are still hanging on the horses. Although there is no need to consider the problem of corpses stinking in the snowfield for a long time, it is impossible to let it go. A pile of corpses was piled on the battlefield.

The soldiers gave priority to collecting the corpses of their own fallen soldiers. The battle scene with the snow giant was very tragic. Many corpses had no human shape at all. They could only be identified by dog ​​tags and put into the collection bags. After passing through the teleportation array, Take it back to Miracle City and return it to your family.

Originally, the use of the teleportation array requires a certain amount of consumption, and it seems to have no practical value when used to transport corpses. However, an army with a strong sense of belonging will usually attach great importance to the corpses of its comrades. This in itself It is also a means of uniting people’s hearts.

As for the corpses of the snow giants, it was a little easier to deal with them. Those who died outside the battlefield, and when the snow giants came to pick up the corpses at dawn, Snowfield City did not do anything to stop them. Let the Snow Giant clean it up, but of course the large number of corpses accumulated in the defense line cannot be let in by the Snow Giant to clean up. They can only carry them out one by one, and then the Snow Giant himself sends people to collect the corpses. The whole process was quite harmonious, there was no mutual attack, and both parties had a tacit understanding.

And some damaged equipment must be replaced and fixed as soon as possible. Equipment specially built to block the snow giants, such as the large iron horse, is continuously sent over from Miracle City after being built, and the equipment that was previously destroyed by the snow giants It was not just a replacement. After yesterday’s battle, the Griffin Legion also summed up its experience and strengthened some of the weak points discovered during the war so that it could withstand a few more rounds of Snow Giant attacks in the next battle. .

“How much was the loss yesterday.”

“The Griffin Legion suffered around 15,000 casualties, of which more than 7,000 were killed and more than 2,000 were seriously injured. I am afraid that less than half of the remaining wounded can continue to fight on the battlefield after treatment.”

Rhodes had a heavy look on his face when he reported the casualties of the Griffin Legion to Richard. Yesterday, a total of seven flag regiments of Griffin Legion soldiers were deployed on the outer front, totaling 35,000 people. The casualties in yesterday’s battle had exceeded With such heavy casualties, even Rhodes, who was used to seeing fighting, could not not feel a little moved in his heart. After all, the current Rhodes was the Rhodes when he was a human, not the fallen Rhodes. Virtue, still retains the courage and kindness of knights.

“Is the rotation of the army completed?”

“Well, the 1st, 3rd and 4th Banner Regiments, which suffered serious losses, have been arranged to return to Miracle City for rest today. The 90th and 10th Banner Regiments and part of the Dragon Army will take over the defense line.”

The army that suffered serious battle damage must go back to rest and replenish its troops last month before it can regain its combat effectiveness. Now relying on the teleportation array between Miracle City and Snowfield City, this battle was actually won by Richard’s side. After the wheel battle, the troops whose combat power was damaged went back to rest, allowing the teams waiting to recuperate in Miracle City to quickly come up to fill the gap.

“When all the troops are familiar with the outer front tomorrow, we will mobilize the five flag regiments and let the Silver Wings Legion join the battle. We will extend the current front three hundred meters to build a defense line.”

“Yes, sir!”


Standing on the Snowfield City, Richard breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the battle line below which had basically been reorganized.

The snow giant night attack he was most worried about did not happen, and the Griffin Legion had one night to adjust and strengthen the defense line.

Otherwise, with the Snow Giant’s current strength, if it continues to attack, the already damaged outer front will have to be abandoned. The only option is to activate the shield function of the energy tower to slow down the energy and gain some adjustment. time. Richard does not want to use the power of the energy tower unless he has to. Although the shield function is powerful, the cooling time is also extremely long, so it can only be used in the most dangerous times.

Now that the Snow Giant King has not shown up yet, if a few large tribes are forced to activate the energy shield, the subsequent war will be even more difficult to fight.

Although he won the first battle beautifully, Richard knew very well that the Snow Giant was not weak. The Snow Giant Royal Court has not yet entered the scene. When the Snow Giant Royal Court pays attention to it and ends in person, that will be the real battle. .

Snow Giant Camp

“Are we just going to surround them and let humans continue to strengthen their defenses?”

“Hu Lier, there is no place on the snowfield where humans can get supplies. If we surround them like this, they may not be able to survive after a while.”

“Yes, Lord Hulier, I don’t think we need to attack at all. We just need to trap these humans in the city. If they are willing to stay in the city, then we won’t release any of them. . In this snowy field, it depends on whether they can hold on longer or we can hold on longer.”

“No, their number seems to be increasing. I’m afraid there is some way to connect to other places that we don’t know about.”


“How is it possible? This is the core of our snowfield, with a radius of thousands of miles. Apart from our snow giants, there could be no other forces anywhere.”

“I’m afraid there are still some humans hiding in the city who come out at night.”

The snow giants kept looking for excuses, trying to use them as reasons not to attack.

In fact, to attack a strong city and the defenders are determined to fight, siege is indeed the best way. Cut off the city’s supplies and besiege it for a year and a half, and it will basically collapse.

But Snowfield City is obviously not an ordinary city. Snowfield City can obtain a steady stream of material and manpower support from the North through the teleportation array in the city. It seems that it is facing a small Snowfield City. In fact, behind the scenes It is supported by the manpower and material resources of the entire Northland. Snowfield City is now a city that is not afraid of being besieged.

The snow giants are actually not stupid. Snowfield City is full of weirdness, from the way it appears to the troops defending the city and their inexplicable teleportation ability.

Including Hu Lier, the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe, few snow giants believe that they can besiege this human city. If it were an ordinary city, it would be impossible to build it on frozen soil like the snowfield. When the Griffin Legion began to set up the outer front, they could not even dig long ditches, so they could only use ground spurs and iron horses instead.

It’s just that they are not stupid. All the tribes were stunned after today’s test. If they really want to attack by force, they cannot afford the losses. Even the three major tribes do not have the prestige to drive the big ones away. The vassal tribes, large and small, went to die, and their reputation in the snowy plains would be ruined.

The only family in the entire snowfield that has the prestige to drive a large number of snow giants to attack the city regardless of casualties is the family of Wangting Tate.

There is no support from the Royal Court yet, and even because the time is too short, there is no clear verbal order. Not to mention small and medium-sized tribes, even large tribes like the White Wind Tribe are not willing to take their own tribes. Come on, building a city on the snowfield is the responsibility of the entire Snow Giant clan. Why should they be allowed to suffer huge losses alone?

Except for Hu Lier of the Snow Wind Tribe, most of the snow giant leaders are actually pretending to be confused. Today’s loss really makes them feel a little sad.

This is also the drawback of this kind of tribal alliance. The bottles and cans of each family are private property, and it hurts to break one. Even though they know that delaying it will only give humans time to strengthen their defense, no one I am willing to stand out again. Even Hulier of the Yukikaze Department did not insist after mentioning it. He was of course unwilling to use the Yukikaze Department as the main force. The expected loss had exceeded his bottom line.

However, precisely because the Snow Giants only besieged and did not attack, Richard and Snowfield City gained valuable time to fortify their defenses. Pairs of soldiers came out of the teleportation array and were strengthened in various positions. A large number of iron horsemen were deployed more densely. Fixed on the outer defense line, the entire Snowfield City began to look like a hedgehog.


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