Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 385: Nervous preparation


Miracle City

This newly built city has a small population. Although it is built according to the standards of a central city and has moved many upper-class Hunter families, the method of stimulating the chain migration reaction of lower-class people by moving dignitaries is very important. It takes time for the effect to develop slowly. After all, although Ironwood City is a bit crowded, it is an environment that most people are used to. Richard will not force people to move to Miracle City. When ordinary people discover the benefits of Miracle City, they will naturally start to flock there. Settled in Miracle City.

However, during this period, the popularity of Miracle City has increased. The entry of a large number of troops has made the whole city seem less empty, but it has also left many people confused. Although there are more people, it is With more than 100,000 extra soldiers, the entire city turned into a large military camp, and the atmosphere became a little tense.

As a group of heavy infantry carrying the red dragon flag entered the city, the guard at the city gate finally couldn’t help but ask the captain next to him.

“Captain, more than 100,000 people have already entered the city. The Griffin Legion, the Sun Legion, and the Silver Wing Legion are all the main legions. Why do you think they are entering the city?”

Xiao Bing’s question is actually the question of most people who don’t know the truth, because anyone with a little common sense knows that the location of Miracle City does not require so many troops, but only a few main legions, so many people come It feels like a waste of food.

If other forces encountered this kind of abnormal mobilization of troops, I am afraid everyone would be suspicious of a coup, but this is not possible for the Hunter family.

First of all, all military and political power is in the hands of Richard. Viscount Sauter doesn’t care about anything at all. This is already known to everyone in the North. Even if someone in the Hunter family has any ideas, it is impossible. So many troops were mobilized.

If anyone dares to mobilize the army to oppose Richard, neither middle-level or lower-level officers nor ordinary soldiers will agree. There is no soil for a coup in Northland at this time, so it is even more confusing to have so many troops marching into Miracle City.

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask. The access order to enter the city has been confirmed. Stand your guard.”


After being scolded angrily by the captain, the soldier on guard became more honest again.

He just continued to look at the heavy infantry of the Dragon Army entering the city with a bit of doubt and envy.

Although the Hunter family’s city guards are not bad in quality, they are also a team that prefers public security. For young people like Xiao Bing, what they desire more is to join a legitimate army like the Dragon Army and go on the battlefield to make contributions. .

In the city

The Iron Gate of the Stone Fortress, which was originally almost closed to the public, was now wide open. The troops staying under the castle entered the Stone Fort one at a time in their own order, and then passed through the teleportation array of the Stone Fort.

Looking at the soldiers in front disappearing in a flash of white light, the soldiers in the back were a little surprised, but there was no panic, because the preparations had already been done, the soldiers Most of them knew what was going to happen next, and after being surprised, they still had some vague expectations.

“Hurry up and catch up. Don’t waste time. Get your cotton clothes and trousers first. Don’t miss them!”

“Boss, it’s already too hot to wear our cloth armor in this weather. Do we really need another set of cotton-padded clothes and gloves? Look at how thick the cotton-padded clothes are, even in the woods in winter. You don’t need to wear it so thickly.”

“You can take it if you are asked to do so. Put on your clothes honestly. Didn’t you listen to what the flag leader said? This time we are going to the snowfield to fight the snow giant. The snowfield is full of ice and snow. So what? How cold.”

“Boss, have you been to the snowfield? How do you know the snowfield is so cold.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and get your things. Sir Richard can still harm you.”

The officer slapped the soldier on the head, looking a little angry. The soldier held his head to resist and hurriedly walked up to collect his clothes.

The scene was in order, fast but not chaotic. The soldiers first received cold-proof clothing and then followed the guidance of the officers and continued to move towards the teleportation array. The teleportation array can pass through more than a dozen soldiers at a time. The army of more than 100,000 was in order and was not chaotic. The situation will all be over soon.

“Lord Richard, do you still need to continue mobilizing the army?”

At this moment, Richard was standing on the tallest tower of the Rock Castle, looking down. Next to him were Rhodes and Egg and several senior military and political officials.

This time the mobilization of the army not only requires officers to lead the army, but also requires Aige to prepare supplies in advance to ensure sufficient supply for the army.

“Now that the Griffin Army and the Dragon Army have dispatched half of their main forces, the entire Silver Wing Army will be dispatched, and they should all be here in two days.”

Li Cha looked at the long line of troops below and was still making calculations in his heart.

Although the Hunter family has a large number of troops, with more than half a million troops on the books, the Hunter family’s current situation is also big enough. In some places, all the troops cannot be mobilized.

For example, the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army must stay in the wilderness and the Demon City to suppress the ogre tribe in the wilderness, which is now an important source of livestock in the North.

Especially now that the Flying Bear Army is licking its wounds, the Tiger and Leopard Army cannot be mobilized casually.

Half of the Griffin Corps stationed in Piaoxue City has been mobilized. The newly acquired land cannot be too empty, and some strength must be left. The nobles who used to be under the Lanster family were deprived of a lot by the Hunter family. There are many people who are unwilling to accept the benefits, but they still need to maintain a certain degree of deterrence.

On the contrary, the dragon army mobilized more people, leaving only Dane’s one. Mainly because Moriel was ruthless enough, and seized the opportunity to cut off the stubble, breaking the bones of the local nobles in the river valley. .

Now that we are fully prepared, and with some of the troops arriving, the number of troops that will go to Snowfield City to support is approximately 200,000.

But when Richard thought about it, it was still not enough. It was the Snow Giant clan with the strength of all the great knights, and no matter how high it was, it couldn’t be overestimated.

After thinking for a while, Richard once again ordered the person next to him:

“In the name of the Duke’s Palace, I am giving another order to have the Legion of the Sun come to Miracle City immediately and bring all the heavy equipment.”

“Yes, sir!”

Snowfield City

“Quick, the first phase of the Dragon Army is gathering here! The engineering team puts up the tents first! Hiss.”

This end of the portal and the other end of the portal are completely different worlds. Although Miracle City is not as warm as the south now, most people can already wear a jacket to go out. Ordinary soldiers can already wear the Hunter family’s standard armor. It’s a little hot.

But as soon as I arrived at Snowfield City, I immediately felt a chill coming over me. I felt chilly from head to toe. I quickly put on the cotton-padded clothes I was wearing without the officer’s instructions.

Snowfield City does not have much room for soldiers to stay. The troops that arrive first have to bear the task of setting up tents. They can go there if they can shake off during the day.

At night, given the temperature in the snowfield, even if you are wearing cotton-padded clothes, if you dare to sleep like this in the open space of Snowfield City for one night, you will probably freeze into an ice sculpture the next day.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“First carry the Shenwei Crossbow to the city wall and find a good position!”

There is no need for Richard to arrange it personally, or even for the two military leaders Moriel and Rhodes to arrange it. They only need a general order, and these professional officers can do a good job in the details.

“Fifty thousand troops are enough for this batch of troops. There is no need to build a camp that is too wide.”

“For the next battle, the Dragon Army and the Griffin Corps will alternately engage in the battle for the time being. After setting up the camp, let the troops go up to the city wall to familiarize themselves with the environment and find a good position.”

“Yes, sir!”

Because troops can be replenished through the teleportation array, and Snowfield City is crowded with too many people at once, temporarily deploying 50,000 troops can give full play to the maximum numerical advantage at the same time. If there are losses later, stationed in Just replace the troops in Miracle City.

The Snowfield City became armored in just one day, and the Snow Giants were not idle either.

No matter where this city came from, it seems that this group of humans intends to stay here and never leave. No one can just sit back and watch an alien city appear on their own territory.

In addition to sending people to report the situation to the Snow Giant King’s Court, the Snow Giant tribes near Snowfield City have also reached a preliminary agreement.

Xue Feng, Bai Feng and another large tribe reached an intention to send troops very quickly, trying to completely destroy the human city when the human foothold was unstable.

“Our three tribes each sent a thousand troops, and together with a dozen small and medium-sized tribes around us, we have gathered 6,000 warriors. Do you want to try to attack first?”

“Yes, but who will try it first?”

The person who asked the question was the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe. He said this because he actually didn’t want his people to test this human city. It was not his family’s business to build a city on the snow field. He didn’t want his tribe to suffer any more damage. .

Although humans are vulnerable in the common sense of snow giants, if he still maintains this idea after suffering tragic casualties, then he is not worthy of being the leader of the Snowwind Tribe. Among the three major tribes, his Xuefeng tribe is the strongest, but now it has become the weakest among the three tribes, and he doesn’t want to suffer any more losses.

The remaining two tribal leaders also did not answer the call. They also knew what happened to the Xuefeng tribe. They could get a rough idea of ​​such a huge defeat with just a little prying. They also had scruples about these humans. If it weren’t for The city has appeared on their faces, and they don’t want to take a trip into this muddy water.

To put it bluntly, this kind of tribal race actually does not have much racial justice, and more of them tend to be cowardly to preserve their strength.

“If you don’t do anything, I’m afraid it won’t be easy for Wang Ting to explain. Maybe it will break with just one beating.”

“There were more than a dozen giant dragons in the sky that day…”

“It’s not like I haven’t beaten a giant dragon before, so I used the same method to deal with a white dragon…”

“In this way, each of our ministries will send out 200 people first, and then let the respective vassal tribes send out people, and gather a vanguard of 2,000 people to try first. If it goes well, we will demolish the city. If humans are not good If we want to deal with it, we will wait for the news from Wang Ting.”

“How was it?”


“Okay, I agree.”

“Then allocate manpower immediately and launch an attack as soon as possible.”

The three major tribes arbitrarily decided the number of troops sent by the surrounding small tribes, without any intention of discussion.

Snow Giant Wang Ting

As the most powerful tribe in the entire snowfield, Wang Ting occupies the best hunting ground in the snowfield.

There is also the most gorgeous igloo ever built. The igloo where the Snow Giant King lives is directly carved out of an iceberg. It looks exactly like a palace. Although it is not as elegant as a human palace, it is This snowy field is quite impressive in comparison. The icicles on both sides are polished to a bright light, emitting a dazzling cold light under the sunlight.

There are more than a dozen steps in front of the igloo, each of which is nearly one meter high and built entirely in proportion to the height of the snow giant.

Sitting in the igloo is the snow giant king of this generation, Vernon Tate. As a member of the Tate clan, Vernon has obviously inherited the family’s good genes. At seventeen meters in height, it is far higher than ordinary snow giants. The giant’s own strength has reached the peak of the sky level. When he holds the snow giant’s holy weapon, the Ice and Snow Key, his combat power completely breaks through the peak of the sky level and barely reaches the level of the holy level.

This sacred artifact inherited from the Tate family is also one of the important reasons for the longevity of the Snow Giant Royal Court. The Tate family has suppressed the entire snowfield since its inexplicable rise more than a thousand years ago, so much so that Now, all the snow giants have acquiesced in the status of the king of the Tate family. Although Wang Ting cannot directly control each snow giant tribe, under normal circumstances, no tribe dares to disobey Wang Ting’s orders.

However, the image of Vernon at this time may not look like a king in the eyes of humans. The snow giant king is half-crouching in the igloo, tearing apart half of the mammoth, and the elephant meat is still stained with blood. It was completely undercooked, but Vernon ignored it and kept stuffing the blood-stained meat into his mouth like a starving ghost reincarnated.


“Well, what’s the matter.”

Seeing someone coming in, Vernon still didn’t pay attention to his image and directly motioned for the other person to speak.

The snow giant who entered the igloo to look for Vernon was obviously used to Vernon’s appearance.

Speak directly about the situation to be reported.

“Humans built a city near the junction of the hunting grounds of the White Wind and Snow Wind tribes!”

“Well, a city was built? How big was it?”

“The city wall is nearly ten meters high and covers an area of ​​ten square kilometers.”


“How old?”


Although the scale of Snowfield City was repeatedly confirmed, Vernon still had some doubts.

It is already unreasonable to say that humans built a city on the ground of the snowfield. The scale is still so large and the city was built in such a short time. When Vernon heard it for the first time, he even thought that the Snow Wind Ministry came to report the news. The personnel came to insult his IQ, but after several sources of intelligence confirmed it, Vernon had no choice but to dispel his doubts.

“This group of humans is the same group of humans who took care of the Yukikaze Club before?”

“Yes, there are not only humans in that city, but also a dozen giant dragons.”

“These humans must be driven out of the snowfield.”

Although Vernon couldn’t understand why these humans built a city here, it did not affect his decision to destroy the city.

The snowfield is the snowfield of the Tate family. How could he tolerate a force that was not under Wang Ting’s control appearing on the snowfield.

“The surrounding White Wind Tribe, Xuefeng Tribe and other tribes are already preparing to attack the human square city, and are now requesting assistance from the royal court.”

“Send two thousand soldiers from the royal court to hold them back, and order the surrounding tribes to form a coalition to attack.”

“Follow your command, King.”


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