Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 382: The real core area


“Sir Richard, there is something strange about this place. I’m afraid it may be dangerous, so be careful.”

After coming out of the special space in the study, Richard took a few people to continue exploring. After leaving the fountain square with the little sun hanging on it, he entered the dimly lit space again, which seemed to be underground. The correct way to open the ruins.

It’s just that there hasn’t been any important gains along the way like before. Until now, everyone walked into a wide space.

Without Natalie’s reminder, Richard also discovered the dangers of this space. Unlike the dark golden golems that were still hidden in the secret door before, the walls around this space were hung with the same ones as before. There are twenty-four identical dark golden demon statues.

“Damn it, prepare to fight, guard your retreat, fight and retreat at the same time!”

After the previous battle, Richard knew very well the combat effectiveness of these dark gold golems. The eight dark gold golems and the twenty-four dark gold golems were completely different concepts. They could defeat the eight dark gold golems without any damage. Golems, but it is basically impossible to deal with these twenty-four dark gold golems without taking damage. It is hard to say whether they can beat them or not.

The fighting skills of several people in the team are quite good. After Richard gave the order, several people took turns to cover the retreat. The twenty-four dark gold golems had already sensed the intrusion of outsiders.

The dark gold golems on the wall opened their eyes at the same time, and red light appeared in the eyes of all the golems, making it even more permeable in this dimly lit space.



“Damn it, how could these golems have such a hand!”

When Richard and others thought they could slowly retreat back to the passage they came from just now, trying not to let themselves and others fall into siege, these golems suddenly launched an attack that Richard and others did not expect.

The eyes of the dark gold golems actually emitted scarlet rays. The outstanding swordsman Fred, who had been standing in front, used his strong fighting consciousness to block one of the blows with his broad heavy sword. There was actually a small crater on the blade of the sword.

It’s just that the ray attacks released by the twenty-four golems at the same time were too intensive. This high-speed and intensive attack was difficult to completely parry, and wounded people began to appear in the team.

“At least it is as powerful as an Earth Knight level fighting spirit attack!”

These attacks are not fatal as long as they evade vital points, but they can cause certain injuries to everyone, and the attacks are continuous. In just a short time, the twenty-four dark golden golems have been attacking while approaching. Two rounds of rays coming.


“Sir Richard, you go first, we stay here to break up the rear.”

Now everyone looks a little embarrassed. Although the two outstanding swordsmen blocked many rays released by the golem with their heavy swords, they still inevitably suffered some injuries, and many armors were damaged. Fred’s injury was more serious. In addition to the damage to his armor, there was also an injury on his shoulder that was directly penetrated by the ray. Blood flowed out and dyed a small piece of armor red.

The two archangels were equally embarrassed. Although the one in front was a superb swordsman, the rays emitted by the demon came from all directions. The archangels were also unable to avoid it, and their target was actually bigger. One point, although the wings on the back were shrunk to the extreme, they could not be hidden in the armor. Now they were scarred by the rays of these golems, and the originally white feathers were burned and rolled up in several places.

Only Richard, who is protected in the middle, and Natalie, whose skills are several levels higher, have not been injured by the rays emitted by these dark gold golems, but this will be a matter of time.

When the Dark Gold Golems gather around and cooperate from far and near, Natalis may not be able to be so calm. These golems with long-range attack capabilities are much more difficult to deal with than the eight golems they encountered before.

Now it is no longer a question of whether everyone can break through, but a question of whether they can protect Richard and escape. They have actually been entangled by these dark gold golems that are constantly releasing rays.

After observing the situation, Natalie directly chose the most cruel method of survival by cutting off the tail, preparing to take the initiative to attack with the superb swordsman and archangel, to hold off these attacking demons for Richard, and let Li Cha Zhao found the opportunity to retreat to the passage just now, looking for a little buffer opportunity.

When Richard successfully escapes, Natalis herself can also leave with her superior skills. As for the outstanding swordsman and archangel, there may be certain losses, but everything is still based on Richard’s safety. Heavy.

This method of surviving by cutting off the tail is simple to say, but generally no one wants to be the one left behind in a battle. In the history of war, those who undertake the task of cutting off the tail are all die-hard elites, otherwise it is easy to become self-conscious. crash situation.

Of course, there is no question about the loyalty of several subordinates in the team. When Natalie proposed this method, they were already ready to attack, just to buy some time for Richard.

If there was nothing he could do, Richard would indeed be determined to cut off his men, but in this flash of lightning, Richard suddenly thought of the last spell that Mesta had forced him to remember.

“asa, advd, curs…”

After a spell, the dark gold golem that was already in front of him suddenly stopped moving. The golems that were still stimulating rays just now also stopped attacking. Instead, they stood there as if waiting for some order.

Richard felt that these dark gold golems should be controllable by him.

“Get out of the way!”

Richard first tried to directly use Common Language to command the dark gold golems, but unfortunately these dark gold golems did not move at all.

After thinking for a while, Richard used the ancient Elvish language to issue the order again.

Now these dark gold golems all responded and immediately moved along both sides to clear the road.

Yes, in the ruins of the Elf Holy Magister, in addition to knowing the incantation of Mesta, you also need to use the ancient Elvish language to issue orders. Although the lingua franca used by humans today is also used by elves.

But for the elves, Common Language is a language used by lower-class people. It is just a language created to facilitate communication between various servant races.

As for whether servant races such as humans, orcs, giants, and centaurs will unite to resist the rule of the elves because they have unified their language, that is not within the scope of the elves’ consideration at all. The elves of that era were so confident. Wherever there is resistance, there are forbidden spells from the elf magisters.

To use a more appropriate analogy, although ancient Korea also had its own language, the upper class of the Korean Kingdom were proud of using Chinese. They spoke Chinese and wrote Chinese characters. Although the local language was widely used, it was only used by the lower class. Yes, the upper level doesn’t bother to use it.

Fortunately, Richard has strong mental strength and good language talent. At that time, in order to understand the history of the Elf Empire and to have a certain understanding of the disappearing magic, he studied ancient Elf language for a while, although the learning time was not long. , but I still managed to memorize some simple words and pronunciations, and it actually worked wonders in this place.

After issuing several more orders, all of which were executed to the letter by the Dark Gold Golems, Richard finally confirmed his control over these Dark Gold Golems.

Although the strength and defense of these dark gold golems are not as good as those of the previous batch of dark gold golems, after adding this long-range attack method, they are really much more difficult to deal with. Although their overall strength is only equivalent to that of a beginner in the sky. , but after the twenty-four were stacked together, even Natalis could not guarantee that she would be able to escape unscathed.

Fortunately, these golems are now under control.

Natalis, Fred, and Mills, although they haven’t figured out what happened yet, they were relieved to see that Richard seemed to have successfully controlled these golems, even if they were soldiers produced by the system. , they are also flesh and blood and intelligent. Who wants to die if they can live?

“How’s the injury? Is there nothing wrong?”

After confirming that the danger was completely eliminated, Richard began to care about the injuries of several of his men. Although the battle just now was not long, the pressure on everyone was still a bit high in the face of the red rays attacking from all directions.

“I suffered some injuries, but it’s not a problem. At least I can still exert 90% of my combat power.”

The one who seemed to be most seriously injured was Fred, who was at the front. His heavy armor seemed to be in tatters, and there was a penetrating wound on his shoulder. However, I don’t know what technique Fred used. The bleeding stopped after the dark gold golems stopped attacking.

“Take a little rest and recovery.”

After Richard thought about it, he ordered everyone to rest for a few minutes to recover, and there was no rush for this moment.

However, Fred’s words are not words to show off. They are actually able to exert 90% of their combat power. These outstanding swordsmen are all elites killed in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. In Fred’s memory, , I have suffered more serious injuries, but the penetrating injury to the shoulder and some scattered minor injuries on the body really have little impact.

Unfortunately, the spells of the archangels are too simple. They only have one overbearing resurrection spell and no other healing spells. You can’t kill people first and then let the archangels resurrect them in order to restore their status.

After resting for a few minutes, Richard led everyone through the hall and came to the stone door guarded by the dark gold golems, but now the guards had rebelled.

“With such a powerful guard force, there must be something important behind this door.”

This stone door is about seven or eight meters high and five meters wide. It looks much thicker than the previous wooden doors. Richard first asked everyone to feel around on the door, looking for something like a mechanism. s things.

But the whole door didn’t follow the routine. The whole door and the surrounding walls were all bare, with no sign of any mechanism at all.

“asa, advd, curs…”

Richard tried to recite the spell that Mesta had just taught him again, but the entire stone door still remained motionless.

“Forget it, let’s dismantle it violently.”

After finding no way to break the door, Richard was forced to use the most brutal method. Directly ordered his men to launch an attack on Shimen.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

This time the attack was powerful enough, because with the addition of the dark gold golems, in addition to the grudge attack, there were also red rays attacking the door.

However, this stone door is indeed much stronger than the previous wooden doors. I don’t know how thick this stone door is. Although everyone beat the door into holes, they were still a little short of being able to open the door.

In the study space.

Mesta and Shia still stay in this special space, discussing a character more than a thousand years ago at a time more than a thousand years ago.

“Are you sure that the thing in the human hand just now was made according to your ideas?”

“Of course, do you think we court mages really don’t have any ideas? We are the best magicians.”

“Come on, you people who are fed by the royal family have taken so many resources and finally only produced a few holy ranks.”

“However, I have a question. Why would something made based on your research appear in the hands of a human?”

“Maybe something happened after a thousand years. Who can say for sure about the time?”

“However, the child seems to be trapped in your mage tower. Although I don’t know why he is trapped in the mage tower, you have to let him out safely because of the ring on his hand. .”

“Don’t worry, that spell can control the entire mage tower. He can even control that thing with a spell. There will be no danger.”

“However, I seem to have forgotten to teach him the opening spell?”

Xia: “…”

“You guy…”

“Hahaha, it’s okay. As long as that spell is there, the door will not attack him. I think he is strong, and he can wear the door open with a little grinding.”

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Here, everyone’s attacks on the door have not stopped, but the dark gold golems have become silent after releasing more than twenty rays. It seems that they have exhausted their energy. Under Richard’s order, they returned to the hall just now. Wall replenishes energy.

In the team, everyone’s fighting spirit was also consumed quite a lot. Even Richard and Natalie raised their swords and joined the ranks of smashing the door. Just because it is not absolutely safe in this ruins, everyone still did not take action. The fighting spirit is exhausted, and it recovers in place when it is half consumed.

“Who designed this door? There is no other way to open the door, and there is nothing special about it. It is just plain and simple?”

There was already a two-meter-long pit in the hole where the fire had gathered on the door. The surrounding area was cracked, but there was still no sign of being smashed open. Richard endured it even when he was resting. I couldn’t help but make a complaint.

“It’s okay, Sir Richard. If this continues, we will be able to open the door sooner or later.”

“I hope this door is a real door. If that old guy in Mesta has a bad character and makes a door here, it will be a trap if there is a rock layer behind it.”

Fortunately, Richard’s guess did not come true. After two rounds of rest, an attack finally penetrated the stone gate directly.

Everyone continued to work along the hole they had punched through, and finally opened a small passage in the stone door that one person could pass through.

Strong light shines down this small passage. This light is even stronger than the light emitted by the “little sun” just now.

It was still the outstanding swordsman who opened the way. After confirming that there was no danger, Richard passed through the stone gate and came to the space behind the stone gate.

“This is?”

Behind the door, in the tall space, there was a ball hanging on the top that was similar to the little sun just now, but the light it gave off was stronger than that little sun, and it was so strong that it was so dazzling that Richard didn’t want to look directly at it.

Looking around, there are detailed magic lines all along the walls, extending all the way to the ground and disappearing at the cracks in the rocks.

“Is this the place that provides energy for the entire ruins?”

Although he couldn’t understand the lines, looking at the lines connecting the four directions, Richard guessed that they had arrived at the real core area of ​​the ruins.

PS: Thanks to book friend Nigang Zhenxuan for the reward. This book has its first leader, and more updates will be added. I will put this here as proof. If I owe an update, I will find time to make up for it recently.


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