Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 387: Quit temporarily


Although the Snow Giants attack from three sides at the same time, there is always a key direction of attack. The two thousand Snow Giants seem to be evenly distributed in the three directions, but the Snow Giants in the east are obviously more capable. It’s easy to judge your strength, you can tell it directly by your height.

Ordinary snow giant warriors are more than six meters tall. The more powerful ones are more than seven meters tall. The elites who are more than nine meters tall generally have the strength of the earth level.

Almost none of the hundreds of snow giants in the east are below seven meters in height, and there are more than twenty who are as tall as nine meters. Obviously, this direction is the main direction of the snow giants’ attack.


As Moriel led the dragon to approach, the commander who led the snow giant to attack reacted first and immediately ordered the spear throwers in the team to prepare.

The attack range of the giant dragon’s breath is smaller than the attack range of the snow giants throwing short spears. These snow giants can throw short spears into the sky for a distance of more than a hundred meters, and the distance of the dragon’s breath is also But it’s only a few dozen meters away. As long as the snow giant is prepared, it can even take the lead. Moreover, the stone spear thrown by the snow giant is thick and heavy, and the snow giant itself is quite powerful. The power of a stone spear is already comparable to that of a heavy bed crossbow, and it can hit the giant dragon. There is still a certain threat on the body, although it is not fatal, but when the number increases, the dragon does not dare to bear it.

“Boom, boom, boom…”


“What’s going on!”

Just when the Snow Giant was preparing to deal with the more than 20 giant dragons in the sky, the Snow Giant in the east suddenly suffered a violent long-range attack. Although the power of this attack was slightly inferior to the divine crossbow and the lightning released by the Titan Giant, But the attack frequency is much higher. Originally, the Snow Giant could still carry the output attack of the Titan Giant and the Mighty Crossbow, but there was chaos in this round of attack.

A row of dark golden statues appeared on the east wall at some point. These statues emitted red rays from their eyes, hitting the snow giant warriors in the front row intensively.

These dark gold statues are the long-range dark gold golems that almost destroyed Richard and his party in the ruins. Their attack range is not as good as that of long-range units such as the Divine Crossbow and Titan, but they are comparable to high-level monks, mages, Long-range units such as phantom shooters have a considerable attack range and can cause effective damage to enemies within 300 meters.

Richard brought the Snow Giant closer and exposed the Dark Gold Golem, which also caught the Snow Giant off guard.

“Stones! Stones!”

“Huh, uh, uh…”

The damage caused by this round of long-range attacks far exceeded the range of the snow giants. The twenty-four dark gold golems and the long-range troops in the original system army attacked together, knocking down more than thirty snow giants in an instant. Giant, the result of this battle is greater than the result of a single volley of a hundred Tai Shenwei crossbows.

What is even more frightening is that the frequency of this kind of attack is much higher than that of the Divine Crossbow and the Titan Giant, and the accuracy is much higher than that of the Divine Crossbow. There are almost no failed attacks. If Richard and others were in the ruins The enemies encountered here were long-range enemies with firing speeds similar to the Shenwei Crossbow, and they would not be so embarrassed at all.

The Snow Giant’s emergency response was quite satisfactory. The distance within three hundred meters was also the distance where the Snow Giant’s stone attack power was at its maximum.

Hundreds of boulders were thrown by the snow giant, slamming against the east city wall.


Li Cha and Natalie, who were standing on the city wall, drew their weapons first. Two sky-level fighting spirits were activated and shattered several boulders. This level of coverage attack was not enough to deal with the high-level strength of the sky. They even blocked a few incoming stones for their men.

The dark gold golems also suffered no damage. The defense of these dark gold golems is so thick that they can withstand repeated slashes from sky-level fighting spirit. It takes a lot of effort for outstanding swordsmen to demolish a dark gold golem. It’s not something that the snow giant can effectively damage by throwing rocks.

However, the snow giant’s stone-throwing attack is not without any results. There are many crossbowmen operating divine crossbows on the city wall who have no ability to resist this kind of attack. It all depends on luck. If they are hit, it will be basically There was no chance of survival, and several senior monks were even killed and injured because they were unable to dodge due to the dense stones.

But this loss on the city wall is not at all quantitative compared to the losses that the Snow Giant is currently suffering. Just after the Snow Giant threw a round of stones, the deadly red ray struck from the city wall again. .

At this moment, the dragon that the snow giants feared the most was still in the air and did not launch an attack, but the attacking snow giants had already dropped hundreds of corpses, and chaos arose among the huge casualties.


It was impossible for Moriel not to catch such a flaw.

After the snow giant’s anti-air defense showed a flaw, Moriel, who transformed into a giant black dragon, roared. The surrounding dragons responded and began to dive under the leadership of Moriel. Thirteen dragons plus The same number of illusions pounced on the snow giant attacking from the east.



Under the spray of dragon’s breath, the snow giants that were touched all let out painful wails. If the dragon’s breath was sprayed from the front, the ordinary snow giant would have no chance of survival, and the place would be burned to charcoal.

Among the dragon breaths, the ancient black dragon incarnated by Moriel is the most terrifying. The power and range of the flame dragon breath are twice as powerful as those of other giant dragons. Two earth-level snow giants want to contain the opponent. Moriel, whose morale was greatly damaged, turned into a giant-shaped black coal on the snow within a few steps.

However, this is not a game of eagle and chicken. The dragon is stronger than the eagle, but the snow giant is by no means a chicken that can be easily kneaded.

The moment Moriel led the giant dragon to pounce down, the snow giant began to counterattack. More than fifty stone spears were thrown at the giant dragons, and half of them were quite accurate. They were thrown near the giant dragons. Several dragon mirror images were directly punctured by the stone spears, and a few more unlucky dragons were killed. The stone spear hit, and everyone roared in pain, but after all, the dragon’s vitality is strong, and the dragon scales are much higher in defense than the strongest armor. One or two stone spears that missed the vital point cannot stop it. The swooping dragon.

I can only watch as the dragons rush into the chaotic formation and continue to expand the chaos.

“Should you send them back?”

The three tribal leaders in the rear are standing in places with excellent sightlines, and the east is the main direction of attack. Naturally, they can clearly see the battle situation in the east. Now the situation of the attacking troops in the east is not good. , was unexpectedly attacked by humans’ new long-range weapons and was disrupted, and was attacked from the air by more than 20 giant dragons. It was no longer possible to achieve any results. Therefore, someone among the three leaders has already suggested that people should be withdrawn first.

“No, order them not to retreat and continue the attack!”

At this time, the leader of the White Wind Department expressed different opinions.

“If they withdraw now, they will immediately collapse. The weapons that humans have set up on the city wall cannot easily allow a group of enemies with their backs to them to leave easily. They will not be able to retreat so easily.”

Now these snow giants no longer call the Hunter family’s war weapons big toys. The corpses of the snow giants who were so arrogant before are already lying in the wilderness at the border.

“Besides, when they attacked, they did not wipe out all the humans on the outside. Now that they are going back, the humans outside the city may not let them go easily.”

When the Snow Giants attacked before, in order not to continue to withstand long-range attacks from Snowfield City, they did not have to deal with the gryphon army defending the perimeter. They just broke through a few openings and tried to attack the city wall directly.

It is true that the Griffin Legion did not dare to chase the Snow Giants out of the formation of ground spikes, but if the Snow Giants retreated now, it would be unreasonable for the Griffin Legion to let them go so easily.

Now that Rhodes, who has a keen sense of smell on the battlefield, has discovered that the Snow Giant to the east is a little weak, he is directing his soldiers to seal the gap just now, vowing to bite off a piece of the Snow Giant’s flesh.

“We really can’t retreat. Just let the two wings retreat for a while, and let the east side continue to attack. We still have to see how many methods humans have yet to use.”


After several discussions, the leaders of the three major tribes quickly reached a consensus. During the conversation between several snow giant leaders, the hundreds of elite snow giants in the east became abandoned.

The warriors in the first round of trials were mainly warriors from vassal tribes. Although the three major tribes also sent some people, the number was not large. Although the loss was painful, it was affordable. At this time, it was also possible. It is no longer time to worry about casualties.

“Wait a moment, let both sides slow down their offensive and slowly retreat, otherwise the complete defeat on the east side will affect the armies on both wings…”

As soon as the snow giant leader finished speaking, he saw the gate of Snowfield City actually opened.

Well, the city gate of Snowfield City is indeed not a very important facility for the snow giant. Even if the snow giant breaks the city gate, it is impossible to get in through the city gate hole that is less than five meters high.

But it’s one thing for the snow giants to enter without the city gate. It’s another thing for humans to take the initiative to open the door. This is a posture to launch a counterattack.

“Da, da, da…”

The neat and heavy sound of hoofbeats is the sign of the champion knight going into battle.

After the snow giants in the east were locked in a bitter battle, Richard decided to add fuel to the fire. Under Richard’s order, the east gate of Snowfield City was opened wide, and more than 20 champion knights lined up in a neat formation. They charged out of the city and attacked the snow giant outside the city.

Richard himself was not idle either. He was no longer needed in the city for the time being. After checking with Natalie, he directly activated his teleportation skills, and used the long-distance movement in the city wall. Two Titans and an Ice Giant with skills appeared directly outside the city where the fighting was fiercest, while Natalie summoned two black-winged night angels and two equally flexible archangels. A small team launched an attack on the snow giant outside the city…

It is originally a very strange thing for Night Angel and Archangel to fight together. After all, the origin of Night Angel is similar to that of ghost dragon. Ghost dragon is made from the corpse of a dead dragon, while Night Angel is Transformed from the corpse of the archangel, under normal circumstances, the night angel and the archangel should be out-and-out mortal enemies when they meet.

But since they are all under Richard’s command, it is naturally not an ordinary situation. The Archangel obeys Richard’s orders honestly, obeys Natalie’s command, and fights side by side with the Night Angel.

Because the soldiers produced by the system are intelligent, they have their own personalities to some extent. It’s okay to have Richard watching over them. But if they are sent far away and there is no Richard to watch over them, some units will definitely give Li Cha according to their own personalities. It brings some trouble to Richard, but Night Angel is relatively cold-blooded and has no obvious dislike for the living compared to ordinary undead creatures. This is how Richard can use Night Angel with confidence.

Disregarding the strange situation of night angels and archangels fighting together, the black and white angels cooperate quite well, perhaps because their fighting methods are similar.

An archangel circled in front of the snow giant to attract the target. The snow giant turned around and wanted to knock the archangel out of the air with the stone spear in his hand, but the moment he turned his head, the night angel behind him flashed out. However, he was not willing to waste even a trace of his fighting spirit. With only a trace of fighting spirit attached to the blade, he cut the snow giant’s neck open.

The long sword just cut open the main artery in the neck of the Snow Giant Saint. The Snow Giant waved the stone spear in his hand without knowing it and wanted to attack the Night Angel who just flashed past. However, he suddenly stopped in the middle of the movement. He came down, and then instinctively reached out to grab his neck to cover the wound, but gradually he was unable to do so, and blood spurted out from his neck…

The angels moved dexterously among the chaotic snow giants, and their killing efficiency against the snow giants was much higher than that of attacking the giant dragons.



The appearance of two Titans and an Ice Giant in the pile of snow giants not only did not put them in danger, but also produced a central flowering effect, whether it was the Thor’s short spear in the hands of the Titans or the Ice Giant The ice spears condensed with magic power are much easier to use than the stone spears in the snow giant’s hands. The stone spears and stone axes in the snow giant’s hands often break with one blow. The close combat ability is far superior to that of the Snow Giant. Even in terms of height, the Titan Giant and the Ice Giant are still twelve meters tall. That is the height of the general-level leader of a large tribe among the Snow Giants. The three of them were in the chaotic snow at the same time. The giants were raging among them, and a few attacks made the attacking snow giants even more frightened. If the snow giants could still maintain discipline, they could rely on their numerical advantage to attack, but the snow giants that had been beaten to pieces were not organized at all. With the ability to launch a siege, after being knocked down by the Titan, no one dared to step forward, and even turned around and started running away.


Before the champion knight could rush in, the group of snow giants to the east that Richard wanted to cut off as “fingers” completely collapsed under the attack of a large number of high-end combat power.

What makes the leaders of the three major tribes of snow giants embarrassed is that they have just given the order to gradually retreat the attacking troops on both wings. It is not the right time for the east side to collapse…


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