Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 381: Time and space (wait a moment, order later)


When the elf saint mage named Shia in the room looked at him, Richard was surprised at first, and he was still wondering if it was just a coincidence. After all, this was something that should have been done long ago. The characters are different, and the things they are talking about happened more than a thousand years ago. None of this could have happened in the current time and space.

But another Elf Saint Magister named Mesta, the owner of this ruins, actually followed the other person’s gaze and looked at Richard. Both pairs of eyes were fixed on Richard outside the window. This is no longer a coincidence. Richard is basically certain that these two “elves” are looking at him.

Isn’t this just a video? Why does it feel like it actually exists at this time?

The Elf Saint Magister named Mesta did not take Richard seriously. Instead, he turned his head and said to Shia next to him:

“A human? Well, I admit that humans are the race with the best magical talent after elves, and they are loyal enough. I don’t discriminate against humans. You know that I have several apprentices with good talents who are also humans, but The lifespan of human beings is too short, and it is difficult for them to achieve much in their short lives.”

“No, he is different. I feel the mark on him. My child, come in and sit.”

Although the Elf Holy Magister’s tone is very kind, in Richard’s opinion, it is definitely a great terror. It is the same as if you meet someone in reality who is already dead and suddenly invites you to eat together, no matter what If the other person is acting kindly, I’m afraid you don’t have the intention to have dinner with them.

Richard subconsciously looked to both sides, trying to tell Natalie and the experts around her to be alert, but something even more terrifying happened.

When he turned his head, he only saw the still-running fountain and the empty underground space. Natalie, the outstanding swordsman, the archangel and others suddenly disappeared.


With Richard’s perception ability, it is impossible for someone to disappear without a trace at such a close distance from him, and with Natalie’s strength, it is impossible for someone to disappear inexplicably like this.

This is really a ghost. The weirdness here makes Richard unwilling to stay at all, but he knows that now he has no choice but to accept the invitation and enter the room. With the strength of these two holy magisters, What happens to him, unless the system master protects him, there is definitely no possibility for him to escape, and even if he runs away now, he will not be able to find these important subordinates of his, and he will not know where the exit is. Since there is no way If you resist, then…


Richard gently pushed open the wooden door of the room, walked into the room cautiously, and then bowed slightly to the two elf saint magisters on the seats with a very reserved look.

It’s so pitiful that Richard has never been so respectful to Ren En. After all, when facing Ren En, Richard is confident. He is not afraid even if he falls out. Facing these two people, he doesn’t know what to do. When faced with the existence of an old monster, Richard had no confidence at all and still maintained a respectful attitude from the bottom of his heart.

“Young man, don’t be nervous, sit down.”

Shia, who was still on the side, first asked Richard to sit down, while Mesta, the owner of the ruins, looked at him with a puzzled face.

“Is there anything special about this human being? Why do you want to drag him into our dimension?”

“He is a very special being. Just now I was wavering in my method. Now that I see him, I am not shaken at all. Mesta, your method is wrong. My method is the right one.”

Richard was confused as he listened to the riddle-like conversation between the two. How could he, a person who lived more than a thousand years later, convince Shia that her method was right.

However, in this case, speaking less and listening more is the right choice. Richard stood aside and listened silently to the chat between the two bosses, trying to be a transparent person.

But this transparent person Richard did not remain as a transparent person for long, and soon Shia changed the topic to Richard again.

“Child, come here and let me see the ring on your finger.”

The words were like magic, and Richard walked up unconsciously and took out his hand.

Xia grabbed Richard’s hand and squeezed one of the fingers. This finger was obviously the God-killing Ring that had played a huge role before. This ring was said to be created by the Mad Emperor to destroy gods. It’s actually related to Shia.

The problem is that the era of the Elf Mad Emperor is three hundred years different from these two, so why is it related to Shia again?

Richard was confused, but Shia looked at the God-killing Ring with a thoughtful look on her face.

“My idea was right, and someone did it.”

“Xia, don’t mess around. This is something that doesn’t belong to this time and space. You can’t take it.”

“I know, I know better than you.”

After touching the God-killing Ring, Shia put down Richard’s hand again, but her whole expression changed. She looked much more relaxed compared to the solemn look before.

“Mesta, my method is the right one. Stop studying it. If you continue like this, the temple will doubt you.”

“Oh, Shia, you are obviously also a holy magician, why do you have such a stupid idea? You should know that there is more than one way to do everything. Your way may be right, but My approach may be right, but you shouldn’t be so hasty as to think I’m wrong.”

“Maybe there is nothing wrong with your method, but your behavior will arouse the temple’s suspicion sooner or later.”

“Doubtful? If the temple suspects me, I hope the person who investigates me is you.”

“I will fight for it when the time comes.”

The two Holy Magisters chatted for a few more words.

“Child, can you tell me, did the gods disappear in the end?”

“Xia, you are confused again. You can’t ask about this kind of thing.”

“Haha, actually you don’t need to ask me to know that if that thing is made, we must have won.”

Richard still remained silent. Based on Mesta’s words, he probably knew that his random words might have some bad consequences. He just complained silently about Shia’s question. The **** was indeed manipulated. Almost wiped out, but the elves are gone too. Is it all worth it?

“It is impossible to explain things about time and space. Shia, you have studied the theory of time and space for so long and you don’t even understand this. Only in my special space can you pull this human being Come in.”

“Okay, it’s almost time. It’s time to send him back. If he gets lost in time and space, you will cry.”

Xia on the side was not as anxious to drive Richard away as Mesta, but asked again:

“Child, since you are here, maybe we should also give you some gifts. However, due to the uninterruptible nature of time, I can’t give you anything, but we can answer some questions for you. When you practice magic, If you have any confusion on the way, you can raise it now.”

Xia said this very confidently, and he also has the capital to be confident. The two people sitting here are one who is a very well-known Holy Magister in the field of research, and the other is the Holy Magister of the Elf Royal Family. Both of them are The figure who stands at the top of magical civilization in this era is confident that he can solve any problem for Richard.

However, Richard could ask them any questions about cultivation every day, and they could not predict the decline of the demonic tide after a thousand years. Richard was a Dou Qi practitioner.

“Sorry, I practice knighthood, but I want to know how to get out of here.”

“Knight? With the God-killing Ring, you are actually a knight.”

Both Shia and Mesta had surprised expressions. In this era, knights are not a noble profession. Even in the eyes of mages, knights are no different from servants. They are just chosen by some races with poor talents. It’s just a low-class road.

Although the paths of cultivation lead to the same goal through different paths, the mages of this era all have a condescending mentality, and they somewhat despise the knight training method.

At this moment, Richard did not dare to tell them casually what happened next, so he could only ask what he wanted to ask the most.

Xia did not rush to answer Richard’s question, but took Richard’s hand, as if exploring something carefully.

“As expected, there is no magic power, and the knight’s level is already very high.”

“Such a talented person actually chose the way of knighthood. Maybe something happened that we don’t know about.”

“Okay Shia, it’s time for him to leave, time and space are already unstable.”

“I don’t know how you found this special space, but since you are the successor of our will, I will tell you how to control the magic tower.”

“Remember this string of spells, this is the core of controlling the magic tower.”

Mesta then recited some incantation that Richard could not understand at all. Richard did not understand it and simply wrote down the incantation with his strong mental power.

After reciting the spell, Mesta waved his hand. Richard felt his eyes go dark, and when he opened his eyes again, there was no one around him.

The furnishings in front of me have not changed at all, the tables and chairs are still in front of me, and there are several large bookcases of books next to them, but there is no trace of the two powerful holy magisters just now.


“Sir Richard, are you okay?”

With a violent bang, Natalie rushed into the room with someone.

Looking at Richard in the room, he looked incredulous.

“Sir Richard, what happened just now? You suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the house?”

“I encountered a strange thing, but it doesn’t matter.”

Richard shook his head and did not elaborate. If his mental strength were not strong enough to feel the reality around him, he would have felt like he was in a dream, but the spell was very clear in his mind. Everything is absolutely real.

“It’s okay, let’s continue exploring. Maybe we will be very relaxed later.”

After what happened just now, Richard’s evaluation of the once prosperous Elf Empire has reached a higher level. Two Elf Saint Magisters can actually distort space and even interfere with time. Compared with the fire, wind and water elements, Magic is no longer on the same level. It directly pulls oneself into a time and space that does not belong to the same time and space. No wonder the elf magicians can finally start a war with the gods.

Fortunately, the two elven holy magisters still had scruples when interfering with time. This would not work and that would not work. Otherwise, with the character of these elven holy magisters studying madmen, they might have ruined the world long ago.

It should not be that simple to be pulled into that time and space this time. Instead, Richard must meet some very stringent conditions. First, he must enter the underground ruins of the mage tower and enter the secret research site of the Holy Magister. In order to get close to this special space opened by the Holy Magister, this first rule basically excludes everyone. If there is no system to activate the teleportation array for him, it may be difficult for Richard to enter this underground research base in a short time.

But he also carried something like an important token on his body. The God-killing Ring happened to be discovered by another Elf Holy Magister Shia, and then he was pulled into that special time and space.

However, things at this level are not something that Richard should think deeply about for the time being. The real benefit of entering that time and space is to obtain a string of spells. Although he did not understand the meaning of the spell, Mesta did not explain it clearly. The purpose is definitely related to how to leave this ruins, and it may also bring great benefits to Richard.

After confirming that the study room he was currently in had returned to an ordinary study room, Richard took Natalie and others and began to walk towards the depths of the ruins. There were still many areas in the ruins that they had not searched.

After using the spell told by Mesta, Richard felt inexplicably more confident, and the haze caused by not being able to use teleportation had dissipated a lot…


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