Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 388: Small victory



This round of counterattack not only defeated the snow giants in the east, but the snow giants attacking on both sides also retreated in disorder. Thousands of snow giants were trapped and fled, and were attacked by dragons, angels, and titans. There are also champion knights chasing him all the way.

If this number of snow giants still maintain their fighting spirit and fight against them in an organized manner, they will not be unable to resist even if they face invincible high-level units of heroes that are several times more powerful. But now they have put their rear behind them. Their backs were left to the enemy, and they were slaughtered like pigs and sheep. The only difference was that the noise they made when they fell was much louder than that of pigs and sheep.

“Stop them!”

The speed of the snow giants’ escape was definitely not slow. When they scrambled to escape, the speed of these running snow giants was comparable to that of the galloping horses. Normal human troops would never be able to catch up with them.

However, the ones chasing them were not originally normal human armies. In one battle, there were more than a dozen giant dragons and bird-men with wings flying around in the sky. The only ones who looked like normal humans. The champion knights can also inspire out-of-body fighting spirit, and regardless of their size, their power is still higher than that of the Snow Giant warriors.

Originally, the rear team of the Snow Giants was being harvested continuously, and they wished they had a few more legs to run away. However, when they returned, the gaps that had been opened were actually blocked by the remaining soldiers of the Griffin Legion. The gryphon army, which had suffered heavy losses, organized itself again and intercepted the fleeing snow giants in the outer positions.

“Griffin Legion!”


Facing the retreat of the fleeing Snow Giants, the Griffin Legion once again used the anti-horse ground spurs and other equipment they had prepared to intercept.


The fleeing snow giant has no choice at all this time. Unlike when attacking, he can still find a gap. After destroying the surrounding human soldiers, he can clear out the ground thorns and horses to open the passage.

The snow giants who fled this time were unorganized and disorganized. They were not so calm when faced with rows of horseback horses and ground thorns. The Griffin Legion obviously took this situation into consideration when they arranged the arrangement. The layout of the position turned out to still be effective.

The snow giants in the front row saw the rows of giant iron horses and a large number of ground thorns, as well as the Griffin Legion soldiers preparing to attack. They instinctively wanted to stop, but the snow giants running behind had completely lost their minds. After all, the humans behind are still chasing and killing, and no one can stop them. Those who run slowly will die, and no one dares to stop.

“Don’t push, don’t push!”


The snow giant in the front row stopped, but the people in the back row were busy running for their lives and squeezed directly into the Juma, and was forced into the Iron Juma.


Because there were so many fleeing snow giants, the large iron horses that were specially fixed were squeezed hard and collapsed to the ground. A few corpses that were trembling slightly and even struggling were still stuck on it.

But the Snow Giant in the back row showed no mercy for his companions at this moment. Facing the struggling Snow Giant who fell to the ground, he not only had no intention of rescuing him, but instead stepped directly on him, causing him to struggle. The snow giant completely lost its life.


Rhodes is still fighting on the front line. This hero who upholds the spirit of chivalry satisfies Richard in all aspects. The only thing that gives Richard a headache is that as a commander, Rhodes is prone to fighting. He started to lead the charge at every turn.

Just like now, facing the fleeing snow giants, iron horses and ground thorns alone cannot effectively prevent the snow giants from escaping. They also need the griffin legion soldiers interspersed among them to stop them.

Rhode became the hardest-killing one again, blocking the Snow Giant that was squeezing through Juma’s stabbing formation like a rock.

“Just order Rhodes to get out of the way and let the Griffin Legion attack from both sides.”

It is true that the griffin army can cause greater casualties to the snow giants, but in Richard’s opinion, it is not worth it. Even if they rely on the position composed of iron horses and ground thorns, these fleeing snow giants are in trouble. After passing these equipment, they will also cause casualties to the Griffin Legion. It is not cost-effective to block the defeated troops head-on, let alone these defeated troops are still behemoths like Snow Giants.

“Spread to the wings!”

Although Rhodes occasionally stepped forward, he still had the ability to execute orders when Richard ordered him, and he immediately ordered the Griffin Legion soldiers to move aside.

Without the griffon legion to block the Snow Giant soldiers, they quickly used their own flesh and blood to clear a path, and even used their flesh and blood to pave the way for the Snow Giants behind them. The Snow Giants in the back row directly Stepping on the body of the fallen snow giant in front, he rushed out of the Griffin Legion’s position.

“Griffin Legion, clean up the battlefield immediately and rest where you are!”

Richard, who was leading the pursuit, did not forget to issue orders in time. The outer positions were crucial to the defense of Snowfield City. Now many facilities have been destroyed by the snow giants, and the Griffin Legion itself suffered a lot of casualties. Not knowing when the next wave of snow giant attacks would come, Richard first issued an order for the army to seize the time to restore defense.

Of course, the pursuit here also did not stop. These snow giants are all large experience packages. The experience provided by one snow giant is worth the experience provided by dozens of orc warriors, and the defeated snow giant kills It’s not much more difficult than ordinary orc warriors. For Richard, who now needs a lot of experience to upgrade, of course nothing can be wasted.




Richard, who was chasing after the Snow Giant soldiers, was holding the Vulcan Sword. With his fighting spirit aroused, the tongue of fire spit out seven or eight meters away, killing an escaping Snow Giant warrior in the back row with one blow. , the surrounding snow giants crowded forward in even more panic. Many snow giants were pushed to the ground while escaping and did not get up. On the path of the snow giants’ escape, some invisible ones could be seen lying on their backs and being trampled. The corpse of the coming snow giant.

“Keep chasing!”

After paying a heavy price, the snow giant who escaped from the Juma Land Stinging Formation originally thought he had escaped from the sky, but the clatter of horse hooves behind him was still ringing, and the more than ten giant dragons in the sky were even more direct. Flying on the snow giant’s head and breathing out air, there is no worry about being counterattacked by the snow giant. It is impossible for these collapsed snow giants to have the courage to fight back.

“How dare humans chase after me!”

In the distance, the three snow giant leaders now looked extremely ugly. In their view, even if the two thousand vanguards fled back after being frustrated in the east, their casualties should be controlled within 500. However, after the interception and attack of the Griffin Legion, After Richard’s unreasonable pursuit, it would be good if the snow giant warrior could escape with a thousand dollars.

In their estimation, humans should only dare to fight in those piles of war equipment. At most, a dozen giant dragons would continue to attack in the sky. The ground troops would not dare to continue the pursuit, but Richard brought The Champion Knight and other system troops pursued him all the way, constantly causing casualties to the Snow Giant.

“Send someone to help!”

“Let the remaining three thousand-man troops go!”

“We will personally take people there to teach these humans a lesson.”

“These humans are too arrogant.”

Because this attack was really ugly and too demoralizing, the leaders of the three snow giant tribes actually prepared to directly lead their men to attack the system army that Richard had chased out.

“Lean to both sides!”

“Don’t attack this formation!”

“Those who come near will die!”

Because the three thousand-man troops had been assembled long ago, after the snow giant leaders gave the order to attack and respond, they quickly moved into action, most of them facing the broken troops coming down from Snowfield City and those who were chasing them. Human past.

There were also some snow giants that separated from both sides, trying to surround the pursuing human army. In the eyes of several snow giant leaders, these humans became arrogant because of their victory in a battle, and even looked like they wanted to fight directly on the ground.

“If you surround these human knights and those strange giants, don’t destroy them immediately. See if the dragon in the sky will come to save them!”


The Snow Giant’s response force has already set off, but Richard, who is leading the pursuit, seems not to have noticed the Snow Giant’s intentions. He looks like he wants to pursue them deeply. Hao doesn’t care about the Snow Giants trying to encircle them on both sides.


Another snow giant fell under Richard’s sword. These snow giants ran a kilometer away from the outer positions of Snowfield City, but in this short distance of one kilometer, Richard had already killed four snow giants. Adding in the records of dragons, titans and champion knights, the snow giant dropped more than two hundred corpses at such a distance.

But at this moment, the three snow giant leaders were no longer angry. Instead, they looked excited and were just trying to stay calm. This feeling was like when they saw a group of mammoths being killed while hunting. It was like being lured into his own trap, except this time the bait was a little more expensive.

Because their encirclement seems to be almost completed, these guys who are chasing them dare to chase so deep. If all the dragons are chasing them, they will only suffer a dumb loss, but the opponent also brings a lot of ground troops, then They are now going to charge interest first.


Just when they thought they were sure to defeat the ground troops chasing after them, a scene that shocked them happened. More than 20 cavalrymen and three of them disappeared at the same time, and the next moment they appeared again a few hundred meters away. Outside, he then turned his head coolly and retreated towards Snowfield City. The whole process was like a dream.

They thought that humans were arrogant after a small victory, but they didn’t expect that their own plan turned out to be a funny performance.

“The ability that suddenly appeared on the battlefield! It’s actually real!”

Among the three leaders of the Snow Giant Tribe, the other two looked stunned. Only the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe seemed to suddenly remember something.

The defeated soldiers of the Yukikaze tribe had previously described to him that human dragons seemed to appear out of thin air and attack from above their heads, causing a wave of huge casualties to the Yukikaze warriors who adopted a dense formation. He had previously thought it was just The defeated soldiers did not pay attention to their vigilance. They were surprised by the giant dragon descending from the sky and had the illusion that the dragon appeared out of thin air. But now they saw that the group of humans who were about to be surrounded just now suddenly broke away from the encirclement. He realized that the defeated soldiers before had described What is the situation.

“Retreat first and gather the defeated troops.”

No matter how unreasonable the matter was, it still happened in full view of the public. The Snow Giant side had no good solution at this time except to withdraw the person first.

The losses during this siege were not too heavy. Because of Richard’s desperate pursuit, only a few hundred snow giants died directly in the siege. The snow giants killed from behind were actually greater than the losses during the siege. .

A careful inventory of the Snow Giant tribe after the war revealed that less than half of the two thousand attacking warriors returned successfully. The last time the Snow Giants suffered such heavy casualties in a war was when they competed with White Dragon for the dominance of the snowfield. It’s time.

Snow Giant Camp

After a day of fierce fighting, it should not be a disastrous defeat. At this time, the atmosphere in the Snow Giant camp was a bit solemn. The Snow Giant leaders all looked sad, especially some small and medium-sized tribes. It was even more miserable. The number of men lost today , most of them are drawn from these small and medium-sized tribes, and they have only a small number of people. If more than a dozen people die at one time, it is considered a traumatic experience.

“Let’s talk about what we should do next.”

Now that the conflict between the Snow Wind Tribe and the White Wind Tribe has been put aside for the time being, the leaders of these tribes are not fools. Although everyone usually competes for hunting grounds, it is a conflict within the rules of the Snow Giant. It is better now. Humans built a city in the middle of the hunting grounds they competed for. This had a huge impact on the three major tribes. Once humans gained a foothold, it was not certain whether they would have the final say in this area in the future. No matter what kind of conflicts there are, we have to work together now.

“Although our attack suffered a setback today, it was due to our unpreparedness. Moreover, the attacking warriors did not play no role at all. Many of the annoying gadgets on their periphery have been destroyed. If you have time to recover and continue attacking, humans may not be able to stop it.”


As soon as the leader of the White Wind Tribe spoke, the leaders of the surrounding small and medium-sized tribes lowered their heads, obviously no longer willing to continue the attack.

“We can attack directly at night without giving humans a chance to breathe.”

“But, I can’t see clearly how to attack at night.”

“We just can’t see clearly, it’s not that we can’t see. We just need to rush in one direction. The environment of the snowfield is not something humans can adapt to. Our soldiers can withstand the cold at night, but humans can’t.”

“Otherwise, we should wait for Wang Ting’s reinforcements.”

“Yes, our tribe lost nearly one-third of its warriors today, and we can’t spare any more.”


The leaders of the Snow Giant tribe all looked embarrassed. When all the tribes were unwilling, the leader of the White Wind tribe could not force it. After all, there were two other large tribe leaders.

“Let’s surround the humans first, denying them the opportunity to replenish supplies, and wait until the reinforcements from the Royal Court arrive before attacking.”

“Yes, yes, yes…”

The leader of Xuefeng Tribe’s words immediately received responses from other tribes. The war was temporarily stopped, and Xuefeng City also got some time to rest…


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