Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 380: Explore



With a flash of red fighting spirit, the last demon was finally knocked to the ground and lost the ability to move. These dark golden demons were even stronger, but their shortcomings were also quite obvious.

Firstly, the intelligence is insufficient, and the combat is obviously a bit dull. Except for the initial encirclement, there is no good cooperation with each other in the battle. When encountering Richard, a team of veterans, they did not exert their numerical advantage and suffered various attacks. Break.

But the movements are relatively slow and the attack ability is weak. Although these dark golden golems have strong defense, their lethality is obviously insufficient, and they cannot keep up with the speed of Richard, a strong man. Each one was worn to death.

Of course, this shortcoming is only considerable. To deal with eight such demons, it would not be so easy for Richard to enter alone, and the possibility of overturning is also extremely high. For any strong person in the sky level, If you face these eight demon statues alone, you are very likely to suffer from hatred.

Otherwise, the Holy Magister would not have placed them here to prevent the modified creatures from escaping.

But the situation is different now that Richard has directly brought an elite team in, especially since there is also Natalies in the team whose strength value has reached the sky level ceiling. Although it takes some effort to deal with these golems, , but it can’t even be considered a near miss, and there isn’t even anyone seriously injured in the team.

Only Fred and the other two outstanding swordsmen had one or two bruises on their bodies when they were restrained in the fight. To the outstanding swordsmen, these injuries were almost the same as none.

“Take a few minutes to rest and recover.”

Although there were no casualties, the fighting spirit was really consumed. Richard did not dare to rush now. The most important thing was to let everyone recover first and maintain combat effectiveness.

Richard and Natalies did not consume much. While the superb swordsman and the archangel were seizing the time to recover, Richard took a closer look at the dismantled demon statues. Judging from the damaged interior, the demon statues were The image is almost solid, but there are some complex lines and strange runes outlined in it. It seems to be designed for the function of the golem.

After more than a thousand years, their energy is still so abundant. I don’t know if there are other arrangements in this ruins. If we encounter danger again, can we solve it like we solved these golems?

Li Cha thought about this and tried to use teleportation again. Sure enough, there was still no reaction at all. This should be a special area, and the teleportation seemed to be interfered with in some way.

“Now, we’re in trouble.”

Because teleportation cannot be used, Richard’s mentality has changed a little now. In his eyes, this ruin that was originally easy to come and go has become more dangerous.

Originally, his mentality was to come and have a good time. It would be best if he could get some benefits. If he couldn’t get it, he wouldn’t suffer any loss. If there was any danger, he could leave at any time.

But now that teleportation cannot be used, he is forced to a dead end. If he can’t find a way out of the ruins, it will be a big joke.

“Let’s go up first and go to another room.”

After everyone had recovered more than half, Richard continued to set off. Although his mentality had changed, Richard adjusted quickly. If he had known before coming down that he could not use teleportation when he came in, he might still be able to I will consider whether it is worth the risk, but things have reached this point, and there is no point in worrying. There is only one way to get to the dark side, but I need to pay more attention next time.


After Richard and others returned to the spacious passage at the beginning, they followed the same pattern and opened another wooden door not far away. The protection of this door was obviously not as good as the one just now. Frederic opened the door in two clicks. It was knocked open.

The inside is not as unique as the modified biological prison just now. There is only a small space behind the door.

It was a simple small room, with a bed, a desk, a bookcase, and a candlestick on the desk. If it weren’t for the looming white skeleton sitting on the stool in front of the desk, the room would be like a It’s a standard small apartment for social animals.

Li Cha said something to the outstanding swordsman on the side. The outstanding swordsman walked into the room cautiously with a giant sword in his hand. Because the outstanding swordsman was relatively large, as soon as he stood in the room, the room seemed crowded. Quite a bit, and then the outstanding swordsman walked through the room in a few steps without any accidents. But in the end he touched the corpse wrapped in a gorgeous robe in front of the table.


After being touched by an external force, the corpse that had been supported like this for an unknown period of time simply collapsed to the ground. The whole room seemed to have no special existence, it was just an ordinary living area.

The only valuable things should be some books in the bookcase and the notebooks on the desk.

Richard also entered the room after the superb swordsman confirmed that there was no danger in the room. The first thing that caught his eye were the books wrapped in unknown leather in the bookcase.

“Basic Mental Exercise Method”, “Introduction to Potion Science”, “On the Making of Magical Devices”…

The books in the bookcase are all written in elven script, and they all focus on basic doctrines, which is very strange.

But when Richard opened the notes on his desk, he understood the reason.

The occupant of this room is one of the apprentices of the Magic Tower. Because he is trusted by the owner of the Magic Tower, he has been the underground research assistant of the Holy Magister.

Compared with other disciples of the Holy Magister, he was lucky, because the other disciples were wiped out when the temple destroyed the magic tower. The temple did a great job at that time, not only causing the death of one Holy Magister, His disciples, as suspects involved in the research, were also within the scope of elimination. Only the corpse in front of him survived because it had been in this underground ruins.

But he is unfortunate, because in order to keep it secret, he does not know how to leave here. He does not know how to open the teleportation array, so he can only endure loneliness here for a long time.

It can be seen from his diary that this apprentice was already a researcher who was very able to withstand loneliness. However, after a period of time, he still became manic due to loneliness. In the end, he slowly returned to calm. In the end, not only Continuing his teacher’s research, he also began to practice here.

It is a pity that although he had research ability, his talent in magic cultivation was average. He never broke through to the realm of a great magician and died here when he was about a hundred years old.

The daily necessities here are quite sufficient. He either died of other reasons, or he reached the end of his life and died here.

Compared with the biological modification notes of the Holy Magister, the value of this apprentice’s notes is not great. It only vaguely mentioned some things in the ruins that may be used as clues.

“The teacher said that the godhead has been created. When he thinks of a way to control it, he will install it on Chimera and let Chimera complete the feat of killing the gods. The teacher is really great… But why doesn’t the teacher Using the godhead on yourself, if the teacher becomes a god, he can defeat those gods…

Hasn’t the teacher already left? Why did I hear the teacher’s voice when I passed by the study today, but I didn’t find anything when I walked in? Was it really that I had been hallucinating after being alone for too long?

Where is the Godhead? I must get it, otherwise I will really be trapped and die here.

The Chimera also died. It died so suddenly, and all the flesh and blood in its body suddenly collapsed. The way it died was so scary. The curse spells of those dark mages would not be so cruel.

Maybe there is no godhead here at all…

I think I’m going to die too, and I don’t know when this place will be discovered. If possible, I hope it will be right away. It doesn’t matter even if the person here is a god…”

The diary ended abruptly here. Apparently, not long after writing it, the apprentice also lost his life. Perhaps those golems were not very intelligent just because there was no one to command them. If this man survives, he will be the one to control the golems. If we take action, the difficulty of dealing with those things will probably rise to a new level.

After putting down his notebook, Richard walked around the room again, even slightly turning over the corpses lying on the ground. After finding nothing new, he led everyone out of the room. The books here should be useful, but he doesn’t need to take them now. As long as he completes the exploration, it doesn’t matter whether he takes them or not.

After everyone left the room, they continued to move along the passage. Although the apprentice’s notes did not contain any particularly important information or knowledge or skills, they outlined the general topography of the entire underground ruins for Richard and his party. .

Perhaps because the lonely time was too difficult, the apprentice seemed a little chatty in the diary. The names of some areas were described in such detail that Richard knew that if he walked through this passage, he would reach an important place. The place is the study room of the owner of the mage tower. According to the apprentice’s description, compared to his collection of books, the teacher’s study room is called the ocean of knowledge. Unfortunately, he is not qualified and he has not used much of it for his own use despite guarding the treasure mountain.

Soon, Richard and others walked through the passage and came to a very bright place. In this bright place, Richard even had the illusion of returning to the ground.

“Is this sunlight?”

Li Cha followed the outstanding swordsmen out of the passage and stood in an open space. There were some unknown plants on the ground. Richard stretched out his hand to feel the light shining from the top of his head. The light was actually slightly faint. heat.

Unfortunately, they are still underground. This is not sunlight, because when Richard looked up, he saw a “little sun” hanging dozens of meters high that was still emitting light. This was a “little sun” in the true sense of the word. “Sun”, its diameter is about three meters. If it were not so close, Richard could tell at a glance that it is not the sun. Just by feeling the light and temperature, it would be the same as the sun. .

The environment it simulated has already grown plants underground. What’s even more frightening is that more than a thousand years have passed since the construction of this ruins. It seems that this little sun has already lit up. More than a thousand years. What amount of energy is needed to keep this “little sun” shining and heating until now?

Standing on the ground and observing the “little sun” above, but not seeing anything interesting, Richard thought about it and did not study the principle of this little sun for the time being. This thing is not something he can study thoroughly, at least. It’s impossible in a short time, but it’s important to continue exploring.

Following a beautifully carved corridor about ten meters away, Richard saw a fountain that was still spraying water. The water had not overflowed and was obviously still flowing. There were also some exquisite statues around it. It is a very beautiful elf-style statue, with a little sun in the sky. I told Richard that this is a large aristocratic manor imitating the elf style. There is nothing wrong with it. The power of magic is really better than fighting spirit when used for enjoyment. too much.

However, Richard didn’t have much time to appreciate the most authentic elf art from a thousand years ago. The surrounding rooms were the focus of his exploration.

“Mesta, are you crazy? The temple will never tolerate you if you do such research!”


Under this “sun”, something strange happened. After Richard and others took more than ten steps, they heard a strange name and a voice that did not belong to anyone in their team…

As soon as Richard heard the sound, his hair stood up. It was not that the sound was intimidating, but that the sound of conversation came from a place where no one else should be talking, which really shocked Richard. When he arrived, Richard immediately made a silent gesture.

The people in the team were all experts, and they made little noise in action. Even a relatively big man like the outstanding swordsman walked very lightly. After Richard reminded him, the entire team made no sound at all. Without it, the conversation sounds clearer now.

“If they allow it, I don’t want to do this research yet. Are you still afraid of those lackeys, my friend?”

“Mesta, don’t talk nonsense. Blasphemy is a serious crime.”

“Don’t worry, Shia, no one will hear you here except me. You don’t have to be so careful here. You are equally dissatisfied with the gods.”


“Don’t deny it my friend in a hurry. On the day when the Sun God took away the princess, I saw that your right hand almost broke off your left hand. You must have had a hard time enduring it, Shia.”

“Did you let me know on purpose? Aren’t you afraid that I would tell others?”

In the corridor, Richard searched for the sound and found the room from which the sound came. It happened to be the study room he wanted to explore. He remembered the records in the apprentice’s diary. Was there a teacher’s voice in the study room?

After cautiously approaching, Richard looked into the study through the window. He saw two elves in luxurious clothes and holding wands sitting opposite each other and talking. One had a calm tone, while the other seemed a little anxious.

“You are a court magician. The royal family has been humiliated. You should be a hundred times ashamed than me.”

“But, I don’t agree with your way.”

From the conversation, Richard can probably guess the identities of the two elves. One is the owner of this mage tower, and the other is the original court mage. Both of them should be in the realm of holy magic. They have passed away. This paragraph is probably just an image generated by magic.

“So, you have your own method? What is your method?”

“My method is…”

Damn it!

The elf mage named Shia actually turned his head and stared at himself outside the window…


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