Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 383: “Godhead”


After getting used to the strong light in the small space behind the door, Richard began to observe the room carefully.

In addition to the astonishingly bright energy core on top, there are several shabby chairs and a workbench on the ground. However, the workbench has obviously not been used for a long time, and some strange moss has grown on it. Plants go up.

Natalis first took the superb swordsman and the archangel around the workbench. After a brief inspection and found no danger, Richard followed him to the workbench.

Looking at it this way, there is nothing special about this workbench. However, I found a few notebooks nearby, but the data recorded on them are quite professional. Even if these words are taken out alone, Richard may not be able to recognize them. After all, Richard couldn’t even understand the meaning of it. He could only put it away temporarily and find someone to sort it out later. It would take who knows how long to fully understand such things with generational differences.

After everyone dispersed and searched for a while but found nothing special, they gathered around Richard again.

“Sir Richard, do you want to take a look at it?”

The only thing in the entire room that has not been carefully explored is the energy core on the top, which is an obvious key point. If Richard has not entered that special time and space before, he may have to consider letting his men go check it out. The energy core above is there. Considering the importance of that thing, it is impossible to not have protective measures. It is actually very dangerous to go up and have close contact with it.

However, now Richard can try another way.

Richard put his hand on the workbench and recited the spell that Mesta told him.

“asa, advd, curs…”

This spell that did not work at the stone door had an effect here, and the originally ordinary workbench suddenly started to move.

The stage separated along a square gap in the middle, and a light screen lit up in the middle. If you look closely, you will find that there is a map on the light screen, which happens to be the map of the entire underground ruins.

This should also be where the control room of the entire ruins is located.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the light screen, Natalis and others were at a loss, and even drew their swords and became alert.

On the other hand, Richard looked calm. He was familiar with this stuff. Some civilizations really figured it out when they developed to a certain level. He had seen many similar things in his previous life.

While everyone was on alert, Richard took the initiative to step forward for the first time and reached out to touch the light screen.

The place where the finger touched on the map was the “prison” they had just visited. Soon the pattern on the light screen changed, and the area of ​​​​the “prison” was immediately enlarged and refined to every detail. The single-room prison is shown on the picture, and there are eight red dots on it, which should represent the eight dark gold golems that were destroyed by Richard and others.

A few lines of text descriptions appeared next to the map. Unfortunately, in contrast, this light screen did not have the function of switching languages. The content was all composed of elven text. Richard could only use his limited elven text reserves. Even by reading and guessing, I can probably get a rough idea of ​​the meaning.

“Modified biological laboratory, danger level: low.

It is suspected to have been damaged by intruders. Should the guards be awakened? ”

Li Cha understood the meaning of the description and rejected the proposal to wake up the guards. The so-called intruders were themselves who could not catch themselves.

Afterwards, Richard clicked on several areas that his group had visited along the way, and sure enough he found that the room with the apprentice’s body and the square where the “little sun” was hung were both living areas, and there were not many descriptions.

Just when he clicked on the little sun again, a description appeared on it that moved Richard.

“The inferior semi-finished products produced when making the godhead can only provide energy equivalent to that of low-level gods.”

The “little sun” turned out to be a semi-finished product of the Godhead. It was hung there by Mesta and used as the simplest light source. These mages during the Elf Empire were really extravagant. This kind of thing can produce powerful energy. Don’t put the things in Richard’s hands without using them.

Not much information was obtained through the light screen. Richard looked towards the special space he experienced with some expectations, wanting to see if the light screen could give certain information, but in fact, the light screen still showed There was only a simple sentence about Mesta’s study, but it did not describe the special nature of the study.

Richard clicked the light screen back to the area where they were currently.

A description appears on the screen:

“The core console of the mage tower uses medium godhead as its energy source, which is equivalent to the energy level of medium gods.”

Did Mesta really create an artificial godhead?

Richard’s first reaction was that he was crazy. Buy one and get one free for the entire ruins. The low-level godhead that was used as a “little sun” to shine already made him feel that his trip was worthwhile. Now Another energy source equivalent to the godhead of a low-level **** was harvested. Even though Mesta might be a bit bragging, it is definitely enough for Richard.

Suppressing his inner excitement, Richard continued to point at the godhead in mid-air, and another option appeared on the light screen:

“Energy shield (80/100), whether to release the protection.”


In order to be able to access the Godhead for research, Richard decided to remove the shield first. Who knows if this shield is a purely defensive shield. If he encounters it, he will be counterattacked by the energy of the Godhead. The people here include Natalie I’m afraid I can’t even bear the silk included.

A transparent halo flashed around the “godhead”. Although it was not obvious, Richard knew that it was because the energy shield around the godhead had been removed.

Without being in a hurry to get in touch with the Godhead, Richard continued to study the ruins. In addition to the mage tower on the ground that had been wiped out by the temple, there were many areas below that Richard and others had not explored.

In the remaining areas, in addition to the living area and material reserve area, there is another area that seems to be more important that Richard has not explored.

“Golem Factory”

In the simple description of the light screen, the golem factory can operate automatically. Every once in a while, the golems in this ruins will be fixed to the golem factory for maintenance. If the golems in the ruins are damaged, The Golem Factory can also be repaired and can even create new golems if there are enough materials.

No wonder after so many years, these golems in the ruins are still in full condition, and their combat power has not weakened at all due to the erosion of time. If Richard hadn’t encountered Mesta’s spell by chance, these golems would have almost lost their ability. Blows his head off.

However, now that they have been used for their own purposes, if the golem factory can be activated, wouldn’t it be possible to produce golems with explosive combat power like those in the ruins? This thing is actually not good for one-on-one combat, but dozens of them Wouldn’t it look like a bulldozer if you take it out and put it on the battlefield?

After focusing on the Golem Factory, Richard began to carefully sort out the entire ruins. After looking at the large area, he naturally wanted to understand the details. Now Richard has regarded this ruins as his own, his own. I don’t know how to use it to its fullest potential.

“This door is so dangerous.”

Everything else was fine, but the description that appeared when Richard clicked on the stone door just now made him break into a cold sweat. The door was indeed not that simple.

The destroyed stone gate actually has the ability to absorb attacks and counterattack. When it absorbs enough energy, it will respond 100% to the attacker.

Like Richard and the others, they fought for a long time, and if Shimen accumulated his attacks together and came back, he would be able to kill anyone unexpectedly.

Fortunately, Richard recited the incantation taught by Mesta first and forcibly terminated the door’s counterattack program, allowing the door in the core control area to be shattered without any counterattack.

“Next, how to place the tower (mage) in the main city?”

After understanding the entire ruins, Richard opened the system in his mind, but one of the special factors in the triggering conditions was still incomplete.

“Perhaps, the system wants it?”

After thinking about it carefully, Richard could think that the most valuable thing in the ruins was the “godhead” made by the elves above his head.

After a little hesitation, Richard decided to take a risk. Anyway, the protective shield was open, so there should be no danger.

“Master Richard, let me go up and take a look first.”

Seeing that Richard had the intention of contacting the “godhead”, Natalie took the initiative to stand up and try to persuade Richard. The energy contained in that thing seemed a bit scary from Natalie’s point of view. , there was a constant throbbing feeling in his heart, and now seeing that Richard wanted to investigate directly, he quickly wanted to stop him.

“No, it shouldn’t hurt me.”

After saying that, Richard used his fighting spirit and flew up. With Mesta’s spell, Richard was already half the owner of this ruins, and he was still a little confident about touching the godhead.

After all, Mesta had no motive to harm him. If Mesta wanted to harm him, there was no need to use a spell to deceive him. The stone door and the twenty-four demon statues around it were difficulties that Richard could not overcome. .

“After the special place has been explored, whether to place the tower (mage) in the main city.”

“Sure enough, this godhead is the key to this exploration…”


Without hesitation, Richard chose to place the tower (mage) in the main city, which was originally the purpose of his coming here.


Li Cha, who was underground, felt a faint vibration on the ground. The vibration passed quickly, just like a low-intensity earthquake. However, Richard knew that the tower (mage) in the main city was already standing on On the boundless snowfield.

“Please name the tower (mage) main city.”

“Snowfield City.”

Richard, who was unable to choose a name, casually chose a name for this new city lord who might change the human structure.

But this is not important. What is important is the actual effect this main city can produce.

“A special building (golem factory) was found and is being compatible.”

“The compatibility of Golem Factory has been completed. Congratulations on getting the special creature lair Golem Factory.”

Can produce 1: Stone Golem (Level 3)

Output: 10/week

Consumption: Stone/20

Can produce 2: Steel Golem (Level 4)

Output: 5/week

Consumption: Fine Iron/20

Can produce 3: King Kong Golem (Level 6)

Output: 2/week

Consumption: Diamond/20

The Golem Factory can repair golems damaged in battle, and can also recycle golem materials to produce new golems.

Well, the starting point of this snowfield city is indeed a bit ridiculously high. Not to mention other buildings, it is a building that can produce sixth-level soldiers.

The King Kong Golem should be the type of golem that attacked Richard before. Although it is only rated at level 6 in the system, it can definitely be regarded as a weaker level 7 soldier in special circumstances, such as the Bone Dragon. It’s a pity that Richard can’t think of any source for this diamond at the moment. This kind of material from the Elf Empire period may only be found by luck.

However, the raw materials for stone golems and steel golems are easy to find, especially for stone golems. Stones are very difficult for Richard, who now has millions of square kilometers of territory under his command and nearly 20 million people. To put it simply, you can get as much as you want. This means that you are giving away a lot of third- and fourth-level soldiers every week.

When the time comes, move the previously crushed King Kong Golems back to see if they can be repaired, otherwise they will recycle them and make new ones. After seeing the Golem Factory, Richard thought of the eight previously crushed King Kong Golems. The demon statue felt a dull pain in his heart, it was a powerful sixth-level soldier.

But before Richard could feel distressed for too long, the next prompt from the system directly aroused his emotions again.

“Artifact (miraculous) unit found.”

“Godhead (pseudo).”


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